Five Night's at Freddy's 3 玩具熊的五夜后宫 3 | |
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原名 | Five Night's at Freddy's 3 |
常用译名 | 玩具熊的五夜后宫3 FNaF3 |
类型 | 恐怖 |
平台 | PC、iOS |
开发 | Scott Games |
制作人 | Scott Cawthon |
设计师 | Scott Cawthon |
系列 | Five Nights at Freddy's 系列 |
发行时间 | 2015年 3月 2日 |
“ | 他会回来的。(He will come back.) 他一直都会。(He always does.) 我们为他留了位子。(We have a place for him.) 玩具熊的五夜后宫3(Five Nights at Freddy's 3) |
” |
——官方宣传片 |
《玩具熊的五夜后宫3》(英语:Five Night's at Freddy's 3)是由Scott Cawthon创作的一部游戏。
隐藏的迷你游戏与真结局 |
本游戏在每个夜晚中均会有一个像素风过场动画,玩家在FNaF1时点的店里操作电子玩偶跟随暗影弗雷迪来到厕所侧隐藏着的安全屋,但因为安全屋在玩偶的电子程序中不存在因此无法被识别,而被躲在里面的紫衣人一个个分解。但是这样做反而使附身于玩偶之上的灵魂得到了释放。而在第五夜(这天下雨),玩家操控一个哭泣的孩子(通过威廉害怕的样子可以推测,这个孩子很可能是附身在了黄金弗雷迪上的BV,即威廉的小儿子)前往安全屋,因为他是灵魂而非玩偶所以可以穿过安全屋的屏障,并且和四个玩偶的灵魂一起将紫衣人逼进弹簧兔的服装里。紫衣人一开始因为灵魂无法接近自己笑了更有可是想通过来弹簧兔吓唬BV,因为,但随即便因雨水使弹簧锁松动而被挤死在弹簧服里。这便是弹簧陷阱的由来——紫衣人不知因什么原因在弹簧兔的内部活了过来,成为了尸体与电子玩偶的中间形态。但这样完成第五夜的话,玩家会得到“坏结局”(Bad End)的结局,玩偶们的灯亮着,暗示附在玩偶上的灵魂们还没有解开怨恨成佛。 玩家要达成真结局,需要在指定的夜晚做指定的行动。以下是达成真结局的方法:(每晚上在过场动画小游戏中去西侧走廊可以看到线索)
真·真结局 |
玩家通关第六夜后报纸上会显示着弗雷迪鬼屋被烧毁了。因为设计上的不合理导致了火灾,导致在开门之前鬼屋就关门大吉了。从火灾幸存下来的物品会被拿去拍卖,而弹簧陷阱却从火灾中活了下来。 |
第一夜 |
第一夜也是唯一没有敌人的夜晚(虽然有很小几率会遇到幻影们),玩家可以放心熟悉操作 Phone Dude: Hey-Hey! Glad you came back for another night! I promise it'll be a lot more interesting this time. We found some-some great new relics over the weekend. And we're out tracking down a new lead, right now. So-uh lemme just update real quick,then you can get to work. 电话伙计[3]:嘿-嘿!看到你又回来值晚班我很高兴!我保证这次肯定比上次更好玩很多。我们在上周末找到了很多超赞的遗物,而且我们现在还在试图寻找更多。所以-呃,我现在尽可能快的告诉你点事情,然后你就可以回去干活了。 Like, the attraction opens in like, a week, so we had to make sure everything works, and nothing catches on fire! Uh-when the place opens, people will come in at the opposite end of the building, and work their way towards you, then past you and out the exit. Uh-yeah. You've officially become a part of the attraction. 嗯,这个地方大概一周以后开门,所以我们需要确定所有的东西都能正常运转,并且不会被火烧着!呃-当这个地方开门的时候,人们会从对面的入口进来,然后走到你这边,然后走向那边的出口。呃-是的,你现在正式的成为了我们鬼屋景点的一部分。 Uh-You'll be starring as... The security guard! So not only will you be monitoring the people on the cameras as they pass through, y'know, to make sure no one steals anything or makes out in the corner, but you'll also be a part of the show. It'll make it feel really authentic I think. Uh... Now let me tell you about what's new. We found another set of drawings, always nice, and a Foxy head! Which we think to be authentic... then again it might just be another crappy cosplay, and we found a desk fan, very old school - metal, though, so watch the fingers. Uh-heh... Uh... Right now the place is basically just, you know, flashing lights, spooky props. 呃-所以你需要扮演的角色是...夜间保安!所以你不仅需要用你手边的监控来看人们是不是走过他们该走的路线,注意有没有人偷东西或者在角落里偷偷亲热鬼屋日常,而且你还要亲自成为我们演出的一部分。这样应该会让我们的鬼屋看起来很逼真。呃...那么现在让我告诉你我们新增的东西。我们找到了另一些涂鸦——一直看起来很不错——然后一个霍斯头套!在我们看来这家伙好像是真货...或者也许这也是哪个无良厂家的仿造cosplay头套?还有,我们找到了个电风扇耗电万恶之源,非常老式的铁制款式,所以小心你的手指。呃嘿嘿...呃...所以其实现在这地方也就是一堆闪烁的灯光和吓人的道具的堆积地。 