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这里是《真·女神转生》大系数据编纂和样式设计统一模块 “模块:Psk” 数据库。

技能信息 数据库关键字说明
表头name0 技能 索引英文名称
id (自动化工具添加的排序序号)
name 技能 标准英文名称
namezh 技能 标准中文(繁体)名称
namezhsc 技能 标准中文(简体)名称
namejp 技能 标准日文名称
spell 技能类型 关键字
cost 技能 消耗(x SPx% HPPassive
effect 技能 效果(官方标准说明优先)
inherit 可继承该技能的仲魔/人格面具
method 可获得该技能卡的方法
note 注释
表头 技能的英文名称变体
表项 对应标准英文名称(skills中罗列的)
表头 技能类型 关键字
bg 技能名称 渲染样式 背景色
fg 技能名称 渲染样式 前景色
pic 技能类型 图示
附表 - 技能类型 关键字對照
技能类型 关键字 说明
phys 物理(统合)
strike / bash 打击(统合)
fist 拳擊
tech 技術
rush / havoc 衝擊
sword / slash 斩击(统合)
1h 單手劍
2h 雙手劍
spear 长矛
axe 斧子
whip 鞭子
throw / thrown 投擲
arrow / bow 弓箭
pierce / stab 贯通(统合)
gun / ranged 枪械(统合)
handgun 手槍
machinegun 機槍
shotgun 霰彈槍
rifle 步槍
fire 火炎
ice 冰冻
wind 疾风
elec 雷电
water 水流
earth 地動
psy 念动
nuke 核热
blast 爆炸
gravity 重力
expel / light 光照(统合)
miracle 奇跡
heal / bless 治愈/祝福
bless 祝福(P5)
sup / prayer 辅助/天啓
dark 黑暗(统合)
death 死亡
curse 咒怨
occult 覚醒
nerve 精神
alm 万能(统合)
mind 理智
ail 异常状态(统合)
hiero Hieroglyphein(P1)
pas 被动/自动
fusion 组合技能
aoa 总攻击
extra 附加技能
misc / navi 杂项/导航
other 其他技能
local skills = {
	['Twin Slash'] = {
		cost = '18 HP',
		effect = '2 light Cut attacks. (1 enemy)',
	['Cleave'] = {
		cost = '28 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Tempest Slash'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = '3 light Cut attacks. (1 enemy)',
	['Vorpal Blade'] = {
		cost = '94 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Brutal Slash'] = {
		cost = '134 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
	["Heaven's Blade"] = {
		cost = '182 HP',
		effect = 'A severe Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Mighty Swing'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Cut attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Fatal End'] = {
		cost = '76 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut attack which takes longer to execute. (1 enemy)',
	['Zanshinken'] = {
		cost = '98 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Cut attack. Hits again if user takes no damage that turn. (1 enemy)',
	['Guillotine'] = {
		cost = '87 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut attack, higher damage if target has ailment. (1 enemy)',
	['Blade of Fury'] = {
		cost = '126 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (1 row)',
	['Gurentou'] = {
		cost = '24 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Gokuentou'] = {
		cost = '92 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Hientou'] = {
		cost = '135 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Frost Edge'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Glacial Edge'] = {
		cost = '38 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Tousatsujin'] = {
		cost = '135 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Raikouzan'] = {
		cost = '24 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Raimeizan'] = {
		cost = '92 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Raijinzan'] = {
		cost = '135 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Jinpugeki'] = {
		cost = '24 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Reppu Strike'] = {
		cost = '92 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Kamikaze Strike'] = {
		cost = '135 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Flame Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = "A light Cut + Fire attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
	['Frost Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = "A light Cut + Ice attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
	['Bolt Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = "A light Cut + Elec attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
	['Gale Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = "A light Cut + Wind attack. (1 enemy) [Link damage with allies' attacks]",
	['Stunning Slice'] = {
		cost = '10 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Paralysis. (1 enemy)',
	['Toxic Slice'] = {
		cost = '10 HP',
		effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Poison. (1 enemy)',
	['Deathbound'] = {
		cost = '145 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (All enemies)',
	['Hassou Tobi'] = { -- Yoshitsune exclusive
		cost = '164 HP',
		effect = '8 medium Cut attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Danse Macabre'] = { -- Mahakala exclusive
		cost = '176 HP',
		effect = '5-7 medium Cut attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Calamity Seed'] = { -- Magatsu-Izanagi exclusvie
		cost = '100 SP',
		effect = 'Multiple heavy Cut attacks per turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Buchikamashi'] = {
		cost = '18 HP',
		effect = 'A light Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
	["God's Hand"] = {
		cost = '172 HP',
		effect = 'A severe Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Heat Wave'] = {
		cost = '92 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Bash attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Gigantic Fist'] = {
		cost = '110 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Bash attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Revenge Blow'] = {
		cost = '100 HP',
		effect = 'A Bash attack delayed to next turn, stronger for each hit taken. (1 enemy)',
	['Teardrop'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = "A light Bash attack, greatly lowers target's defense for that turn. (1 enemy)",
	['Moondrop'] = {
		cost = '92 HP',
		effect = "A medium Bash attack, lowers target's defense for that turn. (1 enemy)",
	['Stardrop'] = {
		cost = '124 HP',
		effect = "A heavy Bash attack, lowers target's defense for that turn. (1 enemy)",
	['Fang Smash'] = {
		cost = '62 HP',
		effect = "A medium Bash attack, lowers target's attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)",
	['Kidney Smash'] = {
		cost = '62 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Bash attack, lowers elemental attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
	['Assault Dive'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Bash attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (1 enemy)',
	['Sleeper Punch'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'A light Bash attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
	['Sonic Punch'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Bash attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
