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这里是《真·女神转生》大系数据编纂和样式设计统一模块 “模块:Psk” 数据库。

技能信息 数据库关键字说明
表头name0 技能 索引英文名称
id (自动化工具添加的排序序号)
name 技能 标准英文名称
namezh 技能 标准中文(繁体)名称
namezhsc 技能 标准中文(简体)名称
namejp 技能 标准日文名称
spell 技能类型 关键字
cost 技能 消耗(x SPx% HPPassive
effect 技能 效果(官方标准说明优先)
inherit 可继承该技能的仲魔/人格面具
method 可获得该技能卡的方法
note 注释
表头 技能的英文名称变体
表项 对应标准英文名称(skills中罗列的)
表头 技能类型 关键字
bg 技能名称 渲染样式 背景色
fg 技能名称 渲染样式 前景色
pic 技能类型 图示
附表 - 技能类型 关键字對照
技能类型 关键字 说明
phys 物理(统合)
strike / bash 打击(统合)
fist 拳擊
tech 技術
rush / havoc 衝擊
sword / slash 斩击(统合)
1h 單手劍
2h 雙手劍
spear 长矛
axe 斧子
whip 鞭子
throw / thrown 投擲
arrow / bow 弓箭
pierce / stab 贯通(统合)
gun / ranged 枪械(统合)
handgun 手槍
machinegun 機槍
shotgun 霰彈槍
rifle 步槍
fire 火炎
ice 冰冻
wind 疾风
elec 雷电
water 水流
earth 地動
psy 念动
nuke 核热
blast 爆炸
gravity 重力
expel / light 光照(统合)
miracle 奇跡
heal / bless 治愈/祝福
bless 祝福(P5)
sup / prayer 辅助/天啓
dark 黑暗(统合)
death 死亡
curse 咒怨
occult 覚醒
nerve 精神
alm 万能(统合)
mind 理智
ail 异常状态(统合)
hiero Hieroglyphein(P1)
pas 被动/自动
fusion 组合技能
aoa 总攻击
extra 附加技能
misc / navi 杂项/导航
other 其他技能
local skills = {
	['Lunge'] = {
		cost = '14 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Twin Slash'] = {
		cost = '14 HP',
		effect = '2 light Phys attacks. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Armor Splitter'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = "Immediate light Phys attack, lowers target's defense for 1 turn. (1 enemy)",
	['Fang Smash'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = "Light Phys attack, lowers target's attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)",
	['Guillotine'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack, effective on ailments. (1 enemy)',
	["Punishment"] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack, effective on Bind, but will remove binds. (1 enemy)',
	['Zanshinken'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack. If unhurt during turn, extra attack activates. (1 enemy)',
	['Headbutt'] = {
		cost = '19 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Confusion. (1 enemy)',
	['Poison Skewer'] = {
		cost = '19 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Poison. (1 enemy)',
	['Silent Thrust'] = {
		cost = '19 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Hex. (1 enemy)',
	['Sleeper Punch'] = {
		cost = '19 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
	['Single Shot'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Giant Slice'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Lucky Punch'] = {
		cost = '12 HP',
		effect = 'Tiny Phys attack. High critical rate but low accuracy. (1 enemy)',
	['Assault Dive'] = {
		cost = '25 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Triple Down'] = {
		cost = '25 HP',
		effect = '3 medium Phys attacks. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Tempest Slash'] = {
		cost = '63 HP',
		effect = '2-6 medium Phys attacks. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Armor Breaker'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = "Immediate medium Phys attack, lowers target's defense for 1 turn. (1 enemy)",
	['Kidney Smash'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = "Medium Phys attack, lowers target's attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)",
	['Guillotine Slice'] = {
		cost = '40 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack, effective on ailments. (1 enemy)',
	['Punishing Bite'] = {
		cost = '40 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack, effective on Bind, but will remove binds. (1 enemy)',
	['Brutal Slash'] = {
		cost = '42 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack. If unhurt during turn, extra attack activates. (1 enemy)',
	['Brain Shake'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Confusion. (1 enemy)',
	['Death Needle'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = "Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Poison. (1 enemy)",
	['Calm Blade'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = "Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Hex. (1 enemy)",
	['Sleep Strike'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = "Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)",
	['Arm Chopper'] = {
		cost = '19 HP',
		effect = "Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)",
	['Holy Touch'] = {
		cost = '19 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Leg Reaper'] = {
		cost = '19 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Assault Shot'] = {
		cost = '28 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Mighty Swing'] = {
		cost = '28 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Miracle Punch'] = {
		cost = '49 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack. High critical rate but low accuracy. (1 enemy)',
	['Black Spot'] = {
		cost = '62 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Primal Force'] = {
		cost = '66 HP',
		effect = '2 heavy Phys attacks. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	["Vorpal Blade"] = {
		cost = '67 HP',
		effect = '4 heavy Phys attacks. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Myriad Arrows'] = {
		cost = '85 HP',
		effect = '6-8 heavy Phys attacks. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Armor Destroyer'] = {
		cost = '52 HP',
		effect = "Immediate heavy Phys attack, lowers target's defense for 1 turn. (1 enemy)",
	['Weapon Crusher'] = {
		cost = '52 HP',
		effect = "Heavy Phys attack, lowers target's attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)",
	['Guillotine Blade'] = {
		cost = '63 HP',
		effect = "Heavy Phys attack, effective on ailments. (1 enemy)",
	['Punishing End'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = "Heavy Phys attack, effective on Bind, but will remove binds. (1 enemy)",
	["Heaven's Blade"] = {
		cost = '68 HP',
		effect = "Heavy Phys attack. If unhurt during turn, extra attack activates. (1 enemy)",
	['Arm Crusher'] = {
		cost = '36 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)',
	["Saint's Touch"] = {
		cost = '36 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Achilles Reaper'] = {
		cost = '36 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
	['Broadshot'] = {
		cost = '68 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Blade of Fury'] = {
		cost = '68 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	["God's Hand"] = {
		cost = '85 HP',
		effect = 'Severe Phys attack. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Oneshot Kill'] = {
		cost = '92 HP',
		effect = 'Severe Phys attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Brave Blade'] = {
		cost = '91 HP',
		effect = 'Severe Phys attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Dream Needle'] = { -- Arsene and Satanael exclusive
		cost = '6 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)',
	['Cross Slash'] = { -- Izanagi Picaro exclusive
		cost = '12 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Light Wave'] = { -- Asura exclusive
		cost = '99 HP',
		effect = 'Severe Phys attack. (1 enemy) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Strike Link'] = {
		cost = '20 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack. Further allied attacks gain link damage. (1 enemy)',
	['Firestrike Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = 'Light Fire attack. Further allied attacks gain link damage. (1 enemy)',
	['Icestrike Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = 'Light Ice attack. Further allied attacks gain link damage. (1 enemy)',
	['Elecstrike Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = 'Light Elec attack. Further allied attacks gain link damage. (1 enemy)',
	['Windstrike Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = 'Light Wind attack. Further allied attacks gain link damage. (1 enemy)',
	['Psystrike Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = 'Light Psy attack. Further allied attacks gain link damage. (1 enemy)',
	['Nucleostrike Link'] = {
		cost = '48 HP',
		effect = 'Light Nuke attack. Further allied attacks gain link damage. (1 enemy)',
	['Heat Wave'] = {
		cost = '24 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Deathbound'] = {
		cost = '73 HP',
		effect = "Heavy Phys attack. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.",
