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此頁面基於空洞騎士 FANDOM Wiki 編寫,感謝 TheEmbraceOne 等所有編輯者的貢獻。
Icon left.png 我是一位製圖師,正在繪製這個區域的地圖。你要來一份我努力到現在的工作成果嗎? Icon right.png

Cornifer Sleeping.png
性別 [1]
配音 David Kazi(講話)
William Pellen(哼歌)[2]
設計者 William Pellen

柯尼法是《空洞騎士》中的 NPC 之一;他是一名製圖師,正在創作容納整個聖巢區域的地圖。他常常會將自己的圖紙丟棄在地上。[3]




  • 自柯尼法一出生,他便拋下母親和眾多兄弟姐妹,開始了他的探索四處漫遊。[4]
  • 晚些時候,他和伊塞爾達儘可能迅速地搬到了聖巢,他迫不及待地來探索這片衰落的國度。[5]


  • 小騎士會在遺忘十字路的底部第一次遇到柯尼法。他建議玩家購買他的地圖,併到小鎮上找他的妻子伊塞爾達的商店購買配套的羽毛筆,用於補充地圖。
  • 商店在擊敗假騎士後便開張了。除了沒在柯尼法這裏買的地圖和羽毛筆,另外還有個性化的地圖標記(可以放置在地圖上的任何位置)和特定角色、物品標記。
  • 當小騎士第一次來到新的區域時,當地的地圖都能在柯尼法這裏買到,除了白色宮殿、深淵和神居。
  • 柯尼法的附近會散落着他的圖紙,同時可以憑藉他哼歌的聲音來找到他。
  • 唯一一處聽不到柯尼法哼歌的地方是深邃巢穴。因為深巢很大,所以你可以在它的兩個入口中任意一處找到他。此處柯尼法躲在石頭後面,並不想讓這裏可怕的野獸找到他。[6]
  • 在遠古盆地買了柯尼法的地圖後,他會說他離開了很久,休息一陣就該回去陪伊塞爾達了。[7]
  • 獲得所有地圖後,柯尼法就回到德特茅斯的商店裏的閣樓睡覺,鼾聲陣陣。
  • 同時,全部地圖購買後會獲得「製圖師」成就。


  • 在某個區域的探索到了一定程度時(通常是擊敗了 Boss 或守夢者後,但這個標準並不絕對),無法再遇到柯尼法。
  • 無法在安息之地遇到柯尼法;你只能遇到他留下的紙條。
  • 沒有在柯尼法手上買到地圖的話,他會在原處留下紙條:Cornifer card.png
區域 價格 區域 價格
遺忘十字路 30 皇家水道 75
蒼綠之徑 60 霧之峽谷 150
真菌荒地 75 王后花園 150
水晶山峰 112 遠古盆地 112
淚水之城 90 王國邊緣 112
深邃巢穴 38 呼嘯懸崖 75













Hmm? Ah, hello there. Come down to explore these beautiful old ruins? Don't mind me…
I've a fondness for exploring myself. Getting lost and finding your way again is a pleasure like no other. We're exquisitely lucky, you and I…
I'm a cartographer by trade, and I'm working on mapping this area right now. Would you like to buy a copy of my work so far?

Not interested, then? Yes, quite understandable. Exploring without a map, finding your own way through unknown caverns…
All very nourishing for the soul... Perhaps we'll meet again on our travels.

Hmm? Have you changed your mind about buying a map?

You don't have enough Geo? Ah, I understand.
I'd give you the map as a gift, but I don't think my wife would be very happy if I did.
"All our food is made of Geo", as they say.

A map can be a useful thing, but it alone won't show you where you are. If you've not the head for directions, I suggest purchasing a compass from my wife, Iselda.
She's just now opening our new map shop in Dirtmouth, selling all sorts of useful things to wanderers like yourself. She'll even sell some of my old maps from time to time.
I pop back to see her whenever I finish mapping an area. She's always so excited to see me.

Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself have I? Yes, I should apologise for that. When you spend a lot of time by yourself, with just your own thoughts, you forget the niceties of conversation.
My name is Cornifer, and I've always loved exploring the world. Why, when I was first hatched I wandered off immediately, leaving my brothers and sisters and poor mother behind!…
That's why as soon as I could I moved to Dirtmouth with my wife. A huge, unending Kingdom to explore right on our doorstep. Who could resist?...
Anyway, I'll let you return to your travels. With a little luck, we'll meet again. Be safe and farewell!

…To chart the world. What joy… If only Iselda could share the thrill…

Sorry I missed you! If you're feeling lost, why not pop up to our store in Dirtmouth and purchase a map of this area? Available now for an excellent price! - Cornifer









Hmm? Ah, hello there. Come down to explore these beautiful old ruins? Don't mind me…
I've a fondness for exploring myself. Getting lost and finding your way again is a pleasure like no other. We're exquisitely lucky, you and I…
I'm a cartographer by trade, and I'm working on mapping this area right now. Would you like to buy a copy of my work so far?

Not interested, then? Yes, quite understandable. Exploring without a map, finding your own way through unknown caverns…
All very nourishing for the soul... Perhaps we'll meet again on our travels.

Hmm? Have you changed your mind about buying a map?

You don't have enough Geo? Ah, I understand.
I'd give you the map as a gift, but I don't think my wife would be very happy if I did.
"All our food is made of Geo", as they say.

A map can be a useful thing, but it alone won't show you where you are. If you've not the head for directions, I suggest purchasing a compass from my wife, Iselda.
She's just now opening our new map shop in Dirtmouth, selling all sorts of useful things to wanderers like yourself. She'll even sell some of my old maps from time to time.
I pop back to see her whenever I finish mapping an area. She's always so excited to see me.

Oh, by the way, I haven't introduced myself have I? Yes, I should apologise for that. When you spend a lot of time by yourself, with just your own thoughts, you forget the niceties of conversation.
My name is Cornifer, and I've always loved exploring the world. Why, when I was first hatched I wandered off immediately, leaving my brothers and sisters and poor mother behind!…
That's why as soon as I could I moved to Dirtmouth with my wife. A huge, unending Kingdom to explore right on our doorstep. Who could resist?...
Anyway, I'll let you return to your travels. With a little luck, we'll meet again. Be safe and farewell!

…To chart the world. What joy… If only Iselda could share the thrill…

Sorry I missed you! If you're feeling lost, why not pop up to our store in Dirtmouth and purchase a map of this area? Available now for an excellent price! - Cornifer



  • 首次相遇:這些都是很古老的洞穴了。你能感受到上面王國的重量嗎?那可是相當沉重的。我覺得沒有什麼蟲到達過這個深度。至少在最近這些年,你和我都是探索這裏的先驅。
  • 購買地圖後:從這裏回到商店可有好長一段路。我得歇歇腳。不過我不能休息太久!否則伊塞爾達會擔心的。


  • 首次查看:這裏和那些扭曲的自然洞穴差別可真大,不是嗎?儘管這些建築華麗得令人驚嘆,但這與給它們添加了悲傷的氛圍。
  • 購買地圖後;我們長途跋涉來到了這片宏偉之地。在欣賞這些建築的同時,我一定得記住給伊塞爾達收集一兩個小飾品。


  • 首次查看:你是來試試這山有多高的嗎?我聽說過關於高不可及的峰頂的傳說。不過對我來說太遠了,我也不喜歡高處。
  • 購買地圖後:我不小心被後面那些水晶扎到了。這個地方到處都是這些令人害怕的尖銳玩意兒,你要往上走的話可要多加注意。


  • 首次相遇:你……你好。我是柯尼法。我是一個制……製圖師。我正在努力繪製下方巢穴的地圖,但……但是對我這樣的小蟲來說,那實在太危險了。
  • 首次查看:這個地方令我毛……毛骨悚然。惡毒的小生物無處不在,並且前進的道路只……只有陰森黑暗的扭曲迷宮。
  • 拒絕購買:你……你對地圖不感興趣?
  • 拒絕後再次查看:你……你還是想買張地圖?
  • 沒有足夠的吉歐:你……你的吉歐不夠?
  • 購買地圖後:這……這個憤怒野獸的繁殖場實在是太可怕了,從這個黑暗的洞穴爬出來要花很大的功夫。我……我覺得我得在這裏再躲一會兒。


