Undertale Soundtrack
Undertale Soundtrack | ||
![]() 原声带封面 | ||
发行 | Materia Collective | |
发行日期 | 2015年9月15日 |
Undertale Soundtrack为传说之下的原声带专辑且是传说之下的官方音乐,2015年9月15日发售于Bandcamp、Steam、iTunes、游戏官网,并于Spotify免费提供。所有的曲目皆为Toby Fox使用FL Studio创作而成。
Undertale Soundtrack共有101首音乐,其中第72是隐藏音乐。在正常的游戏中不会出现。
编号 | 标题 | 长度 | 播放地点 | 动机 |
1 | Once Upon a Time | 1:28 | 游戏开场白 | Undertale |
2 | Start Menu | 0:32 | 开始页面 | Undertale |
3 | Your Best Friend | 0:23 | 主角 第一次遇见 小花 | Flowey |
4 | Fallen Down | 0:57 | Toriel 遇见Frisk的时候 | Toriel |
5 | Ruins | 1:32 | 遗迹的bgm | Don't Give Up |
6 | Uwa!! So Temperate♫ | 0:56 | 春季和秋季的设置页面的bgm | Uwa!! |
7 | Anticipation | 0:22 | 与假人、第一只蛙吉特战斗;在屠杀线和开心的假人战斗时 | Battle |
8 | Unnecessary Tension | 0:17 | Toriel给主角独立的考验时 | |
9 | Enemy Approaching | 0:56 | 进入怪物的遭遇战时 | Battle |
10 | Ghost Fight | 0:56 | 与Napstablook的战斗时 | Ghost |
11 | Determination | 0:50 | Game Over时所播放的音乐 | Determination |
12 | Home | 2:03 | Toriel的家 | Undertale |
13 | Home (Music Box) | 2:02 | 在Toriel的家中小睡后 | Undertale |
14 | Heartache | 1:48 | 与Toriel的战斗时 | Heartache |
15 | Sans. | 0:50 | 与Sans进行互动的时候也在一下放松的场合使用 | Sans |
16 | Nyeh Heh Heh! | 0:32 | 与Papyrus进行轻松愉快的互动 | Papyrus |
17 | Snowy | 1:44 | 雪町森林区域的背景音乐 | Hopes |
18 | Uwa!! So Holiday♫ | 0:30 | 冬季的设置页面的bgm | Uwa!! |
19 | Dogbass | 0:06 | 在雪町第一次遇见dogaressa和dogamy | Ghost |
20 | Mysterious Place | 0:44 | 雪町森林深处的奇妙洞穴 | |
21 | Dogsong | 0:37 | 与greater dog的战斗,与神烦狗相遇;屠杀路线中被Sans花式吊打后、某些中立结局 | Battle |
22 | Snowdin | 1:16 | 大部分雪町地点的bgm | Hopes |
23 | Shop | 0:50 | 除了鳄鳄和猫猫、提米商店外的所有商店的bgm | Hopes |
24 | Bonetrousle | 0:57 | 当玩家在跟 Papyrus战斗时 | Papyrus |
25 | Dating Start! | 1:56 | 与papyrus约会开始时播放;鳄鳄和猫猫的商店背景音乐 | Hopes |
26 | Dating Tense! | 0:26 | 与Papyrus约会时播放 | Undyne, Don't Give Up |
27 | Dating Fight! | 0:35 | 约会时的战斗曲 | Hopes |
28 | Premonition | 1:01 | 与Sans在烤尔比讨论时 | |
29 | Danger Mystery | 0:18 | 在瀑布看到Papyrus与Undyne的对话 | Despair |
30 | Undyne | 0:45 | 主角初遇Undyne时 | Undyne |
31 | Waterfall | 2:06 | 瀑布的bgm | Don't Give Up |
32 | Run! | 0:26 | Undyne追逐战的时候 | Undyne |
33 | Quiet Water | 0:32 | Don't Give Up | |
34 | Memory | 1:15 | His Theme | |
35 | Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap | 0:25 | 瀑布的小鸟带主角跨越横沟时 | Alphys |
36 | Dummy! | 2:25 | 愤怒假人的战斗曲 | Ghost |
37 | Pathetic House | 0:38 | 在Napstablook家游玩时 | Ghost |
38 | Spooktune | 0:23 | Napstablook家的左侧的唱片 | Spooktune |
39 | Spookwave | 0:25 | Napstablook家的中间的唱片 | Spooktune |