	['Brain Shake'] = {
		cost = '112 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Bash attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
	['Skull Cracker'] = {
		cost = '42 HP',
		effect = 'A light Bash attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Holy Touch'] = {
		cost = '88 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Fusion Blast'] = {
		cost = '12 HP',
		effect = 'A light Bash + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Scorching Blast'] = {
		cost = '54 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Bash + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Nuclear Blast'] = {
		cost = '102 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Bash + Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Bolt Strike'] = {
		cost = '12 HP',
		effect = 'A light Bash + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Lightning Smash'] = {
		cost = '102 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Bash + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Thunder Smash'] = {
		cost = '158 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Bash + Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Light Wave'] = { -- Asura exclusive
		cost = '186 HP',
		effect = 'A severe Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Angelic Trumpet'] = { -- Trumpeter exclusive
		cost = '160 HP',
		effect = '3 heavy Bash attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Double Shot'] = {
		cost = '12 HP',
		effect = '2 light Stab attacks. (1 enemy)',
	['Broadshot'] = {
		cost = '24 HP',
		effect = 'A light Stab attack. (1 row)',
	['End Shot'] = {
		cost = '138 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Stab attack which takes longer to execute. (1 enemy)',
	['Primal Force'] = {
		cost = '178 HP',
		effect = "A heavy Stab attack, ignoring target's resistances and buffs. (1 enemy)",
	['Single Shot'] = {
		cost = '14 HP',
		effect = 'A light Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
	['Assault Shot'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
	['Heavy Shot'] = {
		cost = '98 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
	['Silent Thrust'] = {
		cost = '164 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
	['Swift Strike'] = {
		cost = '58 HP',
		effect = '3 quick, medium Stab attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
	['Arrow Rain'] = {
		cost = '64 HP',
		effect = 'A light Stab attack. (All enemies)',
	['Hailstorm'] = {
		cost = '84 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Stab attack. (All enemies)',
	['Aeon Rain'] = {
		cost = '124 HP',
		effect = 'A medium Stab attack. (All enemies)',
	['Myriad Arrows'] = {
		cost = '130 HP',
		effect = '6-8 light Stab attacks at random, with low accuracy. (All enemies)',
	['Photon Edge'] = {
		cost = '154 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Shinkuuha'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = '2 medium Almighty attacks. (1 enemy)',
	['Resseiha'] = {
		cost = '62 HP',
		effect = '1-5 medium Almighty attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Shadow Run'] = {
		cost = '147 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	["World's End"] = { -- Lucifer exclusive
		cost = '188 HP',
		effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Prana'] = { -- Ardha exclusive
		cost = '188 HP',
		effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Pralaya'] = { -- Shiva exclusive
		cost = '198 HP',
		effect = 'A severe Almighty attack, with medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies)',
	['Agi'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'A light Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Agilao'] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Agidyne'] = {
		cost = '46 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Maragi'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'A light Fire attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maragion'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Fire attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maragidyne'] = {
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Fire attack. (All enemies)',
	['Ragnarok'] = { -- Surt exclusive
		cost = '84 SP',
		effect = 'A severe Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Bufu'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'A light Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Bufula'] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Bufudyne'] = {
		cost = '46 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Mabufu'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'A light Ice attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mabufula'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Ice attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mabufudyne'] = {
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Ice attack. (All enemies)',
	['Icy Paradise'] = { -- Black Frost exclusive
		cost = '58 SP',
		effect = '2-4 medium Ice attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Niflheim'] = { -- Loki exclusive
		cost = '84 SP',
		effect = 'A severe Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Zio'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'A light Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Zionga'] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Ziodyne'] = {
		cost = '46 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Mazio'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'A light Elec attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mazionga'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Elec attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maziodyne'] = {
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Elec attack. (All enemies)',
	['Thunder Reign'] = { -- Thor exclusive
		cost = '80 SP',
		effect = 'A severe Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Keraunos'] = { -- Zeus exclusive
		cost = '96 SP',
		effect = '6 Heavy Elec attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Garu'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'A light Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Garula'] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Garudyne'] = {
