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Megami Tensei Wiki 同步修改,但有较大本地化差异。






可阅读 User:Greykid/参考手册 了解更多相关知识。


  • 2020/5/10:完成移植工作,原始范本借鉴自Megami Tensei Wiki 2020/3/12版本。完成汉化工作,简化部分关键词,修改部分水土不服的样式。
  • 2020/6/30:跟进更新Megami Tensei Wiki 2020/6/2。紧急修复“祝”“咒”关键字。完善部分汉化,补充部分关键词。从现在开始已经可以使用标准“弱点和抗性”写法了。为避免版权争议完全重构了样式,暂时还没想好怎么样比较好看,先调成标准wikitable了。
  • 2020/7/10:增加{{Arcana}}(原位替代){{Skill}}(替代{{Pskill}}){{SkillTable}}(替代psk废案)模板。调整格式,添加功能。现在已经和范本相去甚远啦。
  • 2020/7/13-16:增加第一个中英日语言转换模板{{Persona}}。未来还会尝试解决其他地方的语言输入问题。修复部分问题。终于解决了hover+ruby问题。添加P5R特性专用填写模板{{PersonaTrait}}。
  • 2020/8/7:修复{{SkillTable}}的问题,已达成预期效果。
  • 2020/8/10-11:完善样式,添加中英技能名称、人格面具名称的填写规则,现在可以直接用中文填写啦!
  • 2020/8/20-21:现在已经可以完全替代旧模板了。
  • 2020/9/5:添加更多自定义功能。
  • 2020/11/7-8:大幅拆分、调整模块结构,为《真·女神转生III》《真·女神转生V》数据编写做准备。
  • 2020/12/8:增「连携技能表」「合体表」,调格式。
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local getGames = require('Module:Psk/Gamedata')

local p = {}

-- 實現 #invoke 函数式調用
local function makeInvokeFunction(funcName)
	return function (frame)
		local args = getArgs(frame, {parentOnly = true})
		return p[funcName](args)

-- 预置样式表
local styles = {
	['skill'] = '\n|-\n!style="background:#eaecf0"|',
	['skillc'] = '\n!style="background:#eaecf0"|',
	['skill2'] = '\n|-\n!style="background:#eaecf0;color:#000" ',
	['skill3'] = '\n!style="background:#eaecf0',
	['skill3m'] = '\n!style="background:transparent"|',
	['cost1'] = '\n|style="background:#f8f9fa"|',
	['cost2'] = '\n|style="background:#fdfeff"|',
	['cost3'] = '\n|style="background:#f8f9fa" ',
	['effect1'] = '\n|style="background:#f8f9fa;text-align:left;padding-left:5px"|',
	['effect2'] = '\n|style="background:#fdfeff;text-align:left;padding-left:5px"|',
	['effect1p'] = '\n|colspan=2 style="background:#f8f9fa;text-align:left;padding-left:5px"|',
	['effect2p'] = '\n|colspan=2 style="background:#fdfeff;text-align:left;padding-left:5px"|',
	['order'] = '\n|style="background:#f8f9fa;text-align:left;padding-left:5px"|',
	['order2'] = '\n|-\n|style="background:#f8f9fa;color:#000;text-align:left;padding-left:5px"|',
	['table2h'] = '\n{|width="100%" style="margin:0;width:100% !important;border-spacing:1px" class="wikitable ',
	['table2'] = '\n{|width="100%" class="wikitable" style="margin:0;width:100% !important;display:table;border-spacing:1px"',
	['table2b'] = '\n{|cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="width:100% !important;margin:0;border-spacing:0;background:transparent" ',
	['statlow'] = '\n|style="background:#f8f9fa"|',
	['statlow2'] = '\n|style="background:#f8f9fa"|',
	['statlow3'] = '\n|style="background:#f8f9fa;',
	['quote'] = '\n|-\n|style="background:#f8f9fa;text-align:center;border-radius:3.5px;',

local function frac(numerator,denominator)
	return '<span style="font-size:9px;position:relative;top:2px"><span style="position:relative;top:-5px;right:-3px">' .. numerator .. '</span><span style="position:relative;top:-2px">/</span>' .. denominator .. '</span>'

local function resoutput(v,denominator,game)
	if not denominator then denominator = 8 end
	if v == 'dr' or v == 'ab' then
		v = 'color:lime" title="Drain"|Dr'
	elseif v == '.5dr' or v == '.5ab' or v == '50dr' or v == '50ab' or v == 'dr50' or v == 'ab50' then
		v = 'color:lime" title="50% Drain"|<span style="color:black">½</span>Dr'
	elseif v == '2dr' or v == '2ab' then
		v = 'color:lime" title="Double Drain"|<span style="color:black">2×</span>Dr'
	elseif v == 'rp' or v == 'rf' then
		v = 'color:cyan" title="Reflect"|Rf'
	elseif v == '.5rp' or v == '.5rf' or v == '50rp' or v == '50rf' or v == 'rp50' or v == 'rf50' then
		v = 'color:cyan" title="50% Reflect"|<span style="color:black">½</span>Rf'
	elseif v == '1.5rp' or v == '1.5rf' or v == '150rp' or v == '150rf' or v == 'rp150' or v == 'rf150' then
		v = 'color:cyan" title="150% Reflect"|<span style="color:black">1.5×</span>Rf'
	elseif v == '2rp' or v == '2rf' then
		v = 'color:cyan" title="Double Reflect"|<span style="color:black">2×</span>Rf'
	elseif tonumber(v) == 0 then
		v = 'color:black" title="Null"|Nu'
	elseif tonumber(v) == 1 then
		v = '" title="Normal"| -'
	elseif tonumber(v) < 1 then
		v = 'color:teal"	title="Resist"|' .. frac((tonumber(v) * denominator),denominator)
	elseif tonumber(v) > 2 then
		v = 'color:red" title="Weak"|' .. v .. '×'
	elseif tonumber(v) > 1.3 then
		if game == 'smt1' or game == 'smt2' or game == 'smtif' then
			v = 'color:orange" title="Vulnerable"|' .. v .. '×'
			v = 'color:red" title="Weak"|' .. v .. '×'
	elseif tonumber(v) > 1.1 then
		v = 'color:orange" title="Vulnerable"|' .. v .. '×'
	return styles.statlow3 .. v

-- 字符串MD5 Hash,调用Hash模板
local function hash(text)
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Hash', args = {text} }

-- 添加分类
local function cate(catename)
	if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespace('') then
		return '[[Category:' .. catename .. ']]' -- 防止給列表頁加分類
		return ''

-- 添加注释
local function refer(refernote)
	if mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespace('') and refernote ~= nil and refernote ~= '' then
		return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'refn', args = {refernote, group = '注', name = hash(refernote) } }
		return ''

-- ruby格式
local function ruby(text1, text2, lang)
	if lang == nil then
		return '<ruby><rb>' .. text1 .. '</rb><rp> (</rp><rt style="font-size:.75em">' .. text2 .. '</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby>'
		return '<ruby><rb>' .. text1 .. '</rb><rp> (</rp><rt style="font-size:.75em" lang="' .. lang .. '">' .. text2 .. '</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby>'

-- inline ruby格式
local function ilruby(text1, text2, lang)
	if lang == nil then
		return text1 .. ' (' .. text2 .. ')'
		return text1 .. ' ({{ja|' .. text2 .. '}})'

-- 简繁转换设置
local function sinotrans(zh, zhsc)
	return '-{zh-hant:' .. zh .. '; zh-hans:' .. zhsc .. ';}-'
-- 日语设置
local function langja(text1)
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'lj', args = {text1} }

-- Hover效果,调用TextHover模板
local function hover(text1, text2)
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'TextHover', args = {text1, text2, 'before', 'center', tag = 'span'} }

-- Wiki文本解析
local function wikitext(text1)
	return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(text1)

-- 输出错误信息
local function noskill(skill,gamed)
	local result = '\n|-\n!colspan=5 style="background:#FED;width:670px"|<strong style="color:red;font-size:120%">'
	if skill and gamed then
		result = result .. '技能名稱 “' .. skill .. '” 不存在。請檢查拼寫或修訂數據庫[[Module:Psk/' .. gamed .. ']]。'
		result = result .. '不能插入空行。請删去空白行。'
	return result .. '</strong>' .. cate('人格面具/技能/未识别的技能') .. '\n|-style="display:none"\n'

-- 种族渲染
local function getRace(race,game,abbr)
	local result
	if not race or race == '' or race == '-' or race == 'Unclassified' or race == 'None' or race == 'none' then result = '-'
	elseif game == 'ddsaga1' or game == 'ddsaga2' then
		if race == 'Deity' then result = '[[Gods|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Evil' or race == 'Icon' then result = '[[Guardians|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Fiend' or race == 'Nether' then result = '[[Magica|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Aerial' then result = '[[Aerials|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Aerial2' then result = '[[Birds|Aerial]]'
		elseif race == 'Dragon' then result = '[[Dragons|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Demon' or race == 'Brute' then result = '[[Demoniacs|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Beast' then result = '[[Beasts|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Device' then result = '[[Machine|' .. race .. ']]'
		elseif race == 'Light' then result = '[[Herald|' .. race .. ']]'
		else result = race
	elseif game == 'raidou1' or game == 'raidou2' then
		if race == 'Element' then result = '[[Element]]' .. cate('Element Race')
		elseif race == 'Spirit' then result = '[[Mitama|Spirit]]' .. cate('Mitama Race')
		elseif race == 'Destroyer' or race == 'King Abaddon' or race == 'Fukoshi' or race == 'Locust' or race == 'Tokyogami' or race == 'Rebel God' then result = '[[Enemy exclusive race#' .. race .. '|' .. race ..']]'
		elseif race == 'Fiend' then result = '[[Fiend]]' .. cate('Fiend Race')
		elseif race == 'Pyro' or race == 'Frost' or race == 'Volt' or race == 'Wind' or race == 'Fury' or race == 'Pagan' or race == 'Skill' or race == 'Evil' then result = '[[' .. race .. ' Order|' .. race .. ']]' .. cate(race .. ' Order')
		else result = race
		elseif race == 'Therian' then
				if game == 'mt1' then result = '[[Yoma|Therian]]' .. cate('Yoma Race')
				else result = '[[Therian]]' .. cate('Therian Race')
	elseif race == 'Ghost' then
		if game == 'sh' or game == 'smtds' then
			result = '[[Ghost (race)|Ghost]]' .. cate('Ghost Race')
		else result = '[[Haunt|Ghost]]' .. cate('Haunt Race')
	elseif race == 'Cyber' then
		if game == 'smt4' then
			result = '[[Machine|Cyber]]' .. cate('Machine Race')
		else result = '[[Enemy exclusive race#Denrei / Cyber|Cyber]]'
	elseif race == 'Star 2' then
		result = '[[Triangulum|Star]]' .. cate('Star Race')
	for k, v in pairs(require('Module:Psk/Race_names')) do
		for _, name in ipairs(v) do
			if race == name then
				if abbr then
					abbr = '<abbr title="' .. abbr .. '">' .. name .. '</abbr>'
				else abbr = name
				if v.exclusive then
					result = '[[Enemy exclusive race#' .. v.exclusive .. '|' .. abbr .. ']]'
				elseif v.linkdab then
					result = '[[' .. k .. ' (race)|' .. abbr .. ']]'
				elseif v.link then
					result = '[[' .. v.link .. '|' .. abbr .. ']]'
					result = '[[' .. k .. '|' .. abbr .. ']]'
				if v.catename==false then
				elseif v.catename then
					result = result .. cate(v.catename)
					result = result .. cate(k .. ' Race')
	if not result then return race end
	return result

-- 添加各種分類
local function aligncat(align,gamen)
	local result
	if align == 'Law' or align == 'Light-Law' or align == 'Neutral-Law' or align == 'Dark-Law' then
		result = cate('Law Demons in ' .. gamen)
	elseif align == 'Neutral' or align == 'Light-Neutral' or align == 'Neutral-Neutral' or align == 'Dark-Neutral' then
		result = cate('Neutral Demons in ' .. gamen)
	elseif align == 'Chaos' or align == 'Light-Chaos' or align == 'Neutral-Chaos' or align == 'Dark-Chaos' then
		result = cate('Chaos Demons in ' .. gamen)
		result = ''
	return result

local function alignnocat(align,nocat,gamen)
	local result
	if nocat then
			result = ''
	elseif align == 'Law' or align == 'Light-Law' or align == 'Neutral-Law' or align == 'Dark-Law' then
		result = cate('Law Demons in ' .. gamen)
	elseif align == 'Neutral' or align == 'Light-Neutral' or align == 'Neutral-Neutral' or align == 'Dark-Neutral' then
		result = cate('Neutral Demons in ' .. gamen)
	elseif align == 'Chaos' or align == 'Light-Chaos' or align == 'Neutral-Chaos' or align == 'Dark-Chaos' then
		result = cate('Chaos Demons in ' .. gamen)
		result = ''
	return result

local function bossdemonnocat(boss,nocat,gamen)
	local result
	if boss then
		result = cate(gamen .. ' Bosses')
	elseif nocat then
			result = ''
	else result = cate(gamen .. ' Demons')
	return result

local function bossdemoncat(boss,gamen)
	local result
	if boss then
		result = cate(gamen .. ' Bosses')
	else result = cate(gamen .. ' Demons')
	return result

-- 阿尔卡那渲染,调用Arcana模板
local function getArcana(gameg, text1, sort)
	if sort == 'sort' then return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Arcana', args = {gameg, text1, 'sort'} }
	else return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'Arcana', args = {gameg, text1} } end

-- 关键字消歧义
local function get_prop(args)
	local prop = {}
	for k, v in pairs(require('Module:Psk/Property_names')) do
		for _, name in ipairs(v) do
			if args[name] then
				prop[k] = args[name]
		prop[k] = prop[k] or v.default
	return prop

local function bar(color,stat,ratio,cap,stat2,old,new) -- ratio 爲每個像素點的寬度. cap 乘以 ratio 即爲表格的最大寬度.
	local stat_st, stat_width
	if stat == 'i' then
		stat = 'i'
	elseif not tonumber(stat) then
		stat_st = '<span style="color:#666">--</span>'
		stat = 0
		stat_width = 0
	elseif stat2 then
		stat_st = '<span style="color:#aff;cursor:help" title="' .. old .. ': ' .. stat .. '; ' .. new .. ': ' .. stat2 .. '">' .. stat2 .. '</span>'
	else stat_st = stat
	if stat == 'i' then
	elseif tonumber(stat) > cap then
		stat_width = cap * ratio
		color = '#aaf'
	elseif stat_width ~= 0 then
		stat_width = tonumber(stat) * ratio
		inherit = 'Inherit'
	if tostring(stat_st) == '+0' then stat_st = '<span style="color:#666">--</span>' end
	if stat == 'i' then
		return '--\n|繼承\n|-'
	elseif stat2 then
		return stat_st .. '\n|style="border-radius:10px;background-color:#000;background:linear-gradient(90deg, #ffd, #ffa);width:' .. cap * ratio + 3 .. 'px"|<div style="overflow:hidden"><div style="cursor:help;float:left;border-top:5px solid ' .. color .. ';width:' .. stat_width .. 'px" title="' .. old .. ': '.. stat ..'"></div><div style="cursor:help;float:left;border-top:5px solid #aff;width:' .. tonumber(stat2) * ratio - stat_width .. 'px" title="' .. new .. ': '.. stat2 ..'"></div></div>\n|-'
	else return stat_st .. '\n|style="border-radius:10px;background-color:#000;background:linear-gradient(90deg, #ffd, #ffa);width:' .. cap * ratio + 3 .. 'px"|<div style="overflow:hidden"><div style="float:left;border-top:5px solid ' .. color .. ';width:' .. stat_width .. 'px"></div><div style="float:left;border-top:5px solid transparent;width:' .. (cap - tonumber(stat)) * ratio .. 'px"></div></div>\n|-'

-- 技能名稱ruby格式渲染模块

p.skill = makeInvokeFunction('_skill')

function p._skill(args)
	local game = args[1] or args.game or args.Game or ''
	game = game:lower()
	if args.FES then game = 'p3f' end
	if args.P3P then game = 'p3p' end
	if args.P4G then game = 'p4g' end
	if args.P5R then game = 'p5r' end
	if args.P5S then game = 'p5s' end
	local gameg -- 遊戲的總樣式
	if getGames.games[game].fallback then
		gameg = getGames.games[game].fallback -- 遊戲對應序號作
		else gameg = game
	local gamen = getGames.games[game].name -- 遊戲全名
	local gamegn = getGames.games[gameg].name -- 遊戲對應序號作全名
	local gamed
	if gameg then
		gamed = gameg:upper()

	local v2 = args[2] or args.skill or args.Skill or ''
	local data
	local skill, alias, colour
	data = require('Module:Psk/' .. gamed)
	skill = data.skills[v2]
	if not skill then
		local alias = data.aliases[v2]
		if alias then
			v2 = alias
			skill = data.skills[v2]
	if skill.spell then colour = data.colours[skill.spell] else colour = data.colours['alm'] end
	local resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. v2 .. '</span>'
	if skill.name then resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. skill.name .. '</span>' end
	if skill.namezhsc == nil then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
	if skill.namezh ~= nil and skill.namezh ~= '' then
		if args[3] == 'ja' and skill.namejp then
			if args[4] == 'inline' then
				resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. ilruby(sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc), skill.namejp, 'ja') .. '</span>'
				resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. ruby(sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc), skill.namejp, 'ja') .. '</span>'
		elseif args[3] == 'en' then
			if args[4] == 'inline' then
				resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. ilruby(sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc), v2) .. '</span>'
				resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. ruby(sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc), v2) .. '</span>'
			resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc) .. '</span>'
	return resv2