40 | Ghouliday | 0:12 | Napstablook家右侧的唱片 | Jingle Bells |
41 | Chill | 0:56 | 与Napstablook像垃圾般躺在地上 | |
42 | Thundersnail | 0:42 | 在Napstablook的家族农场玩闪电蜗牛 | Ghost |
43 | Temmie Village | 0:57 | Temmie村庄的bgm | Dogsong (Battle) |
44 | Tem Shop | 0:45 | Temmie商店的bgm | Dogsong (Battle) |
45 | NGAHHH!! | 1:22 | Undyne的戏剧性场景 | Undyne, Don't Give Up |
46 | Spear of Justice | 1:55 | 与Undyne的战斗曲 | Undyne, Don't Give Up |
47 | Ooo | 0:14 | 在Hotland的某些地方 | |
48 | Alphys | 1:25 | 与Alphys互动时 | Alphys |
49 | It's Showtime! | 0:46 | Mettaton的初登场配乐 | Mettaton |
50 | Metal Crusher | 1:03 | Mettaton的问答秀 | Mettaton, Spooktune |
51 | Another Medium | 2:22 | Hotland的bgm | Another Medium |
52 | Uwa!! So HEATS!!♫ | 0:33 | 夏季的设置目录的bgm | Uwa!! |
53 | Stronger Monsters | 1:03 | 困难模式的怪物遭遇战 | Battles |
54 | Hotel | 1:27 | 在MTT渡假村和Mettaton烹饪秀里 | Undertale,Flowey |
55 | Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything | 1:01 | MTT渡假村的右侧走廊;Mettaton烹饪秀的喷射背包环节 | Undertale |
56 | Confession | 0:42 | 两名皇家卫兵互相告白时 | Hopes |
57 | Live Report | 4:09 | Mettaton的新闻联播时 | Mettaton |
58 | Death Report | 0:40 | Mettaton的炸弹秀时 | Mettaton |
59 | Spider Dance | 1:46 | Muffet的战斗曲 | Ghost |
60 | Wrong Enemy !? | 7:48 | So sorry的战斗曲 | Flowey,Ghost |
61 | Oh! One True Love | 1:24 | Mtt音乐剧 | Oh! One True Love |
62 | Oh! Dungeon | 0:32 | 地牢的彩砖谜题环节 | Oh! One True Love |
63 | It's Raining Somewhere Else | 2:50 | 和Sans在MTT度假村吃饭 | Sans |
64 | CORE Approach | 0:12 | Hotland和核心之间的交界处 | Undertale |
65 | CORE | 2:46 | 核心区域的BGM | Another Medium |
66 | Last Episode! | 0:07 | 与Mettaton EX的战斗前 | Mettaton |
67 | Oh My... | 0:14 | 当Mettato身后的开关被打开时、变成Mettaton EX | Glamour |
68 | Death by Glamour | 2:14 | Mettaton EX的战斗曲 | Glamour, Mettaton, CORE (Another Medium) |
69 | For The Fans | 1:47 | 与Mettaton EX战斗后 | Oh! One True Love |
70 | Long Elevator | 0:20 | 搭乘核心到新家的电梯时 | |
71 | Undertale | 6:21 | 新家的bgm | His Theme, Undertale |
72 | Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans | 1:02 | Sans在中立线的战斗曲由于Toby想不到任何sans在中立线的战斗理由,所以这首歌也不用了 | Sans, Papyrus |
73 | The Choice | 2:12 |
Undertale,His Theme |
74 | Small Shock | 0:14 | 初遇Asgore时 | |
75 | Barrier | 0:31 | 与结界前的bgm | |
76 | Bergentrückung | 0:21 | 和Asgore战斗前 | Asgore |
77 | ASGORE | 2:36 | Asgore的战斗曲 | Asgore, Heartache, Determination |
78 | You Idiot | 0:35 | 与小花的战斗前 | Despair |
79 | Your Best Nightmare | 4:00 | 小花的战斗曲 | Despair, Flowey |
80 | Finale | 1:52 | 小花的(被)处刑曲 | Flowey, His Theme |