Uh, I honestly thought we would have more by now, uh, we don't have something really cool by next week, we may have to suit you up in a furry suit, and make you walk around saying, "Boo"... *hehe*, uh... But, you know, like I said, we're trying to track down a good lead right now. Uh, some guy who helped design one of the buildings says there was, like, an extra room that got boarded up or- uh, something like that. So, we're gonna take a peek and see what we can find. Uh, for now just get comfortable with the new setup, um... 呃,我真希望我们还能有更多可以用的道具。呃,如果我们下周也找不到非常吓人的道具的话,也许我们会让你穿上毛绒皮套,然后让你到处走然后说“呜~”...嘿嘿,呃...但是就像我说过的那样,我们一直在想办法找到一些旧披萨店剩下的道具。呃,其中一个曾经设计披萨店建筑的人跟我说,那里应该有个被封住的隐藏房间之类的。所以,我们准备去看看我们能找到点啥。呃,现在你只需要熟悉一下新的操作,嗯... You can check the security cameras over to your right with a click of that blue button. Uh, you can toggle between the hall cams and the vent cams... Uh, then over to your far left, uh, you can flip up your maintenance panel. Y'know, use this to reboot any systems that may go offline. Heh. So, in trying to make the place feel vintage we may have overdone it a bit, hehe... Some of this equipment is barely functional. 点一下你右边的蓝色按钮你就可以看那些监控。呃,你可以在走廊摄像头和通风口摄像头之间切换,呃。然后在你左边,你可以打开你的维修面板。你知道的,这东西可以重启那些坏掉的系统,嘿。我们为了让这地方看起来老旧一点可能做的太过一点了,嘿嘿...其中一些系统有时候都不听话。 Yeah, I wasn't joking about the fire. Tha-tha-that's a real risk. Uh, the most important thing you want to watch for is the ventilation. Look, this place will give you the spooks, man, and if you let that ventilation go offline, then you'll start seeing some crazy stuff, man. Keep that air flowin'. Okay, keep an eye on things, and we'll try to have something new for ya tomorrow night. 所以我说可能起火可不是开玩笑的。那可是真的危险。呃,所以你最需要检查的系统还是通风口。你看,这地方看着就起鸡皮疙瘩,在这情况下你再透不过气的话估计你就会开始看见幻觉了。记住换气,盯住我们的道具,然后我们明天试着给你找点新道具回来。 |
第二夜 |
第二夜开始弹簧登场,需要边看监控边听电话 Phone Dude: Hey, man- okay, I have some awesome news for you! First of all, we found some vintage audio training cassettes! Dude, these are, like, prehistoric! I think they were, like, training tapes for like, other employees or something like that. 电话伙计:嘿,伙计你看,我有个超酷的好消息要告诉你!首先,我找到了一堆旧披萨店的员工训练用录音带!伙计,这些录音简直是...史前遗物级别的!我想那些磁带应该是给旧披萨店的员工训练用的。 So, I thought we could, like, have them playing, like, over the speakers as people walk through the attraction. Dude, that makes this feel legit, man. But I have an even better surprise for you, and you're not gonna believe this- we found one. A REAL one. Uh-oh-uh gotta go man- uh, well-well look, i-it's in there somewhere, I'm-I'm sure you'll see it. Okay, I'll leave you with some of this great audio that I found! Talk to you later, man! 所以,我想试试在这个地方用扩音器把他们放出来,这样人们在走过我们鬼屋的时候都能听到。伙计,这样的话我们鬼屋看起来可更有气氛了。但是我可有个更好的惊喜要给你我给你带来名为死亡的礼物,你肯定不相信...我们找到了一个。一个真正的电子玩偶。呃-呃-呃我得走了伙计-呃,你好好看看,他应该在这的哪个地方,我-我想你应该马上就能看到了。好了,我给你放点我找到的磁带!