-- 人格面具信息表渲染模块

p.stats = makeInvokeFunction('_stats')

function p._stats(args)
	local game = args[1] or args.game or args.Game or ''
	game = game:lower()
	if game == 'mt' then game = 'mt1' end
	if game == 'kmt' then game = 'kmt1' end
	if game == 'smt' then game = 'smt1' end
	if game == 'smtii' then game = 'smt2' end
	if game == 'if' or game == 'if...' then game = 'smtif' end
	if game == 'smtn' or game == 'smt3n' then game = 'smt3' end
	if game == 'smtiv' then game = 'smt4' end
	if game == 'imagine' or game == 'smti' then game = 'smtim' end
	if game == 'gmt' or game == 'smti' then game = 'giten' end
	if game == 'lb' then game = 'lb1' end
	if game == 'majin' or game == 'mjt' then game = 'majin1' end
	if game == 'majin2sn' or game == 'mt2sn' then game = 'majin2' end
	if game == 'dssh' then game = 'sh' end
	if game == 'dsrksa' then game = 'raidou1' end
	if game == 'dsrkka' then game = 'raidou2' end
	if game == 'desu' or game == 'smtdesur' or game == 'desur' then game = 'desu1' end
	if game == 'smtdesur2' or game == 'desur2' then game = 'desu2' end
	if args.HazamaCh then game = 'smtifhc' end
	if args.FES then game = 'p3f' end
	if args.P3P then game = 'p3p' end
	if args.P4G then game = 'p4g' end
	if args.P5R then game = 'p5r' end
	if args.P5S then game = 'p5s' end
	if args.BR or args.RB then game = 'desu2rb' end
	if args.DC then game = '20xxdc' end
	if args.TMSFE then game = 'tmsfe' end
	local gameg -- 遊戲的總樣式
	if getGames.games[game].fallback then
		gameg = getGames.games[game].fallback -- 遊戲對應序號作
		else gameg = game
	local gamen = getGames.games[game].name -- 遊戲全名
	local gamegn = getGames.games[gameg].name -- 遊戲對應序號作全名
	local gamed
	if gameg == 'mt1' or gameg == 'mt2' then
		gamed = 'KMT'
	elseif gameg == 'smtif' then
		gamed = 'if...'
	elseif gameg == 'raidou1' then
		gamed = 'DSRKSA'
	elseif gameg == 'raidou2' then
		gamed = 'DSRKKA'
	elseif gameg == 'childps' then
		gamed = 'CHILDRED'
	elseif gameg == 'childlight' then
		gamed = 'DMK'
	elseif gameg then
		gamed = gameg:upper()
	local data
	if not (gameg == 'smt9' or gameg == '20xx' or game == 'lb3' or game == 'lbs' or game == 'ronde' or game == 'cs') then
		data = require('Module:Psk/' .. gamed)
	local prop = get_prop(args)
	if gameg == 'smt3' then getGames.games[gameg].colorbg = getGames.games[gameg].colorbg2 end
	styles.h = '\n!style="background: ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorbg .. ';color: ' .. getGames.games[gameg].font .. '" '
	styles.spanc = '<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].font .. '">'
	if not getGames.games[gameg].statt then getGames.games[gameg].statt = '#529488' end
	styles.barh = '\n|style="font-weight:bold;color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].statt .. '" '
	styles.bart11 = '\n|rowspan=2 style="padding:0" width='
	styles.bart12 = '|\n{|cellspacing=2 cellpadding=0 style="background:transparent;font-size:100%;font-family:monospace;letter-spacing:-1px;border-spacing:3px;line-height:'
	styles.bard = '\n|style="color:#000;text-align:right;padding:0 3px" '
	styles.bard1 = styles.bard .. 'width=12px|'
	styles.bard2 = styles.bard .. 'width=17px|'
	local result = '{|align="center" style="max-width:720px;text-align:center; background: #fff; border:2px solid ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorb .. '; border-radius:10px; font-size:100%; "\n|-\n|' .. styles.table2b
	if getGames.games[gameg].statb == nil then
		styles.barc = 'orange'
		styles.barc = getGames.games[gameg].statb
	if prop.image then
		result = result .. '\n!style="width:20px;border:#333 solid 2px;border-radius:7px;background:'
		if game == 'smt1' then result = result .. '#637373'
		elseif gameg == 'smtif' then result = result .. '#3018b8'
		elseif game == 'majin2' then result = result .. '#31315a'
		elseif gameg == 'p1' or gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' or gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'dcbrb' or gameg == 'dcbrp' or gameg == 'dcwb' or gameg == 'childred' or gameg == 'childps' or gameg == 'childwhite' or gameg == 'childfire' or gameg == 'childlight' then result = result .. 'transparent'
		else result = result .. '#000'
		result = result .. '"|' .. prop.image
	result = result .. '\n|'
	if prop.location then prop.location = '[[' .. prop.location .. ']]' else prop.location = '' end
	if game == 'mt1' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '' end
		if not prop.xp then prop.xp = '' end
		if not prop.cp then prop.cp = '' end
		if not prop.mag then prop.mag = '' end
		if not prop.yen then prop.yen = '' end
		if (prop.xp ~= '' and prop.mag ~= '') then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|EXP' .. styles.h .. '|[[Macca|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Macca</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[Magnetite|' .. styles.spanc .. 'MAG</span>]]\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. styles.statlow .. prop.yen .. styles.statlow .. prop.mag .. '\n|}'
		elseif (prop.mp ~= '' and prop.cp ~= '') then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. 'title="Cost Point - MAG Cost per 10 steps"|<abbr>CP</abbr>' .. styles.h .. '|[[Macca|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Macca</span>]]\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow  .. prop.cp .. styles.statlow .. prop.yen .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Strength' .. styles.h .. '|Intelligence' .. styles.h .. '|Hit' .. styles.h .. '|Agility' .. styles.h .. '|Defense' .. styles.h .. '|[[Daimakyuu|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Location</span>]]\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.hit .. prop.luc .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow .. prop.location .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
	if game == 'mt2' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '' end
		if not prop.cp then prop.cp = '' end
		if not prop.mag then prop.mag = '' end
		if not prop.yen then prop.yen = '' end
		if not prop.normal then prop.normal = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h ..  'title="Cost Point - MAG Cost per 10 Steps"|<abbr>CP</abbr>\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.cp .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="Number appearing in battle"|<abbr>Formations</abbr>' .. styles.h .. '|[[Magnetite|' .. styles.spanc .. 'MAG]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[Macca|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Macca</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[List of Megami Tensei II Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Item Drops</span>]]\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.formation .. styles.statlow .. prop.mag .. styles.statlow .. prop.yen .. styles.statlow .. prop.normal .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Stamina' .. styles.h .. '|Intelligence' .. styles.h .. '|Attack' .. styles.h .. '|Agility' .. styles.h .. '|Luck' .. styles.h .. '|Defense\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
	if game == 'kmt1' or game == 'kmt2' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '' end
		if prop.noa == '' then prop.noa = '1' end
		if not prop.cp then prop.cp = '' end
		if not prop.mag then prop.mag = '' end
		if not prop.xp then prop.xp = '' end
		if not prop.yen then prop.yen = '' end
		if not prop.normal then prop.normal = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. 'title="Vitality"|VIT' .. styles.h .. 'title="Intellect"|INT' .. styles.h .. 'title="Strength"|STR' .. styles.h .. 'title="Speed"|SPD' .. styles.h .. 'title="Luck"|LUC' .. styles.h .. 'title="Defense"|DEF\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="Cost Point - MAG Cost per 10 steps"|<abbr>CP</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="Number of Attacks"|<abbr>NOA</abbr>' .. styles.h .. '|EXP' .. styles.h .. '|[[Macca|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Macca</span>]]' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magnetite dropped"|[[Magnetite|' .. styles.spanc .. '<abbr>MAG</abbr></span>]]' .. styles.h
		if game == 'kmt1' then result = result .. '|[[Daimakyuu|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Location</span>]]'
		elseif game == 'kmt2' then result = result .. '|[[List of Megami Tensei II Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Item Drops</span>]]'
		result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.cp .. styles.statlow .. prop.noa .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. styles.statlow .. prop.yen .. styles.statlow .. prop.mag .. styles.statlow
		if game == 'kmt1' then result = result .. prop.location .. '\n|}'
		elseif game == 'kmt2' then result = result .. prop.normal .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'smt1' or gameg == 'smt2' or gameg == 'smtif' or gameg == '20xx' or gameg == 'smt9' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		if not prop.cp then prop.cp = '' end
		if not prop.mag then prop.mag = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2b .. '\n|' .. stylestyles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[Alignment|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Alignment</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.alignment .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h
		if prop.boss or prop.enemy then result = result .. '|[[Magnetite|' .. styles.spanc .. 'MAG</span>]]'
		else result = result .. 'title="Cost Point - MAG Cost per 10 steps"|<abbr>CP</abbr>'
		result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="Number of Attacks"|<abbr>NOA</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="Physical Attack Power"|ATK' .. styles.h .. 'title="Physical Attack Accuracy"|ACC' .. styles.h .. 'title="Defenses"|DEF' .. styles.h .. 'title="Evasion"|EVA' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magical Attack Power"|M.ATK' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magical Hit-rate"|M.EFC'
		result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.mag .. prop.cp .. styles.statlow .. prop.noa .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.hit .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.avd .. styles.statlow .. prop.mpw .. styles.statlow .. prop.mef .. '\n|}\n|}' .. styles.bart11 .. '200px' .. styles.bart12 .. '1.4"' .. styles.barh .. 'title="Strength"|St' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,4,40) .. styles.barh .. 'title="Intelligence"|In' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.int,4,40) .. styles.barh .. 'title="Magic"|Ma' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,4,40) .. styles.barh .. 'title="Vitality"|Vi' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,4,40) .. styles.barh .. 'title="Agility"|Ag' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,4,40) .. styles.barh .. 'title="Luck"|Lu' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,4,40) .. '\n|}' .. bossdemonnocat(prop.boss,prop.nocat,gamen)
		if game == 'smtifhc' or gameg == '20xx' or gameg == 'smt9' then else result = result .. alignnocat(prop.alignment,prop.nocat,gamen) end
	if gameg == 'smt3' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h
		if prop.element then
			result = result .. '|元素' .. styles.h .. '|Wild Effects' .. cate('Magatama')
			styles.barc = getGames.games[gameg].statb2
			result = result .. '|[[仲魔#种族|<span style="color:#fff">種族</span>]]' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen) .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|等級' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp .. '">HP</span>' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp .. '">MP</span>'
		result = result .. styles.bart11 .. '290px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|力' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,6,40) .. styles.barh .. '|魔' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,6,40) .. styles.barh .. '|耐' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,6,40) .. styles.barh .. '|速' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,6,40) .. styles.barh .. '|運' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,6,40) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow
		if prop.element then
			result = result .. prop.element .. styles.statlow .. prop.wild
			result = result .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px outset ' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp2 .. ';border-radius:3px"></div>' .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px outset ' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp2 .. ';border-radius:3px"></div>'
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'smtim' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[Alignment|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Alignment</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. '|Growth' .. styles.h .. '|Inherit' .. styles.h .. 'title="Strength"|St' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magic"|Ma' .. styles.h .. 'title="Vitality"|Vi' .. styles.h .. 'title="Intelligence"|In' .. styles.h .. 'title="Speed"|Sp' .. styles.h .. 'title="Luck"|Lu'
		result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.alignment .. aligncat(prop.alignment,gamen) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.growth .. styles.statlow .. prop.inherit .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Force Slot' .. styles.h .. 'title="Close Range"|<abbr>Close</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="Long Range"|<abbr>Long</abbr>' .. styles.h .. '|Spell' .. styles.h .. '|Support' .. styles.h .. 'title="Physical Defense"|P.Def' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magical Defense"|M.Def' .. styles.h .. '|Critical' .. styles.h .. 'title="Critical Defense"|Crt.Def\n|-'
		result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.forceslot .. styles.statlow .. prop.closerange .. styles.statlow .. prop.longrange .. styles.statlow .. prop.spell .. styles.statlow .. prop.support .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.mdef .. styles.statlow .. prop.critical .. styles.statlow .. prop.critdef .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
	if gameg == 'smtsj' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if prop.boss then prop.mp = '∞' elseif not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[Alignment|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Alignment</span>]]'  .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. 'width=7%|<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp .. '">HP</span>' .. styles.h .. 'width=7%|<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp .. '">MP</span>' .. styles.bart11 .. '274px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|Strength' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,2,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Magic' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,2,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Vitality' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Agility' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,2,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Luck' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,2,99) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.alignment .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px outset #ddbf77;border-radius:3px"></div>' .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px outset #85bd64;border-radius:3px"></div>' .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen) .. aligncat(prop.alignment,gamen)
	if gameg == 'smt4' or gameg == 'smt4a' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if prop.boss then prop.mp = '∞' elseif not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		styles.h = '\n!style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorbg2 .. ';background:#000" '
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|<span style="color:#fff">Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=45px|<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].font2 .. '">Level</span>' .. styles.h .. 'width=45px|<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp .. '">HP</span>' .. styles.h .. 'width=45px|<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp .. '">MP</span>' .. styles.bart11 .. '387px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|Strength' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,1.5,200) .. styles.barh .. '|Dexterity' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.dex,1.5,200) .. styles.barh .. '|Magic' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,1.5,200) .. styles.barh .. '|Agility' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,1.5,200) .. styles.barh .. '|Luck' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,1.5,200) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
		if not prop.phys then prop.phys = '-' end
		if not prop.gun then prop.gun = '-' end
		if not prop.fire then prop.fire = '-' end
		if not prop.ice then prop.ice = '-' end
		if not prop.elec then prop.elec = '-' end
		if not prop.force then prop.force = '-' end
		if not prop.expel then prop.expel = '-' end
		if not prop.curse then prop.curse = '-' end
		styles.h = '\n!style="background:' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorbg2
		local statlow = '\n|style="background:' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorbg2
		if gameg == 'smt4a' then
			styles.h = styles.h .. ';color:#fff" '
			statlow = statlow .. ';color:#fff"|'
		elseif gameg == 'smt4' then
			styles.h = styles.h .. ';color:#000" '
			statlow = statlow .. ';color:#000"|'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Physical"|[[File:PhysIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Physical|Physical|link=Physical Skills]] Phys' .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Gun"|[[File:GunIcon2.png|alt=Gun|Gun|link=Gun Skills]] Gun' .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Fire"|[[File:FireIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Fire|Fire|link=Fire Skills]] Fire' .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Ice"|[[File:IceIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Ice|Ice|link=Ice Skills]] Ice' .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Electricity"|[[File:ElecIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Electricity|Electricity|link=Electric Skills]] Elec' .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Force"|[[File:ForceIcon.png|alt=Force|Force|link=Wind Skills]] Force' .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Light"|[[File:ExpelIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Light|Light|link=Expel Skills]] Light' .. styles.h .. 'width=12.5% title="Dark"|[[File:CurseIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Dark|Dark|link=Death Skills]] Dark\n|-\n' .. statlow .. prop.phys .. statlow .. prop.gun .. statlow .. prop.fire .. statlow .. prop.ice .. statlow .. prop.elec .. statlow .. prop.force .. statlow .. prop.expel .. statlow .. prop.curse .. '\n|}'
		styles.h = '\n!style="background: ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorbg .. ';color: ' .. getGames.games[gameg].font .. '" '
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=130px title="All enemies and guest allies are immune to '.."'Lost'"..' ailment"|<abbr>'
		if prop.almres ~= '' then result = result .. 'Other' else result = result .. 'Ailment' end
		result = result .. ' Resistance</abbr>' .. styles.order .. prop.almres .. prop.res .. '\n|}' .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|Normal Attack' .. styles.order .. prop.noa
		if prop.turnicon then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=70px|[[Turn Press|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Turn Icon</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.turnicon end
		result = result .. '\n|}'
		if prop.requiredquest or prop.relatedquest or prop.normal then
			result = result .. styles.table2
			if prop.requiredquest then
				result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[Challenge Quests|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Required quest</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.requiredquest
			elseif prop.relatedquest then
				result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[Challenge Quests|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Related quest</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.relatedquest
			if prop.normal then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=70px|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Drop</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.normal end
			result = result .. '\n|}'
		if prop.evolvef or prop.evolvet then
			result = result .. styles.table2
			if prop.evolvef then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[Evolution#' .. gamegn .. '|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Evolved from</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.evolvef .. ' (' .. prop.evolvefl .. ')' end
			if prop.evolvet then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[Evolution#' .. gamegn .. '|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Evolves into</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.evolvet .. ' (' .. prop.evolvetl .. ')' end
			result = result .. '\n|}'
		if prop.specialty then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[Skill Affinities|<span style="color:#000">Skill Affinities</span>]]' .. styles.order
			prop.specialty = mw.text.split(prop.specialty, '\n')
			for k1, v1 in ipairs(prop.specialty) do
				for k2, v2 in ipairs(mw.text.split(v1 .. '\\', '\\')) do
					if k2 > 2 then break
					elseif (k2 % 2 == 1) then -- skill type
						prop.skilltypes = {
							['phys'] = '[[File:PhysIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Physical|Physical|link=Physical Skills]] Physical',
							['gun'] = '[[File:GunIcon2.png|alt=Gun|Gun|link=Gun Skills]] Gun',
							['fire'] = '[[File:FireIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Fire|Fire|link=Fire Skills]] Fire',
							['ice'] = '[[File:IceIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Ice|Ice|link=Ice Skills]] Ice',
							['elec'] = '[[File:ElecIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Electricity|Electricity|link=Electric Skills]] Electricity',
							['force'] = '[[File:ForceIcon.png|alt=Force|Force|link=Wind Skills]] Force',
							['light'] = '[[File:ExpelIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Light|Light|link=Expel Skills]] Light',
							['dark'] = '[[File:CurseIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Dark|Dark|link=Death Skills]] Dark',
							['almighty'] = '[[File:AlmightyIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Almighty|Almighty|link=Almighty Skills]] Almighty',
							['ailment'] = '[[File:AilmentIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Ailment|Ailment|link=Ailment Skills]] Ailment',
							['heal'] = '[[File:HealIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Healing|Healing|link=Healing Skills]] Healing',
							['support'] = '[[File:SupportIcon_SMTIV.png|alt=Support|Support|link=Support Skills]] Support',
						result = result .. '<span style="white-space:nowrap">' .. prop.skilltypes[v2:lower()]
					elseif (k2 % 2 == 0) then -- modifier
						if string.sub(v2,1,1) == '+' then
							result = result .. ' <span style="color:#5f5">' .. v2 .. '</span></span>'
							result = result .. ' <span style="color:#f55">' .. v2 .. '</span></span>'
						if next(prop.specialty,k1) then -- add dot separator if it's not the last entry
							result = result .. ' · '
							if k1 == 6 then
								result = result .. '<br/>'
			result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'lb1' or gameg == 'lb2' or gameg == 'lb3' or gameg == 'lbs' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		if gameg == 'lb1' and prop.atk == '' then prop.atk = '1' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP'
		if gameg == 'lb1' then result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="Number of Attacks"|NOA' .. styles.h .. 'title="Defense"|DEF'
				else result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="Attack Power"|ATK' .. styles.h .. 'title="Defense"|DEF' end
		result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="Strength"|STR' .. styles.h .. 'title="Intelligence"|INT' .. styles.h .. 'title="Endurance"|END' .. styles.h .. 'title="Speed"|SPD' .. styles.h .. 'title="Luck"|LUC\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
				if prop.resist or prop.extra then
			result = result .. styles.table2
					if prop.resist then result = result .. styles.h .. '|Resistances' .. styles.order .. prop.resist end
					if prop.extra then result = result .. styles.h .. '|Special' .. styles.order .. prop.extra end
			result = result .. '\n|}'
		if prop.equip ~= '' or prop.card then
			if prop.equip == 'Pteros' or prop.equip == 'pteros' or prop.equip == 'Bird' then prop.equip = 'Claws'
			elseif prop.equip == 'Kobold' or prop.equip == 'kobold' or prop.equip == 'Jaki' then prop.equip = 'Claws, Hammers, Tornado, Axes, Shields'
			elseif prop.equip == 'Dwarf' or prop.equip == 'dwarf' or prop.equip == 'Jirae' then prop.equip = 'Claws, Swords, Armour, Shields'
			elseif prop.equip == 'Pixie' or prop.equip == 'pixie' or prop.equip == 'Fairy' then prop.equip = 'Claws, Hammers, Shurikens, Tornado, Axes, Swords, Armour, Shields'
				if gameg == 'lb2' then prop.equip = 'None' end
			result = result .. styles.table2
			if prop.equip ~= '' then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=70|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Equipment</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.equip end
			if prop.card then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100|Card Location' .. styles.order .. prop.card end
			result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'ab' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Rank' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|PP' .. styles.h .. '|Move' .. styles.h .. '|Power' .. styles.h .. 'title="Defensive Power"|<abbr>Might</abbr>' .. styles.h .. '|Magic' .. styles.h .. '|Speed' .. styles.h .. '|Luck\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.move .. styles.statlow .. prop.power .. styles.statlow .. prop.might .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
		if prop.weapon ~= '' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=80px|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Weapon</span>]]' .. styles.effect1 .. prop.weapon .. '\n|}'
		if prop.tech then
			prop.techc = data.skills[prop.tech]
			if not prop.techc then
				alias = data.aliases[prop.tech]
				if alias then
					prop.tech = alias
					prop.techc = data.skills[prop.tech]
				else prop.techc.effect = noskill(prop.tech,gamed)
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan=5|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills#Techniques|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Technique</span>]]' .. styles.skill .. 'Technique' .. styles.skillc .. 'Cost' .. styles.skillc .. 'Range' .. styles.skillc .. 'Target' .. styles.skillc .. 'Description' .. styles.skill .. prop.tech .. styles.cost1 .. prop.techc.cost .. styles.cost1 .. prop.techc.range .. styles.cost1 .. prop.techc.target .. styles.effect1 .. prop.techc.effect .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'majin1' or gameg == 'majin2' or gameg == 'ronde' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		if not prop.cp then prop.cp = '' end
		if not prop.mag then prop.mag = '' end
		result = result .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen) .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. '|Mv Range' .. styles.h .. '|Mv Type' .. styles.h
		if gameg == 'majin1' then result = result .. '|Atk Type' .. styles.h .. 'title="Cost Point - MAG cost per 10 steps"|<abbr>CP</abbr>'
		elseif gameg == 'majin2' then result = result .. '|Atk Range' .. styles.h .. '|[[Magnetite|' .. styles.spanc .. 'MAG]]'
		elseif gameg == 'ronde' then result = result .. '|Atk Range' .. styles.h .. '|Arcana'
		result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.move .. styles.statlow .. prop.movetype .. styles.statlow .. prop.noa .. styles.statlow
		if gameg == 'ronde' then result = result .. prop.arcana .. '\n|}'
		else result = result .. prop.cp .. prop.mag .. '\n|}'
		if gameg == 'majin1' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Strength' .. styles.h .. '|Magic' .. styles.h .. '|Technique' .. styles.h .. '|Defense' .. styles.h .. '|Agility' .. styles.h .. '|Luck\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.dex .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. '\n|}'
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="Strength"|St' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magic|Ma' .. styles.h .. 'title="Intelligence"|In' .. styles.h .. 'title="Agility"|Ag' .. styles.h .. 'title="Luck|Lu' .. styles.h .. 'title="Attack Power"|Atk' .. styles.h .. 'title="Physical Defense"|P.Def' .. styles.h
			if gameg == 'majin2' then
				result = result .. 'title="Magical Attack Power"|M.Atk' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magical Defense"|M.Def' .. styles.h .. 'title="Hit-rate"|Hit' .. styles.h .. 'title="Evasion"|Eva' .. styles.h .. 'title="Critical Rate"|Crt\n|-'
				result = result .. 'title="Magical Defense"|M.Def\n|-'
			result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow
			if gameg == 'majin2' then
				result = result .. prop.matk .. styles.statlow .. prop.mdef .. styles.statlow .. prop.hit .. styles.statlow .. prop.avd .. styles.statlow .. prop.critical .. '\n|}'
			else result = result .. prop.mdef .. '\n|}'
		if gameg == 'ronde' then
			if not prop.askills then prop.askills = '-' end
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|Equipment' .. styles.order .. prop.equip .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|Item' .. styles.order .. prop.askills .. '\n|}'