	['Agneyastra'] = {
		cost = '98 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Rampage'] = {
		cost = '24 HP',
		effect = '2-6 light Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Arrow Rain'] = {
		cost = '30 HP',
		effect = '3-6 medium Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Herculean Strike'] = {
		cost = '44 HP',
		effect = '3-6 medium Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Hailstorm'] = {
		cost = '73 HP',
		effect = '3-8 heavy Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Aeon Rain'] = {
		cost = '89 HP',
		effect = '3-10 severe Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Revenge Blow'] = {
		cost = '16 HP',
		effect = 'Light Phys attack to random targets. Stronger for each hit taken. (All enemies)',
	['Vengeful Smash'] = {
		cost = '46 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Phys attack to random targets. Stronger for each hit taken. (All enemies)',
	['Vengeful Melee'] = {
		cost = '67 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attack to random targets. Stronger for each hit taken. (All enemies)',
	['Calamity Seed'] = { -- Magatsu Izanagi and Magatsu Izanagi Picaro exclusive.
		cost = '100 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Phys attacks each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Danse Macabre'] = { -- Dzelarhons exclusive.
		cost = '40 HP',
		effect = '5-7 medium Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Angelic Trumpet'] = { -- Trumpeter exclusive.
		cost = '65 HP',
		effect = '3 heavy Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	['Hassou Tobi'] = { -- Yoshitsune exclusive.
		cost = '131 HP',
		effect = '8 medium Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies) Stronger in Boost.',
	["Agi"] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Agilao'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Agidyne'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Ragnarok'] = { -- Surt exclusive.
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Fire attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Maragi'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Fire attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maragion'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Fire attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maragidyne'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Fire attack. (All enemies)',
	['Gurentou'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = 'Light Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Gokuentou'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Hientou'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Bufu'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Bufula'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Bufudyne'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Ice attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Niflheim'] = { -- Kresnik exclusive.
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Ice attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mabufu'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Ice attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mabufula'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Ice attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mabufudyne'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Ice attack. (All enemies)',
	['Icy Paradise'] = { -- Black Frost exclusive
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = '2-4 medium Ice attacks against random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Frost Edge'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = 'Light Ice attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Glacial Edge'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Ice attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Tousatsujin'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Ice attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Zio'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Zionga'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Ziodyne'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Thunder Reign'] = { -- Odin exclusive
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Elec attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Mazio'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Elec attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mazionga'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Elec attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maziodyne'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Elec attack. (All enemies)',
	['Empyrean Storm'] = { -- Huang Di exclusive
		cost = '65 SP',
		effect = 'Proportional Elec attack. (All enemies)',
	['Raikouzan'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = 'Light Elec attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Raimeizan'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Elec attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Raijinzan'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Elec attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Garu'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Garula'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Garudyne'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Panta Rhei'] = { -- Vishnu exclusive
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Wind attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Magaru'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Wind attack. (All enemies)',
	['Magarula'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Wind attack. (All enemies)',
	['Magarudyne'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Wind attack. (All enemies)',
	['Jinpugeki'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = 'Light Wind attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Reppu Strike'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Wind attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Kamikaze Strike'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Wind attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Psi'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Psy attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Psio'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Psy attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Psiodyne'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Psy attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Psycho Force'] = {
		cost = '48 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Psy attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Mapsi'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Psy attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mapsio'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Psy attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mapsiodyne'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Psy attack. (All enemies)',
	['Psycho Blast'] = {
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Psy attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mind Strike'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = 'Light Psy attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Mental Smash'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Psy attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Psycho Smash'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Psy attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Frei'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Nuke attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Freila'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Nuke attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Freidyne'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Nuke attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Atomic Flare'] = {
		cost = '48 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Nuke attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Mafrei'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Nuke attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mafreila'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Nuke attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mafreidyne'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Nuke attack. (All enemies)',