  • 首次查看:吼吼!雖然聖巢的各個地方已經很令人大開眼界了。這個區域還要更令人感到古怪。你看到下面的黑色大門了嗎?
  • 再次查看:在這下面有個巨大的建築,就在湖的中間,是個值得觀賞的奇蹟。我原本想進去,但它已經變成了那些透明而又黏滑的生物的巢穴。


  • 購買地圖後:你覺得我畫的地圖怎麼樣?我儘可能地去完善它了,但還尚未完成。


  • 首次查看:啊,我的矮小朋友,你遇到我的時機真是完美我正要畫完這個有毒洞穴的地圖。一群領地意識非常強的生物在這個區域定居。
  • 購買地圖後:這些洞穴中的濃重氣味對我來說實在是非常糟糕。我的鼻子很敏感,不過你似乎沒有能夠感受氣味的器官。你一點也聞不到嗎?
  • Old caverns these ones. Can't you just feel the weight of the kingdom above? It's a heavy thing alright. I reckon not many'd reach these depths. We're pioneers you and I, at least in recent history.
  • It's a long trek back to the shop from here. I'll be resting my legs a little longer. Not too long though! It won't do to have Iselda worrying after me.

  • Isn't this a change from those twisting natural caverns? The rain does cast something of a sadness upon it all but the architecture is simply splendid…
    Charting such a different space is quite the challenge, though one I've eagerly undertaken… Perhaps you'd care to purchase a copy of my achievements so far?
  • We've both come far to reach this grand place. While I'm about these buildings, I must remember to collect a trinket or two for Iselda.

  • Come to scale the mountain? I've heard tale of a summit way up there. Too far for me though and I'm not really one for heights.
  • I jabbed myself on one of those crystals back there. Awful sharp they are and all over the place. You'd best watch yourself if you're heading up.

  • Hh-hello. I'm Cornifer. I'm a m-mapper by trade. I've tried to chart the dense nest beneath here b-b-but it's proving too dangerous for a bug like me…
    Vicious little creatures burst out all o-over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze. Even with my good head for direction, I-I-I've had enough…
    Unless you're well prepared, I'd urge you to leave, though if you're feeling strong enough to descend, would you like to buy m-my meagre map?
  • This p-place gives me the creeps. Vicious little creatures burst out all o-over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze...
    Unless you're well prepared, I'd urge you to leave, though if you're feeling strong enough to descend, would you like to buy my map?
  • N-not interested in the map?
  • Y-you want to buy a map after all?
  • N-not enough Geo?
  • W-w-what a horrid warren of angry beasts. It's going to take a whole lot of effort to climb out of this dark pit. I think I-I'll hide here a little longer.

  • Ho ho! As odd as much of Hallownest can be, there's a whole new level of strangeness about these caves... Did you see that dark gate below?
    It's quite unsettling to be near. I did my best to avoid it... Fortunate for me, I found another route in, though I did end up a little singed after wading through some acid.
  • There's a large building just below here, out in the middle of a lake and a marvel to observe... I tried to head in, but it's become a nest for those slimey, see-through creatures...
    Ugh. They're just so... gross, and they give a nasty shock to touch.

  • How are you finding my map? I've tried to fill out as much as I can, but every map is a work in progress...
    If you'd like to fill out some of the map yourself you can purchase some mapping supplies from my wife up in Dirtmouth. We've set up a little store to help make ends meet.

  • Ahh my short friend, you've caught me at the perfect time. I'm just about finished charting these noxious caverns… Very territorial types make their homes within this area.
    I'd suggest avoiding them where possible... Further below some strange thin creatures gave me quite a scare. They seemed an intelligent bunch...
    In my youth I'd have braved their caves but I fear my matured physique wouldn't be able to outrun them where they to turn violent.
  • There's a potent odour about these caverns and far worse for me I suspect. My trunk is quite sensitive whereas you don't seem to possess a scent organ of any kind... Is it that you cannot smell at all?