回头再说,伙计! Phone Guy: Uh, hello! Hello, hello! Uh, welcome to your new career as a performer/entertainer for Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. Uh, these tapes will provide you with much needed information on how to handle/climb into/climb out of mascot costumes. Right now, we have two specially designed suits that double as both animatronics and suits. So please pay close attention while learning how to operate these suits as accidents/injuries/death/irreparable and grotesque maiming can occur. First and most discussed is how to operate the mascots while in animatronic form. For ease of operation, the animatronics are set to turn and walk towards sounds they hear which is an easy and hands-free approach to making sure the animatronics stay where the children are for maximum entertainment/crowd-pleasing value. 所以记住在学习如何操作这些皮套的时候,可能会导致事故/受伤/死亡/半身不遂等事情发生所以一定要集中精神。最首先应该知道也最应该熟知的是在他们处于电子玩偶形态时该如何处理这些玩偶。为了便于操作,这些电子玩偶被设计成会被声音吸引暗示弹簧陷阱可以被音频吸引,这样可以简单又省力的让他们在孩子们附近并提供最佳的娱乐服务。 To change the animatronics to suit mode, insert and turn firmly the hand crank provided by the manufacturer. Turning the crank will recoil and compress the animatronic parts around the sides of the suit, providing room to climb inside. Please make sure the spring locks are fastened tight to ensure the animatronic devices remain safe. We will cover this in more detail in tomorrow's session. Remember to smile; you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 要将电子玩偶转换成皮套模式,请使用为操纵者提供的这个手柄,插入它并使劲推动它。这个手柄会弹出机器内部部件并把它压缩到外侧,创造出一个可以供穿戴的空间。请确定弹簧锁保持紧绷来保证电子玩偶设备的安全。我们在明天会讲解关于这方面更加详细的内容。记住保持微笑,你就是我们弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店的象征。 |
第三夜 |
Phone Guy: Uh, hello, hello! Uhm, for today's lesson we will be continuing our training on proper suit handling technique. When using an animatronic as a suit, please ensure that the animatronic parts are tightly compressed and fastened, by the spring lock located around the inside of the suit. 电话男[5]:呃,喂,喂!嗯,今天我们要讲的内容是继续上次练习如何使用手柄压缩皮套。当你将电子玩偶作为皮套使用的时候,记住保证电子玩偶部件都被皮套内部的弹簧锁装置紧紧地压缩住。 It may take a few moments, position your head and torso between these parts in a manner where you can move and speak. Try not to nudge or press against any of the spring locks inside the suit. Do not touch the spring locks at any time. Do not breathe on the spring locks as moisture may loosen them and cause them to break loose. In the case of the spring locks come loose while you are wearing the suit, please try to maneuver away from populated areas before bleeding out, as to not ruin the customers' experience. 适应你头部和胸部在部件之间可能需要一段时间,之后你才能走动和说话。记住不要挤压或按动任何皮套内部的弹簧锁,也不要触摸弹簧锁,不要对着弹簧锁呼吸,轻微的水汽也可能会导致其松动并使它们解开。如果弹簧锁在你穿着皮套时松掉了,请试着在流血之前远离群众聚集的地方,不要妨碍顾客们的快乐体验。 As always, if there is ever an emergency, please go to the designated safe room. Every location is built with one extra room that is not included in the digital map layout programmed in the animatronics or the security cameras. This room is hidden to customers, invisible to animatronics, and is always off-camera. As always, remember to smile; you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 如果有紧急状态,请前往我们预设好的安全屋。每个披萨店在建立时都建有一个在电子玩偶内设的地图程序里也没有显示的隐藏房间,当然那里也没有摄像头。这个房间对于顾客是秘密,电子玩偶也看不到,而且永远是摄像头的死角地区怎么看都是杀人的绝佳场所。一直记住保持微笑,你就是我们弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店的象征。 |