	['Cosmic Flare'] = {
		cost = '64 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Nuke attack. (All enemies)',
	['Fusion Blast'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = 'Light Nuke attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Scorching Blast'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = 'Medium Nuke attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	["Nuclear Blast"] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Nuke attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)',
	['Kouha'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Bless attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Kouga'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Bless attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Kougaon'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Bless attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Makouha'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Bless attack. (All enemies)',
	['Makouga'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Bless attack. (All enemies)',
	['Makougaon'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Bless attack. (All enemies)',
	['Hama'] = {
		cost = '10 SP',
		effect = 'Low chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Bless-based attack]',
	['Hamaon'] = {
		cost = '20 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Bless-based attack]',
	['Mahama'] = {
		cost = '22 SP',
		effect = 'Low chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Bless-based attack]',
	['Mahamaon'] = {
		cost = '44 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Bless-based attack]',
	['Samsara'] = { -- Daisoujou exclusive
		cost = '50 SP',
		effect = 'High chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Bless-based attack]',
	['Eiha'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Light Curse attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Eiga'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Curse attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Eigaon'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Curse attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Maeiha'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Light Curse attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maeiga'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Curse attack. (All enemies)',
	['Maeigaon'] = {
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Curse attack. (All enemies)',
	['Mudo'] = {
		cost = '10 SP',
		effect = 'Low chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Curse-based attack]	',
	['Mudoon'] = {
		cost = '20 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of instant kill. (1 enemy) [Curse-based attack]	',
	['Mamudo'] = {
		cost = '22 SP',
		effect = "Low chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Curse-based attack]",
	['Mamudoon'] = {
		cost = '44 SP',
		effect = "Medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Curse-based attack]",
	['Die For Me!'] = { -- Alice exclusive
		cost = '50 SP',
		effect = "High chance of instant kill. (All enemies) [Curse-based attack]",
	['Shinkuuha'] = {
		cost = '56 HP',
		effect = "2 medium Almighty attacks. (1 enemy)",
	['Photon Edge'] = {
		cost = '63 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Almighty attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Black Viper'] = { -- Satan exclusive
		cost = '52 SP',
		effect = 'Extreme Almighty attack. (1 enemy)',
	['Resseiha'] = {
		cost = '82 HP',
		effect = '2-5 medium Almighty attacks to random targets. (All enemies)',
	['Megido'] = {
		cost = '14 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Megidola'] = {
		cost = '32 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Megidolaon'] = {
		cost = '48 SP',
		effect = 'Severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Beast Summon'] = {
		cost = '58 SP',
		effect = 'Medium Almighty attack. (All enemies) [Requires circles]',
	['Spirit Summon'] = {
		cost = '72 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Almighty attack. (All enemies) [Requires circles]	',
	['Shadow Run'] = { -- Kudlak exclusive
		cost = '64 HP',
		effect = 'Heavy Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	["World's End"] = { -- Lucifer exclusive
		cost = '111 HP',
		effect = 'Severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Prana'] = { -- Ardha exclusive
		cost = '122 HP',
		effect = 'Severe Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Pralaya'] = { -- Shiva exclusive
		cost = '99 HP',
		effect = 'Severe Almighty attack with medium chance of instant kill. (All enemies)',
	['Morning Star'] = { -- Helel exclusive
		cost = '68 SP',
		effect = 'Extreme Almighty attack. (All enemies)',
	['Door of Hades'] = { -- Thanatos and Thanatos Picaro exclusive
		cost = '78 SP',
		effect = 'Heavy Almighty attack each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Dormina'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep. (1 row)',
	['Evil Touch'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Hex. (1 row)',
	['Poisma'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Poison. (1 row)',
	['Pulinpa'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Confusion. (1 row)',
	['Lullaby Song'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep. (All enemies)',
	['Evil Smile'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Hex. (All enemies)',
	["Poison Breath"] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Poison. (All enemies)',
	['Tentarafoo'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = "Medium chance of Confusion. (All enemies)",
	['Makajam'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = "Medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 row)",
	['Disarm'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 row)',
	['Scarecrow'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 row)',
	["Salome's Kiss"] = {
		cost = '42 SP',
		effect = 'High chance of Magic/Strength/Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
	["Sleuth Insight"] = { -- Robin Hood exclusive
		cost = '2 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Magic/Strength/Agility Bind. (1 enemy)',
	["Detective's Ban"] = { -- Evolved Robin Hood exclusive
		cost = '2 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Magic/Strength/Agility Bind. (1 row)',
	['Ariadne Chain'] = { -- Ariadne and Ariadne Picaro exclusive
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Strength, Magic, and Agility Binds. (1 row)'
	['Sleep Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Sleep each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Poison Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Poison each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Confusion Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Confusion each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Stun Circle'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Paralysis each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Silence Circle'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Magic Bind each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Decay Circle'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Strength Bind each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Lethargy Circle'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of Agility Bind each turn for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Dia'] = {
		cost = '5 SP',
		effect = 'Slight HP restore. (1 ally)	',
	["Diarama"] = {
		cost = '10 SP',
		effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (1 ally)	',
	["Diarahan"] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. (1 ally)',
	["Amrita"] = {
		cost = '45 SP',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. Remove all Binds and ailments. (1 ally)',
	["Media"] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Slight HP restore. (Party)',
	["Mediarama"] = {
		cost = '30 SP',
		effect = 'Moderate HP restore. (Party)',
	["Mediarahan"] = {
		cost = '56 SP',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. (Party)',
	['Recarm'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Revive and restore half HP. (1 ally)',
	['Samarecarm'] = {