  • 首次相遇:這些都是很古老的洞穴了。你能感受到上面王國的重量嗎?那可是相當沉重的。我覺得沒有什麼蟲到達過這個深度。至少在最近這些年,你和我都是探索這裏的先驅。
  • 購買地圖後:從這裏回到商店可有好長一段路。我得歇歇腳。不過我不能休息太久!否則伊塞爾達會擔心的。


  • 首次查看:這裏和那些扭曲的自然洞穴差別可真大,不是嗎?儘管這些建築華麗得令人驚嘆,但這與給它們添加了悲傷的氛圍。
  • 購買地圖後;我們長途跋涉來到了這片宏偉之地。在欣賞這些建築的同時,我一定得記住給伊塞爾達收集一兩個小飾品。


  • 首次查看:你是來試試這山有多高的嗎?我聽說過關於高不可及的峰頂的傳說。不過對我來說太遠了,我也不喜歡高處。
  • 購買地圖後:我不小心被後面那些水晶扎到了。這個地方到處都是這些令人害怕的尖銳玩意兒,你要往上走的話可要多加注意。


  • 首次相遇:你……你好。我是柯尼法。我是一個制……製圖師。我正在努力繪製下方巢穴的地圖,但……但是對我這樣的小蟲來說,那實在太危險了。
  • 首次查看:這個地方令我毛……毛骨悚然。惡毒的小生物無處不在,並且前進的道路只……只有陰森黑暗的扭曲迷宮。
  • 拒絕購買:你……你對地圖不感興趣?
  • 拒絕後再次查看:你……你還是想買張地圖?
  • 沒有足夠的吉歐:你……你的吉歐不夠?
  • 購買地圖後:這……這個憤怒野獸的繁殖場實在是太可怕了,從這個黑暗的洞穴爬出來要花很大的功夫。我……我覺得我得在這裏再躲一會兒。


  • 首次查看:吼吼!雖然聖巢的各個地方已經很令人大開眼界了。這個區域還要更令人感到古怪。你看到下面的黑色大門了嗎?
  • 再次查看:在這下面有個巨大的建築,就在湖的中間,是個值得觀賞的奇蹟。我原本想進去,但它已經變成了那些透明而又黏滑的生物的巢穴。


  • 購買地圖後:你覺得我畫的地圖怎麼樣?我儘可能地去完善它了,但還尚未完成。


  • 首次查看:啊,我的矮小朋友,你遇到我的時機真是完美我正要畫完這個有毒洞穴的地圖。一群領地意識非常強的生物在這個區域定居。
  • 購買地圖後:這些洞穴中的濃重氣味對我來說實在是非常糟糕。我的鼻子很敏感,不過你似乎沒有能夠感受氣味的器官。你一點也聞不到嗎?

  • Old caverns these ones. Can't you just feel the weight of the kingdom above? It's a heavy thing alright. I reckon not many'd reach these depths. We're pioneers you and I, at least in recent history.
  • It's a long trek back to the shop from here. I'll be resting my legs a little longer. Not too long though! It won't do to have Iselda worrying after me.

  • Isn't this a change from those twisting natural caverns? The rain does cast something of a sadness upon it all but the architecture is simply splendid…
    Charting such a different space is quite the challenge, though one I've eagerly undertaken… Perhaps you'd care to purchase a copy of my achievements so far?
  • We've both come far to reach this grand place. While I'm about these buildings, I must remember to collect a trinket or two for Iselda.

  • Come to scale the mountain? I've heard tale of a summit way up there. Too far for me though and I'm not really one for heights.
  • I jabbed myself on one of those crystals back there. Awful sharp they are and all over the place. You'd best watch yourself if you're heading up.

  • Hh-hello. I'm Cornifer. I'm a m-mapper by trade. I've tried to chart the dense nest beneath here b-b-but it's proving too dangerous for a bug like me…
    Vicious little creatures burst out all o-over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze. Even with my good head for direction, I-I-I've had enough…
    Unless you're well prepared, I'd urge you to leave, though if you're feeling strong enough to descend, would you like to buy m-my meagre map?
  • This p-place gives me the creeps. Vicious little creatures burst out all o-over the place and the passages are a dark, twisting maze...
    Unless you're well prepared, I'd urge you to leave, though if you're feeling strong enough to descend, would you like to buy my map?
  • N-not interested in the map?
  • Y-you want to buy a map after all?
  • N-not enough Geo?
  • W-w-what a horrid warren of angry beasts. It's going to take a whole lot of effort to climb out of this dark pit. I think I-I'll hide here a little longer.