		cost = '46 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Magaru'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'A light Wind attack. (All enemies)',
	['Magarula'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Wind attack. (All enemies)',
	['Magarudyne'] = {
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Wind attack. (All enemies)',
	['Panta Rhei'] = { -- Odin exclusive
		cost = '88 SP',
		effect = 'A severe Wind attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Hama'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Light-based attack]',
	['Hamaon'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Light-based attack]',
	['Mahama'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Light-based attack]',
	['Mahamaon'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Light-based attack]',
	['Samsara'] = { -- Daisoujou exclusive
		cost = '85 SP',
		effect = 'High chance of instant kill. (All Enemies) [Light-based attack]',
	['Mudo'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Darkness-based attack]',
	['Mudoon'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Darkness-based attack]',
	['Mamudo'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Slight chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Darkness-based attack]',
	['Mamudoon'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Darkness-based attack]',
	['Die for Me!'] = { -- Alice exclusive
		cost = '85 SP',
		effect = 'High chance of instant kill. (All Enemies) [Darkness-based attack]',
	['Summon Ghost'] = {
		cost = '58 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Almighty attack. (All enemies) [Requires Circles]',
	['Summon Demon'] = {
		cost = '72 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack. (All enemies) [Requires Circles]',
	['Megido'] = {
		cost = '54 SP',
		effect = 'A medium Almighty attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (All enemies)',
	['Megidola'] = {
		cost = '68 SP',
		effect = 'A heavy Almighty attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (All enemies) 	',
	['Megidolaon'] = {
		cost = '82 SP',
		effect = 'A severe Almighty attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (All enemies) 	',
	['Black Viper'] = { -- Satan exclusive
		cost = '99 SP',
		effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Morning Star'] = { -- Helel exclusive
		cost = '99 SP',
		effect = 'A severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Door of Hades'] = { -- Thanatos exclusive
		cost = '78 SP',
		effect = '3 heavy Almighty attacks, 1 per turn. High chance of instant kill. (All Enemies)',
	['Pulinpa'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Panic. (1 enemy)',
	['Dormina'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
	['Poisma'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Poison. (1 enemy)',
	['Evil Touch'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
	['Tentarafoo'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Panic. (All enemies)',
	['Lullaby Song'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep. (All enemies)',
	['Binding Cry'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Paralysis. (All enemies)',
	['Poison Breath'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Poison. (All enemies)',
	['Evil Smile'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Curse. (All enemies)',
	['Makajam'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Disarm'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Scarecrow'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
	["Salome's Kiss"] = {
		name = "[[Salome]]'s Kiss",
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'High chance of Magic Bind, Strength Bind, and Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Panic Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Panic each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Sleep Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Stun Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Paralysis each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Poison Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Poison each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Silence Circle'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Magic Bind each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Decay Circle'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Lethargy Circle'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind each turn, for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Dia'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Slight HP restore. (1 ally)',
	['Diarama'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (1 ally)',
	['Diarahan'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. (1 ally)',
	['Media'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Slight HP restore. (Party)',
	['Mediarama'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (Party)',
	['Mediarahan'] = {
		cost = '42 SP',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. (Party)',
	['Recarm'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Revive, with half HP restore. (1 ally)',
	['Samarecarm'] = {
		cost = '34 SP',
		effect = 'Revive, with full HP restore. (1 ally)',
	['Healing Harp'] = { -- Orpheus Telos exclusive
		cost = '68 SP',
		effect = 'Restore HP and remove ailments/Binds each turn for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Patra'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Remove status ailments. (1 ally)',
	['Mutudi'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Remove all Binds. (1 ally)',
	['Me Patra'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Remove status ailments. (Party)',
	['Pure Memento'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = "Remove status ailments at end of each turn, for 3 turns. (User's row)",
	['Free Memento'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = "Remove all Binds at end of each turn, for 3 turns. (User's row)",
	['Death Chaser'] = {
		cost = '124 HP',
		effect = "User may follow-up user's row's attacks, for 3 turns.",
	['Death Counter'] = {
		cost = '54 HP',
		effect = "Counter-attack whenever user's row is attacked, for 3 turns.",