	if gameg == 'smtds' or gameg == 'sh' then
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		if not prop.cp then prop.cp = '' end
		if not prop.mag then prop.mag = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. 'title="Strength"|St' .. styles.h .. 'title="Intelligence"|In' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magic"|Ma' .. styles.h
		if gameg == 'sh' then result = result .. 'title="Endurance"|En' .. styles.h end
		result = result .. 'title="Agility"|Ag' .. styles.h .. 'title="Luck"|Lu'
		result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow
		if gameg == 'sh' then result = result .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow end
		result = result .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc
		result = result .. '\n|}' .. styles.table2 .. styles.h
		if not (prop.boss or prop.enemy) then result = result .. 'title="Cost Point - Magnetite cost per 10 steps"|<abbr>CP</abbr>' .. styles.h end
		if gameg == 'smtds' then result = result .. 'title="Number of Attacks"|<abbr>NOA</abbr>' .. styles.h
		elseif gameg == 'sh' and not (prop.boss or prop.enemy) then result = result .. '|MAG Summon' .. styles.h
		if not prop.traits or prop.traits == '' or prop.traits == '-' or prop.traits == '--' or prop.boss or prop.enemy then
		else result = result .. '|[[Personality|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Personality<span>]]' .. styles.h
		result = result .. 'title="Physical Attack Power"|P.ATK' .. styles.h .. 'title="Physical Attack Hit-rate"|P.HIT' .. styles.h .. 'title="Base Defenses"|B.DEF' .. styles.h .. 'title="Avoidance"|AVD' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magical Power"|M.ATK' .. styles.h
		if gameg == 'smtds' then result = result .. 'title="Magical Defense"|M.DEF'
		elseif gameg == 'sh' then result = result .. 'title="Magical Hit-rate"|M.HIT'
		result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow
		if not (prop.boss or prop.enemy) then result = result .. prop.mag .. prop.cp .. styles.statlow end
		if gameg == 'smtds' then result = result .. prop.noa .. styles.statlow
		elseif gameg == 'sh' and not (prop.boss or prop.enemy) then result = result .. prop.summoncost .. styles.statlow
		if not prop.traits or prop.traits == '' or prop.traits == '-' or prop.traits == '--' then
		else result = result .. prop.traits .. styles.statlow
		result = result .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.hit .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.avd .. styles.statlow .. prop.matk .. styles.statlow
		if gameg == 'smtds' then result = result .. prop.mdef
		elseif gameg == 'sh' then result = result .. prop.mef
		result = result .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen) .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'raidou1' or gameg == 'raidou2' then
		if prop.str == '' then prop.str = '-' end
		if prop.magic == '' then prop.magic = '-' end
		if prop.vit == '' then prop.vit = '-' end
		if prop.luc == '' then prop.luc = '-' end
		if not prop.condition then prop.condition = '-' end
		if not prop.convo then prop.convo = '-' end
		if not prop.investigate then prop.investigate = '-' end
		if not prop.drop then prop.drop = '-' end
		if not prop.recruit then prop.recruit = '?' elseif prop.boss then prop.recruit = 'No' end
		if not prop.resist then prop.resist = '-' end
		if not prop.block then prop.block = '-' end
		if not prop.absorb then prop.absorb = '-' end
		if not prop.reflect then prop.reflect = '-' end
		if not prop.weak then prop.weak = '-' else
			if gameg == 'raidou1' then
				prop.weak = '<span style="color:#f22">' .. prop.weak .. '</span>'
			else prop.weak = '<span style="color:#f72">' .. prop.weak .. '</span>'
		if not prop.frail then prop.frail = '-' else prop.frail = '<span style="color:#f22">' .. prop.frail .. '</span>' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Demons|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Order</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP'
		if gameg == 'raidou1' then result = result .. styles.h .. '|MP' end
		result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="Strength"|St' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magic"|Ma' .. styles.h .. 'title="Vitality"|Vi' .. styles.h .. 'title="Luck"|Lu' .. styles.h
		if prop.boss then
			result = result .. '|Item drop'
			if gameg == 'raidou1' then
				result = result .. '|MAG Cost'
				result = result .. 'title="Conversation skill of the demon"|<abbr>Conversation</abbr>'
		if prop.boss == nil then
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="Demon' .. "'s" .. ' Investigation Skill"|<abbr>Investigation</abbr>'
		result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp
		if gameg == 'raidou1' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp end
		result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. styles.statlow
		if prop.boss then
			result = result .. prop.drop
			if gameg == 'raidou1' then
				result = result .. prop.condition
				result = result .. prop.convo
		if prop.boss == nil then
			result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.investigate
		result = result .. '\n|}' .. styles.table2
		if gameg == 'raidou1' then result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="Whether the demon can be subdued as ally or not."|Confinable' end
		result = result .. styles.h .. '|Reflects' .. styles.h .. '|Absorbs' .. styles.h .. '|Block' .. styles.h .. '|Resists' .. styles.h
		if gameg == 'raidou2' then result = result .. 'title="Unit takes extra damage without being staggered."|<abbr>Weak</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="Unit will be staggered by the said element(s). Whether the element does extra damage or not varies."|<abbr>Frail</abbr>\n|-' else result = result .. '|Weak\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.recruit end
		result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.reflect .. styles.statlow .. prop.absorb .. styles.statlow .. prop.block .. styles.statlow .. prop.resist .. styles.statlow .. prop.weak
		if gameg == 'raidou2' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.frail end
		result = result .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
	if gameg == 'giten' then
		if not prop.condition then prop.condition = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Alignment' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. 'title="Cost Point. Magnetite per 10 steps"|<abbr>CP</abbr>\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) ..  styles.statlow .. prop.alignment .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.condition .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Intuition' .. styles.h .. '|Will Power' .. styles.h .. '|Magic' .. styles.h .. '|Intelligence' .. styles.h .. '|Divine Protection\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.itin ..  styles.statlow .. prop.wllpow .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.int .. styles.statlow .. prop.dvnprt .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Strength' .. styles.h .. '|Stamina' .. styles.h .. '|Agility' .. styles.h .. '|Dexterity' .. styles.h .. '|Charm\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.str ..  styles.statlow .. prop.vit .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.dex .. styles.statlow .. prop.chm .. '\n|}' .. aligncat(prop.alignment,gamen) .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamegn)
	if gameg == 'p1' then
		if prop.vit2 then
			prop.p1vi = '|<span style="color:#aff;cursor:help" title="PSX 版和 PSP 版的數值不同">耐</span>' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2.4,99,prop.vit2,'PSX 版','PSP 版')
		else prop.p1vi = '|耐' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2.4,99)
		if prop.dex2 then
			prop.p1dx = '|<span style="color:#aff;cursor:help" title="PSX 版和 PSP 版的數值不同">巧</span>' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.dex,2.4,99,prop.dex2,'PSX 版','PSP 版')
		else prop.p1dx = '|巧' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.dex,2.4,99)
		if prop.boss or prop.enemy or prop.hp then
			if prop.order2 then
				prop.p1order = getRace(prop.race,gameg,'PSX version') .. ' / ' .. getRace(prop.order2,gameg,'PSP version')
				else prop.p1order = getRace(prop.race,gameg)
			if not prop.element then prop.element = '' end
			if not prop.etype then prop.etype = prop.element end
			if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '' end
			if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '' end
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[仲魔#种族|' .. styles.spanc .. '種族</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|大屬性' .. styles.h .. '|屬性' .. styles.h .. '|等級' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|SP'
			if prop.normal then result = result .. styles.h .. '|[[' .. gamen .. '/物品|' .. styles.spanc .. '物品掉落</span>]]' end
			result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.p1order .. styles.statlow .. prop.etype .. styles.statlow .. prop.element .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp
			if prop.normal then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.normal end
			result = result .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
			if prop.matk == '' and prop.mdef == '' and prop.str == '' and prop.vit == '' and prop.dex == '' and prop.agl == '' and prop.luc == '' then
				result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法攻擊"|魔攻' .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法防禦"|魔防' .. styles.bart11 .. '290px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|力' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. prop.p1vi .. styles.barh .. prop.p1dx .. styles.barh .. '|速' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|運' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,2.4,99) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.matk .. styles.statlow .. prop.mdef .. '\n|}'
			if prop.personality or prop.convo then
				result = result .. styles.table2
				if prop.personality then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=50px|[[阴影(女神异闻录)#性格|' .. styles.spanc .. '性格</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.personality end
				if prop.convo then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=50px|[[阴影(女神异闻录)#仲魔交涉|' .. styles.spanc .. '<abbr title="如果携带了下列人格面具,则有几率触发仲魔交涉。">可交涉</abbr>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.convo end
				result = result .. '\n|}'
			if not prop.element then prop.element = '' end
			if not prop.etype then prop.etype = prop.element end
			if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '' end
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[阿尔卡那|' .. styles.spanc .. '阿尔卡那</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|大屬性' .. styles.h .. '|屬性' .. styles.h .. '|等級' .. styles.h .. '|消耗 SP'
			if prop.totem then result = result .. styles.h .. '|[[人格面具/封神具|' .. styles.spanc .. '封神具</span>]]' end
			if prop.preturn then result = result .. styles.h .. '|[[人格面具#Mystic Change|' .. styles.spanc .. '道具化</span>]] [[' .. gamen .. ' 物品|' .. styles.spanc .. '°</span>]]' end
			result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getArcana(gameg, prop.arcana) .. styles.statlow .. prop.etype .. styles.statlow .. prop.element .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp
			if prop.totem then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.totem end
			if prop.preturn then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.preturn end
			result = result .. '\n|}' .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法攻擊"|魔攻' .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法防禦"|魔防' .. styles.bart11 .. '290px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|力' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|耐' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. prop.p1dx .. styles.barh .. '|速' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|運' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,2.4,99) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.matk .. styles.statlow .. prop.mdef .. '\n|}'
			if args.Affinity or prop.convo then
				result = result .. styles.table2
					if args.Affinity then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=60px title="最有“親和力”的角色"|[[人格面具#親和力|' .. styles.spanc .. '<abbr>親和力</abbr></span>]]' .. styles.order .. args.Affinity end
					if prop.convo then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=50px|[[阴影(女神异闻录)#仲魔交涉|' .. styles.spanc .. '<abbr title="如果裝備這個人格面具,與下列陰影交戰時有概率觸發仲魔交涉。">仲魔交涉</abbr>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.convo end
				result = result .. '\n|}' .. cate('人格面具')
	if (gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s') and prop.quote then
		result = result .. styles.table2b .. styles.quote .. 'font-style:italic"|' .. string.gsub(prop.quote, '!!', '‼') .. '\n|}'
	end -- 替換驚嘆號,防止被MediaWiki錯誤識別
	if gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[阿尔卡那|' .. styles.spanc .. '阿尔卡那</span>]]'
		if prop.enemy or prop.boss or prop.hp then
			if prop.element and prop.element ~= '' then prop.etype = prop.element end
			if prop.etype then result = result .. styles.h .. '|屬性' end
			result = result .. styles.h .. '|等級'
			if prop.hp then result = result .. styles.h .. '|HP' end
			if prop.normal then result = result .. styles.h .. '|[[' .. gamen .. '/物品|' .. styles.spanc .. '普通物品掉落]]' end
			if prop.rare then result = result .. styles.h .. 'style="color:#fff;background:#8E283D"|特殊物品掉落' end
			result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getArcana(gameg, prop.arcana)
			if prop.etype then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.etype end
			result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.level
			if prop.hp then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp end
			if prop.normal then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.normal end
			if prop.rare then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.rare end
			result = result
			if prop.element and prop.element ~= '' then prop.etype = prop.element end
			if not prop.etype then prop.etype = '' end
			if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '' end
			if not prop.bonus then prop.bonus = '' end
			if not prop.preturn then prop.preturn = '' end
			result = result .. styles.h .. '|屬性' .. styles.h .. '|等级' .. styles.h .. '|SP 消耗' .. styles.h .. 'title="裝備該人格面具後,每次等級提升额外獲得的屬性增益"|獎勵' .. styles.h .. '|[[人格面具#Mystic Change|' .. styles.spanc .. '道具化</span>]] ' .. '[[' .. gamen .. '/物品|' .. styles.spanc .. '°</span>]]' .. '\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getArcana(gameg, prop.arcana) .. styles.statlow .. prop.etype .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.bonus .. styles.statlow .. prop.preturn .. cate('人格面具')
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if (gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s') and (prop.arcana == nil or prop.arcana == "" or prop.arcana == "-") then
		else result = result ..	styles.h .. '|[[阿尔卡那|' .. styles.spanc .. '阿尔卡那</span>]]'
		result = result .. styles.h .. 'width="50px"|等級'
		if prop.hp then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width="40px"|HP' end
		if prop.mp then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width="40px"|SP' end
		if prop.maxhp then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width="40px"|HP' end
		if prop.maxmp then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width="40px"|SP' end
		if gameg == 'p5s' and prop.stagger then result = result .. styles.h .. '|[[倒地值|<span style="color:#fff">倒地值</span>]]' end
		if prop.personality then result = result .. styles.h .. '|[[阴影(女神异闻录)#性格|' .. styles.spanc ..'性格</span>]]' end
		result = result .. styles.bart11 .. '290px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|力' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|魔' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|耐' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|速' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|運' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,2.4,99) .. '\n|}\n|-'
		if (gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s') and (prop.arcana == nil or prop.arcana == "" or prop.arcana == "-") then
		else result = result .. styles.statlow .. getArcana(gameg, prop.arcana)
		result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.level
		if prop.hp then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px solid ' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp .. '"></div>' end
		if prop.mp then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px solid ' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp .. '"></div>' end
		if prop.maxhp then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.maxhp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px solid ' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp2 .. '"></div>' end
		if prop.maxmp then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.maxmp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px solid ' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp2 .. '"></div>' end
		if gameg == 'p5s' and prop.stagger then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.stagger end
		if prop.personality then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.personality end
		result = result .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. cate('人格面具')	-- 暫定使用統合分類
	if gameg == 'pq' or gameg == 'pq2' then
		if not prop.arcana then
			if not prop.drop1 then prop.drop1 = '-' end
			if not prop.drop2 then prop.drop2 = '-' end
			if not prop.drop3 then prop.drop3 = '-' end
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|Level' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|HP' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|Attack' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|Defense'
			result = result .. styles.bart11 .. '290px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|Strength' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Magic' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Endurance' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Agility' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|Luck' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,2.4,99) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. '\n|}'
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=16%|Exp' .. styles.h .. 'width=28%|Drop 1' .. styles.h .. 'width=28%|Drop 2' .. styles.h
			if prop.dropc and prop.condition then result = result .. 'width=28%|Conditional' else result = result .. 'width=28%|Drop 3' end
			result = result .. '\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. styles.statlow .. prop.drop1 .. styles.statlow .. prop.drop2 .. styles.statlow
			if prop.dropc and prop.condition then result = result .. '<abbr title="' .. prop.condition .. '">' .. prop.dropc .. '</abbr>'
			else result = result .. prop.drop3 end
		elseif prop.hp or prop.mp then -- sub-persona 替補人格面具
			if not prop.inherit then prop.inherit = '-' end
			if not prop.card then prop.card = '-' end
			if not prop.fragment then prop.fragment = '-' end
			if gameg == 'pq' then
					result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[阿尔卡那|' .. styles.spanc .. '阿尔卡那</span>]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|等級' .. styles.h .. 'title="戰後HP獎勵" width=10%|HP +' .. styles.h .. 'title="戰後SP獎勵" width=10%|SP +' .. styles.h .. '|繼承' .. styles.h .. '|[[人格面具/技能卡|' .. styles.spanc .. '技能卡</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[人格面具#犧牲合體|' .. styles.spanc .. '掉落物]]\n|-\n'
					result = result .. styles.statlow .. getArcana(gameg, prop.arcana) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.inherit .. styles.statlow .. prop.card .. styles.statlow .. prop.fragment .. cate('人格面具')
						result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[阿尔卡那|' .. styles.spanc .. '阿尔卡那</span>]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|等級' .. styles.h .. 'title="戰後HP獎勵" width=10%|HP +' .. styles.h .. 'title="戰後SP獎勵" width=10%|SP +' .. styles.h .. '|类型' .. styles.h .. '|[[人格面具/技能卡|' .. styles.spanc .. '技能卡</span>]]\n|-\n'
						result = result .. styles.statlow .. getArcana(gameg, prop.arcana) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.inherit .. styles.statlow .. prop.card .. cate('人格面具')
		else -- 主 人格面具
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[阿尔卡那|' .. styles.spanc .. '阿尔卡那</span>]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|等級'
			result = result .. styles.bart11 .. '290px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|力' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|魔' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|耐' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|速' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|運' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,2.4,99) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getArcana(gameg, prop.arcana) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level
			if not prop.nocat then result = result .. cate('人格面具') end
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'cs' then
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. 'title="Strength"|St' .. styles.h .. 'title="Endurance"|En' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magic"|Ma' .. styles.h .. 'title="Agility"|Ag\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.str .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. '\n|}' .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name2 .. ' Demons')
	if gameg == 'ddsaga1' or gameg == 'ddsaga2' then
		if gameg == 'ddsaga2' and prop.boss then prop.mp = '∞' elseif not prop.mp then prop.mp = '?' end
		if not prop.normal then prop.normal = '-' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. '|Drops\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.normal .. '\n|}' .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,gamen)
	if gameg == 'desu1' or gameg == 'desu2' then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race</span>]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Level' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|HP' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|MP' .. styles.bart11 .. '315px' .. styles.bart12 .. '1"' .. styles.barh .. '|Strength' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,6,40) .. styles.barh .. '|Magic' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.magic,6,40) .. styles.barh .. '|Vitality' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,6,40) .. styles.barh .. '|Agility' .. styles.bard1 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,6,40) .. '\n|}\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. getRace(prop.race,gameg) .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px outset ' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp2 .. ';border-radius:3px"></div>' .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. '<div style="position:relative;top:-4px;border:2.5px outset ' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp2 .. ';border-radius:3px"></div>\n|}'
		if prop.boss then
			if gameg == 'desu1' and game ~= 'desu1oc' then
				result = result .. cate(gamegn .. ' Bosses') .. cate('Devil Survivor Overclocked Bosses')
			elseif gameg == 'desu2' and game ~= 'desu2rb' then
				result = result .. cate(gamegn .. ' Bosses') .. cate('Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker Bosses')
			else result = result .. cate(gamen .. ' Bosses')
			if prop.race == 'Human' or prop.race == '???' or prop.race == 'Foreigner' then
				if gameg == 'desu1' and game ~= 'desu1oc' then
					result = result .. cate(gamegn .. ' Characters') .. cate('Devil Survivor Overclocked Characters')
				elseif gameg == 'desu2' and game ~= 'desu2rb' then
					result = result .. cate(gamegn .. ' Characters') .. cate('Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker Characters')
					else result = result .. cate(gamegn .. ' Characters')
			elseif gameg == 'desu1' and game ~= 'desu1oc' then
				result = result .. cate(gamegn .. ' Demons') .. cate('Devil Survivor Overclocked Demons')
			elseif gameg == 'desu2' and game ~= 'desu2rb' then
				result = result .. cate(gamegn .. ' Demons') .. cate('Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker Demons')
			else result = result .. cate(gamen .. ' Demons')
	if gameg == 'dcbrb' then
		if not prop.xp then prop.xp = '' end
		if not prop.etype then prop.etype = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Class' .. styles.h .. '|Type' .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. '|Exp\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.class .. styles.statlow .. prop.etype .. styles.statlow .. prop.race .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Attack' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Guard' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Magic' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |M Guard' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Speed' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Luck\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.res .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. '\n|}'
		if prop.boss or race == 'Boss' then
				result = result .. cate(gamen .. ' Bosses')
			if game == 'dcbrp' then
				result = result .. cate('Devil Children PS demons')
			elseif game == 'dcwb' then
				result = result .. cate(gamen .. ' Demons')
			elseif gameg == 'dcbrb' then
					result = result .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name1 .. ' Demons') .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name2 .. ' Demons')
		result = result .. cate(prop.race .. ' Type')
	if gameg == 'childred' or gameg == 'childps' or gameg == 'childwhite' or gameg == 'childfire' then
		if not prop.xp then prop.xp = '' end
		if not prop.etype then prop.etype = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Class' .. styles.h .. '|Type' .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Race]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. '|Exp\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.class .. styles.statlow .. prop.etype .. styles.statlow .. prop.race .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Attack' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Guard' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Magic' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |M Guard' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Speed' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% |Luck\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.res .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'childlight' then
		if not prop.xp then prop.xp = '' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Class' .. styles.h .. '|Element' .. styles.h .. '|[[Race and species|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Type]]' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP' .. styles.h .. '|Exp\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.class .. styles.statlow .. prop.etype .. styles.statlow .. prop.race .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% title="Attack Power"|ATK' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% title="Defense"|DEF' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% title="Magic"|MGC' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% title="Resistance"|RES' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% title="Speed"|SPD' .. styles.h .. 'width=16.67% title="Luck"|LCK\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.res .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.luc .. '\n|}'
		if prop.boss or race == 'Boss' then
			if gameg == 'childlight' then
				result = result .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name3 .. ' Bosses')
				result = result .. cate(gamen .. ' Bosses')
			if game == 'childblack' or gameg == 'childps' then
				result = result .. cate('Devil Children PS demons')
			elseif gameg == 'childwhite' then
				result = result .. cate(gamen .. ' Demons')
			elseif gameg == 'childred' then
				result = result .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name1 .. ' Demons') .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name2 .. ' Demons')
			elseif gameg == 'childfire' then
				result = result .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name1 .. ' Demons') .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name2 .. ' Demons')
			elseif gameg == 'childlight' then
				result = result .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name1 .. ' Demons') .. cate(getGames.games[gameg].name2 .. ' Demons')
		result = result .. cate(prop.race .. ' Type')
	if gameg == 'childmessiah' then
		if not prop.number then prop.number = '-' end
		if not prop.element then prop.element = '-' end
		if not prop.weak then prop.weak = '-' end
		if not prop.race then prop.race = '-' end
		if not prop.level then prop.level = '-' end
		if not prop.hp then prop.hp = '-' end
		if not prop.mp then prop.mp = '-' end
		if not prop.call then prop.call = '-' end
		if not prop.spell then
			prop.spell = '-'
			if not data.skills[prop.spell] then
				prop.spell = prop.spell
				prop.spell = '<abbr title="' .. data.skills[prop.spell].effect .. '">' .. prop.spell .. '</abbr>'
		if not prop.spell then prop.spell = prop.spell end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Number' .. styles.h .. '|Element' .. styles.h .. '|Weakness' .. styles.h .. '|Type' .. styles.h .. '|Level' .. styles.h .. '|HP' .. styles.h .. '|MP\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.number .. styles.statlow .. prop.element .. styles.statlow .. prop.weak .. styles.statlow .. prop.race .. styles.statlow .. prop.level .. styles.statlow .. prop.hp .. styles.statlow .. prop.mp .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="Attack"|ATK' .. styles.h .. 'title="Magic"|MGC' .. styles.h .. 'title="Defense"|DEF' .. styles.h .. 'title="Resistance"|RES' .. styles.h .. 'title="Speed"|SPD' .. styles.h .. '|Quick' .. styles.h .. '|Call' .. styles.h .. '|Spell\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.magic .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.res .. styles.statlow .. prop.agl .. styles.statlow .. prop.quick .. styles.statlow .. prop.call .. styles.statlow .. prop.spell .. '\n|}' .. cate(prop.race .. ' Type') .. bossdemoncat(prop.boss,getGames.games[game].name2)
	if gameg == 'smtsj' then
		if not prop.noa then prop.noa = '-' end
		if not prop.phys then prop.phys = '-' end
		if not prop.gun then prop.gun = '-' end
		if not prop.fire then prop.fire = '-' end
		if not prop.ice then prop.ice = '-' end
		if not prop.elec then prop.elec = '-' end
		if not prop.wind then prop.wind = '-' end
		if not prop.expel then prop.expel = '-' end
		if not prop.curse then prop.curse = '-' end
		if not prop.alm then prop.alm = '-' end
		if not prop.poison then prop.poison = '-' end
		if not prop.paralyze then prop.paralyze = '-' end
		if not prop.stone then prop.stone = '-' end
		if not prop.strain then prop.strain = '-' end
		if not prop.sleep then prop.sleep = '-' end
		if not prop.charm then prop.charm = '-' end
		if not prop.mute then prop.mute = '-' end
		if not prop.fear then prop.fear = '-' end
		if not prop.bomb then prop.bomb = '-' end
		if not prop.rage then prop.rage = '-' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Attack Type' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Physical"|[[File:PhysIcon.png|alt=Physical|Physical|link=Physical Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Gun"|[[File:GunIcon.png|alt=Gun|Gun|link=Gun Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Fire"|[[File:FireIcon.png|alt=Fire|Fire|link=Fire Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Ice"|[[File:IceIcon.png|alt=Ice|Ice|link=Ice Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Electricity"|[[File:ElecIcon.png|alt=Electricity|Electricity|link=Electric Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Wind"|[[File:WindIcon.png|alt=Wind|Wind|link=Wind Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Expel"|[[File:ExpelIcon.png|alt=Expel|Expel|link=Expel Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Curse"|[[File:CurseIcon.png|alt=Curse|Curse|link=Death Skills]]' .. styles.h .. 'width=7% title="Almighty"|[[File:AlmightyIcon.png|alt=Almighty|Almighty|link=Almighty Skills]]\n|-\n'
		result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.noa .. styles.statlow .. prop.phys .. styles.statlow .. prop.gun .. styles.statlow .. prop.fire .. styles.statlow .. prop.ice .. styles.statlow .. prop.elec .. styles.statlow .. prop.wind .. styles.statlow .. prop.expel .. styles.statlow .. prop.curse .. styles.statlow .. prop.alm .. '\n|}'
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Poison' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Paralyze' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Stone' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Strain' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Sleep' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Charm' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Mute' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Fear' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Bomb' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Rage\n|-\n'
		result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.poison .. styles.statlow .. prop.paralyze .. styles.statlow .. prop.stone .. styles.statlow .. prop.strain .. styles.statlow .. prop.sleep .. styles.statlow .. prop.charm .. styles.statlow .. prop.mute .. styles.statlow .. prop.fear .. styles.statlow .. prop.bomb .. styles.statlow .. prop.rage .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'desu1' or gameg == 'desu2' then
		if not prop.racial then prop.racial = '-' end
		if not prop.phys then prop.phys = '-' end
		if not prop.fire then prop.fire = '-' end
		if not prop.ice then prop.ice = '-' end
		if not prop.elec then prop.elec = '-' end
		if not prop.force then prop.force = '-' end
		if not prop.mystic then prop.mystic = '-' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|[[Racial Skill|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Racial</span>]] / [[Auto Skill|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Auto]] Skill' .. styles.h .. 'width=12% title="Physical"|[[File:PhysIcon.png|alt=Physical|Physical|link=Physical Skills]] Phys' .. styles.h .. 'width=12% title="Fire"|[[File:FireIcon.png|alt=Fire|Fire|link=Fire Skills]] Fire' .. styles.h .. 'width=12% title="Ice"|[[File:IceIcon.png|alt=Ice|Ice|link=Ice Skills]] Ice' .. styles.h .. 'width=12% title="Electricity"|[[File:ElecIcon.png|alt=Electricity|Electricity|link=Electric Skills]] Elec' .. styles.h .. 'width=12% title="Force"|[[File:ForceIcon.png|alt=Force|Force|link=Force Skills]] Force' .. styles.h .. 'width=12% title='
		if gameg == 'desu1' then
			result = result .. '"Mystic"|[[File:Curse DESU2.png|alt=Mystic|Mystic|link=Curse Skills]] Mystic'
		elseif gameg == 'desu2' then
			result = result .. '"Curse"|[[File:Curse DESU2.png|alt=Curse|Curse|link=Curse Skills]] Curse'
		result = result .. '\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.racial .. styles.statlow .. prop.phys .. styles.statlow .. prop.fire .. styles.statlow .. prop.ice .. styles.statlow .. prop.elec .. styles.statlow .. prop.force .. styles.statlow .. prop.mystic .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'ronde' or gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then
		if prop.sword or prop.strike or prop.pierce or prop.phys or prop.fire or prop.ice or prop.elec or prop.wind or prop.nuke or prop.psy or prop.expel or prop.dark or prop.bless or prop.curse or prop.alm or prop.xp or prop.yen then
			result = result .. styles.table2
			if not prop.sword then prop.sword = '-' end
			if not prop.strike then prop.strike = '-' end
			if not prop.pierce then prop.pierce = '-' end
			if not prop.phys then prop.phys = '-' end
			if not prop.gun then prop.gun = '-' end
			if not prop.fire then prop.fire = '-' end
			if not prop.ice then prop.ice = '-' end
			if not prop.elec then prop.elec = '-' end
			if not prop.wind then prop.wind = '-' end
			if not prop.psy then prop.psy = '-' end
			if not prop.nuke then prop.nuke = '-' end
			if not prop.expel then prop.expel = '-' end
			if not prop.dark then prop.dark = '-' end
			if not prop.bless then prop.bless = prop.expel end
			if not prop.curse then prop.curse = prop.dark end
			if not prop.alm then prop.alm = '-' end