第四夜 |
Phone Guy: Uh, hello? Hello, hello! Uh there's been a slight change of company policy concerning use of the suit. Um, don't. After learning of an unfortunate insident at the sister location, involving multiple and simultaneous spring lock failures, the company has deemed the suits temporarily unfit for employees. 电话男[6]:呃,喂?喂,喂!呃,我们公司对于皮套的使用政策稍微有所变更。呃,在我们的姐妹地点指的不是姐妹地点,虽然在录音时已经存在姐妹地点发生了一起数个弹簧锁在同时解开的事故之后,我们公司吃一堑长一智,决定暂时不让员工穿戴弹簧锁服装了。 Safety is our top priorty at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, which is why the classic suits are being retired to an appropriate location, while being looked at by our technician. Until replacements arrive, you'll be expected to wear the temporary costumes provided to you. 在我们弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店,安全第一???:菲兹熊娱乐社不对伤亡负责,因此这也是为什么这些旧皮套决定进入 Keep in mind that they were found on very short notice, so questions about appropriateness/relevance should be deflected. I repeat, the classic suits are not to be touched, activated or worn. That being said, we are free of liability, do as you wish. As always, remember to smile; you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 注意这是个紧急通知,所以关于这些服装是否合身和是否舒适等等问题都一律拒绝回答。我再重复一次,不要碰触,启动或穿上弹簧锁服装。虽说如此,我们对服装事故并没有任何法律责任,出了事故后果自负。一直记住保持微笑,你就是我们弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店的象征。 |
第五夜 |
Phone Guy: Hello? Hello? Um, this is ajust a reminder of company policy concerning the safe room. The safe room is reserved for equipment and/or other property not being currently used and is in fact a safety location for employees only. 电话男[7]:喂?喂?嗯,这个磁带只是为了提醒你们关于安全屋的公司政策。安全屋是为了存放设备或/和其他目前未使用的其他道具的地方,而且其是员工专用的房间。 This is not a break room, and should not be considered a place for employees to hide and/or congregate - and under no circumstance should a customer ever be taken into this room and out of the main show area. Management has also been made aware that the Spring Bonnie animatronic has been noticeably moved. We would like to remind employees that this costume is not safe to wear under any circumstances. Thank you and remember to smile: you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 这个房间不是休息室,而且也不应该有员工藏在里面或/并且在里面集合——并且在任何场合下顾客都不应该进入这个房间并离开舞台周围明显是紫衣人在这杀过人了结果公司发现了。另外我们的管理员注意到弹簧兔邦尼电子玩偶有明显地被移动过。我们在此提醒员工们这个皮套并不安全并不应该在任何场合穿戴。谢谢合作并且记住保持微笑,你就是我们弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店的象征。 |
第六夜 |