		cost = '36 SP',
		effect = 'Revive and restore all HP. (1 ally)',
	['Patra'] = {
		cost = '6 SP',
		effect = 'Remove ailments. (1 row)',
	['Me Patra'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Remove ailments. (Party)',
	['Mutudi'] = {
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = 'Remove all Binds. (1 row)',
	['Mamutudi'] = { -- Konohana Sakuya and Amaterasu exclusive
		cost = '15 SP',
		effect = 'Remove all Binds. (Party)',
	["Pure Memento"] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = "Remove ailments at end of each turn for 3 turns. (User's row)",
	['Free Memento'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = "Remove all Binds at end of each turn for 3 turns. (User's row)",
	['Refresh'] = { -- Robin Hood exclusive
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Slight HP restore and remove ailments. (1 row) [Only usable in battle]',
	['Healing Harp'] = { -- Orpheus Picaro exclusive
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'Restore HP and remove ailments/Binds each turn for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Oratorio'] = { -- Messiah Picaro exclusive
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Full HP restore. Remove all ailments and Binds. (1 row)',
	['Tarukaja'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Rakukaja'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Sukukaja'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Raise accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Heat Riser'] = {
		cost = '35 SP',
		effect = 'Raise attack/defense and accuracy/evasion for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Matarukaja'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Raise attack for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Marakukaja'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Raise defense for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Masukukaja'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Raise accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Dekaja'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Remove stat buffs. (All enemies)',
	['Tarunda'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Lower attack for 3 turns. (1 Enemy)',
	['Rakunda'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Lower defense for 3 turns. (1 Enemy)',
	['Sukunda'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Lower accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (1 Enemy)',
	['Debilitate'] = {
		cost = '42 SP',
		effect = 'Lower attack/defense and accuracy/evasion for 3 turns. (1 Enemy)',
	['Matarunda'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Lower attack for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	["Marakunda"] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Lower defense for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Masukunda'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Lower accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (All enemies)',
	['Dekunda'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Remove stat penalties. (Party)',
	['Death Chaser'] = {
		cost = '124 HP',
		effect = "May follow-up user's row's attacks for 3 turns. (Self)",
	['Death Counter'] = {
		cost = '32 HP',
		effect = "Counter whenever user's row is attacked for 3 turns.",
	['Binding Aura'] = {
		cost = '18 SP',
		effect = 'Extend timers on Bind and ailments. (All enemies) [Does not stack]',
	['Bestial Roar'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise physical attack and act first for 3 turns.',
	['Dragon Cry'] = {
		cost = '28 SP',
		effect = 'Greatly raise physical attack and act first for 3 turns.',
	['Shura Tensei'] = {
		cost = '24 SP',
		effect = 'Greatly lowers HP each turn but greatly raises attack while active.',
	['Shura Revert'] = {
		cost = '8 SP',
		effect = 'Ends Shura Tensei, restoring moderate HP.',
	['Critical Eye'] = {
		cost = '12 SP',
		effect = 'Raise critical hit rate for 3 turns. (Self)',
	['True Critical Eye'] = {
		cost = '26 SP',
		effect = 'Raise critical hit rate for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Power Charge'] = {
		cost = '22 SP',
		effect = 'Triple physical attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns. (Self)',
	['Fury Order'] = {
		cost = '44 SP',
		effect = 'Triple physical attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Mind Charge'] = {
		cost = '22 SP',
		effect = 'Triple magic attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns. (Self)',
	['Focus Order'] = {
		cost = '44 SP',
		effect = 'Triple magic attack for next hit. Lasts 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Line Guard'] = {
		cost = '3 SP',
		effect = 'Raise defense and protects allies. Extra defense while protecting. (1 row)',
	['All Guard'] = {
		cost = '9 SP',
		effect = 'Raise defense and protects allies. Extra defense while protecting. (Party)',
	['Fire Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Fire resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Ice Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Ice resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Elec Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Elec resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Wind Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Wind resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Psy Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Psy resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Nuclear Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Nuke resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Bless Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Bless resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Curse Screen'] = {
		cost = '16 SP',
		effect = 'Raise Curse resistance for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Lunar Blessing'] = { -- Kaguya and Kaguya Picaro exclusive
		cost = '87 SP',
		effect = 'Nullifies 1 attack per turn for 3 turns. (Party)',
	['Rebel Vanguard'] = { -- Arsene exclusive
		cost = '3 SP',
		effect = "Raise critical rate for 1 turn. (1 row)",
	['Revolt Vanguard'] = { -- Satanael exclusive
		cost = '3 SP',
		effect = 'Raise critical rate for 2 turns. (1 row)',
	['Full Throttle'] = { -- Johanna exclusive
		cost = '1 SP',
		effect = 'Raise attack and act first for 3 turns.',
	['Unlimiter'] = { -- Anat exclusive
		cost = '1 SP',
		effect = "Greatly raise attack and act first for 3 turns.",
	['Counter Stance'] = { -- Tomoe exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = "Counter whenever user's row is attacked for 3 turns.",
	['Counter Bash'] = { -- Suzuka Gongen exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = "Powerful counter whenever user's row is attacked for 3 turns.",
	['Machismo Wall'] = { -- Take-Mikazuchi exclusive
		cost = '2 SP',
		effect = 'Slightly raise defense and protects allies. Extra defense while protecting. (Party)',
	['Machismo Barrier'] = { -- Dairoku Tenmaou exclusive
		cost = '2 SP',
		effect = 'Greatly raise defense and protects allies. Extra defense while protecting. (Party)',
	['Cost Cutter'] = { -- Sukuna-Hikona exclusive
		cost = '2 SP',
		effect = '2/3 Skill costs for 3 turns. (Self)',
	['Cost Reduction'] = { -- Yamato-Takeru exclusive
		cost = '2 SP',
		effect = '1/2 Skill costs for 3 turns. (Self)',
	['Kunai Backup'] = { -- Jiraiya exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = "May follow-up user's row's attacks for 3 turns. (Self)",
	['Kunai Dance'] = { -- Susano-o exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = "May powerfully follow-up user's row's attacks for 3 turns. (Self)",
	['Deflector Shot'] = { -- Io exclusive
		cost = '3 SP',
		effect = 'Medium chance of nullifying Phys attacks for 3 turns. (1 row)',
	['Intercept Fire'] = { -- Isis exclusive
		cost = '3 SP',
		effect = 'High chance of nullifying Phys attacks for 3 turns. (1 row)',
	['Called Homerun'] = { -- Hermes exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = "Counter whenever user's row is attacked for 3 turns.",
	['Called Shot'] = { -- Trismegistus exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = "Powerful counter whenever user's row is attacked for 3 turns.",
	['Rush Stance'] = { -- Polydeuces exclusive