	['Tarukaja'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Rakukaja'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Sukukaja'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Raise hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Matarukaja'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Marakukaja'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Masukukaja'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Raise hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Tarunda'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Lower attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
	['Rakunda'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Lower defense for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
	['Sukunda'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Lower hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
	['Matarunda'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Lower attack for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Marakunda'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Lower physical defense for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Masukunda'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Lower hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Dekaja'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Remove stat buffs. (All enemies)',
	['Dekunda'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Remove stat penalties. (Party)',
	['Stagnant Air'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Extend timers on Binds and ailments. (All enemies) [Does not stack]',
	['Bestial Roar'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise physical attack and act first for 3 turns.',
	['Dragon Cry'] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'Act first and greatly raise physical attack for 3 turns.',
	['Shura Tensei'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Greatly lowers HP each turn but greatly raises attack while active.',
	['Shura Revert'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Ends Shura Tensei, restoring moderate HP.',
	['Critical Eye'] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'Raise critical hit rate for 3 turns.',
	["Mind's Eye"] = {
		cost = '68 SP',
		effect = 'Raise critical hit rate for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Power Charge'] = {
		cost = '40 SP',
		effect = "Nearly triple the user's physical attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns.",
	['Mind Charge'] = {
		cost = '40 SP',
		effect = "Nearly triple the user's magic attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns.",
	['Pain-Eater'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Raise defense and chance to be targeted for 3 turns.',
	['Safeguard'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Take attacks in place of an ally, with reduced damage. (1 ally)',
	['Body Shield'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Take attacks in place of allies, with reduced damage. (1 row)',
	['Life Wall'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Take attacks in place of allies, with reduced damage. (Party)',
	['Fire Wall'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Fire resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Ice Wall'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Ice resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Elec Wall'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Elec resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Wind Wall'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Wind resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Light Wall'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raises Light resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Dark Wall'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raises Darkness resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Lunar Blessing'] = { -- Kaguya exclusive
		cost = '87 SP',
		effect = 'Nullifies 1 attack per turn, for 3 turns. (Party)',
	["Demon's Cut"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Cut attack strength.',
	["God's Cut"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Cut attack strength.',
	["Demon's Bash"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Bash attack strength.',
	["God's Bash"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Bash attack strength.',
	["Demon's Stab"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Stab attack strength.',
	["God's Stab"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Stab attack strength.',
	['Fire Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Fire attack strength.',
	['Fire Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Fire attack strength.',
	['Ice Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Ice attack strength.',
	['Ice Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Ice attack strength.',
	['Elec Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Elec attack strength.',
	['Elec Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Elec attack strength.',
	['Wind Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Wind attack strength.',
	['Wind Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Wind attack strength.',
	['Healing Hand'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise HP restored by recovery skills.',
	['Impure Reach'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise chance of inflicting ailments.',
	['Binding Hands'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise chance of causing Binds.',
	['Lemegeton'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise power of summons in Circles.',
	['Double Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
	['Triple Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
	['Quadruple Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
	['Infinite Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise damage dealt with first hit and number of Links.',
	['Golden Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Link damage raises with Link number. [No effect if only 1 Link]',
	['Forked Spear'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Medium chance of another attack after regular attack.',
	['Heroic Gemini'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Low chance of attack skills executing twice.',
	['Judgement Sword'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Perform a regular attack whenever a Bind is inflicted on an enemy.',