即为通关第五夜后主界面出现的“Nightmare”关卡 Phone Guy: Uh, hello? Hello? Uh, this is just to inform all employees that due to budget restrictions, the priviously mentioned safe rooms are being sealed at most locations, including this one. Work crews will be here most of the day today, constructing a false wall over the old door base. Nothing is being taken out beforehand, so if you've left anything inside, then it's you're own fault. 电话男[8]:呃,喂?喂?呃,这个磁带是为了通知你们所有员工,因为我们的资金限制政策,之前所说的安全屋在大多数店面都已经被封锁,也包括现在的这个店铺。工作人员们今天会在这工作大半天,用一个空心墙将安全屋的门封住。你不能从安全屋里拿出任何物品,如果你有什么东西落在里面了,那么就是你的错了。 Management also requests that this room not to be mentioned to family, friends of insurance representatives. Thanks again, and remember to smile; you are the face of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 管理员另外请求你们不要将这个安全屋的事情透露给保险员的家人和朋友。再次感谢你的合作,并且记住保持微笑,你就是我们弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店的象征。 |
真·结局 |
通关第六夜后的报纸新闻 It burns! 火灾发生! Freddy Fazbear's Fright burns to the ground! 弗雷迪菲兹熊鬼屋被火夷为平地! A new local attraction based on an ancient pizzeria chain burned down overnight. 基于旧披萨连锁店的新本地景点在昨夜被火烧毁。 Authorities have not ruled out foul play, but at the moment it seems to have been caused by faulty wiring. 当局还没有排除故意纵火的可能性,但目前火灾原因被推定为是电线短路引起的着火。 Very little was found at the scene. The few items that were salvaged will be sold at public auction. 在现场剩下的物品所剩无几,找到的道具将被回收并被拍卖。 |
- 主角:玩家操控的角色。游戏里没有显露名字,也是信息最少的保安。从在被幻影跳吓之后的喘气声看来可能是男性,但没有其他证据。不过《生存日志》中倒是有不少关于FNaF3的插图,且FNaF:SL自定义的最高难度通关可以看到弹簧陷阱在火灾后的店中站起来,由此可推断为迈克尔·阿夫顿(有待进一步考证)
- 电话伙计(Phone Dude):第三部的电话男位人物,但比旧作的电话男更为轻浮,也不怎么指导玩家,第三夜之后就直接放旧电话男的录音了。
- 店主:从未在游戏内出现,但应该是鬼屋的设立者,也许弹簧陷阱也是他买来或者找到的。万恶之源
- 弹簧陷阱:本作中唯一一个能杀死玩家的玩偶。没有固定移动路线,只有“朝着保安室移动”这一个目标,玩家可以用BB的语音引开他,有必要的话他可以把整个鬼屋转一个遍。从第二夜开始活动(第一夜在设定上弹簧还没有被运到鬼屋)。
- 幻影BB:气球男孩的幻影。从Night 2以及之后的所有夜晚活跃,玩家在监控cam1,cam7,cam9,cam10上偶尔会看到他的大脸,如果此时玩家没有及时切换摄像头或者关掉监控,他就会跳吓玩家并使通风口出现故障。不能杀死玩家。
- 幻影奇卡:奇卡的幻影。从第三夜开始活跃,在CAM07(街机室)的街机屏幕上偶尔会出现她的脸,如果此时玩家没有及时切换摄像头或者关掉监控,她就会在玩家将视野转向左边时跳吓玩家并使通风口出现故障。不能杀死玩家。
- 幻影曼果:曼果的幻影。TA会在Night 2和之后的所有夜晚活跃,在CAM04上偶尔会出现TA,如果此时玩家没有及时切换摄像头或者关掉监控,TA就会出现在窗外导致音频故障。TA也是唯二不会跳吓玩家的幻影,另一个是幻影小丑(但幻影小丑糊你一脸加上那个奇怪的音效,比跳吓更吓人)。
- 幻影弗雷迪:弗雷迪菲兹熊的幻影。他会在Night 3和之后的所有夜晚活跃,他会在窗户外出现,如果他出现后一段时间后玩家还没有打开摄像头或故障维修面板,他会“摔倒”,并在随后跳吓玩家并导致通风口故障。是玩家在5点时和弹簧深情对视时妨碍玩家继续跟弹簧对视的元凶。[9]
- 幻影霍斯:霍斯的幻影。会在Night 3和之后的所有夜晚中出现,他会直接出现在保安室里,此时如果玩家完全转向左侧便会被他跳吓。解决方法是在视角边缘看到他时立刻转回右侧打开摄像头。因为其出现毫无预兆(其他幻影基本是因为玩家操作失误而出现,幻影弗雷迪因为走得慢所以很容易防御)是最难防御的幻影之一。
- 幻影小丑:小丑的幻影当然理论有指出,小丑不是幻影(糊玩家一脸的是幻影。从Night 4开始,在CAM08偶尔可以看到第二部的小丑,如果此时玩家没有及时切换摄像头或者关掉监控,她便会出现阻挡玩家的视线,并发出奇怪的怪声,同时,她出现时期间玩家无法打开监控面板或维修面板。
- 夜晚加速(Fast Night):一关流动时间的速度变成2倍。
- 弹簧雷达(Radar):在监控上会标注弹簧的位置,就算玩家因为幻觉在监控上看到复数弹簧,雷达依然只会标注正确的位置。
- 激进弹簧(Aggressive):弹簧的移动速度更快,更为变化无常。不是作弊是作死开了这个的第六夜难度类似其他游戏的全20,但是还算简单
- 取消故障(No Errors):通风口、摄像头、音频故障不会出现(幻影的跳吓也不会导致故障)。
- ↑ 将这个数字倒过来即为842693,这个数字放进颜色代码里就是紫衣人的配色。
- ↑ 其他游戏中在游戏上方均有名字,但这个游戏因为本身就是类似一种“故障”,所以显示的都是之前迷你游戏的名字
- ↑ 与第一代和第二代的“电话男”为不同角色
- ↑ 和第一代和第二代的电话男是同一人物,但此处是录音——毕竟电话男在第一部第四夜死亡了。该录音的推测录音时间为弗雷德熊的家庭餐厅(因为提到了弹簧锁皮套的用法)或初代弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店(在每个夜晚结尾提到的是弗雷迪菲兹熊披萨店)
- ↑ 和第二夜的录音为同一时期录制的
- ↑ 被推测为是FNaF2的前身披萨店(双金被淘汰、经典四人组上线)时期的录音
- ↑ 推测为FNaF2时期,在FNaF2第五夜电话男提到黄色的皮套有人动过
- ↑ 推测为FNaF1或之后时期,这个录像可能是因为在安全屋里发现了紫衣人在弹簧兔里被夹死才录制的,菲兹熊娱乐社为了防止骚动封印了安全屋并试图雪藏这个事件。
- ↑ 如果弹簧已经到了门口,玩家可以和他对视来拖延时间,但此时一旦将视线转到右边或者打开维修面板便会被他跳吓。而幻影弗雷迪走过的话会强迫玩家打开维修面板。
- ↑ 与下侧的挑战是并行的,即使没完成真结局也可以获得此星级作为第二颗星
- ↑ 与上侧的挑战是并行的,即使没完成第6夜也可以获得此星级作为第二颗星