		cost = '3 SP',
		effect = 'High chance attack skills will activate twice for 2 turns. (Self)',
	['Sonic Rush'] = { -- Caesar exclusive
		cost = '3 SP',
		effect = 'Attack skills will activate twice for 2 turns. (Self)',
	['Ironfist Style'] = { -- Castor exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = 'High chance to add splash to single-target attack skills for 3 turns.',
	['Effortless Style'] = { -- Evolved Castor exclusive
		cost = '4 SP',
		effect = 'Add splash to single-target attack skills for 3 turns.',
	['Fire Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Fire attack strength.',
	['Fire Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Moderately raise Fire attack strength.',
	['Inferno Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Fire attack strength.',
	['Ice Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Ice attack strength.',
	["Ice Amp"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Moderately raise Ice attack strength.',
	["Ice Turbo"] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Ice attack strength.',
	['Elec Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Elec attack strength.',
	['Elec Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Moderately raise Elec attack strength.',
	['Elec Turbo'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Elec attack strength.',
	['Wind Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Wind attack strength.',
	['Wind Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Moderately raise Wind attack strength.',
	['Tornado Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Wind attack strength.',
	['Psy Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Psy attack strength.',
	['Psy Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Moderately raise Psy attack strength.',
	['Psy Turbo'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Psy attack strength.',
	['Nuclear Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Nuke attack strength.',
	['Nuclear Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Moderately raise Nuke attack strength.',
	['Nuclear Turbo'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Nuke attack strength.',
	['Bless Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Bless attack strength.',
	['Bless Amp'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Moderately raise Bless attack strength.',
	['Bless Turbo'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Greatly raise Bless attack strength.',
	['Curse Boost'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Slightly raise Curse attack strength.',
    ['Curse Amp'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise Curse attack strength.',
    ['Curse Turbo'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Greatly raise Curse attack strength.',
    ['Healing Finger'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Slightly raise HP restored by recovery skills.',
    ['Healing Hand'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise HP restored by recovery skills.',
    ['Idol Hands'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Greatly raise HP restored by recovery skills.',
    ['Ailment Arts'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise chance of inflicting ailments.',
    ['Ailment Arts+'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Greatly raise chance of inflicting ailments.',
    ['Bind Arts'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise chance of causing Binds.',
    ['Bind Arts+'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Greatly raise chance of causing Binds.',
    ['Ambush Arts'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise attack against enemies with status ailments.',
    ['Ambush Arts+'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Greatly raise attack against enemies with status ailments.',
    ['Bound Arts'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise critical rate when target is bound.',
    ['Bound Arts+'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Greatly raise critical rate when target is bound.',
    ['Challenger Arts'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Slightly raise attack against enemies with higher HP.',
    ['Challenger Arts+'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise attack against enemies with higher HP.',
    ['Combo Arts'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Medium chance of another attack after regular attack.',
    ['Combo Arts+'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'High chance of another attack after regular attack.',
    ['Dodge Arts'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = 'Moderately raise evasion against all attacks.',
    ['Dodge Arts+'] = {
        cost = 'Passive',
        effect = "Greatly raise evasion against all attacks.",
	['Double Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Link chains last up to 2 hits.',
	['Triple Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Link chains last up to 3 hits.',
	['Quadruple Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Link chains last up to 4 hits.',
	['Infinite Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Link chains last up to 8 hits.',
	['Golden Link'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Raise Link damage based on number of Links used.',
	['Heroic Gemini'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Low chance of attack skills executing twice.',
	['Colossal Swing'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Low chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills.',
	['Whirlwind Swing'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Medium chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills.',
	['First Star'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = "Raise damage dealt when attacking before all enemies act.",
	['Shura Instincts'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'High chance of Shura Tensei when battle starts.',
	['Resist Fire'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce damage from Fire attacks.',
	['Absorb Fire'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Fire attacks.',
	['Resist Ice'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce damage from Ice attacks.',
	['Absorb Ice'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Ice attacks.',
	['Resist Elec'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Reduce damage from Elec attacks',
	['Absorb Elec'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Elec attacks.',
	['Resist Wind'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = "Reduce damage from Wind attacks",
	['Absorb Wind'] = {
		cost = 'Passive',
		effect = 'Absorb damage from Wind attacks.',
	['Resist Psy'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Reduce damage from Psy attacks',
	['Absorb Psy'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Absorb damage from Psy attacks.',
	['Resist Nuke'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Reduce damage from Nuke attacks.'
	['Absorb Nuke'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Absorb damage from Nuke attacks.'
	['Resist Bless'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Reduce damage from Bless attacks.'
	['Resist Curse'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Reduce damage from Curse attacks.'
	['Null Confusion'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Confusion.'
	['Null Sleep'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Sleep.'
	['Null Paralysis'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Paralysis.'
	['Null Poison'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Poison.'
	['Null Hex'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Hex.'
	['Null Petrify'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Petrify.'
	['Null S-Bind'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Strength Bind.'
	['Null M-Bind'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Magic Bind.'
	['Null A-Bind'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Prevent Agility Bind.'
	['Immunity Buffer'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'High chance of nullifying Phys attacks.'
	['Endure'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Survive one lethal attack with 1 HP instead of being KOed.'