			if prop.sword == 'weak' or prop.sword == '弱' then prop.sword = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.strike == 'weak' or prop.strike == '弱' then prop.strike = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.pierce == 'weak' or prop.pierce == '弱' then prop.pierce = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.phys == 'weak' or prop.phys == '弱' then prop.phys = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.gun == 'weak' or prop.gun == '弱' then prop.gun = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.fire == 'weak' or prop.fire == '弱' then prop.fire = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.ice == 'weak' or prop.ice == '弱' then prop.ice = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.elec == 'weak' or prop.elec == '弱' then prop.elec = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.wind == 'weak' or prop.wind == '弱' then prop.wind = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.psy == 'weak' or prop.psy == '弱' then prop.psy = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.nuke == 'weak' or prop.nuke == '弱' then prop.nuke = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.expel == 'weak' or prop.expel == '弱' then prop.expel = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.dark == 'weak' or prop.dark == '弱' then prop.dark = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.bless == 'weak' or prop.bless == '弱' then prop.bless = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.curse == 'weak' or prop.curse == '弱' then prop.curse = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end
			if prop.alm == 'weak' or prop.alm == '弱' then prop.alm = '<span style="color:red">弱</span>' end

			if gameg == 'ronde' then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|斬' .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|打' .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|搶' .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|火' .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|冰' .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|電' .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|光' .. styles.h .. 'width=11%|暗' .. styles.h .. 'title="萬能" width=12%|萬' .. '\n|-\n'
			elseif gameg == 'p3' then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|斬' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|打' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|貫' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|火' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|冰' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|電' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|風' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|光' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|暗' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="萬能"|萬' .. '\n|-\n'
			elseif gameg == 'p4' then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=14%|物' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|火' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|冰' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|電' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|風' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|光' .. styles.h .. 'width=12%|暗' .. styles.h .. 'width=14% title="萬能"|萬' .. '\n|-\n'
			elseif gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|物' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|槍' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|火' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|冰' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|電' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|風' .. styles.h .. 'widht=9%|念' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|核' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|祝' .. styles.h .. 'width=9%|咒' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="萬能"|萬' .. '\n|-\n'
			if gameg == 'ronde' or gameg == 'p3' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.sword .. styles.statlow .. prop.strike .. styles.statlow .. prop.pierce
			elseif gameg == 'p4' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.phys
			elseif gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.phys .. styles.statlow .. prop.gun
			result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.fire .. styles.statlow .. prop.ice .. styles.statlow .. prop.elec
			if gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.wind end
			if gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.psy .. styles.statlow .. prop.nuke end
			if gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.expel .. styles.statlow .. prop.dark .. styles.statlow .. prop.alm end
			if gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.bless .. styles.statlow .. prop.curse .. styles.statlow .. prop.alm end
			result = result .. '\n|}'
		elseif prop.inherit or prop.resist or prop.block or prop.absorb or prop.reflect or prop.weak then
			result = result .. styles.table2
			if not prop.inherit then prop.inherit = '-' end
			if not prop.resist then prop.resist = '-' end
			if not prop.block then prop.block = '-' end
			if not prop.absorb then prop.absorb = '-' end
			if not prop.reflect then prop.reflect = '-' end
			if not prop.weak then prop.weak = '-' else prop.weak = '<span style="color:#f22">' .. prop.weak .. '</span>' end
			result = result .. styles.h .. '|繼承' .. styles.h .. '|反' .. styles.h .. '|吸' .. styles.h .. '|無' .. styles.h .. '|抗' .. styles.h .. '|弱\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.inherit .. styles.statlow .. prop.reflect .. styles.statlow .. prop.absorb .. styles.statlow .. prop.block .. styles.statlow .. prop.resist .. styles.statlow .. prop.weak .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p5r' and prop.traits then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if prop.traits then
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[人格面具#特性|' .. styles.spanc .. '特性</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.traits
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p5r' and prop.ptraits then
		if string.find(prop.ptraits, '\\') then
			local pt_cnt = 0
			for k in string.gmatch(prop.ptraits, '\\') do pt_cnt = pt_cnt + 1 end
			result = result .. styles.table2
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px rowspan="' .. (pt_cnt+1) .. '"|[[人格面具#特性|' .. styles.spanc .. '特性</span>]]' .. styles.order
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.ptraits, '\\')) do
				if k > 1 then result = result .. styles.order2 end
				local ptrait = data.traits[v]
				if not ptrait then result = result .. '<span style="font-weight:bold;color:red">Invalid trait name of "' .. v .. '". You may correct the trait name or modify [[Module:Skills/' .. gamed .. ']] if needed</span>'
					if ptrait.exclusive then
						result = result .. '<span style="font-weight:bold"><abbr title="' .. ptrait.exclusive .. '">' .. v .. '</abbr>:</span> ' .. ptrait.effect
						result = result .. '<span style="font-weight:bold">' .. v .. ':</span> ' .. ptrait.effect
			result = result .. '\n|}'
			result = result .. styles.table2
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[Persona Traits|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Persona Trait</span>]]' .. styles.order
			local ptrait = data.traits[prop.ptraits]
			if not ptrait then result = result .. '<span style="font-weight:bold;color:red">Invalid trait name of "' .. prop.ptraits .. '". You may correct the trait name or modify [[Module:Skills/' .. gamed .. ']] if needed</span>'
				if ptrait.exclusive then
					result = result .. '<span style="font-weight:bold"><abbr title="' .. ptrait.exclusive .. '">' .. prop.ptraits .. '</abbr>:</span> ' .. ptrait.effect
					result = result .. '<span style="font-weight:bold">' .. prop.ptraits .. ':</span> ' .. ptrait.effect
			result = result .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep') and (prop.exclusive or prop.personality or prop.traits or prop.convo) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if prop.exclusive then
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=90px|Exclusive to' .. styles.order .. prop.exclusive
		if prop.traits then prop.personality = prop.traits end
		if prop.personality then
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[阴影(女神异闻录)#性格|' .. styles.spanc .. '性格</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.personality
		if prop.convo then
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[阴影(女神异闻录)#仲魔交涉|' .. styles.spanc .. '<abbr style="border-bottom:1px dotted black;" title="如果裝備這個人格面具,與下列陰影交戰時有概率觸發仲魔交涉。">仲魔交涉</abbr>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.convo
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep') and prop.profile then
		result = result .. styles.table2b .. styles.quote .. '"|' .. string.gsub(prop.profile, '!!', '‼') .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p3' and (prop.card or prop.preturn) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if prop.card then
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[人格面具#技能卡|' .. styles.spanc .. '技能卡</span>]]' .. styles.order .. '<abbr title="僅 P3P">' .. prop.card .. '</abbr>'
		if prop.preturn then
			result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[人格面具#羁绊物|' .. styles.spanc .. '羁绊物</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.preturn
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'p4') and prop.hp then
		result = result .. styles.table2
			if not prop.xp then prop.xp = '-' end
			if not prop.yen then prop.yen = '-' end
			if not prop.normal then prop.normal = '-' end
			if not prop.rare then prop.rare = '-' end
			result = result .. styles.h .. '|經驗值' .. styles.h .. '|金錢' .. styles.h .. '|[[' .. gamegn .. ' 物品|' .. styles.spanc .. '普通掉落物品</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[' .. gamegn .. ' 物品|' .. styles.spanc .. '特殊掉落物品</span>]]' .. '\n|-\n'
			result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. styles.statlow .. prop.yen .. styles.statlow .. prop.normal .. styles.statlow .. prop.rare
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s') and prop.hp then
		result = result .. styles.table2
			if not prop.xp then prop.xp = '-' end
			if not prop.yen then prop.yen = '-' end
			if not prop.material then prop.material = '-' end
			if not prop.card then prop.card = '-' end
			result = result .. styles.h .. '|經驗值' .. styles.h .. '|金錢' .. styles.h .. '|[[' .. gamegn .. ' 物品|' .. styles.spanc .. '掉落物品</span>]]' .. styles.h .. '|[[人格面具/技能#技能卡|' .. styles.spanc .. '技能卡</span>]]' .. '\n|-\n'
			result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.xp .. styles.statlow .. prop.yen .. styles.statlow .. prop.material .. styles.statlow .. prop.card
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	result = result .. '\n|}'
-- image 區塊在此處結束
	if game == 'kmt1' and prop.normal ~= '' then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=60px|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Drop</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.normal .. '\n|}'
	if game == 'smt1' and (prop.resist or prop.normal) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if prop.resist then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|Resistances' .. styles.order .. prop.resist end
		if prop.normal then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=60px|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Drop</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.normal end
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if (game == 'smt2' or gameg == 'smtif') and (prop.normal or prop.inherit or prop.moon) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if prop.normal then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=60px|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Items|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Drop</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.normal end
		if prop.inherit then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=70px|Inherit' .. styles.order .. prop.inherit end
		if prop.moon then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=80px|[[Moon Phase System#Shin Megami Tensei II|' .. styles.spanc .. '<abbr title="Moon Phase Affinity Type">Moon Aff</abbr>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.moon end
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'smtif' and prop.resist then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=90px|Resistances' .. styles.order .. prop.resist .. '\n|}'
	if game == 'smtim' then
		if not prop.seealso then prop.seealso = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=50px|Features' .. styles.order .. prop.feature .. styles.h .. 'width=60px|See also' .. styles.order .. '[http://megaten.sesshou.com/wiki/index.php/' .. string.gsub(prop.seealso, ' ', '_') .. ']\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p1' and (prop.onehand or prop.twohand or prop.spear or prop.axe or prop.whip or prop.thrown or prop.arrow or prop.fist or prop.handgun or prop.machinegun or prop.shotgun or prop.rifle or prop.tech or prop.rush or prop.fire or prop.ice or prop.wind or prop.earth or prop.elec or prop.nuke or prop.blast or prop.gravity or prop.expel or prop.miracle or prop.death or prop.curse or prop.nerve or prop.hiero) then
		if not prop.onehand then prop.onehand = '-' end
		if not prop.twohand then prop.twohand = '-' end
		if not prop.spear then prop.spear = '-' end
		if not prop.axe then prop.axe = '-' end
		if not prop.whip then prop.whip = '-' end
		if not prop.thrown then prop.thrown = '-' end
		if not prop.arrow then prop.arrow = '-' end
		if not prop.fist then prop.fist = '-' end
		if not prop.handgun then prop.handgun = '-' end
		if not prop.machinegun then prop.machinegun = '-' end
		if not prop.shotgun then prop.shotgun = '-' end
		if not prop.rifle then prop.rifle = '-' end
		if not prop.tech then prop.tech = '-' end
		if not prop.rush then prop.rush = '-' end
		if not prop.fire then prop.fire = '-' end
		if not prop.ice then prop.ice = '-' end
		if not prop.wind then prop.wind = '-' end
		if not prop.earth then prop.earth = '-' end
		if not prop.elec then prop.elec = '-' end
		if not prop.nuke then prop.nuke = '-' end
		if not prop.blast then prop.blast = '-' end
		if not prop.gravity then prop.gravity = '-' end
		if not prop.expel then prop.expel = '-' end
		if not prop.miracle then prop.miracle = '-' end
		if not prop.death then prop.death = '-' end
		if not prop.curse then prop.curse = '-' end
		if not prop.nerve then prop.nerve = '-' end
		if not prop.hiero then prop.hiero = '-' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. '\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="武器" colspan="8"|\n!title="槍械" style="background:#898989" colspan="4"|\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="突襲" colspan="2"|\n|-' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="單手劍">1h</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="雙手劍">2h</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="劈斬">斬</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|矛' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|斧' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|鞭' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="弓箭">箭</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="拳擊">拳</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="手槍">手</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="機槍">機</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="霰彈槍">霰</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="步槍">步</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="突襲"|<abbr title="技術">技</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="突襲"|<abbr title="衝擊">衝</abbr>\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.onehand .. styles.statlow .. prop.twohand .. styles.statlow .. prop.spear .. styles.statlow .. prop.axe .. styles.statlow .. prop.whip .. styles.statlow .. prop.thrown .. styles.statlow .. prop.arrow .. styles.statlow .. prop.fist .. styles.statlow .. prop.handgun .. styles.statlow .. prop.machinegun .. styles.statlow .. prop.shotgun .. styles.statlow .. prop.rifle .. styles.statlow .. prop.tech .. styles.statlow .. prop.rush
		result = result .. '\n|-\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="元素" colspan="4"|\n!style="background:#898989" title="強力" colspan="4"|\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="光明" colspan="2"|\n!style="background:#898989" title="黑暗" colspan="3"|\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="特殊" colspan="1"|\n|-' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="火焰">火</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="冰凍">冰</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="疾風">風</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="地動">地</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="雷電">電</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="核熱">核</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="爆炸">爆</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="重力">重</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="光明"|<abbr title="光照">光</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="光明"|<abbr title="奇跡">奇</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989" title="黑暗"|<abbr title="死亡">死</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989" title="黑暗"|<abbr title="咒怨">咒</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="黑暗 (異常狀態)"|<abbr title="精神">神</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="特殊"|<abbr title="對 Hieroglyphein 抗性">???</abbr>\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.fire .. styles.statlow .. prop.ice .. styles.statlow .. prop.wind .. styles.statlow .. prop.earth .. styles.statlow .. prop.elec .. styles.statlow .. prop.nuke .. styles.statlow .. prop.blast .. styles.statlow .. prop.gravity .. styles.statlow .. prop.expel .. styles.statlow .. prop.miracle .. styles.statlow .. prop.death .. styles.statlow .. prop.curse .. styles.statlow .. prop.nerve .. styles.statlow .. prop.hiero .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep') and (prop.atk or prop.def or prop.matk or prop.mdef or prop.str or prop.vit or prop.dex or prop.agl or prop.luc) then
		if gameg == 'p2is' then prop.dx_h = '|巧' else prop.dx_h = '|技' end
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="物理攻擊"|物攻' .. styles.h .. 'title="物理防禦"|物防' .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法攻擊"|魔攻' .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法防禦"|魔防' .. styles.bart11 .. '290px' .. styles.bart12 .. '0.8"' .. styles.barh .. '|力' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.str,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|耐' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.vit,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. prop.dx_h .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.dex,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|速' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.agl,2.4,99) .. styles.barh .. '|運' .. styles.bard2 .. bar(styles.barc,prop.luc,2.4,99) .. '\n|}\n|-'
		if not prop.atk or prop.atk == '' then prop.atk = '?' end
		if not prop.def or prop.def == '' then prop.def = '?' end
