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啁哳流变之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes

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The Unfathomable Sand Dunes
Genshin impact ost the unfathomable sand dunes cover.jpg
原名 啁哳流变之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes
发行 miHoYo
发行日期 2023年4月19日
专辑类型 录音室专辑
前一作 本作 后一作
The Stellar Moments Vol. 3
The Unfathomable Sand Dunes
The Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3

《啁哳流变之砂 The Unfathomable Sand Dunes》miHoYo研发的游戏《原神》中的第二张须弥篇OST。


专辑分为《风沙往事 Sandstorm Remembrances》《沙海的离民 Desert Exodus》与《须弥斗战篇2 Battles of Sumeru 2》3张分碟,共收录108首由HOYO-MiX音乐团队为《原神》须弥地区创作的原声音乐。




Disc 1 风沙往事 Sandstorm Remembrances
曲序 曲目 时长
1. 斯露莎的歌(Sorush's Purity) 1:51
2. 灵光的回响(Resonance of Khvarena) 1:48
3. 花与树的女儿们(Maidens of Sanctity) 1:55
4. 女主人的叮咛(The Caress of Three Mothers) 1:32
5. 神鸟栖居之处(Where Simurgh Rests) 1:21
6. 万千蕊芯之梦(Fantasy of Ten Thousand Blossoms) 1:21
7. 生命受祝之所(Dirge of Newborn Life) 1:36
8. 无忧的眠梦(Undisturbed Tranquility) 1:40
9. 绿洲的蜃影(Mirage of the Oasis) 1:45
10. 孤客之旅(Lonesome Road) 1:29
11. 迷失之叹(Grief of the Lost) 1:31
12. 分歧的道路(Dividing Paths) 1:21
13. 沙丘上的曙光(Dawnlight Over Dunes) 1:47
14. 沙蝎之舞(Dance of Scorpions) 1:59
15. 荒沙与新月(Golden Crescent) 2:09
16. 千夜的遗珠(A Pearl Amongst Legends) 1:48
17. 大漠虫鸣(Hymn of Cicadas) 1:57
18. 花海之梦(Simurgh's Dream) 1:35
19. 月光的祝福(Taabak Laylatak) 1:37
20. 浪客的安歇(Resting Rogues) 2:02
21. 深秘的险境(Perilous Hollow) 2:05
22. 荒废的预言(Omen of Desolation) 2:10
23. 孤独的渊薮(Solitary Breach) 1:50
24. 荆棘丛生之地(Ghastly Badlands) 1:55
25. 残迹幽影(Shadow in Ruins) 1:51
26. 受诅的泽地(Abominable Bog) 1:46
27. 毒虫伏行之处(Where Vermin Crawl) 1:48
28. 旧梦腐朽之所(Where Dreams Putrify) 1:50
29. 葱茏的梦乡(Pairidaeza) 1:47
30. 她的期许(Her Wishes) 2:27
31. 空虚的愿景(Oracle of the Void) 2:27
32. 往昔的乐园(Once-Joyful Dream) 1:31
33. 扬尘如幕(Kingdom of Dust) 1:32
34. 黄砂为衾(Empire of Sand) 0:56
35. 香料之路(Spice Road) 1:49
36. 失忆的诸国(Realms of Amnesia) 1:32
37. 镀金的旅途(Gilded Journey) 1:37
38. 众砾的汪洋(Ocean of Grains) 1:47
39. 砂海的摇篮曲(Desert Lullaby) 1:49
40. 褪色的眷恋(The Crescent Moon's Waning) 1:18
41. 故国的回忆(Memories of Gurabad) 1:31
42. 归巢的猎鹰(Lo, There Do I See The Falcon) 1:20
43. 安睡之所(Where She Will Return) 1:41
44. 蛇蝎无眠(Those Who Dream No Dreams) 1:48
45. 死寂的殿堂(The Temple Conquered by Death) 1:29
46. 遗落的哀歌(Lamenting Torrent of Oblivion) 1:47
