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智妙明論之林 Forest of Jnana and Vidya

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Forest of Jnana and Vidya
Genshin impact ost forest of jnana and vidya cover.jpg
原名 智妙明論之林 Forest of Jnana and Vidya
發行 miHoYo
發行日期 2022年10月20日
專輯類型 錄音室專輯
前一作 本作 後一作
Footprints of the Traveler
Forest of Jnana and Vidya
The Stellar Moments Vol. 3

《智妙明論之林 Forest of Jnana and Vidya》mihoyo研發的遊戲《原神》中的第一張須彌篇OST。


專輯分為《掩冉眾葉的居所 Dwelling Where Everlasting Spring Abides》《奧秘棲隱的林澤 Woods, Rivers and Mysteries》《死生流轉真如 Eternal Antagonism Between Life and Death》與《須彌鬥戰篇 Battles of Sumeru》4張分碟,共收錄100首由HOYO-MiX音樂團隊為《原神》須彌地區創作的原聲音樂。
須彌篇精選曲目由倫敦交響樂團與民樂藝術家演奏,分別於Abbey Road Studios、Redfort Studio、Air-Edel Recording Studios、Smecky Music Studio、Jintian Recording Studio 金田錄音棚完成錄製。


作曲 : 陳致逸
編曲 :陳致逸
指揮 :Robert Ziegler
樂隊 :倫敦交響樂團
奈伊笛 :Josh Plotner
嘟嘟克管 :Martin Robertson
曼陀林琴 :Steve Smith
西塔爾琴 :Arjun Verma
薩茲琴 :Dursuncan Cakin
桑圖爾琴 :Peyman
烏德琴 :Attab
古典吉他 :Ashley Blasse
民樂監製 :Kuljit Bhamra
錄音棚 :St Luke's/Abbey Road Studios/Redfort Studio/Air-Edel Recording Studios
錄音師 :Lewis Jones/Kuljit Bhamra/Oliver Thompson
音頻編輯 :George Oulton/Freddie Light
混音師 :Lewis Jones
母帶製作 :Simon Gibson
出品 :HOYO-MiX