		if not prop.matk or prop.matk == '' then prop.matk = '?' end
		if not prop.mdef or prop.mdef == '' then prop.mdef = '?' end
		result = result .. '\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.atk .. styles.statlow .. prop.def .. styles.statlow .. prop.matk .. styles.statlow .. prop.mdef .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'smt3' or gameg == 'smtds' or gameg == 'sh' or gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' or gameg == 'pq' or gameg == 'pq2' or gameg == 'ddsaga1' or gameg == 'ddsaga2') and (prop.resist or prop.block or prop.absorb or prop.reflect or prop.weak or prop.boost or prop.wild) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if not prop.resist then prop.resist = '-' end
		if not prop.block then prop.block = '-' end
		if not prop.absorb then prop.absorb = '-' end
		if not prop.reflect then prop.reflect = '-' end
		if not prop.weak then prop.weak = '-' else prop.weak = '<span style="color:#f22">' .. prop.weak .. '</span>' end
		result = result .. styles.h .. '|反' .. styles.h .. '|吸' .. styles.h .. '|無' .. styles.h .. '|耐' .. styles.h .. '|弱'
		if prop.boost then
			result = result .. styles.h .. '|Boost'
		result = result .. '\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.reflect .. styles.statlow .. prop.absorb .. styles.statlow .. prop.block .. styles.statlow .. prop.resist .. styles.statlow .. prop.weak
		if prop.boost then
			result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.boost
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep') and (prop.sword or prop.pierce or prop.strike or prop.thrown or prop.rush or prop.fire or prop.water or prop.wind or prop.earth or prop.ice or prop.elec or prop.nuke or prop.expel or prop.dark or prop.alm or prop.nerve or prop.mind) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if not prop.sword then prop.sword = '-' end
		if not prop.pierce then prop.pierce = '-' end
		if not prop.strike then prop.strike = '-' end
		if not prop.thrown then prop.thrown = '-' end
		if not prop.rush then prop.rush = '-' end
		if not prop.fire then prop.fire = '-' end
		if not prop.water then prop.water = '-' end
		if not prop.wind then prop.wind = '-' end
		if not prop.earth then prop.earth = '-' end
		if not prop.ice then prop.ice = '-' end
		if not prop.elec then prop.elec = '-' end
		if not prop.nuke then prop.nuke = '-' end
		if not prop.expel then prop.expel = '-' end
		if not prop.dark then prop.dark = '-' end
		if not prop.alm then prop.alm = '-' end
		if not prop.nerve then prop.nerve = '-' end
		if not prop.mind then prop.mind = '-' end
		if prop.element and prop.element ~= '' then prop.etype = prop.element end
		if prop.etype == 'Fire' or prop.etype == '火' then prop.Fi = '<span style="color:#ffc">火</span>' else prop.Fi = '<span style="color:#fff">火</span>' end
		if prop.etype == 'Water' or prop.etype == '水' then prop.Wt = '<span style="color:#ffc">水</span>' else prop.Wt = '<span style="color:#fff">水</span>' end
		if prop.etype == 'Wind' or prop.etype == '風' or prop.etype == '风' then prop.Wi = '<span style="color:#ffc">風</span>' else prop.Wi = '<span style="color:#fff">風</span>' end
		if prop.etype == 'Earth' or prop.etype == '土' or prop.etype == '地' then prop.Er = '<span style="color:#ffc">地</span>' else prop.Er = '<span style="color:#fff">地</span>' end
		if gameg == 'p2ep' then
			prop.name_Rn = 'title="槍械"|槍'
			prop.name_Hv = 'title="物理"|物'
			prop.name_El = 'title="雷電"|電'
			prop.name_Li = 'title="神力"|神'
			prop.name_Rn = 'title="槍械"|槍'
			prop.name_Hv = 'title="衝擊"|衝'
			prop.name_El = 'title="雷電"|電'
			prop.name_Li = 'title="光明"|光'
		result = result .. styles.h .. 'title="劈斬"|斬' .. styles.h .. prop.name_Rn .. styles.h .. 'title="打擊"|打' .. styles.h .. 'title="投擲"|擲' .. styles.h .. prop.name_Hv .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="火焰"|' .. prop.Fi .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="水流"|' .. prop.Wt .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="疾風"|' .. prop.Wi .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="地動"|' .. prop.Er .. styles.h .. 'title="冰凍"|冰' .. styles.h .. prop.name_El .. styles.h .. 'title="核熱"|核' .. styles.h .. prop.name_Li .. styles.h .. 'title="黑暗"|暗' .. styles.h .. 'title="萬能"|萬' .. styles.h .. 'title="精神"|神' .. styles.h .. 'title="理智"|智\n|-\n'
		result = result .. styles.statlow .. prop.sword .. styles.statlow .. prop.pierce .. styles.statlow .. prop.strike .. styles.statlow .. prop.thrown .. styles.statlow .. prop.rush .. styles.statlow .. prop.fire .. styles.statlow .. prop.water .. styles.statlow .. prop.wind .. styles.statlow .. prop.earth .. styles.statlow .. prop.ice .. styles.statlow .. prop.elec .. styles.statlow .. prop.nuke .. styles.statlow .. prop.expel .. styles.statlow .. prop.dark .. styles.statlow .. prop.alm .. styles.statlow .. prop.nerve .. styles.statlow .. prop.mind .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'pq' or gameg == 'pq2' and (prop.sword or prop.pierce or prop.strike or prop.phys or prop.fire or prop.water or prop.elec or prop.wind or prop.nuke or prop.psy or prop.expel or prop.dark or prop.alm or prop.ko or prop.sleep or prop.panic or prop.poison or prop.paralyze or prop.down or prop.stbind or prop.mabind or prop.agbind) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if not prop.sword then prop.sword = '-' end
		if not prop.pierce then prop.pierce = '-' end
		if not prop.strike then prop.strike = '-' end
		if not prop.phys then prop.phys = '-' end
		if not prop.fire then prop.fire = '-' end
		if not prop.ice then prop.ice = '-' end
		if not prop.elec then prop.elec = '-' end
		if not prop.wind then prop.wind = '-' end
		if not prop.nuke then prop.nuke = '-' end
		if not prop.psy then prop.psy = '-' end
		if not prop.expel then prop.expel = '-' end
		if not prop.dark then prop.dark = '-' end
		if not prop.alm then prop.alm = '-' end
		if not prop.sleep then prop.sleep = '-' end
		if not prop.panic then prop.panic = '-' end
		if not prop.poison then prop.poison = '-' end
		if not prop.curse then prop.curse = '-' end
		if not prop.paralyze then prop.paralyze = '-' end
		if not prop.stbind then prop.stbind = '-' end
		if not prop.mabind then prop.mabind = '-' end
		if not prop.agbind then prop.agbind = '-' end
		if not prop.down then prop.down = '-' end
		if not prop.ko then prop.ko = '-' end
		if not (prop.arcana and (prop.hp or prop.mp)) then
			if gameg == 'pq' then
				result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|斬' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|貫' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|打' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|火' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|冰' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|電' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|風' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|光' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|暗' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="萬能"|萬\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.sword .. styles.statlow .. prop.pierce .. styles.statlow .. prop.strike .. styles.statlow .. prop.fire .. styles.statlow .. prop.ice .. styles.statlow .. prop.elec .. styles.statlow .. prop.wind .. styles.statlow .. prop.expel .. styles.statlow .. prop.dark .. styles.statlow .. prop.alm .. '\n|}'
				result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|物' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|火' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|冰' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|電' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|風' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|念' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|核' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|祝' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|咒' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="萬能"|萬\n|-\n' .. styles.statlow .. prop.phys .. styles.statlow .. prop.fire .. styles.statlow .. prop.ice .. styles.statlow .. prop.elec .. styles.statlow .. prop.wind .. styles.statlow .. prop.psy .. styles.statlow .. prop.nuke .. styles.statlow .. prop.expel .. styles.statlow .. prop.dark .. styles.statlow .. prop.alm .. '\n|}'
		if not prop.arcana then --enemy only
			if gameg == 'pq' then
				result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Sleep' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Panic' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Poison' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Curse' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Paralysis' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Strength Bind"|S-Bind' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Magic Bind"|M-Bind' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Agility Bind"|A-Bind' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Down' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Instant Kill"|KO\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.sleep .. styles.statlow .. prop.panic .. styles.statlow .. prop.poison .. styles.statlow .. prop.curse .. styles.statlow .. prop.paralyze .. styles.statlow .. prop.stbind .. styles.statlow .. prop.mabind .. styles.statlow .. prop.agbind .. styles.statlow .. prop.down .. styles.statlow .. prop.ko .. '\n|}'
				result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Sleep' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Confuse' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Poison' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Hex' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Paralysis' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Strength Bind"|S-Bind' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Magic Bind"|M-Bind' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Agility Bind"|A-Bind' .. styles.h .. 'width=10%|Down' .. styles.h .. 'width=10% title="Instant Kill"|KO\n|-' .. styles.statlow .. prop.sleep .. styles.statlow .. prop.panic .. styles.statlow .. prop.poison .. styles.statlow .. prop.curse .. styles.statlow .. prop.paralyze .. styles.statlow .. prop.stbind .. styles.statlow .. prop.mabind .. styles.statlow .. prop.agbind .. styles.statlow .. prop.down .. styles.statlow .. prop.ko .. '\n|}'
	if prop.restype then
		if (gameg == 'mt1' or gameg == 'mt2') then
			gameg = 'kmt'
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="寶劍"|劍' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械"|槍' .. styles.h .. 'title="火焰"|火' .. styles.h .. 'title="冰凍"|冰' .. styles.h .. 'title="雷電"|電' .. styles.h .. 'title="光照"|光' .. styles.h .. 'title="強力"|力' .. styles.h .. 'title="Bind"|Bnd' .. styles.h .. 'title="咒怨"|咒' .. styles.h .. 'title="精神"|神' .. styles.h .. 'title="理智"|智\n|-'
		elseif game == 'smt1' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="寶劍"|劍' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械"|槍' .. styles.h .. 'title="火焰"|火' .. styles.h .. 'title="冰凍"|冰' .. styles.h .. 'title="雷電"|電' .. styles.h .. 'title="強力"|力' .. styles.h .. 'title="精神"|神' .. styles.h .. 'title="光照"|光' .. styles.h .. 'title="咒怨"|咒' .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法"|魔' .. styles.h .. 'title="Bind"|Bnd' .. styles.h .. 'title="蓄力"|蓄' .. styles.h .. 'title="Dex"|Dex' .. styles.h .. 'title="Needle"|Ndl' .. styles.h .. 'title="萬能"|萬\n|-'
		elseif game == 'smt2' or game == 'smtif' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="寶劍"|劍' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械"|槍' .. styles.h .. 'title="火焰"|火' .. styles.h .. 'title="冰凍"|冰' .. styles.h .. 'title="雷電"|電' .. styles.h .. 'title="強力"|力' .. styles.h .. 'title="精神"|神' .. styles.h .. 'title="光照"|光' .. styles.h .. 'title="咒怨"|咒' .. styles.h .. 'title="魔法"|魔' .. styles.h .. 'title="Bind"|Bnd' .. styles.h .. 'title="衝擊"|衝' .. styles.h .. 'title="Hand/Punch Techniques"|Hnd' .. styles.h .. 'title="Leg/Kick Techniques"|Leg' .. styles.h .. 'title="Flying/Throwing Techniques"|Fly' .. styles.h .. 'title="萬能"|萬\n|-'
		elseif game == 'p1' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. '\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="武器" colspan="8"|\n!title="槍械" style="background:#898989" colspan="4"|\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="突襲" colspan="2"|\n|-' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="單手劍">1h</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="雙手劍">2h</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|矛' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|斧' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|鞭' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="投擲">擲</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="弓箭">箭</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="武器"|<abbr title="拳擊">拳</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="手槍">手</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="機槍">機</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="霰彈槍">霰</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="槍械" style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%"|<abbr title="步槍">步</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="突襲"|<abbr title="技術">技</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="突襲"|<abbr title="衝擊">衝</abbr>\n|-'
		elseif game == 'p2is' or game == 'p2ep' then
			if prop.etype == '火' then prop.Fi = '<span style="color:#ffc">火</span>' else prop.Fi = '<span style="color:#fff">火</span>' end
			if prop.etype == '水' then prop.Wt = '<span style="color:#ffc">水</span>' else prop.Wt = '<span style="color:#fff">水</span>' end
			if prop.etype == '風' or prop.etype == '风' then prop.Wi = '<span style="color:#ffc">風</span>' else prop.Wi = '<span style="color:#fff">風</span>' end
			if prop.etype == '土' or prop.etype == '地' then prop.Er = '<span style="color:#ffc">地</span>' else prop.Er = '<span style="color:#fff">地</span>' end
			if gameg == 'p2ep' then
				prop.name_Rn = 'title="槍械"|槍'
				prop.name_Hv = 'title="物理"|物'
				prop.name_El = 'title="雷電"|電'
				prop.name_Li = 'title="神力"|神'
				prop.name_Rn = 'title="槍械"|槍'
				prop.name_Hv = 'title="衝擊"|衝'
				prop.name_El = 'title="雷電"|電'
				prop.name_Li = 'title="光明"|光'
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'title="劈斬"|斬' .. styles.h .. prop.name_Rn .. styles.h .. 'title="打擊"|打' .. styles.h .. 'title="投擲"|擲' .. styles.h .. prop.name_Hv .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="火焰"|' .. prop.Fi .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="水流"|' .. prop.Wt .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="疾風"|' .. prop.Wi .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#8E283D" title="地動"|' .. prop.Er .. styles.h .. 'title="冰凍"|冰' .. styles.h .. prop.name_El .. styles.h .. 'title="核熱"|核' .. styles.h .. prop.name_Li .. styles.h .. 'title="黑暗"|暗' .. styles.h .. 'title="萬能"|萬' .. styles.h .. 'title="精神"|神' .. styles.h .. 'title="理智"|智\n|-'
		if require('Module:Psk/' .. gameg .. '/res').restypes[prop.restype] == nil then
			result = result .. '\n|colspan=16 align=center style="color:#f00;font-size:120%;font-weight:bold"|restype:“' .. prop.restype .. '”值無效。請檢查拼寫或修訂數據庫[[Module:Psk/' .. gameg .. '/res]]。'
			for i, v in ipairs(require('Module:Psk/' .. gameg .. '/res').restypes[prop.restype]) do
				if game == 'p1' then
					if i > 14 then break end
					result = result .. resoutput(v,4,gameg)
				elseif game == 'p2is' or game == 'p2ep' then
					result = result .. resoutput(v,4,gameg)
					result = result .. resoutput(v,8,gameg)
		result = result .. '\n|}'
		if game == 'p1' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. '\n|-\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="元素" colspan="4"|\n!style="background:#898989" title="強力" colspan="4"|\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="光明" colspan="2"|\n!style="background:#898989" title="黑暗" colspan="3"|\n!style="background:#a9a9a9" title="特殊" colspan="1"|\n|-' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="火焰">火</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="冰凍">冰</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="疾風">風</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="元素"|<abbr title="地動">地</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="雷電">電</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="核熱">核</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="爆炸">爆</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="強力"|<abbr title="重力">重</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="光明"|<abbr title="光照">照</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'title="光明"|<abbr title="奇跡">奇</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989" title="黑暗"|<abbr title="死亡">死</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989" title="黑暗"|<abbr title="咒怨">咒</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'style="background:#898989;color:#fff;width:7.12%" title="黑暗 (異常狀態)"|<abbr title="精神">神</abbr>' .. styles.h .. 'width="7.12%" title="特殊"|<abbr title="對 Hieroglyphein 抗性">???</abbr>\n|-'
			for i , v in ipairs(require('Module:Psk/' .. gameg .. '/res').restypes[prop.restype]) do
				if i < 15 then
					result = result .. resoutput(v,4,gameg)
			result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' then
		if prop.card or prop.material or prop.type1 or prop.type2 or prop.type3 then
			result = result .. styles.table2 ..	styles.h .. 'colspan=4|召喚信息\n|-'
			if prop.material then
				result = result .. styles.skill .. '[[人格面具#素材卡|素材卡</span>]]' .. styles.effect1 .. '♦️ <span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold">' .. prop.material .. '</span> 卡'
			if prop.card then
				result = result .. styles.skillc .. '[[阿尔卡那|塔羅牌</span>]]' .. styles.effect1 .. '<span style="color:purple;font-weight:bold">' .. prop.card .. '張 ♦️ ' .. prop.arcana .. '</span> 卡'
			local effect1
			if prop.material then
				effect1 = '\n|colspan=3 style="background:#f8f9fa;text-align:left"|'
				effect1 = styles.effect1
			if prop.type1 then
				result = result .. styles.skill .. prop.type1 .. effect1 .. prop.desc1
			if prop.type2 then
				result = result .. styles.skill .. prop.type2 .. effect1 .. prop.desc2
			if prop.type3 then
				result = result .. styles.skill .. prop.type3 .. effect1 .. prop.desc3
			result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'smt3' and (prop.recruit~='' or prop.obtain~='' or prop.evolvef or prop.evolvet) then
		prop.recruit = prop.recruit:lower()