47. 赤砂的思慕(Debris of the Beloved) 1:44
48. 毒虫之穴(Vermin Nest) 1:44
49. 古城的低语(Gurabad's Whisper) 1:14
50. 砂下秘辛(Buried Mysteries) 1:18
51. 诸绿洲中的金杯(Gold Cup of Oases) 2:01
52. 流沙的缱绻(Lingering Vipers) 2:10
Disc 2 沙海的离民 Desert Exodus
曲序 曲目 时长
53. 守护者的思眷(Aspiration of Guardians) 1:45
54. 宥谧宁静之风(Wind of Tranquility) 1:49
55. 沙民的庇护所(Settlement for Exiles) 1:18
56. 镌刻遥梦之铭(Inscription of Dreams) 1:50
57. 千世传述之愿(Vow of Thousand Generations) 1:51
58. 灼燃的残光(Smoldering Glow) 1:37
59. 余威犹存(Ruins of Scorching Might) 1:23
60. 抚今惟昔(Now and Then) 1:43
61. 旧思缅邈(Distant Retrospection) 1:29
62. 遗甃轸念(Reminiscences of Remnants) 1:34
63. 深黯之地(Land of Hidden Depth) 1:37
64. 缄秘的影迹(Shade of Reticent Conundrums) 1:35
65. 失陨的旧宴(Past Repast) 1:38
66. 沦没的誓愿(Crumbled Pledge) 1:33
67. 诸世的阶梯(Stairway of Neterikhet) 1:43
68. 炽天的辉舟(Millennial Sails) 1:43
69. 赤沙之眼(Eye of Deshret) 1:46
70. 空想的落音(Falling Fantasy) 2:04
71. 消泯的终末(Fading Finality) 2:01
72. 远逝的回响(Echoes of Distant Past) 1:39
73. 七荣的陵殿(Steps of Heptas) 1:35
74. 伏谏之刻(Juncture of Admonition) 0:54
75. 沙衍绿碧(Emerald in the Desert) 1:44
76. 遐方乐土(Elusive Elysium) 1:45
77. 绿松石的夜歌(Serenade of Callais) 1:52
78. 永世的酣梦(Reverie of Eternity) 1:52
79. 惘惑漠漠(Dust-Swept Perplexity) 1:41
80. 望尘行迹(Following the Sands' Trail) 1:38
81. 往泪尽之地(To the Land of Desperation) 1:37
82. 炀旱的岩谷(Arid Canyon) 1:56
83. 荒落的沙径(Deserted Path to Desert) 1:35
84. 艰恶漫途(Through Predicaments) 1:44
85. 终至月明(To the Crescent Moon's Shimmer) 1:48
86. 星霜的余音(Echoes of Ages) 1:36
87. 遗风逸尘(Obliterated Dust) 1:41
88. 邃世忧怀(Ancient Anamnesis) 1:57
89. 迢遥的蜃景(Obscure Mirage) 1:55
90. 瀚漠冥茫(Nebulous Dunes) 1:48
91. 炽风苦旅(On the Barren Sands) 1:43
92. 逾沙轶漠(Across the Aridisols) 1:29
93. 暮夜茕行(Soliarty Night Wanderings) 1:48
94. 沙与月的弦音(Chords of Sand and Moon) 1:24
95. 荒夜的阵风(Breeze in the Arid Night) 1:43
96. 星月寂阒(Hushed Gleam) 1:57
97. 萦思寥落(Lingering Thoughts) 2:02
98. 幽壑深渺(Profound Ravines) 1:29
99. 绝域危途(Perilous Exploration) 1:42
100. 净念相继(Benevolence Bequeathed) 1:37
Disc 3 须弥斗战篇2 Battles of Sumeru 2
曲序 曲目 时长
101. 流金的烈怒(Wrathful Streaming Gold) 4:14
102. 星灭光离(Across Dimming Asterisms) 4:01
103. 狮尾之舞(Swirls of Shamshir) 4:10
104. 赭泉酩旋(Swirls of Sachmis) 4:03
105. 六轮一露狂诗曲(Rhapsodia Roscida) 2:49
106. 五相常寂(Quintempus Niteastetae) 1:14
107. 三千娑世御咏歌(Polumnia Omnia) 3:20
108. 噬神巨蛇的狂舞(God-Devouring Mania) 3:38



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