	['Circle Recovery'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Slightly restore HP each turn. (Party) [Requires circles]'
	['Runic Shield'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "High chance to null Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind/Psy/Nuke damage to user's row."
	['Restoring Touch'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Raise natural recovery speed from ailments and Binds.'
	['Regenerate 1'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Slightly restore HP at the end of the turn.'
	['Regenerate 2'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Moderately restore HP at the end of the turn.'
	['Regenerate 3'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Greatly restore HP at the end of the turn.'
	['Invigorate 1'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Slightly restore SP at the end of the turn.'
	['Invigorate 2'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Moderately restore SP at the end of the turn.'
	['Invigorate 3'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Greatly restore SP at the end of the turn.'
	['Power Knack'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase St by 2.'
	['Power Talent'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase St by 3.'
	['Power Genius'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase St by 4.'
	['Magic Knack'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Ma by 2.'
	['Magic Talent'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Ma by 3.'
	['Magic Genius'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Ma by 4.'
	['Endure Knack'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase En by 2.'
	['Endure Talent'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase En by 3.'
	['Endure Genius'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase En by 4.'
	['Agility Knack'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Ag by 2.'
	['Agility Talent'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Ag by 3.'
	['Agility Genius'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Ag by 4.'
	['Luck Knack'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Lu by 2.'
	['Luck Talent'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Lu by 3.'
	['Luck Genius'] = {
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Increase Lu by 4.'
	['Return from Yomi'] = { -- Arsene, Satanael and Castor exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Medium chance of HP restore when near KO.'
	['Brutal Arm'] = { -- Asterius and Asterius Picaro exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'High chance to add splash effect on single-target attack skills.'
	['Infernal Wings'] = { -- Tsukiyomi and Tsukiyomi Picaro exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "High chance of attack skills executing twice."
	['Counter Style'] = { -- Captain Kidd exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Low chance of Death Counter when battle starts.'
	['Revenge Style'] = { -- Seiten Taisei exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Medium chance of Death Counter when battle starts.'
	['Masochist Lash'] = { -- Carmen exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Additional attack when a target is bound.'
	['Mistress Lash'] = { -- Hecate exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Additional powerful attack when a target is bound.'
	['Snacking Art'] = { -- Goemon exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Slightly restore HP at the end of the turn.'
	['Snack Expertise'] = { -- Kamu Susano-o exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Greatly restore HP at the end of the turn.'
	['Kitty Step'] = { -- Zorro exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Moderately raise evasion against all attacks.'
	['Trick Step'] = { -- Mercurius exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Greatly raise evasion against all attacks.'
	['Resonance'] = { -- Female Orpheus exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Raise Link damage based on number of Links used.'
	['Telepathic Bond'] = { -- Messiah exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Greatly raise Link damage based on number of Links used.'
	['Axe Guard'] = { -- Milady exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Low chance of nullifying Phys attacks.'
	['Axe Bulwark'] = { -- Astarte exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Medium chance of nullifying Phys attacks.'
	['Swordbreaker'] = { -- Izanagi exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Medium chance of decreasing Phys damage to user's row."
	['Protecting Sword'] = { -- Izanagi-no-Okami exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "High chance of decreasing Phys damage to the user's row."
	['Illusive Dance'] = { -- Konohana Sakuya exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Moderately raise evasion against all attacks.'
	['Mirage Dance'] = { -- Amaterasu exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Greatly raise evasion against all attacks.'
	['Immunity Bod'] = { -- Kintoki-Douji exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Low chance of nullifying Phys attacks.'
	['Invincible Bod'] = { -- Kamui exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Medium chance of nullifying Phys attacks.'
	["Queen's Pierce"] = { -- Penthesilea exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Greatly raise damage when striking an enemy's weakness."
	["Empress Pierce"] = { -- Artemisia exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Intensely raise damage when striking an enemy's weakness."
	['Serene Stroll'] = { -- Cerberus exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Slightly restore SP while walking in the labyrinth"
	['Paradise Stroll'] = { -- Evolved Cerberus exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Moderately restore SP while walking in the labyrinth."
	['Aspiring Heart'] = { -- Nemesis exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Raise Link damage based on number of Links used."
	['Great Unity Link'] = { -- Kala-Nemi exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Greatly Link damage based on number of Links used."
	['Fool Card'] = { -- Male Orpheus exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = 'Moderately raise Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind/Psy/Nuke attack strength.'
	['Judgement Card'] = { -- Orpheus Telos exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Greatly raise Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind/Psy/Nuke attack strength."
	['Aegis Shield'] = { -- Palladion exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "Medium chance to null Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind/Psy/Nuke damage to user's row."
	['Aegis Shielding'] = { -- Athena exclusive
	    cost = 'Passive',
	    effect = "High chance to null Fire/Ice/Elec/Wind/Psy/Nuke damage to user's row."
	['Renewal Ray'] = {
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Slightly restore HP. (Party)"
	['Purifying Rain'] = {
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Remove all ailments and Binds. (Party)"
	['Yomi Return'] = {
	    cost = "3 Gauges",
	    effect = "Revive and restore half HP. (1 ally)"
	["Orb of Power"] = {
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Raise attack for 3 turns. (Party)"
	["Orb of Resolve"] = {
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Raise defense for 3 turns. (Party)"
	["Orb of Haste"] = {
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Raise accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (Party)"
	["Eternal Melody"] = {
	    cost = "3 Gauges",
	    effect = "Extend buffs by 3 additional turns. (Party)"
	["Heroic Wind"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Restore 5% of HP each turn. (Party)"
	["Life Aid"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Restore 20% of HP after battle. (Party)"
	["Victory Cry"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Fully restore HP after battle. (Party)"
	["Hunting Prayer"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Slightly raise drop rate of materials from enemies."