		if prop.recruit == 'yes' or prop.recruit == 'recruit' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can be recruited in normal battle or obtained from conventional fusion.">Normal recruit or fusion</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'dark recruit' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can be obtained via conventional fusion or recruited in normal battle under Full Kagutsuchi with fair chance.">[[Moon Phase System#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Full Kagutsuchi]] recruitment or [[fusion]]</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'dark' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via fusion. Open to non-recruitment conversation in normal battle.">[[Fusion]] only. Open to trading.</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'fusion' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via conventional fusion.">[[Fusion]] only</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'special' or prop.recruit == 'special fusion' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via special fusion.">[[Special fusion#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Special fusion]] only</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'evolve' or prop.recruit == 'evolution' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via evolution from another demon.">[[Evolution#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Evolution]] only</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'evolve neutral' or prop.recruit == 'neutral evolution' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can be recruited in normal battle or obtained via evolution from another demon. Cannot be created via fusion.">Normal recruit or [[Evolution#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|evolution]]</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'evolve dark' or prop.recruit == 'dark evolution' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via evolution from another demon. Cannot be created via fusion. Open to non-recruitment conversation in normal battle.">[[Evolution#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Evolution]] only. Open to trading.</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'boss fusion' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via fusion after defeating it in boss battle.">[[Fusion]] only after boss battle</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'boss special' or prop.recruit == 'boss special fusion' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via special fusion after defeating it in boss battle.">[[Special fusion#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Special fusion]] only after boss battle</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'boss evolve' or prop.recruit == 'boss evolution' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via evolution after defeating it in battle.">[[evolution#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Evolution]] only after boss battle</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'dark boss fusion' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via fusion after defeating it in boss battle. Open to non-recruitment conversation in normal battle.">[[Fusion]] only after boss battle. Open to trading.</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'dark boss special fusion' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via special fusion after defeating it in boss battle. Open to non-recruitment conversation in normal battle.">[[Special fusion#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Special fusion]] only after boss battle. Open to trading.</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'dark boss evolve' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via evolution after defeating it in battle. Open to non-recruitment conversation in normal battle.">[[evolution#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|Evolution]] only after boss battle. Open to trading.</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'samael' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via special fusion after defeating it in boss battle or choosing Shijima Reason after meeting with Ahriman in Kagutsuchi Tower.">Choose Shijima Reason or perform [[Special fusion#Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne|special fusion]] only after boss battle.</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'thor' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via fusion after defeating him at Tower of Kagutsuchi.">[[Fusion]] only after boss battle at [[Tower of Kagutsuchi]]</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'bishamon' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be obtained via fusion after defeating him at Bandou Shrine.">[[Fusion]] only after boss battle at [[Bandou Shrine]]</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'futomimi' or prop.recruit == 'sakahagi' then prop.recruit = '[[Fusion]] only after boss battle and completing the revival side quest.'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'raidou' or prop.recruit == 'dante' then prop.recruit = '<abbr title="Can only be recruited in story plot.">Plot related</abbr>'
		elseif prop.recruit == 'unique' or prop.recruit == 'exclusive' or prop.recruit == 'enemy' or prop.recruit == 'enemy only' or prop.recruit == 'enemy exclusive' then prop.recruit = 'Enemy only'
		if prop.recruit or prop.obtain or prop.convo then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h
			if prop.recruit or prop.obtain then result = result .. 'width=80px|獲得方式' .. styles.order .. prop.recruit .. prop.obtain end
			if prop.convo then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=146px|[[仲魔交涉|'..styles.spanc..'仲魔交涉</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.convo end
			result = result .. '\n|}'
		if prop.evolvef or prop.evolvet then
			result = result .. styles.table2
			if prop.evolvef then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[仲魔/进化#' .. gamegn .. '|' .. styles.spanc .. '先祖</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.evolvef end
			if prop.evolvet then result = result .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[仲魔/进化#' .. gamegn .. '|' .. styles.spanc .. '後輩</span>]]' .. styles.order .. prop.evolvet end
			result = result .. '\n|}'
	if prop.fusion then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'width=100px|[[人格面具/' .. gamegn .. '|' .. styles.spanc .. '合成公式</span>]]' .. styles.order .. '<p style="line-height:1.5em">' .. wikitext(prop.fusion) .. '</p>\n|}'
	local skill, alias, skillcell, skille, cost, effect, pre, range, power, target
	if prop.dskills then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|[[人格面具/技能/' .. gamegn .. '|' .. styles.spanc .. '默認技能</span>]]' .. styles.skill .. '技能' .. styles.skillc .. '消耗' .. styles.skillc .. '效果'
		for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.dskills, '\n')) do
			skill = data.skills[v]
			if not skill then
				alias = data.aliases[v]
				if alias then
					v = alias
					skill = data.skills[v]
			if v == '' then
				skillcell = ''
				cost = ''
				effect = noskill()
			elseif not skill then
				skillcell = ''
				cost = ''
				effect = noskill(v,gamed)
			elseif skill then
				cost = skill.cost
				effect = skill.effect
				if (k % 2 == 0) then
					cost = styles.cost2 .. cost
					effect = styles.effect2 .. effect
					cost = styles.cost1 .. cost
					effect = styles.effect1 .. effect
				if skill.name then v = skill.name end
				if skill.namezhsc == nil then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
				if skill.namezh ~= nil and skill.namezh ~= '' then
					v = sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc)
			result = result .. skillcell .. cost .. effect
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if prop.skills then
		result = result .. styles.table2h
		if game == 'mt1' or game == 'mt2' or game == 'kmt1' or game == 'kmt2' then
			result = result .. '"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=4|[[List of Megami Tensei Spells|' .. styles.spanc .. 'List of Spells</span>]]'
		elseif game == 'smtim' then
			result = result .. 'mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=4|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Learned Skills</span>]]'
		elseif gameg == 'smtsj' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss) then
			result = result .. '"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Natural Skills</span>]]'
		elseif gameg == 'ab' then
			result = result .. '"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=7|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills#Magic|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Natural Skills</span>]]'
		elseif gameg == 'majin1' then
			result = result .. '"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=7|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Magic Skills</span>]]'
		elseif gameg == 'majin2' then
			result = result .. '"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=6|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills|' .. styles.spanc .. 'List of Skills</span>]]'
		elseif gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then
			result = result .. '"\n!colspan=4 style="background-color: ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorb .. ';background: linear-gradient(120deg, ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorb .. ' 42%, #fe0 42.1%, #ff0 43%, #fff 43.1%, #fff 57%, #ff0 57.1%, #fe0 58%, ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorb .. ' 58.1%"|[[人格面具/技能/' .. gamegn .. '|<span style="color:black;text-shadow:-3px 3px 3px #0ff">技能表</span>]]'
		elseif gameg == 'desu1' or gameg == 'desu2' then
			result = result .. '"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Command Skills</span>]]'
			result = result .. '"' .. styles.h .. 'colspan=4|[[人格面具/技能/' .. gamegn .. '|' .. styles.spanc .. '技能表</span>]]'
		if game == 'mt1' or game == 'mt2' or gameg == 'giten' or gameg == 'smtsj' or gameg == 'smtds' or gameg == 'sh' or gameg == 'childred' or gameg == 'childblack' or gameg == 'childps' or gameg == 'childblack' or gameg == 'childfire' or gameg == 'childice' or gameg == 'desu1' or gameg == 'desu2' then
			result = result .. '\n|-style="border:0"\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|'
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' or v == '-' or v == '--' then
					skillcell = ''
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '"|' .. v
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '" title="Cost: ' .. skill.cost .. '; ' .. string.gsub(string.gsub(skill.effect, '%[%[', ''), '%]%]', '') .. '"|' .. v
				if (k == 7) then
					if prop.boss or prop.enemy then
						result = result .. '\n|-' .. skillcell
						result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.skill3m .. skillcell .. styles.skill3m
				elseif (k % 3 == 1) then
					result = result .. '\n|-' .. skillcell
					result = result .. skillcell
		elseif gameg == 'majin2' then
			result = result .. styles.skill .. 'Skill' .. styles.skillc .. 'Power' .. styles.skillc .. 'Range' .. styles.skillc .. 'Cost' .. styles.skillc .. 'Target' .. styles.skillc .. 'Effect'
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' then
					skillcell = ''
					power = ''
					range = ''
					cost = ''
					target = ''
					effect = noskill()
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = ''
					power = ''
					range = ''
					cost = ''
					target = ''
					effect = noskill(v,gamed)
				elseif skill then
					if skill.cost == 'extra' then
						skill.cost = '<abbr title="No cost. Can only be used once until next full moon phase.">Extra</abbr>'
					elseif skill.cost == 'sextra' then
						skill.cost = '<abbr title="No cost. Power relative to physical attack power. Can only be used once until next full moon phase.">P. Extra</abbr>'
					elseif skill.cost == 'mextra' then
						skill.cost = '<abbr title="No cost. Power relative to magical attack power. Can only be used once until next full moon phase.">M. Extra</abbr>'
					if (k % 2 == 0) then
						power = styles.cost2 .. skill.power
						range = styles.cost2 .. skill.range
						cost = styles.cost2 .. skill.cost
						target = styles.cost2 .. skill.target
						effect = styles.effect2 .. skill.effect
						power = styles.cost1 .. skill.power
						range = styles.cost1 .. skill.range
						cost = styles.cost1 .. skill.cost
						target = styles.cost1 .. skill.target
						effect = styles.effect1 .. skill.effect
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					skillcell = styles.skill .. v
				result = result .. skillcell .. power .. range .. cost .. target .. effect
		elseif gameg == 'smt9' or gameg == '20xx' or gameg == 'lb3' or gameg == 'lbs' or gameg == 'ronde' or gameg == 'cs' then
			result = result .. '\n|-style="border:0"\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|'
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
				if v == '' or v == '-' or v == '--' then
					skillcell = ''
					skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '"|' .. v
				if (k == 7) then
					result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.skill3m .. skillcell .. styles.skill3m
				elseif (k % 3 == 1) then
					result = result .. '\n|-' .. skillcell
					result = result .. skillcell
		elseif (game == 'kmt1' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) or (game == 'kmt2' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) or (gameg == 'smt1' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) or (gameg == 'smt2' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) or (gameg == 'smtif' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) or (gameg == 'smt3' and (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) or (gameg == 'smt4a' and prop.guest == '2') or (game == 'lb1' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) or (game == 'lb2' and not (prop.enemy or prop.boss)) then -- 技能 - 消耗 - 效果
			result = result .. styles.skill .. '技能名稱' .. styles.skillc .. '消耗' .. styles.skillc .. '技能效果'
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' then
					skillcell = ''
					cost = ''
					effect = noskill()
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = ''
					cost = ''
					effect = noskill(v,gamed)
				elseif skill then
					if skill.phy then
						cost = '無'
					--[[elseif gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then
						cost = '<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp2 .. '">' .. skill.cost .. '</span>' -- tints pink for magic skill]]--
						cost = skill.cost
					effect = skill.effect
					if (k % 2 == 0) then
						cost = styles.cost2 .. cost
						effect = styles.effect2 .. effect
						cost = styles.cost1 .. cost
						effect = styles.effect1 .. effect
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					skillcell = styles.skill .. v
				result = result .. skillcell .. cost .. effect
		elseif (gameg == 'smt4' and prop.guest == '2') or ((gameg == 'p1' or gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' or gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s') and prop.hp) or ((gameg == 'pq' or gameg == 'pq2') and not prop.arcana) or prop.boss or prop.enemy then -- 技能 - 效果 (選: Inheritable 繼承 技能 or Rumor 傳說 技能)
			result = result .. styles.skill .. '技能' .. styles.skillc .. '效果'
			for k1, v1 in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
				for k2, v2 in ipairs(mw.text.split(v1 .. '\\', '\\')) do
					if k2 > 2 then break
					elseif (k2 % 2 == 1) then
						skill = data.skills[v2]
						if not skill then
							alias = data.aliases[v2]
							if alias then
								v2 = alias
								skill = data.skills[v2]
						if skill then
							if skill.combo then
								skill.effect = '<div style="background:' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorbg .. ';border-radius:5px;float:left;margin-right:5px">Combo</div> ' .. skill.effect
							elseif skill.smirk then
								skill.effect = skill.effect .. ' <span style="background:' .. getGames.games[gameg].statb .. ';border-radius:5px;padding:3px">Smirk</span> ' .. skill.smirk
						if v2 == '' then
							skillcell = ''
							effect = noskill()
						elseif not skill then
							skillcell = ''
							effect = noskill(v2,gamed)
						elseif skill then
							if (k1 % 2 == 0) then
								effect = styles.effect2 .. skill.effect
								effect = styles.effect1 .. skill.effect
							if skill.name then v2 = skill.name end
							if not skill.namezhsc then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
							if skill.namezh and skill.namezh ~= '' then
								v2 = sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc)
							elseif skill.namejp then v2 = langja(skill.namejp)
							skillcell = styles.skill .. v2
						result = result .. skillcell .. effect
					elseif (k2 % 2 == 0) then
						if v2 == 'I' or v2 == 'i' then
							result = result .. '<div style="float:right;background:#696969;border-radius:15px;padding:0 10px;color:#fff">繼承</div>'
						elseif v2 == 'R' or v2 == 'r' then
							result = result .. '<div style="float:right;background:#8E283D;border-radius:15px;padding:0 10px">[[人格面具/技能#傳說技能|<span style="color:#fff">傳說</span>]]</div>'
							result = result
		elseif gameg == 'dcbrb' or gameg == 'childlight' or gameg == 'childwhite' then -- skill - element - cost - effect
			result = result .. styles.skill .. 'Skill' .. styles.skillc .. 'Element' .. styles.skillc .. 'Cost' .. styles.skillc .. 'Effect'
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' then
					skillcell = ''
					skille = ''
					cost = ''
					effect = noskill()
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = ''
					skille = ''
					cost = ''
					effect = noskill(v,gamed)
				elseif skill then
					if (k % 2 == 0) then
						effect = styles.effect2 .. skill.effect
						skille = styles.cost2 .. skill.element
						cost = styles.cost2 .. skill.cost
						effect = styles.effect1 .. skill.effect
						skille = styles.cost1 .. skill.element
						cost = styles.cost1 .. skill.cost
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					skillcell = styles.skill .. v
				result = result .. skillcell .. skille .. cost .. effect
			if gameg == 'smtim' or gameg == 'ab' or gameg == 'p1' or gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' then -- 等級 - 技能 - 消耗 - 效果
				result = result .. styles.skill
				if gameg == 'smtim' then result = result .. 'Level' .. styles.skillc .. 'Skill' .. styles.skillc .. 'Cost' .. styles.skillc .. 'Effect'
				elseif gameg == 'ab' then result = result .. 'Level' .. styles.skillc .. 'Skill' .. styles.skillc .. 'Cost' .. styles.skillc .. 'Range' .. styles.skillc .. 'Power' .. styles.skillc .. 'Target' .. styles.skillc .. 'Effect'
				else result = result .. '等級' .. styles.skillc .. '技能' .. styles.skillc .. '效果'
				for k1, v1 in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
					for k2, v2 in ipairs(mw.text.split(v1 .. '\\', '\\')) do
						if k2 > 2 then break
						elseif (k2 % 2 == 1) then
							if v2 == 'M' or v2 == 'm' then
								v2 = '[[突变|<span style="color:#000">突变</span>]]'
							elseif v2 == 'R' or v2 == 'r' then
								v2 = '[[人格面具/技能#傳說技能|<span style="color:#000">传说</span>]]'
								v2 = v2
							result = result .. styles.skill .. v2
						elseif (k2 % 2 == 0) then
							skill = data.skills[v2]
							if not skill then
								alias = data.aliases[v2]
								if alias then
									v2 = alias
									skill = data.skills[v2]
							if v2 == '' then
								skillcell = ''
								cost = ''
								range = ''
								power = ''
								target = ''
								effect = noskill()
							elseif not skill then
								skillcell = ''
								cost = ''
								range = ''
								power = ''
								target = ''
								effect = noskill(v2,gamed)
							elseif skill then
								if (k1 % 2 == 0) then