  • Ho ho! As odd as much of Hallownest can be, there's a whole new level of strangeness about these caves... Did you see that dark gate below?
    It's quite unsettling to be near. I did my best to avoid it... Fortunate for me, I found another route in, though I did end up a little singed after wading through some acid.
  • There's a large building just below here, out in the middle of a lake and a marvel to observe... I tried to head in, but it's become a nest for those slimey, see-through creatures...
    Ugh. They're just so... gross, and they give a nasty shock to touch.

  • How are you finding my map? I've tried to fill out as much as I can, but every map is a work in progress...
    If you'd like to fill out some of the map yourself you can purchase some mapping supplies from my wife up in Dirtmouth. We've set up a little store to help make ends meet.

  • Ahh my short friend, you've caught me at the perfect time. I'm just about finished charting these noxious caverns… Very territorial types make their homes within this area.
    I'd suggest avoiding them where possible... Further below some strange thin creatures gave me quite a scare. They seemed an intelligent bunch...
    In my youth I'd have braved their caves but I fear my matured physique wouldn't be able to outrun them where they to turn violent.
  • There's a potent odour about these caverns and far worse for me I suspect. My trunk is quite sensitive whereas you don't seem to possess a scent organ of any kind... Is it that you cannot smell at all?


  • 首次查看:這裏跟十字路口完全相反對吧?這樣一個潮濕、有生氣的地方,道路蜿蜒的方式非常美妙……
  • 購買地圖後:我來這裏的路上遇到了另外一個旅行者。我本來想喊住她,但她從我的身旁猛衝過去,根本沒看我一眼。顯然她不是像你我一樣對地圖感興趣的蟲。


  • 首次查看:享受這令人心曠神怡的空氣嗎?我們已經很接近那被蒼涼原野環繞的聖巢邊境了。這也是我願意前去的最遠地點了。
  • 購買地圖後:我在懸崖頂上遇到一隻奇怪的蟲。他的房子離這裏不遠。擁有那樣致命的骨釘,毫無疑問,他肯定非常強大。我覺得比起我,你跟他更有共同語言。


  • 首次查看:這個洞穴很舒服吧?我已經在荒野中冒險了很久,相當渴望能有片刻的歇息。
  • 購買地圖後:從這面牆來看,首都居民好像對在這些洞穴里擴建城市猶豫不決。我想知道是什麼阻礙了他們?


  • 首次查看:你聽說過聖巢的王后嗎?很顯然這裏的花園曾是她的靜居處。現在這裏到處都是兇猛惡毒的蟲子,植物也長得亂七八糟的。
  • 購買地圖後:花園的中心有個鹿角站。如果那裏的門沒有鎖上,我就去那兒休息了。


  • 首次查看:吼吼!這些水道還是挺驚險的,不是嗎?由管道和隧道組成的迷宮。沒有什麼地方比這更能發揮我的才能了。
  • 購買地圖後:我敢打賭這些管道和房間曾經是用來運載城市廢物的。本來這裏應該會有可怕的惡臭。幸運的是,持續已久的雨水已經將這裏沖刷乾淨了。
  • Isn't this a contrast from the Crossroads? Such a humid, lively place. The roads twist and turn in the most wonderful ways…
    I've done my best to chart the area ahead, though I must admit some of the area's inhabitants proved quite a nuisance.
  • I ran into another traveller as I made my way down here. I tried to call out to her as she dashed past but she barely even glanced in my direction. Not an appreciator of maps like you and I, obviously.

  • Enjoying the bracing air? We're quite close to Hallownest's borders and those desolate plains that surround it… In this direction,
    I'm about as far as I'm willing to go, though it's been a pleasant change from the tight confines of the caverns... I've drawn out a small map for the area.
    It's a simple one and more for completion really. Not knowing the full extents of a region can be quite frustrating.
  • I chanced upon a strange bug atop these cliffs. His house isn't far from here... A very imposing figure he was and no doubt lethal with a Nail. I suspect you two might share more in common than him and I.