	["Mini Recovery"] = { -- Necronomicon and Prometheus exclusive
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Slightly restore HP at the end of the turn for 3 turns. (Party)"
	["Zero Shift"] = { -- Necronomicon exclusive
	    cost = "3 Gauges",
	    effect = "Lower skill costs to 0. (1 ally)"
	["Zero Shift-Prometheus"] = { -- Prometheus exclusive
	    name = "Zero Shift",
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Lower skill costs to 0. (1 ally)"
	["Final Guard"] = { -- Necronomicon exclusive
	    cost = "5 Gauges",
	    effect = "Nullifies all damage for 1 turn. (Party)"
	["Final Guard-Prometheus"] = { -- Prometheus exclusive
	    name = "Final Guard",
	    cost = "4 Gauges",
	    effect = "Nullifies all damage for 1 turn. (Party)"
	["Spotlight"] = { -- Himiko and Kanzeon exclusive
	    cost = "1 Gauge",
	    effect = "Allow someone to act first for the turn. (1 ally)"
	["Encore"] = { -- Himiko exclusive
	    cost = "3 Gauges",
	    effect = "Extend buffs by 3 additional turns. (Party)"
	["Encore-Kanzeon"] = { -- Kanzeon exclusive
	    name = "Encore",
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Extend buffs by 3 additional turns. (Party)"
	["True Analysis"] = { -- Himiko exclusive
	    cost = "5 Gauges",
	    effect = "Unlocks all affinity details. (1 enemy)"
	["True Analysis-Kanzeon"] = { -- Kanzeon exclusive
	    name = "True Analysis",
	    cost = "4 Gauges",
	    effect = "Unlocks all affinity details. (1 enemy)"
	["Escape Route"] = { -- Lucia and Juno exclusive
	    cost = "1 Gauge",
	    effect = "Flee from battle and teleport to floor entrance. (Party)"
	["Healing Tide"] = { -- Lucia exclusive
	    cost = "3 Gauges",
	    effect = "Moderately restore HP at the end of the turn for 3 turns. (Party)"
	["Healing Tide-Juno"] = { -- Juno exclusive
	    name = "Healing Tide",
	    cost = "2 Gauges",
	    effect = "Moderately restore HP at the end of the turn for 3 turns. (Party)"
	["Oracle"] = { -- Lucia exclusive
	    cost = "5 Gauges",
	    effect = "Give a random beneficial effect. (Party)"
	["Oracle-Juno"] = { -- Juno exclusive
	    name = "Oracle",
	    cost = "4 Gauges",
	    effect = "Give a random beneficial effect. (Party)"
	["Hikari's Cheer"] = { -- Hikari exclusive
	    cost = "3 Gauges",
	    effect = "Raise attack, removes Binds, and adds Boost. (1 ally)"
	["Paths of Light"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Moderately restore HP while walking in the labyrinth."
	["Roads of Light"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Slightly restore SP while walking in the labyrinth."
	["Faerie's Vigil"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Display nearby hidden passages on map."
	["Tengu's Vigil"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Display wide range of hidden passages on map."
	["Treasure Hunter"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Display nearby treasure chests on map."
	["Fortune Hunter"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Display wide range of hidden passages on map."
	["Clairvoyance"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Display nearby FOEs/chests/hidden passages on map."
	["Farsight"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Display wide range of FOEs/chests/hidden passages on map."
	["Spotter"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Slightly raise chance of rare items at Treasure Spots."
	["Magic Mallet"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Greatly raise chance of rare items at Treasure Spots."
	["Harvest Prayer"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Slightly increase items gathered at Treasure Spots."
	["Safety Prayer"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Slightly lower chance of ambushes at Treasure Spots."
	["Calming Lull"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Greatly lower chance of ambushes at Treasure Spots."
	["Snake Glare"] = {
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "High chance of preventing enemy ambushes."
	["Sneak Guide"] = { -- Necronomicon and Prometheus exclusive
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Higher chance of gaining a preemptive attack."
	["Treasure Skimmer"] = { -- Necronomicon and Prometheus exclusive
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Raise amount of found items at Treasure Spots."
	["Cheer March"] = { -- Himiko and Kanzeon exclusive
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Slightly restore HP while walking in the labyrinth."
	["On Stage"] = { -- Himiko and Kanzeon exclusive
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Greatly lower chance of ambushes at Treasure Spots."
	["Risk Management"] = { -- Lucia and Juno exclusive
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "High chance of preventing enemy ambushes."
	["Third Eye"] = { -- Lucia and Juno exclusive
	    cost = "Passive",
	    effect = "Display nearby FOEs/chests/hidden passages on map."