	['Colossal Swing'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Low chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills.',
	['First Star'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise damage when attacking before all enemies act.',
	['Bloody Vanguard'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'When user attacks, allies deal more damage to that enemy that turn.',
	['Rebel Spirit'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise attack against enemies with higher HP.',
	["Death's Scythe"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise damage against enemies with status ailments.',
	['Warrior Title'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise critical hit rate.',
	['Punisher'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise critical hit rate verses enemies with Bind.',
	['Raging Fists'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise critical hit damage.',
	['Shura Instincts'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'High chance of Shura Tensei when battle starts. [Attack up, HP down each turn]',
	['Pain Watcher'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'High chance of Pain-Eater when battle starts. [Defense up, draw enemy attacks]',
	['Resist Fire'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce damage from Fire attacks.',
	['Absorb Fire'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Fire attacks.',
	['Resist Ice'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce damage from Ice attacks.',
	['Absorb Ice'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Ice attacks.',
	['Resist Elec'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce damage from Elec attacks.',
	['Absorb Elec'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Elec attacks.',
	['Resist Wind'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce damage from Wind attacks.',
	['Absorb Wind'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Wind attacks.',
	['Resist Light'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce chance of instant kill from Light.',
	['Resist Dark'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce chance of instant kill from Darkness.',
	['Null Panic'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Panic',
	['Null Sleep'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Sleep',
	['Null Paralysis'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Paralysis',
	['Null Poison'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Poison',
	['Null Curse'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Curse',
	['Null Petrify'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Petrification',
	['Null M-Bind'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Magic Bind',
	['Null S-Bind'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Strength Bind',
	['Null A-Bind'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Prevent Agility Bind',
	['Immunity Buffer'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = 'High chance of nullifying physical attacks against the user.',
	['Trick Step'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise evasion rate against all attacks.',
	['Return from Yomi'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = "Medium chance of HP restore when the user's HP drops below 30%.",
	['Endure'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Withstand damage that brings HP down to 0 with 1 HP',
	['Circle Recovery'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = 'Slight HP restore each turn. (Party) [Requires Circles]',
	['Swordbreaker'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = "Medium chance of halving physical damage versus the user's row.",
	['Runic Shield'] = {
		cost = ' Passive',
		effect = "Medium chance to nullify Fire, Wind, Ice, and Elec versus the user's row.",
	['Restoring Touch'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise natural recovery speed from status ailments and Binds.',
	['Renewal Ray'] = {
		cost = '2 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Slight HP restore. (Party) [Only usable in combat]',
	['Renewal Aura'] = {
		cost = '3 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Moderate HP restore. (Party) [Only usable in battle]',
	['Purifying Rain'] = {
		cost = '2 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Remove all Binds and ailments. (Party)',
	['Yomi Return'] = {
		cost = '3 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Revive, with half HP restore. (1 ally)',
	['Orb of Power'] = {
		cost = '2 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Raise physical and elemental attack for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Orb of Resolve'] = {
		cost = '2 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Raise physical and elemental defense for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Orb of Haste'] = {
		cost = '2 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Raise hit rate and evasion rate for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Eternal Melody'] = {
		cost = '3 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Extend stat buffs by 3 additional turns. (Party)',
	['Sutakora Foot'] = {
		cost = '1 Gauge',
		effect = '[Navi] Attempt to escape from the battle and teleport to the entrance of the floor.',
	['Heroic Wind'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Restore 5% of HP each turn. (Party)',
	['Life Aid'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] 20% HP restore at the end of battle. (Party)',
	['Victory Cry'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Full HP restore at the end of battle. (Party)',
	['Hunting Prayer'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Slightly higher rate of material drops from enemies.',
	['Endless Bounty'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Higher rate of materials drops from enemies.',
	['Snake Glare'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] High chance of preventing preemptive attacks.',
	['Alleys of Light'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Restore 1 HP for each step taken in a labyrinth. (Party)',
	['Paths of Light'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Restore 2 HP for each step taken in a labyrinth. (Party)',
	['Roads of Light'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Restore 1 SP for each step taken in a labyrinth. (Party)',
