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RWBY Vol3 Musics.jpeg
演唱 Casey Lee Williams
Jeff Williams
作曲 Jeff Williams
作词 Jeff Williams
Rwby Volume 3 Soundtrack

Divide》是动画《RWBY》Vol.3的片尾曲,由 Casey Lee Williams 演唱。


本曲是Vol.3最后一话的ED。全曲覆盘了Cinder Fall在整个信标陷落事件The Fall of Beacon所造成的破坏及对于整个世界造成的影响,与Salem对于Ozma无数岁月的行动却徒劳无功的嘲讽。



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Does it feel good,
knowing you tried
Knowing that all that remains
Is the slow cold brutal death
Of the fools that will all die in vain
How does it feel
Knowing your efforts will fail
All that you've built will be torn down
The hope of your people assailed
Send your guardians, they will fail
Legends and heroes will crumble and fall
You will not prevail
When allied together a threat men display
Divide them with doubt it will all wash away
One spark can incite their hope
and ignite the hearts of their weary souls
I will extinguish that flame...
Form your armies, dream your dreams
Make your plans and plot your schemes
Send your fighters, one and all
Then in battle, watch them fall...
It was you who ended their lives
Made them to dig their own graves
With your dark, sick, cruel design
Convinced them their world could be saved
Have you no shame
Signing them up for your war
Train them to fight what they can't beat
Your sins are what they'll pay for
Sacrifice them for your needs
Slaughter is coming, the end drawing near
You'll regret your deeds
Legends and fairy tales scattered in time
Maidens and kingdoms wrapped up in a lie
These children you mislead
You'll watch them all bleed
Strength will not bring victory
Divide them, tear them apart
Sever their trust, it will strangle their hearts
Inside them, plant seeds of doubt
Hope will be smothered
They'll turn on each other
Hatred will sprout suspicion and doubt
Friendships deny while allegiances die
The taste will be sweet when you get what you've earned
And I'll watch you burn