81 | An Ending | 3:29 | 大部分的中立结局的结尾来电 | Don't Give Up |
82 | She's Playing Piano | 0:19 | 与Undyne约会前 | Alphys |
83 | Here We Are | 2:06 | 真实验室的bgm | Alphys |
84 | Amalgam | 1:20 | 与大部分的融合物战斗时 | Alphys,Battles |
85 | Fallen Down (Reprise) | 2:31 | Toriel与Asgore的对话时 | Toriel, Undertale, Dogsong (Battles) |
86 | Don't Give Up | 2:02 |
Don't Give Up |
87 | Hopes and Dreams | 3:01 | Asriel的战斗曲 | Undertale, Flowey, Hopes |
88 | Burn in Despair! | 0:21 | Asriel的战斗曲 | Despair |
89 | SAVE the World | 1:53 | Asriel的战斗曲 | Undertale, Flowey |
90 | His Theme | 2:05 | 与Asriel的战斗后 | His Theme |
91 | Final Power | 0:19 | Asriel 摧毁结界时 | Undertale (in reverse) |
92 | Reunited | 4:44 | 和平线最终战后的全地图背景音乐 | Undertale, Hopes |
93 | Menu(full) | 0:32 | 与所有可约会的角色成为朋友后目录的bgm | Undertale |
94 | Respite | 1:54 | 在和平线看日出时 | Don't Give Up |
95 | Bring It In, Guys! | 4:12 | 和平线致谢名单的怪物段落 | Battle, Papyrus, Hopes, Undyne, Don't Give Up, Mettaton EX, CORE, Asgore, Toriel, Undertale |
96 | Last Goodbye | 2:15 | 于 Kickstarter 赞助人员感谢清单时播放 | Undertale, Flowey |
97 | But the Earth Refused to Die | 0:34 | 与Undyne The Undying战斗前。 | Don't Give Up |
98 | Battle Against a True Hero | 2:37 | Undyne The Undying战斗曲 | True Hero, Don't Give Up |
99 | Power of "NEO" | 0:31 | Mettaton NEO 的战斗曲 | True Hero |
100 | MEGALOVANIA | 2:36 | Sans的屠杀线战斗曲 | Undertale,Battles,
Dogsong |
101 | Good Night | 0:31 | 「特别感谢」名单的结尾 | Undertale |
主导动机(leitmotif)或称动机,是指在许多曲中重复使用的音乐片段或旋律。Undertale Soundtrack中大量使用了动机,因为Toby除了想为游戏创造怀旧的氛围,更是想要唤起玩家情感上的共鸣事实上是Toby懒得写歌曲了。
Once Upon a Time
- Once Upon a Time
- Start Menu and Menu (Full)
- Home
- Home (Music Box) 0:36-1:44
- Hotel 0:20-1:22
- Can You Really Call This A Hotel, I Didn't Receive A Mint On My Pillow Or Anything 0:14-0:57
- Undertale 0:37-4:41, 5:20-5:58
- The Choice
- Fallen Down (Reprise) 1:18-2:30
- Hopes and Dreams 0:00-1:29, 1:52-2:14
- SAVE the World 0:00- 0:14, 0:35-1:46
- Final Power (Hopes and Dreams reversed)
- Reunited 0:43-3:56
- Bring It In, Guys! 3:47-4:05
- Last Goodbye 0:00-0:25, 0:45-2:15
- Good Night
- Undertale (未使用版本)
- Before the Story 0:29-1:28(非传说之下歌曲)
- Your Best Friend
- Your Best Nightmare 0:54-1:26, 2:00-2:27, 3:00-3:27
- Finale 0:00-0:40, 0:57-1:52
- Hopes and Dreams 1:18-1:52
- SAVE the World 0:05-0:08, 0:15-0:18, 0:25-0:28, 0:36-0:39, 1:35-1:46
- Last Goodbye 0:29-0:32, 0:39-0:42
- You Idiot
- Your Best Nightmare 0:00-0:16, 0:22-0:53, 1:27-1:54, 2:29-2:54, 3:28-4:00
- Premonition
- Burn in Despair!
