]- 虎式坦克可以承受多顆火箭彈打擊Tiger tanks are very resistant to Bazooka fire
- 就近部署空降兵以便讓他們更快接敵迎戰Deploy your airborne troops near the enemies so they can react quickly.
- 你很難只用輕武器殺死Sd.Kfz.222裝甲車的機砲手Sd.Kfz.222 Gunners are very hard to kill with small arm fire
- 重機槍子彈和小範圍爆炸的氣浪就能解決掉歌莉婭遙控坦克Goliath RC mines can be destroyed by small arm fire or explosives.
- 空降兵是全才:他們可以建立簡易防禦工事,使用應急醫療包,甚至是用粘性炸彈對付敵軍坦克!Airborne troops can build improvised defences, use first aid kits and use sticky bombs against tanks.
- 永遠不要讓碉堡互相交疊Bunkers can not touch each others.
- 小心火箭筒發射時產生的氣浪,這可能擊傷甚至殺死你的士兵Careful for bazookas back blasts.. it can hurt the troops that stand behind them.
- 你無法在迷彩網下操作或發射火箭筒Bazooka won't be operated under cam nets.
- 偵察兵與其他士兵在安全地堡中無法偵測外面隱身的德軍Scouts or any other soldiers in a pillbox can't detect concealed troops.
- 在阿富汗玩《叢林野戰排2》意味著你被德軍機槍碉堡宰掉的機率將會變得非常小XDPlaying Mud and Blood in Afghanistan indicates that you are less likely to get ripped off by the German PX.
- 在期末考試前玩《叢林野戰排2》會增加你期末考試的不掛科的概率......如果你主修的科目是殘忍學的話Playing Mud and Blood instead of studying will increase your chances of success in the final exam... if you're doing a major in brutality.
- 玩《叢林野戰排2》不會給你帶來升職與加薪......除非你的老闆也對玩這遊戲玩上癮了Playing Mud and Blood at work will not help you getting promoted... unless you get your boss addicted too.
- 偵察兵可以自動偵測200像素內的布蘭登堡滲透者Scouts automatically detect infiltrators within 200 pixels.
- 普通士兵可以自動偵測50像素內的布蘭登堡滲透者Soldiers automatically detect infiltrators within 50 pixels.
- 那些成功衝過防禦網的德軍在第50波後就會活躍起來[1]Flankers will start to get active behind your lines after wave 50.
- 安全地堡在面對烈焰突襲時並不安全Pillboxes do not grant immunity vs flames.
- 你在每個戰場上只能建造一個安全地堡You can only have one pillbox per battlefield.
- 布蘭登堡滲透者可以被鐵絲網攔住Infiltrators will get caught in barb wires.
- 分散你的兵力,這樣你的士兵發現隱蔽的布蘭登堡滲透者的概率會顯著提升Spread your men to accentuate your chances of intercepting potential infiltrators
- 軍士長可不是什麼肌肉美男,他的啤酒肚跟麻袋似的Sarge does not T-bag, he potato sack.
- 軍士長是個超級大菸袋Sarge is a chain smoker.
- 軍士長可以強制解除友軍士兵的被壓制狀態Sarge will unpin nearby friendly soldiers.
- 每局遊戲裡只有一個軍士長You can only call one Sarge per game.
- 軍士長在肉搏戰中可以比一般士兵造成更多傷害Sarge does more damage in hand to hand than any other troops.
- 軍士長最高可以將附近步兵的士氣提升至20點Sarge can raise nearby soldiers morale up to 20
- 只要時間足夠,軍士長最高可以將一個菜鳥軍官的經驗值提升至50點Sarge, with time, can bring an officer to 50 xp by mentoring him.
- 如果想讓軍士長給你的部隊加Buff,那就最好讓他們離近點Sarge has to be close to the troops you want him to affect.
- 黨衛軍「阿道夫·希特勒黨衛隊警衛旗隊」第1裝甲師(棕黃色軍服)是德軍中最精銳的部隊Liebstandarte troops (tan uniforms) are the best German infantry on the field.
- [狠狠地砸桌子] Nein nein nein nein nein nein! - 阿道夫希特勒[slamming his hand on a table] Nein nein nein nein nein nein! - Adolf Hitler
- 你看到大兵瑞恩了嗎?Have you seen Pvt Ryan?
- 好好打仗!這樣我們就能回老家過聖誕節了!Keep up the great work and we'll be home before xmas
- 火箭兵不用的時候就晾在碉堡里,等要對付敵軍裝甲單位的時候再把他們拉出來迎戰Place your bazookas in bunkers and let them out when you want them to engage threats.
- 你認為你手下的士兵都很愚蠢?或許現在他們正認為你也一樣蠢呢!這就是戰鬥中指揮鏈的美妙之處You think your soldiers are stupid? They probably think you are as well. That is the beauty of a chain of command in combat.
- 特種兵們不會受士氣值影響,他們會一直為你奮戰到最後一刻Spec Ops are not affected by morale and will always fight to the end if asked to.