  • Isn't this a cozy hole? I've been venturing about that wilderness beside here and thought a moment's break was well called for...
    The landscape's all rather serene this side of the city, though the inhabitants are as ferocious as ever.
  • Judging by this wall, the city's folk seemed hesitant to build further into these caverns. I wonder what kept them at bay?

  • Have you heard of Hallownest's Queen? Apparently these gardens were once her retreat… Now some vicious types are crawling all over the place and the plants have grown wild…
    As inhospitable as it is, I've enjoyed my travels here. Care to see my efforts?
  • There's a Stag Station at the heart of these gardens. I would've taken my rest there if someone hadn't gone and locked the door.

  • Ho ho! Aren't these waterways thrilling? A labyrinth of pipes and tunnels… I couldn't have asked for a better place to employ my talents.
    It's all so orderly, so considered, nothing like the crude irregularity of those caverns…
    Ahh but so sad, my trunk is telling me those Fungal Wastes are close and I sense my damp adventure may have reached its end. Guess I'll be calling this map done.
  • I'd wager these pipes and chambers were once used to carry the city's waste. Would've been a horrid stench down here. Thankfully that constant rain has flushed them clean.


  • 首次查看:這裏跟十字路口完全相反對吧?這樣一個潮濕、有生氣的地方,道路蜿蜒的方式非常美妙……
  • 購買地圖後:我來這裏的路上遇到了另外一個旅行者。我本來想喊住她,但她從我的身旁猛衝過去,根本沒看我一眼。顯然她不是像你我一樣對地圖感興趣的蟲。


  • 首次查看:享受這令人心曠神怡的空氣嗎?我們已經很接近那被蒼涼原野環繞的聖巢邊境了。這也是我願意前去的最遠地點了。
  • 購買地圖後:我在懸崖頂上遇到一隻奇怪的蟲。他的房子離這裏不遠。擁有那樣致命的骨釘,毫無疑問,他肯定非常強大。我覺得比起我,你跟他更有共同語言。


  • 首次查看:這個洞穴很舒服吧?我已經在荒野中冒險了很久,相當渴望能有片刻的歇息。
  • 購買地圖後:從這面牆來看,首都居民好像對在這些洞穴里擴建城市猶豫不決。我想知道是什麼阻礙了他們?


  • 首次查看:你聽說過聖巢的王后嗎?很顯然這裏的花園曾是她的靜居處。現在這裏到處都是兇猛惡毒的蟲子,植物也長得亂七八糟的。
  • 購買地圖後:花園的中心有個鹿角站。如果那裏的門沒有鎖上,我就去那兒休息了。


  • 首次查看:吼吼!這些水道還是挺驚險的,不是嗎?由管道和隧道組成的迷宮。沒有什麼地方比這更能發揮我的才能了。
  • 購買地圖後:我敢打賭這些管道和房間曾經是用來運載城市廢物的。本來這裏應該會有可怕的惡臭。幸運的是,持續已久的雨水已經將這裏沖刷乾淨了。

  • Isn't this a contrast from the Crossroads? Such a humid, lively place. The roads twist and turn in the most wonderful ways…
    I've done my best to chart the area ahead, though I must admit some of the area's inhabitants proved quite a nuisance.
  • I ran into another traveller as I made my way down here. I tried to call out to her as she dashed past but she barely even glanced in my direction. Not an appreciator of maps like you and I, obviously.

  • Enjoying the bracing air? We're quite close to Hallownest's borders and those desolate plains that surround it… In this direction,
    I'm about as far as I'm willing to go, though it's been a pleasant change from the tight confines of the caverns... I've drawn out a small map for the area.
    It's a simple one and more for completion really. Not knowing the full extents of a region can be quite frustrating.
  • I chanced upon a strange bug atop these cliffs. His house isn't far from here... A very imposing figure he was and no doubt lethal with a Nail. I suspect you two might share more in common than him and I.