	-- enemy exclusive skills
	["Buchikamashi"] = {
	    effect = "Light Phys attack. (1 enemy)"
	["Burst Arm"] = {
	    effect = "4-8 light Phys attacks to random targets. (All Enemies)"
	["Mow Down"] = {
	    effect = "Light Phys attack. (1 row)"
	["Egg Bomb"] = {
	    effect = "Light Phys attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)"
	["Carrot Gun"] = {
	    effect = "Light Phys attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)"
	["Scepter Strike"] = {
	    effect = "Phys attack dealing damage equal to half of enemy's current HP. (1 Enemy)"
	["Stab Shower"] = {
	    effect = "3 light Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Thorn Shackles"] = {
	    effect = "Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["Stunning Slice"] = {
	    effect = "Light Phys attack, with medium chance of Paralysis. (1 enemy)"
	["Burst Shot"] = {
	    effect = "4-8 light Phys attacks to random targets. (1 enemy)"
	["Bane Slice"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of Hex. (1 enemy)"
	["Thorn Cuffs"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["End Shot"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack that activates last in the turn it's used. (1 enemy)"
	["Megaton Press"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack, with medium chance of knockdown. (1 enemy)"
	["Charge Shot"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)"
	["Drain Touch"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack that restores HP upon dealing damage. (1 enemy)"
	["Berserk Frenzy"] = {
	    effect = "3-6 medium Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Tail Whip"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack. (1 row)"
	["Barrage"] = {
	    effect = "10 medium Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Kamoshida Kick"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack. Lower attack for 3 turns. (1 enemy)"
	["Leg Eraser"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["Power Eraser"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Strength Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["Head Eraser"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Phys attack, with high chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["Hard Slash"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Phys attack. (1 enemy)"
	["Dream Slice"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)"
	["Thorn Chains"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Magic Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["Sabaton Slice"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Phys attack, with medium chance of Agility Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["Mow Down-Bear"] = {
	    name = "Mow Down",
	    effect = "2-3 heavy Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Wild Rush"] = {
	    effect = "4 heavy Phys attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Scarlet Laser"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Phys attack. (All enemies)"
	["Crushing Strike"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Phys attack. Medium chance of Magic/Strength/Agility Bind. (1 enemy)"
	["Supersonic Hero"] = {
	    effect = "Phys attack. (All enemies)"
	["Pounce Punch"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Phys attack. (Two random enemies)"
	["Fire Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Light Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)"
	["Flame Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)"
	["Inferno Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Fire attack that splashes to either side. (1 enemy)"
	["Carrot Bomb"] = {
	    effect = "Light Fire attack. (1 enemy)"
	["Ice Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Light Ice attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)"
	["Frost Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Ice attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)"
	["Frigid Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Ice attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)"
	["Elec Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Light Elec attack. (1 row)"
	["Bolt Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Medium Elec attack. (1 row)"
	["Storm Dance"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Elec attack. (1 row)"
	["Wind Dance"] = {
	    effect = "2-3 light Wind attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Gust Dance"] = {
	    effect = "2-3 medium Wind attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Hurricane Dance"] = {
	    effect = "2-3 heavy Wind attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Wind Fang"] = {
	    effect = "Light Wind attack. (1 enemy)"
	["Swift Fang"] = {
	    effect = "Light Wind attack that pierces to the back row. (1 enemy)"
	["Gale Fang"] = {
	    effect = "Light Wind attack. (1 row)"
	["Tempest Fang"] = {
	    effect = "3-5 light Wind attacks to random targets. (All enemies)"
	["Self-Destruct"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Almighty attack to everyone, including allies and enemies."
	["Holy Wrath"] = {
	    effect = "Almighty attack which also inflicts Magic/Strength/Agility Bind. (1 Row)"
	["Riot Run"] = {
	    effect = "Proportional Almighty attack. (All enemies)"
	["Synchronicity"] = {
	    effect = "Almighty attack which deals enough damage to set each enemy to the lowest HP."
	["Perplex Flash"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Confusion. (1 enemy)"
	["Bunny Slumber"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Sleep. (1 enemy)"
	["Shibaboo"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Paralysis. (1 enemy)"
	["Binding Cry"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Paralysis. (All enemies)"
	["Stona"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Petrification. (1 enemy)"
	["Stone Mist"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Petrification. (1 row)"
	["Muscle Down"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Strength Bind. (All enemies)"
	["Silent Song"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Magic Bind. (All enemies)"
	["Spiderweb"] = {
	    effect = "Medium chance of Agility Bind. (All enemies)"
	["Absolute Power"] = {
	    effect = "Magic/Strength/Agility Bind all targets."
	["Safeguard"] = {
	    effect = "Raise defense & protects an ally. Extra defense while protecting. (1 ally)"
	["Hypercharge"] = {
	    effect = "Triple Phys attack of next hit for 3 turns. (Self)"
	["Psych Up"] = {
	    effect = "Triple attack of next hit for 3 turns. (Self)"
	["Nasty Taunt"] = {
	    effect = "Raise attack for 1 turn. (1 ally)"
	['Double Sukukaja'] = {
		effect = 'Greatly raise accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	['Triple Sukukaja'] = {
		effect = 'Intensely raise accuracy and evasion for 3 turns. (1 ally)',
	["Denial"] = {
	    effect = "Disable 1 random skill. (All enemies)"
	["Auto-Recovery"] = {
	    effect = "Restore Medium amount of HP."
	["Infinite Despair"] = {
	    effect = "Magic/Strength/Agility Bind all targets."
	["Pierce Rapier"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Physical attack. (Pierce)"
	["Saint Spear"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Physical attack. (Pierce)"
	["Saint Aura"] = {
	    effect = "Changes user resistances + Sleep (All foes)"
	["Frost Aura"] = {
	    effect = "Changes user resistances + Agility Bind (All foes)"
	["Umbral Aura"] = {
	    effect = "Changes user resistances + curse (All foes)"
	["Flame Aura"] = {
	    effect = "Changes user resistances + Panic (All foes)"
	["Saint Tempest"] = {
	    effect = "Bless attack 2-5 times. (One row)"
	["Frost Tempest"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Ice attack. 2-5 times. (One row)"
	["Flame Tempest"] = {
	    effect = "Heavy Fire attack. 2-5 times. (One row)"
	["Umbral Tempest"] = {
	    effect = "Curse attack 2-5 times. (One row)"
	["Retake"] = {
	    effect = "Undos all actions from the current turn. "
	["Rage"] = {
	    effect = "Charges up next attack. "
	["Time Accel"] = {
	    effect = "Skip current turn and prepare for Origin Strike. "
	["Origin Strike"] = {
	    effect = "Colossal Physical attack. (Splash)"

-- 未知技能的占位符
	["unknown"] = {
		name = ' ? ',
		cost = ' ? ',
		effect = ' ? ',

local aliases = {
	-- 名称变体
	[""] = "",

return {
	skills = skills,
	aliases = aliases,