- Fallen Down
- Fallen Down (Reprise) 0:00-1:18
- Bring It In, Guys! 3:34-3:47
- Empty House (已在正式版移除)
- Ruins
- Waterfall 0:27-1:56
- Quiet Water
- NGAHHH!! 0:34-1:22
- Spear of Justice 0:36-1:55
- An Ending(放慢速度)
- Don't Give Up(放慢速度,后加上鼓点)
- Undyne Battle (未使用/已废弃) 0:29-1:17
Enemy Approaching
- Enemy Approaching
- Heartache 0:53-1:03
- Dogsong(降调+放慢速度版本)
- Temmie Village(降调版本)
- Tem Shop(降调版本)
- Stronger Monsters
- Bring It In, Guys! 0:00-0:34
- Donation Shrine (非传说之下歌曲)
- Dogtroid(非传说之下歌曲)
Ghost Fight
- Ghost Fight
- Dummy!
- Pathetic House
- Spider Dance
- Mad Mew Mew(愤怒喵喵战斗曲)(PS,Switch版本专属音乐)(在另一个专辑里,那个专辑就只有这一首曲子)
- sans.
- Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans
- Bring It In, Guys! 0:40-0:46
- Nyeh Heh Heh!
- Bonetrousle 事实上就是Nyeh Heh Heh!的加长版
- Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans 0:33-0:58
- Bring It In, Guys! 0:34-0:53
- Snowy
- Snowdin Town 0:00-0:56
- Shop 0:00-0:25
- Dating Start! 0:00-0:16, 0:37-0:54, 1:31-1:56
- Dating Fight! 0:00-0:13
- Bring It In, Guys! 0:54-1:16
- Snowdin Town 0:56-1:16
- Shop 0:25-0:50
- Dating Start! 0:16-0:35, 0:54-1:31
- Dating Fight! 0:13-0:35
- Confession
- Hopes and Dreams 2:15-3:01
- Reunited 3:56-4:25
- Bring It In, Guys! 1:16-1:29
- Undyne
- Run! 0:00-0:15(加快速度)
- Dating Tense! 0:17-0:25 ,(变调)
- NGAHHH!! 0:00-0:34
- Spear of Justice 0:00-0:36
- ASGORE 2:28-2:36(变调)
- Bring It In, Guys! 1:29-1:48,(变调)
- Undyne Battle (未使用/已删除) 0:00-0:29,1:17-1:30,(变调)
Another Medium
- Waterfall 0:00-0:27, 1:56-2:07
- Another Medium 0:00-0:51, 0:59-1:21, 1:51-2:10
- Death by Glamour
- Bring It In, Guys!
- Alphys
- Bird That Carries You Over A Disproportionately Small Gap
- [来源请求]
- Here We Are (整首歌)
- Alphys Lab (未使用/已废弃)
It's Showtime!
- It's Showtime!(整首歌)
- Live Report(整首歌)
- Death Report(整首歌)
- Death by Glamour 1:30-1:56
- Heartache
- Hopes and Dreams
- Megalovania
Groove Coaster
- Bonetrousle
- Spear of Justice
- Spider Dance
- Death by Glamour
- Your Best Nightmare
- Last Goodbye
- Battle Against a True Hero