									if gameg == 'smtim' or gameg == 'ab' then cost = styles.cost2 .. skill.cost else cost = '' end
									if gameg == 'ab' then
										range = styles.cost2 .. skill.range
										power = styles.cost2 .. skill.power
										target = styles.cost2 .. skill.target
										range = ''
										power = ''
										target = ''
									effect = styles.effect2 .. skill.effect
									if gameg == 'smtim' or gameg == 'ab' then cost = styles.cost1 .. skill.cost else cost = '' end
									if gameg == 'ab' then
										range = styles.cost1 .. skill.range
										power = styles.cost1 .. skill.power
										target = styles.cost1 .. skill.target
										range = ''
										power = ''
										target = ''
									effect = styles.effect1 .. skill.effect
								if skill.name then v2 = skill.name end
								if not skill.namezhsc then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
								if skill.namezh and skill.namezh ~= '' then
									v2 = sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc)
								elseif skill.namejp then v2 = langja(skill.namejp)
								skillcell = styles.skillc .. v2
							result = result .. skillcell .. cost .. range .. power .. target .. effect
		elseif gameg == 'majin1' then -- 技能 - 消耗 - 威力 - 範圍 - 對象 - 效果
			result = result .. styles.skill .. '技能' .. styles.skillc .. '消耗' .. styles.skillc .. '威力' .. styles.skillc .. '範圍' .. styles.skillc .. '對象' .. styles.skillc .. '效果'
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' then
					skillcell = ''
					cost = ''
					power = ''
					range = ''
					target = ''
					effect = noskill()
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = ''
					cost = ''
					power = ''
					range = ''
					target = ''
					effect = noskill(v,gamed)
				elseif skill then
					if (k % 2 == 0) then
						cost = styles.cost2 .. skill.cost
						power = styles.cost2 .. skill.power
						range = styles.cost2 .. skill.range
						target = styles.cost2 .. skill.target
						effect = styles.effect2 .. skill.effect
						cost = styles.cost1 .. skill.cost
						power = styles.cost1 .. skill.power
						range = styles.cost1 .. skill.range
						target = styles.cost1 .. skill.target
						effect = styles.effect1 .. skill.effect
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					skillcell = styles.skill .. v
				result = result .. skillcell .. cost .. power .. range .. target .. effect
			else -- 技能 - 消耗 - 效果 - 獲取等級
				result = result .. styles.skill .. '技能'
				if not ((gameg == 'smt4' or gameg == 'smt4a') and prop.guest == '1') then
					result = result .. styles.skillc .. '消耗' .. styles.skillc .. '效果' .. styles.skillc .. '獲取等級'
					result = result .. styles.skillc .. '效果' .. styles.skillc .. '獲取等級'
					for k1, v1 in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.skills, '\n')) do -- 「技能表」之後出現的關鍵詞都識別爲「技能名稱」
					for k2, v2 in ipairs(mw.text.split(v1 .. '\\', '\\')) do -- 「技能名稱」後,反斜槓後都識別爲「獲取等級」. 當前行第二個反斜槓後內容都無效
						if k2 > 2 then break
						elseif (k2 % 2 == 1) then -- this checks level (false) or skill name (true) divided by the backslash.
							skill = data.skills[v2] -- now v2 represents skill name.
							if not skill then
								alias = data.aliases[v2]
								if alias then
									v2 = alias
									skill = data.skills[v2]
							if v2 == '' then
								skillcell = ''
								cost = ''
								effect = noskill()
							elseif not skill then
								skillcell = ''
								cost = ''
								effect = noskill(v2,gamed)
							elseif skill then
								if gameg == 'smt3' then
									if skill.cost == 'Convo' then
										cost = '<abbr title="Active conversational skill without HP or MP cost. Ineffective to Corpus, Haunt, Wilder, Foul, Light-tendency demons, bosses and all enemies in Labyrinth of Amala.">Convo</abbr>'
									elseif skill.cost == 'Interrupt' then
										cost = '<abbr title="Interruption skill is only triggered when certain conversational effect occurs.">Interrupt</abbr>'
									else cost = skill.cost
								else cost = skill.cost
								if gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then
									if string.match(skill.cost, 'HP') then
										cost = '<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp2 .. '">' .. skill.cost .. '</span>' -- tints cyan for phys skill
									elseif string.match(skill.cost, 'SP') then
										cost = '<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp2 .. '">' .. skill.cost .. '</span>' -- tints pink for magic skill
									if skill.cost == 'Auto' or skill.cost == 'Passive' then
										cost = "自動"
								if skill.smirk then
									skill.effect = skill.effect .. ' <span style="background:' .. getGames.games[gameg].statb .. ';border-radius:5px;padding:3px">Smirk</span> ' .. skill.smirk
								if (k1 % 2 == 0) then
									cost = styles.cost2 .. cost
									effect = styles.effect2 .. wikitext(skill.effect)
									cost = styles.cost1 .. cost
									effect = styles.effect1 .. wikitext(skill.effect)
								if gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then
									local colour = data.colours['alm']
									if skill.spell then colour = data.colours[skill.spell] end
									local resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. skill.name .. '</span>'
									if not skill.namezhsc then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
									if skill.namezh and skill.namezh ~= '' then resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc) .. '</span>' 
									elseif skill.namejp then resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. langja(skill.namejp) .. '</span>' 
									skillcell = styles.skill .. resv2
									skillcell = styles.skill .. v2 -- 还没整理完毕数据库的那些先保持不动
							if not ((gameg == 'smt4' or gameg == 'smt4a') and prop.guest == '1') then
								result = result .. skillcell .. cost .. effect
								result = result .. skillcell .. effect
							if skill then result = result .. refer(skill.note) end
						elseif (k2 % 2 == 0) then -- 标记 反斜槓分隔的 獲取等級 (true) 或 技能名稱 (false) .
							if v2 == 'i' or v2 == 'I' or v2 == 'Innate' or v2 == 'innate' or v2 == 'default' or v2 == 'Default' or v2 == 'Inherit' -- now v2 represents skill level.
								then v2 = '自帶'
							if (k1 % 2 == 0) then -- 标记 奇偶行 奇 (true) 或 偶 (false) .
								result = result .. styles.cost2 .. v2 -- 「v2」 表示「技能表」中 反斜槓後的「獲取等級」.
								result = result .. styles.cost1 .. v2
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if prop.fskills then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan="5"'
		if gameg == 'p2is' or gameg == 'p2ep' then
			result = result .. '|[[人格面具/技能/' .. gamegn .. '#合体技能|' .. styles.spanc .. '特殊組合技能</span>]]' .. styles.skill .. '技能'	.. styles.skillc .. '效果' .. styles.skillc .. '排序/技能/人格面具'
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.fskills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' then
					skillcell = ''
					cost = ''
					effect = noskill()
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = ''
					cost = ''
					effect = noskill(v,gamed)
				elseif skill then
					if (k % 2 == 0) then
						effect = styles.effect2 .. skill.effect
						effect = styles.effect1 .. skill.effect
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					if skill.namezhsc == nil then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
					if skill.namezh ~= nil and skill.namezh ~= '' then
						v = sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc)
					skillcell = styles.skill .. v
					cost = styles.order .. skill.cost
				result = result .. skillcell .. effect .. cost
		elseif gameg == 'p3' then
			local nameres, cost, effect, pre
			if not data.skills[prop.fskills] then
				nameres = ''
				cost = ''
				effect = noskill(prop.fskills,gamed)
				pre = ''
				fskills = ''
				local nam = prop.fskills
				if data.skills[prop.fskills].name then nam = data.skills[prop.fskills].name end
				if data.skills[prop.fskills].namezhsc == nil then data.skills[prop.fskills].namezhsc = data.skills[prop.fskills].namezh end
				if data.skills[prop.fskills].namezh then nam = sinotrans(data.skills[prop.fskills].namezh, data.skills[prop.fskills].namezhsc) end
				if data.skills[prop.fskills].spell and data.skills[prop.fskills].spell ~= '' then
					local colour = data.colours[data.skills[prop.fskills].spell]
					nameres = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. nam .. '</span>'
				cost = data.skills[prop.fskills].cost
				effect = data.skills[prop.fskills].effect
				pre = data.skills[prop.fskills].pre
			result = result .. '|[[人格面具/技能/女神异闻录3#合体技能|' .. styles.spanc .. '組合技能</span>]] <abbr title="僅P3、P3F;P3P使用道具且無需佩帶對應人格面具">*</abbr>' .. styles.skill .. '技能'	.. styles.skillc .. '消耗' .. styles.skillc .. '效果' .. styles.skillc .. '<abbr title="僅P3、P3F">先決條件</abbr>' .. styles.skill .. nameres .. styles.cost1 .. cost .. styles.effect1 .. wikitext(effect) .. styles.cost1 .. wikitext(pre)
		elseif gameg == 'childlight' then
			result = result .. '|[[List of DemiKids Light/Dark Version Skills#Combos|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Combos</span>]]' .. styles.skill .. 'Combo' .. styles.skillc .. 'Element' .. styles.skillc .. 'Cost' .. styles.skillc .. 'Effect' .. styles.skillc .. 'Partner'
			for k1, v1 in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.fskills, '\n')) do
				for k2, v2 in ipairs(mw.text.split(v1 .. '\\', '\\')) do -- Entry after backslash after skill name is treated as "partner"
					if k2 > 2 then break
					elseif (k2 % 2 == 1) then -- this checks partner (false) or skill name (true) divided by the backslash.
						skill = data.skills[v2] -- now v2 represents skill name.
						if not skill then
							alias = data.aliases[v2]
							if alias then
								v2 = calias
								skill = data.skills[v2]
						if v2 == '' then
							skillcell = ''
							skille = ''
							cost = ''
							effect = noskill()
						elseif not skill then
							skillcell = ''
							skille = ''
							cost = ''
							effect = noskill(v2,gamed)
						elseif skill then
							skille = skill.element
							cost = skill.cost
							effect = skill.effect
							if (k1 % 2 == 0) then
								skille = styles.cost2 .. skille
								cost = styles.cost2 .. cost
								effect = styles.effect2 .. effect
								skille = styles.cost1 .. skille
								cost = styles.cost1 .. cost
								effect = styles.effect1 .. effect
							if skill.name then v2 = skill.name end
							skillcell = styles.skill .. v2
						result = result .. skillcell .. skille .. cost .. effect
					elseif (k2 % 2 == 0) then -- this checks partner (ture) or skill name (false) divided by the backslash.
						if v2 == '' or not v2 then -- now v2 represents partner.
							v2 = ''
						if (k1 % 2 == 0) then -- this checks even (true) or odd (false) number row.
							result = result .. styles.cost2 .. v2 -- "v2" represents "partner" within "Skills" parameter on each new line after the backslash.
							result = result .. styles.cost1 .. v2
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if prop.pskills then
		if gameg == 'smtsj' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|D-Source Skills'
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|[[' .. gamegn .. ' 技能#被动技能|' .. styles.spanc .. '被动技能</span>]]'
		result = result .. '\n|-style="border:0"\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|'
		for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.pskills, '\n')) do
			skill = data.skills[v]
			if not skill then
				alias = data.aliases[v]
				if alias then
					v = alias
					skill = data.skills[v]
			if v == '' or v == '-' or v == '--' then
				skillcell = ''
			elseif not skill then
				skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '"|' .. v
				if skill.name then v = skill.name end
				if skill.namezhsc == nil then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
				if skill.namezh ~= nil and skill.namezh ~= '' then
					v = sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc)
				skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '" title="Cost: ' .. skill.cost .. '; ' .. skill.effect .. '"|' .. v
			if (k % 3 == 1) then
				result = result .. '\n|-' .. skillcell
				result = result .. skillcell
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'smtsj' or gameg == 'desu1' or gameg == 'desu2') and (prop.askills or prop.apskills) then
		if gameg == 'smtsj' then
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|Item Drops'
			result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|List of Auction Skills'
		result = result .. '\n|-style="border:0"\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|\n|style="padding:0;width:33%"|'
		if prop.askills then
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.askills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' or v == '-' or v == '--' then
					skillcell = ''
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '"|' .. v
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '" title="Cost: ' .. skill.cost .. '; ' .. skill.effect .. '"|' .. v
				if (k % 3 == 1) then
					result = result .. '\n|-' .. skillcell
					result = result .. skillcell
		if prop.apskills then
			for k, v in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.apskills, '\n')) do
				skill = data.skills[v]
				if not skill then
					alias = data.aliases[v]
					if alias then
						v = alias
						skill = data.skills[v]
				if v == '' or v == '-' or v == '--' then
					skillcell = ''
				elseif not skill then
					skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '"|' .. v
					if skill.name then v = skill.name end
					skillcell = styles.skill3 .. '" title="Cost: ' .. skill.cost .. '; ' .. skill.effect .. '"|' .. v
				if (k % 3 == 1) then
					result = result .. '\n|-' .. skillcell
					result = result .. skillcell
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p2ep' and prop.unknown then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan="2"|[[人格面具#潛在能力|' .. styles.spanc .. '潛在能力</span>]]' .. styles.skill
		prop.unknown = prop.unknown:lower()
		if prop.unknown == 'attack type' or prop.unknown == 'attack-type' or prop.unknown == 'attack' then
			result = result .. '攻擊型' .. styles.cost1 .. 'Deals <abbr title="當親和力爲“Great”時">500</abbr> or <abbr title="當親和力爲“Good”時">250</abbr> non-elemental damage to all enemies.'
		elseif prop.unknown == 'defense type' or prop.unknown == 'defense-type' or prop.unknown == 'defense' then
			result = result .. '防禦型' .. styles.cost1 .. '<abbr title="當親和力爲“Great”時">Reflects</abbr> or <abbr title="當親和力爲“Good”時">nullifies</abbr> the incoming attack.'
		elseif prop.unknown == 'assist type' or prop.unknown == 'assist-type' or prop.unknown == 'assist' then
			result = result .. '支援型' .. styles.cost1 .. '施以 Tarukaja + Makakaja <abbr title="只有當親和力爲“Great”時可用">(或者 + Rakukaja + Samakaja)</abbr>'
		elseif prop.unknown == 'recovery type' or prop.unknown == 'recovery-type' or prop.unknown == 'recovery' then
			result = result .. '回覆型' .. styles.cost1 .. 'HP 全回覆 <abbr title="只有當親和力爲“Great”時可用">(or removes ailment in addition)</abbr>.'
		elseif prop.unknown == 'revival type' or prop.unknown == 'revival-type' or prop.unknown == 'revival' then
			result = result .. '生還型' .. styles.cost1 .. '以 <abbr title="當親和力爲“Great”時">100%</abbr> or <abbr title="當親和力爲“Good”時">25%</abbr> HP 生還'
		elseif prop.unknown == 'special type' or prop.unknown == 'special-type' or prop.unknown == 'special' then
			result = result .. '特殊型' .. styles.cost1 .. '倒地後敵人全滅'
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'p5s' and prop.cskills then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan="3" style="background-color: ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorb .. ';background: linear-gradient(120deg, ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorb .. ' 40%, #000 40.1%, #000 41%, #fff 41.1%, #fff 59%, #000 59.1%, #000 60%, ' .. getGames.games[gameg].colorb .. ' 60.1%"|<span style="color:black;text-shadow:-3px 3px 3px #0ff">连携技能表</span>'
		result = result .. styles.skill .. 'C技模组名' .. styles.skillc .. 'NS/PS键位' .. styles.skillc .. '技能名称'
		for k1, v1 in ipairs(mw.text.split(prop.cskills, '\n')) do
			skillcell = ''
			local v_cnt = 0
			for k in string.gmatch(v1, '\\') do v_cnt = v_cnt + 1 end
			for k2, v2 in ipairs(mw.text.split(v1, '\\')) do
				if k2 > 1 then
					skill = data.skills[v2]
					if not skill then
						alias = data.aliases[v2]
						if alias then
							v2 = alias
							skill = data.skills[v2]
					if k2 > 2 then
						skillcell = skillcell .. '<br/>'
						if k2 % 2 == 0 then skillcell = skillcell .. '\n|-' .. styles.effect1
						else skillcell = skillcell .. '\n|-' .. styles.effect2 end
					if v2 == '' or v2 == '-' or v2 == '--' then skillcell = skillcell .. ' - '
					elseif not skill then
						skillcell = skillcell .. '<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:1.2em">技能名称「' .. v2 .. '」不存在,请检查拼写或补录数据库。</span>'
						if skill.name then v2 = skill.name end
						if not skill.namezhsc then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
						if skill.namezh and skill.namezh ~= '' then
							v2 = sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc)
						local colour = data.colours['alm']
						if skill.spell then colour = data.colours[skill.spell] end
						local resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. v2 .. '</span>'
						if not skill.namezhsc then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
						if skill.namezh and skill.namezh ~= '' then resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc) .. '</span>' end
						skillcell = skillcell .. resv2
					v2 = v2:upper()
					if not v2 then v2 = '' end
					local ca = data.cattacks[v2]
					result = result .. styles.skill2 .. 'rowspan="' .. v_cnt .. '"|' .. v2 .. styles.cost3 .. 'rowspan="' .. v_cnt .. '"|' .. ca.buttons .. styles.effect1
			result = result .. skillcell
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if gameg == 'childlight' and prop.power ~= '' then
		local pelement, peffect
		if not data.skills[prop.power] then
			prop.power = noskill(prop.power,gamed)
			pelement = ''
			peffect = ''
			pelement = styles.cost1 .. data.skills[prop.power].element
			peffect = styles.effect1 .. data.skills[prop.power].effect
			prop.power = styles.skill .. prop.power
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. 'colspan=3|[[List of ' .. gamegn .. ' Skills##Powers|' .. styles.spanc .. 'Power</span>]]\n|-' .. styles.skill .. 'Power' .. styles.skillc .. 'Type' .. styles.skillc .. 'Effect' .. prop.power .. pelement .. peffect .. '\n|}'
	if (gameg == 'desu1' or gameg == 'desu2') and (prop.quote or prop.profile) then
		result = result .. styles.table2
		if prop.quote then result = result .. styles.quote .. 'font-style:italic"|' .. string.gsub(prop.quote, '!!', '‼') end
		if prop.profile then result = result .. '\n|-' .. styles.quote .. 'font-style:italic"|' .. string.gsub(prop.profile, '!!', '‼') end
		result = result .. '\n|}'
	if game == 'smtsj' and prop.profile then
		result = result .. styles.table2 .. styles.h .. '|Password' .. styles.quote .. 'font-weight:bold;font-family:Courier New,sans-serif;font-size:1.6em"|' .. prop.profile .. '\n|}'
	result = result .. '\n|}'
	return result