	["Faerie's Vigil"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Reveal shortcuts within 2 squares.',
	["Tengu's Vigil"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Reveal shortcuts within 5 squares.',
	['Treasure Hunter'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes within 2 squares.',
	['Fortune Hunter'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes within 5 squares.',
	['Clairvoyance'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes, [[F.O.E|FOE]]s, and shortcuts within 9 squares.',
	['Farsight'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Reveal treasure boxes, [[F.O.E|FOE]]s, and shortcuts within 11 squares.',
	['Spotter'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] 20% higher rate of rare materials from [[Power Spot]]s.',
	['Magic Mallet'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] 40% higher rate of rare materials from [[Power Spot]]s.',
	['Harvest Prayer'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] 10% higher rate of rare materials. 15% chance to gather multiple times.',
	['Cornucopia'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] 20% higher rate of rare materials. 25% chance to gather multiple times.',
	['Safety Prayer'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Gather somewhat safely from Power Spots.',
	['Calming Lull'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = '[Navi] Gather safely from Power Spots.',
-- Lucia exclusive
	['Healing Breeze'] = {
		cost = '1 Gauge',
		effect = '[Navi] Slight HP restore at end of turn, for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Prayer'] = {
		cost = '4 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Full HP restore and remove all Binds and ailments. (Party)',
	['Healing Tide'] = {
		cost = '3 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Moderate HP restore at end of turn, for 3 turns. (Party)',
-- Himiko exclusive
	['Spotlight'] = {
		cost = '1 Gauge',
		effect = '[Navi] Targeted ally takes their action first.',
	['Zero Set'] = {
		cost = '4 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Skill costs are reduced to 0 for 1 turn. (Party)',
	['Tidal Wave'] = {
		cost = '4 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Allow the party to act before any enemies for the turn. (Party)',
-- Zen/Rei exclusive
    ['Bane Slice'] = {
        cost = '10 HP',
        effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
    ['Hex Slice'] = {
        cost = '92 HP',
        effect = 'A medium Cut attack, with medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
    ['Soul Slice'] = {
        cost = '120 HP',
        effect = 'A heavy Cut attack, with medium chance of Curse. (1 enemy)',
    ['Fire Spray'] = {
        cost = '16 SP',
        effect = 'A light Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
    ['Frozen Spear'] = {
        cost = '12 SP',
        effect = 'A light Ice attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
    ['Thunder Clap'] = {
        cost = '16 SP',
        effect = 'A light Elec attack. (1 row)',
    ['Cyclone'] = {
        cost = '18 SP',
        effect = '2-3 light Wind attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
    ['Recovery'] = {
        cost = '16 SP',
        effect = 'Slight HP restore. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
    ['Life Goblet'] = {
        cost = '32 SP',
        effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
    ['Refresh'] = {
        cost = '18 SP',
        effect = 'Remove status ailments. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
    ['Becalm'] = {
        cost = '18 SP',
        effect = 'Remove all Binds. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
    ['Guiding Sword'] = {
        cost = '16 SP',
        effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (1 row)',
    ['Guarding Staff'] = {
        cost = '16 SP',
        effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (1 row)',
    ['Renewal'] = {
        cost = '16 SP',
        effect = 'Remove stat penalties. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
    ['Squire Card'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Slightly raise Fire, Ice, Wind, and Elec attack strength.',
    ['Knight Card'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Raise Fire, Ice, Wind, and Elec attack strength.',
    ['King Card'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Greatly raise Fire, Ice, Wind, and Elec attack strength.',
    ['Serene Journey'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Slight SP restore for each step taken in a labyrinth.',
    ['Platinum Coin'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = "Medium chance to prevent all Binds and ailments against the user's row.",
-- Ultimate Persona Special Skills
	['Punishment'] = { -- Artemisia
		cost = '121 HP',
		effect = 'A heavy Stab attack, effective on Bind, but will remove binds. (1 enemy)',
	['Death Needle'] = { -- Susano-o
		cost = '121 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Stab attack. Low chance of instant kill, higher with ailment. (1 enemy)',
	['Amrita'] = { -- Kamui
		cost = '40 SP',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. Remove all Binds and status ailments. (1 Ally)',
	['Debilitate'] = { -- Messiah
		cost = '30 SP',
		effect = 'Greatly lower attack, defense, hit, and evasion for 3 turns. (1 enemy)',
	['Heat Riser'] = { -- Izanagi-no-Okami
		cost = '30 SP',
		effect = 'Greatly raise attack, defense, hit, and evasion for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Golden Gemini'] = { -- Trismegistus
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Medium chance of attack skills executing twice.',
	['Tornado Boost'] = { -- Isis
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Wind attack strength.',
	['Conqueror Title'] = { -- Caeser
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise critical hit rate.',
	['Aegis Shield'] = { -- Athena
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = "High chance to nullify Fire, Wind, ice, and Elec versus the user's row.",
	['Target Boost'] = { -- Kala-Nemi
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise damage dealt when striking weaknesses.',
	['Deadly Vanguard'] = { -- Cerberus (evolved)