Disc 1 掩冉眾葉的居所 Dwelling Where Everlasting Spring Abides
曲序 曲目 時長
1. 須彌(Sumeru) 4:45
2. 樹與花的旋舞(Whirling of Leaves and Petals) 1:49
3. 清風散林纈(Flickering Shadows of Trees) 1:48
4. 幾初的智願(For Riddles, for Wonders) 2:14
5. 常綠的希冀(Evergreen Wish) 2:06
6. 薄暮的歡嘆(Many-Colored Smiles and Tears) 1:43
7. 香林繁露之夜(Overnight Dew in the Woods) 1:29
8. 瑤木靜意之思(Thoughts and Prayers) 1:18
9. 眠時光明(Those Lucid Dreams) 2:08
10. 靜謐的星夜(Silent Starry Night) 1:27
11. 慧光啟曙(Fresh Breezes of Dawn) 2:09
12. 宴語韻悠悠(Halcyon Times) 2:00
13. 於智境諦思(Return to Trueness) 1:16
14. 喧繁之港(Hustle and Bustle of Ormos) 1:48
15. 商港晚憩(End of the Feast) 1:56
16. 熙攘的街市(Bustling Streets) 2:05
17. 闌珊夜色(Sleepless Night) 2:31
18. 葳蕤林野間(Village Surrounded by Green) 2:32
19. 黛綠的夜話(Enchanting Bedtime Stories) 2:53
20. 郁灼的前哨(Scorching Outpost) 2:19
21. 不移的恭默(Unyielding Witness) 2:04
22. 邊沙聚壘障(In Yonder Ribat) 1:52
23. 戒惕的注視(Vigilant Minders) 1:28
24. 深林杳杳(Forest in the Light) 2:04
25. 卉木萋萋(Rustling of Tender Foliage) 2:18
26. 霽野漫步(A Desultory Stroll) 1:13
27. 漾影逐波(Chasing the Reflection) 1:14
28. 碧草柔風(As the Soft Wind Blows) 1:14
29. 倦慵的片刻(Languid and Quiet Moment) 1:07
30. 葉叢間的月夜(Moonlit Night in Sumeru) 1:07
31. 無羈的漫遊(Vagrant Wandering) 1:48
32. 酣睡的鬱林(A Drowsy Sensation) 1:48
33. 綠枝新柔(Ethereal Mildness) 0:57
34. 若木的沈唱(Resonant Chant in the Woods) 2:08
Disc 2 奧秘棲隱的林澤 Woods, Rivers and Mysteries
曲序 曲目 時長
35. 盈流慈水(Varuna's Mercy) 1:20
36. 茂林巡行(Jungle Wanderers) 1:58
37. 仁柔的煙林(Dissipating Mist) 1:29
38. 露濕的林莽(Dewy Morn in the Forest) 1:24
39. 流泉錚淙的夜想(Stream of Twilight Thoughts) 1:32
40. 林籟暮曲(Hymns of Eventide) 1:17
41. 泠波汩汩的微語(Over the Tumbling Rivulet) 1:54
42. 空谷傳響(A Shallow Promise) 1:00
43. 芳林徘徊(Lost in Sweet Gentle Breezes) 1:46
44. 幽谷冥冥(Into the Valley of Solitude) 1:30
45. 青藤靜掩的愁悶(Speechless Sorrows) 1:39
46. 殘夜餘音(Faint Afterglow) 1:25
47. 涼風暫歇之時(A Puff of Cool Breeze) 1:29
48. 暮星輕語之刻(A Whisper of Evening Star) 1:27
49. 遠行的思願(Distant Yearning) 2:00
50. 邃風的崤谷(Funneled Gorge) 1:18
51. 白木的追憶(Whitewood Memorabilia) 1:07
52. 隨風而逝的舊夢(Gone With the Wind) 1:23
53. 瑩澈的夜(Transparent Night) 1:36
54. 淒寥的表記(Tangled Vines) 1:21
55. 詩緒縈懷(Lingering Memories) 2:13
56. 荼訶遺舊(Vestige of Dahri) 2:11
57. 塵封的往事(Dust-Laden Recollections) 1:53
58. 靜夜馳想(Midnight Reflections) 2:21
59. 孤星的憧憬(Lonely Star's Longing) 2:15
60. 弢跡匿光(In the Solemn Gloom) 1:10
61. 遺誡猶在(Faith in the Percept) 1:22
62. 星月之路(A Luminous Path) 2:09
63. 流螢明滅(Dance With Fireflies) 1:19
64. 月輝低吟(Silky Crooning) 1:21
65. 劫波破執(Beyond Klesha) 1:12
66. 沃土新芽的曲調(Melody of Bright New Buds) 2:00
67. 顛倒夢想的曲調(Melody of Sprouting Flowers) 2:10
68. 晨曦初露的曲調(Melody of Fresh Dewdrops) 1:49
69. 生命之谷的曲調(Melody of Hidden Seeds) 1:49
70. 和合大夢的曲調(Melody of Brave Seeds) 1:57
71. 染綠鄉園的曲調(Melody of Dream Home) 2:09
72. 幼葉綻生的曲調(Melody of Young Leaves) 1:49
73. 綠野纖綿的曲調(Melody of Distant Green Fields) 1:48
Disc 3 死生流轉真如 Eternal Antagonism Between Life and Death
曲序 曲目 時長
74. 根子的片語(Chatter Between Roots) 1:38
75. 失落的歌調(Long-Lost Chapters) 1:52
76. 昔時遙憶(Nameless Days) 1:17
77. 細語回縈(Whispers of Immensity) 1:36
78. 歸於遺忘和泥土(Immemorial Land) 1:17
79. 欲說還休(In a Forgotten Tongue) 1:38
80. 迷途已遠(Walk Through the Silent Path) 1:43
81. 無獲的探索(A Fruitless Search) 1:42
82. 荒寂舊土(Unbounded Barrenness) 1:30
83. 無名歲月(Dream of Ageless Time) 1:35
84. 桑滄遍歷(Dust and Tears) 2:04
85. 行過死蔭之地(Descending Into the Dark) 1:42
86. 空餘迴響(Hollow Echoes) 1:44
87. 危惴潛流(A Sense of Furtive Unrest) 1:35
88. 游光澌泯(Fading Light) 1:39
89. 啞默的大地(Listless and Numb Ground) 1:23
90. 於無生處(In Barren Ashes) 3:56
91. 餘燼的頑抗(Struggle of Dying Embers) 3:56
92. 窒滯之苦(Feelings of Smothering) 4:09
93. 沉重的惡意(Snare Awaiting) 4:08
94. 失夢之鄉(Dreamless Earth) 4:12
95. 失色的災厄(Fatal Confrontation) 4:13
96. 趁生燭尚未殄熄(Before the Light Fades) 4:10
Disc 4 須彌鬥戰篇 Battles of Sumeru
曲序 曲目 時長
97. 洄映的漩流(Swirls of the Stream) 4:09
98. 堙谷的鐃歌(Rhymes of Vales) 4:05
99. 流金疾馳(Gilded Runner) 4:05
100. 森芒頃動(Jolts in the Forest) 4:08