-- 技能條渲染模块

p.row = makeInvokeFunction('_row')

function p._row(args)
	local row = args[1]
	local game = args[2]
	local code = args[3]
	if not code or code == '' then return '' end
	local level = args[4]
	if not level then level = '' end
	if level == 'i' or level == 'I' or level == 'innate' or level == 'default' or level == 'Default' then level = 'Innate' end
	local data = require('Module:Psk/' .. game)
	skill = data.skills[code]
	if not skill then
		alias = data.aliases[code]
		if alias then
			code = alias
			skill = data.skills[code]
			return noskill(code,game)
	if skill.name then code = skill.name end
	if skill.namezhsc == nil then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
	if skill.namezh ~= nil and skill.namezh ~= '' then
		code = sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc)
	local skillcell = styles.skill .. code
	local cost = skill.cost
	if game == 'SMT3' then
		cost = '<abbr title="Active conversational skill without HP or MP cost. Ineffective to Corpus, Haunt, Wilder, Foul, Light-tendency demons, bosses and all enemies in Labyrinth of Amala.">Convo</abbr>'
	elseif skill.cost == 'Interrupt' then
		cost = '<abbr title="Interruption skill is only triggered when certain conversational effect occurs.">Interrupt</abbr>'
	local cost1 = '\n||' .. cost
	local cost2 = styles.cost2 .. cost
	local effect1 = styles.effect1 .. skill.effect
	local effect2 = styles.effect2 .. skill.effect
	local order = styles.order .. skill.cost
	local element1, element2
	if skill.element then
		element1 = '\n||' .. skill.element or ''
		element2 = styles.cost2 .. skill.element or ''
	local level1, level2
	if skill.pre then
		level1 = '\n||' .. skill.pre
		level2 = styles.cost2 .. skill.pre
	elseif level == '' then
		level1 = '\n||'
		level2 = styles.cost2
	elseif level then
		level1 = '\n||' .. level
		level2 = styles.cost2 .. level
	local result
	if row == 'r01' then
		result = skillcell .. effect1 -- 奇数行 for enemy whose skill cost is irrelevant.
		elseif row == 'r02' then
		result = skillcell .. effect2 -- 偶数行 for enemy whose skill cost is irrelevant.
		elseif row == 'r11' then
			if game == 'SMT3' and skill.phy then
				result = skillcell .. styles.effect1p .. skill.effect -- 奇数行 for enemy whose physical skills cost no HP.
				else result = skillcell .. cost1 .. effect1 -- 奇数行 for demon which does not learn new skill on level gain.
		elseif row == 'r12' then
			if game == 'SMT3' and skill.phy then
				result = skillcell .. styles.effect2p .. skill.effect -- 偶数行 for enemy whose physical skills cost no HP.
				else result = skillcell .. cost2 .. effect2 -- 偶数行 for demon which does not learn new skill on level gain.
		elseif row == 'r21' then
		result = skillcell .. cost1 .. effect1 .. level1 -- 奇数行 for demon/persona which learn new skill on level gain.
		elseif row == 'r22' then
		result = skillcell .. cost2 .. effect2 .. level2 -- 偶数行 for demon/persona which learn new skill on level gain.
		elseif row == 'r31' then
		result = skillcell .. effect1 .. level1 -- 奇数行 for guest who learn new skill on level gain.
		elseif row == 'r32' then
		result = skillcell .. effect2 .. level2 -- 偶数行 for guest who learn new skill on level gain.
		elseif row == 'p12' then
		result = styles.skill .. level .. styles.skillc .. code .. effect1 -- P1、P2專用.
		elseif row == 'rf' then
		result = skillcell .. effect1 .. order -- 多個人格面具 fusion spell 組合技能 專用行.
		elseif row == 'dk1' then
		result = skillcell .. element1 .. cost1 .. effect1 -- 奇数行 DemiKids 技能表 專用.
		elseif row == 'dk2' then
		result = skillcell .. element2 .. cost2 .. effect2 -- 偶数行 DemiKids 技能表 專用.
		elseif row == 'dkc1' then
		result = skillcell .. level1 .. element1 .. cost1 .. effect1 -- 奇数行 DemiKids 組合 技能表.
		elseif row == 'dkc2' then
		result = skillcell .. level2 .. element2 .. cost2 .. effect2 -- 偶数行 DemiKids 組合 技能表.
		elseif row == 'dkp' then
		result = skillcell .. element2 .. effect2 -- row for DemiKids powers.
		result = '<strong style="color:red;font-size:150%">Invalid parameter 1 of ' .. '"' .. row .. '".</strong>' .. cate('人格面具/技能/未识别的技能')
	return result

-- 技能羅列表格格式渲染模块

p.allskill = makeInvokeFunction('_allskill')

function p._allskill(args)
	local game = args[1] or args.game or args.Game or ''
	game = game:lower()
	if args.FES then game = 'p3f' end
	if args.P3P then game = 'p3p' end
	if args.P4G then game = 'p4g' end
	if args.P5R then game = 'p5r' end
	if args.P5S then game = 'p5s' end
	local gameg -- 遊戲的總樣式
	if getGames.games[game].fallback then
		gameg = getGames.games[game].fallback -- 遊戲對應序號作
		else gameg = game
	local gamen = getGames.games[game].name -- 遊戲全名
	local gamegn = getGames.games[gameg].name -- 遊戲對應序號作全名
	local gamed
	if gameg then
		gamed = gameg:upper()

	local spl = args[2] or args.spell or args.Spell or ''
	local data
	data = require('Module:Psk/' .. gamed)
	local skillzh, skillcell, skille, cost, effect, pre, range, power, target
	local result = '{|class="wikitable sortable" style="margin:0;border-spacing:1px"'
	result = result .. styles.skill .. '技能名称' .. styles.skillc .. '消耗' .. styles.skillc .. '效果'
	if spl == 'fusion' then result = result .. styles.skillc .. '先决条件' end

	local datap = {}
	for k, v in pairs(data.skills) do
		if v.id then	-- 没有ID则不显示
			if spl == 'fusion' then
				if v.id > 2000 then table.insert(datap, v) end
			elseif spl == 'other' then
				if v.id > 1000 and v.id < 2000 then table.insert(datap, v) end
				if v.spell == spl and v.id < 1000 then table.insert(datap, v) end

	comp = function(a, b)
		if a.id == nil or b.id == nil then return false end
		if a.id == b.id then return false end
		return a.id < b.id
	table.sort(datap, comp)

	for k, skill in pairs(datap) do
		cost = skill.cost
		if gameg == 'p3' or gameg == 'p4' or gameg == 'p5' or gameg == 'p5r' or gameg == 'p5s' then
			if string.match(skill.cost, 'HP') then
				cost = '<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].hp2 .. '">' .. skill.cost .. '</span>' -- tints cyan for phys skill
			elseif string.match(skill.cost, 'SP') then
				cost = '<span style="color:' .. getGames.games[gameg].mp2 .. '">' .. skill.cost .. '</span>' -- tints pink for magic skill
			if skill.cost == 'Auto' or skill.cost == 'Passive' then
				cost = "自動"
		if skill.smirk then
			skill.effect = skill.effect .. ' <span style="background:' .. getGames.games[gameg].statb .. ';border-radius:5px;padding:3px">Smirk</span> ' .. skill.smirk
		if (k % 2 == 0) then
			cost = styles.cost2 .. cost
			effect = styles.effect2 .. wikitext(skill.effect)
			if skill.pre then pre = styles.effect2 .. wikitext(skill.pre) else pre = styles.effect2 end
			cost = styles.cost1 .. cost
			effect = styles.effect1 .. wikitext(skill.effect)
			if skill.pre then pre = styles.effect1 .. wikitext(skill.pre) else pre = styles.effect1 end
		if not skill.name then skill.name = ' ? ' end
		local colour = data.colours['alm']
		if skill.spell then colour = data.colours[skill.spell] end
		local resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. skill.name .. '</span>'
		if not skill.namezhsc then skill.namezhsc = skill.namezh end
		if skill.namezh and skill.namezh ~= '' then resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. sinotrans(skill.namezh, skill.namezhsc) .. '</span>'
		elseif skill.namejp then resv2 = '<span style="background:' .. colour.bg .. ';color:' .. colour.fg ..'">[[File:' .. colour.pic ..'|18px|link=]] ' .. langja(skill.namejp) .. '</span>'
		skillcell = '\n|-\n!style="background:#eaecf0" data-sort-value="' .. skill.name .. '"|' .. resv2
		result = result .. skillcell .. cost .. effect
		if skill.note then result = result .. refer(mw.ustring.gsub(skill.note, '{{persona%|(.-)}}', '{{persona|%1|noref}}')) end
		if spl == 'fusion' then result = result .. pre end
	return result .. '\n|}'

return p