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Tsuruzo Yamazaki

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Thank you for following the development of Yandere Simulator.


Tsuruzo Yamazaki 2021-12-22.PNG
本名 Tsuruzo Yamazaki
別號 山崎 鶴藏
髮色 紫髮
瞳色 紅瞳
萌點 辮子丹鳳眼部長學蘭
出身地區 日本
所屬團體 Akademi高校演劇部
性格 Incapable
登場時間 第一周
部員:Kizana SunobuRiku SomaShozo KurosawaTokuko KitagawaKokona Haruka

Tsuruzo YamazakiYandereDev製作中的遊戲病嬌模擬器中的登場角色。遊戲中演劇部的部員,除三周目以外,Akademi戲劇部的代理部長。




Kizana Sumobu委託他在不在場時管理戲劇部。一個有抱負的演員,即使不在舞台上,他也喜歡發表戲劇性的演講。


在遊戲中是「交際花」(Social Butterfly)的性格。

  • 看到屍體或病嬌醬正在行兇時會跑到學校里人多的地方報警。
  • 被病嬌醬拍照時,會擺出勝利的姿勢。



台詞 場合 語音
Saaaaalutations! 向他對話
Here-now-at the eleventh hour-in our darkest time-at our moment of need-would you actually...leave us?! 結束對話
We are the illustrious Drama Clubl The finest performers you'll find in Akademi! Where do you want to be in 5 years? Broadway?Hollywood? In front of thousands of people cheering your name?If so,then you've come to right place! Do you seek a brief respite from the trials and tribulations of your life?Then put on a costume,wear a mask, and become somebody else entirely! 介紹


Ahhhhh...l can see it in your eyes! You're here to BEG me to let you join our club, am I right? 詢問是否加入社團
Well, of COURSE you want to join our club-who wouldnt? It is my great honor to announce that you are now a member of the Drama Club, my little starlet! 確定加入社團
Oh, there's no need to be shy! Well, when you're ready to be honest with your feelings, I'll be right here! 取消加入社團
BETRAYAL! A knife through my back! You've shattered my heart! 詢問是否離開社團
Such loyalty! Your devotion is so touching, it brings a tear to my eye! 確定離開社團
Such loyalty Your devotion is so touching, it brings a tear to my eye! 取消離開社團
So you wish to return to us? This is a truly a plot twist that no audience could have seen coming! But,sadly,you may not rejoin; We can't rely on someone who might leave us at a moment's notice. 嘗試重新加入社團
Well well well, aren't you an eager one? I know, I'm excited, too-but recital doesn't begin until 5:00! 在社團活動開始前參與社團活動
My most sincere condolences! You weren't here, so we started without you. Truly, Shakespeare himself could not penned a more tragic tale... 在社團活動結束後參與社團活動
The curtain RISES! It's time to shine like the star you are! Will you ascend to the stage? 詢問是否參與社團活動
EXCELLENT! Let us BEGIN! 確定參與社團活動
You know what they say: the show must go on! If you're not here when we begin, an understudy will take your place. 取消參與社團活動
Oh, no no no, this won't do, this won't do at all! You can't be a member of two clubs at the same time! You now face the biggest decision of your life: Us, or THEM? Spoilers: We're the right choice. 在已經是其他社團成員時嘗試加入社團
I know we're called the "Drama" Club, but we don't actually want any... "Drama"...if you know what I mean. It breaks my heart into a million pieces to do this, but...I must remove you from the club. 在被社團其他成員目睹行兇後被請離社團
You vile, vicious villain! Did you truly believe that you could boldly waltz in here as though nothing was amiss?! I know your true nature, and you are not welcome here! Begone! BEGONE, I do say! 在被他目睹行兇後向他對話


台詞 場合 語音
Oh, really I feel the same way! 被讚揚或是被給予食物
(待補全) 看見病嬌醬沾血或低理智


  • 他的髮型與作者在YouTube愚人節男情敵介紹視頻裏出現的Kizano Sunobu的髮型一致。
  • 1980模式的演劇部部長的髮型與之相似。


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