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Just Like the Wind

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Just Like the Wind
演唱 平田志穂子
作曲 小林哲也
作词 Lotus Juice
PERSONA4 the Golden ANIMATION Original Soundtrack Vol.5

Just Like the Wind》是《女神异闻录4 黄金版动画》的插曲,由平田志穗子演唱。


Just Like the Wind》是《女神异闻录4 黄金版动画》第11話的插曲,由平田志穗子演唱,收录于专辑《PERSONA4 the Golden ANIMATION Original Soundtrack Vol.5》中。



there used to be a rusty swing beside this house
it used to creak on windy days like yesterday
when violently the raindrops blew against my window pane, but

they made no sound, the triple glazing kept it out
yet in my mind I heard that old swing, thinking 'bout
how can we know the sound of wind if nothing moves around us?

in this hard, shiny world
can our voices still be heard
or like the wind, have we become
a bit more silent in our ways?
in this clean, modern world
is it harder to discern
what we're trying to communicate?
just like the wind, could it be that we need a swing?

just like the wind, what we need is a moving thing