  • Isn't this a cozy hole? I've been venturing about that wilderness beside here and thought a moment's break was well called for...
    The landscape's all rather serene this side of the city, though the inhabitants are as ferocious as ever.
  • Judging by this wall, the city's folk seemed hesitant to build further into these caverns. I wonder what kept them at bay?

  • Have you heard of Hallownest's Queen? Apparently these gardens were once her retreat… Now some vicious types are crawling all over the place and the plants have grown wild…
    As inhospitable as it is, I've enjoyed my travels here. Care to see my efforts?
  • There's a Stag Station at the heart of these gardens. I would've taken my rest there if someone hadn't gone and locked the door.

  • Ho ho! Aren't these waterways thrilling? A labyrinth of pipes and tunnels… I couldn't have asked for a better place to employ my talents.
    It's all so orderly, so considered, nothing like the crude irregularity of those caverns…
    Ahh but so sad, my trunk is telling me those Fungal Wastes are close and I sense my damp adventure may have reached its end. Guess I'll be calling this map done.
  • I'd wager these pipes and chambers were once used to carry the city's waste. Would've been a horrid stench down here. Thankfully that constant rain has flushed them clean.


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File:Cornifer 8.ogg File:Cornifer 9.ogg
File:Cornifer 10.ogg
打鼾 File:Cornifer 11.ogg
哼歌 File:Cornifer 1.ogg



  • 柯尼法在深巢的位置取決於小騎士首次來到深巢時是從哪個入口進入的;他會出現在離小騎士最近的入口附近。
  • 柯尼法的名字不會在首次甚至第二次查看對話時出現,直到持續查看對話,然後他開始介紹自己。
  • 在深邃巢穴第一次遇到柯尼法與他對話時,他會有一句特殊問候。
  • 伊塞爾達會用「柯尼Corny」這個暱稱來稱呼柯尼法。[8]
  • 有網友指出柯尼法的某句語音聽上去像匈牙利語並猜測他的音源是 William Pellen,而 William 回覆:「實際上我只配了柯尼法哼歌的聲音。Dave 配的才是柯尼法平常講話的聲音……而且他是匈牙利人。」[2]
  • Kickstarter 上對柯尼法的描述為:「柯尼法,製圖師 這位製圖師正嘗試繪製出聖巢中迷宮般的洞穴,但他發現這件事比看上去要難得多。不過,他依然在快馬加鞭地去實現這個目標。」[9]
Npc mapper.png Cornifer sketch.jpg Cornifer journal.png
Kickstarter 宣傳圖 草稿 《漫遊者日誌》

Map Pin Knight.png遊戲內的中文文本在翻譯上或有錯漏,因此存在部分描述經編輯者修改後,與遊戲實際不符的情況。考究劇情等還請以原文英文為準。不便之處敬請諒解。


  1. 伊塞爾達:本來在這裏和你做交易的應該是我的丈夫,但我發現他又去下面了。
  2. 2.0 2.1 Reddit 評論
  3. 3.0 3.1 《漫遊者日誌》:A travelling cartographter of sorts, this interesting character knows the lie of the land better than any other bug alive; his mapmaking obsession constantly drives him deeper and deeper into the kingdom. On those rare occasions when he isn't out exploring and charting Hallownest's depths, he can usually be found in his shop in Dirtmouth with his wife, Iselda.
  4. 「當我剛從卵里出來的時候,我立刻就溜走了,拋下了我的兄弟姐妹和可憐的母親!」
  5. 「我之所以火急火燎地和妻子搬到德特茅斯,就是因為這個巨大的、沒有邊界的王國,就在我的家門前等着我去探索。」
  6. 「我正在努力繪製下方巢穴的地圖,但……但是對我這樣的小蟲來說,那實在太危險了。 惡毒的小生物無……無處不在,而且前進的通路只有陰森黑暗的扭曲迷宮。就算有我這樣好的方向感,也......也累得夠嗆。」
  7. 「從這裏回到商店可有好長一段路。我得歇歇腳。不過我不能休息太久!否則伊塞爾達會擔心的。」
  8. 伊塞爾達:柯尼一直問我要不要跟他一起去歷險,我都沒有答應過。
  9. Kickstarter 《空洞騎士》眾籌主頁