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'When user attacks, allies deal even more damage to that enemy that turn.',
	['Whirlwind Swing'] = { -- Castor (evolved)
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Medium chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills.',
	['Furious Fists'] = { -- Suzuka Gongen
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise critical hit damage.',
	['Inferno Boost'] = { -- Amaterasu
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Fire attack strength.',
	['Uprising'] = { -- Rokuten Maou
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise attack against enemies with higher HP.',
	['Powerhouse'] = { -- Yamato Takeru
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise chance of knockdown.',
	['Oracle'] = { -- Juno
		cost = '5 Gauges',
		effect = "[Navi] Give a random beneficial effect (Party):<br> '''1.''' +50% EXP; '''2.''' Full HP restore and remove ailments;<br> '''3.''' Greatly raise Attack+Defense for 1 turn; '''4.''' Matarukaja; '''5.''' Marakukaja;",
	['Into the Void'] = { -- Kanzeon
		cost = '5 Gauges',
		effect = '[Navi] Nullifies all damage for 1 turn. (Party)',
-- Enemy exclusive skills
	['Mow Down'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A light Cut attack. (1 row)',
	['Hard Slash'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A medium Cut attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Spin Slash'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A heavy Cut attack. (All enemies)',
	['Crazed Slash'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = '5-7 heavy Cut attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Dream Slice'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A light Cut attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
	['Drain Touch'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A medium Bash attack. (1 enemy) Recover HP equal to damage dealt.',
	['Megaton Slam'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A heavy Bash attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Megaton Press'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A heavy Bash attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (1 enemy)',
	['Rampage'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A heavy Bash attack. (All enemies)',
	['Stab Shower'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = '3 light Stab attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
	['Lunge'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A heavy Stab attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Torrent Shot'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A heavy Stab attack. (All enemies)',
	['Charge Shot'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A severe Stab attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)',
	['Thorn Chains'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A light Stab attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Thorn Cuffs'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A light Stab attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Thorn Shackles'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A light Stab attack, with medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Self-Destruct'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A medium Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Fire Dance'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A light Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Ice Dance'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'An Ice attack that pierces to the back row. (1 Enemy)',
	['Elec Dance'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A light Elec attack. (1 Row)',
	['Wind Dance'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = '2-4 light Wind attacks against random targets. (1 row)',
	['Stona'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Petrification. (1 enemy)',
	['Stone Mist'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Petrification. (1 row)',
	['Silent Song'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Magic Bind. (All enemies)',
	['Muscle Down'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind. (All enemies)',
	['Spiderweb'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind. (All enemies)',
	['Deafening Roar'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A high chance of knockdown. (All enemies)',
	['Fire Corrosion'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Lower Fire resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Ice Corrosion'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Lower Ice resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Elec Corrosion'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Lower Elec resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Wind Corrosion'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Lower Wind resistance for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Summon Soldier'] = { -- Queen of Hearts exclusive
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Summon [[Card Soldier Shadows|Card Soldiers]] and step back.',
	['Vow'] = { -- Merciful Clergyman exclusive
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Forbid an action-type.',
	['Holy Wrath'] = { -- Merciful Clergyman exclusive
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Heavy damage, with Magic, Strength, and Agility Binds, on Vow Breakers',
	['Drastic Measure'] = { -- Kind Doctor exclusive
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = '5 medium Bash attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	["Rabbit's Foot"] = { -- Best Friend exclusive
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = '10 light Bash attacks at random, with low accuracy. (All enemies)',
-- Clockwork God exclusive
	['Gears of Time'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'A countdown to death.',
	['Time Warp'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Hasten the Gears of Time countdown.',
	['Time Stop'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Act up to four times on the turn used.',
	['Time Reversal'] = {
		cost = ' - ',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. Removes stat penalties. (Self)',

local aliases = {
	-- 名称变体
	[""] = "",

return {
	skills = skills,
	aliases = aliases,