- 如果你真心想要實施任何反火砲打擊,那你一定要有一個優秀的/經驗豐富的信號員You need a good/experienced sig if you plan any serious anti arty initiatives.
- 在擁有重型/自動武器的大部隊中,全方位防禦指令的效果會更好All around defence works better with big squads with heavy/auto weaponry
- 戰地指揮帳篷不提供任何額外保護效果Field HQ don't provide any cover.
- 如果你已經貪婪的要把指揮部搬到前線來,那就準備好守護它吧If you are greedy enough to put a field HQ on your line, be ready to defend it.
- 還在被德軍的裝甲擲彈兵追著打嗎?趕快用槍榴彈武裝你的士兵們來對付他們吧!Getting pounded by Panzergrenadiers? Bring the fight to them by equiping your men with rifle grenades.
- 槍榴彈其實也有很弱的反坦克效果Rifle grenades have a very low AT capability.
- 你可以在碉堡與迷彩網下發射槍榴彈Rifle grenades CAN be fired from bunkers or under cam nets.
- .50口徑重機槍台可以提供很好的反步兵火力,但對大批德軍缺乏壓制效果The static .50 gun is perfect to increase your anti infantry potential but lacks in suppressive capabilities.
- 布蘭登堡突擊隊(迷彩軍服)是德軍在二戰時設立的秘密特種作戰部隊Brandenburg units (camouflage uniforms) were the German secret commandos of WW2.
- 布蘭登堡突擊隊(迷彩軍服)是滲透戰術與偷襲戰術的大師Brandenburg units (camouflage uniforms) are masters of infiltration and flanking tactics.
- 對你的士兵使用「鼓舞士氣」指令來增加他們的士氣值Increase the morale of your troops with the Morale Boost action.
- 當我方士兵被殺死時,場上其他單位的士氣懲罰值的大小取決於死者的軍銜A KIA will lower the morale of your entire unit proportionally to the casualty's rank.
- 見證了戰友被德軍噴火兵活活烤熟的士兵們的士氣值會大幅下降A soldier witnessing a fellow trooper being gibbed or BBQed will lower his morale greatly.
- 士氣低於0的士兵們會選擇逃跑來保住自己的小命A soldier with a morale under 0 will run for his life.
- 修改計算機上的日期/時間可能會使得保存文件徹底失效tempering with the date/time on your computer can mess up your save file.
- 把地雷與炸藥設上陷阱可以為德國的工兵留下些小驚喜Booby trapping your mines or TNT will leave a little surprise for the enemy engineers
- 你的偵察兵可以偵測並攻擊敵方的狙擊手Your scouts can now see and engage enemy snipers.
- 爆炸產生的氣浪可以殺死那些防護不佳的載具的乘員Fragmentations from an explosion can kill nearby soft skin vehicle passengers.
- 手榴彈和迫擊砲彈不大可能直接摧毀一輛德軍的坦克,但的確可以對它們造成些許傷害。Grenades and mortar are less likely to destroy tanks but will cause damage.
- 炸藥可以摧毀大石塊。TNT can destroy rocks
- 除了迫擊砲手和火箭砲手以外,其餘的單位都可以在迷彩網下開火射擊。All units can fire from under a camnet beside mortars and bazookas.
- 德軍偵察兵(棕黃色軍服)可以使你的迷彩網暫時性地失去作用Enemy scouts (tan uniforms) will invalidate the effects of your camnets
- 敵軍的工程師/先鋒隊員可以拆除你設置的爆炸物,並儘可能地摧毀你的防禦工事Enemy engineers/pioneers will defuse your explosives and destroy your defences
- 士兵們會儘量避免向正在與德軍肉搏的友軍們開火Soldiers will avoid firing at their fellows engaged in hand to hand combat.
- 柵欄其實只是一堵可以阻礙敵我雙方軍隊的視線的泥牆Palisades are walls that block line of sight.
- 炸藥可以摧毀大石塊TNT can destroy rocks.
- M1加蘭德步槍比M1卡賓槍傷害與射程都高,但代價就是需要頻繁換彈M1 Garands have better range and damage than M1 carbines but at the price of a lower payload.
- 德軍發射的V1飛彈可以被雷達檢測到Incoming V1a can be detected by radars.
- 《叢林野戰排2》目前已經打包了17次MNB have been patched 17 times so far.
- 沖鴨!Go habs go
- 德軍偵察兵可以讓你的迷彩網暫時失效German scouts will counter the effect of your cam nets.
- 迷彩網非常,非常,非常脆弱Cam nets are very fragile.
- 歐寶「閃電」牌運兵車一次最多能拉八名士兵Opel trucks can carry up to 8 enemy troops.
- 按Shift鍵隱藏指令面板Hit the shift key to hide the order panel.
- 戰場上每多一個偵察兵,你進行的火砲打擊每次就會多一枚砲彈Your arty strikes will have potentially one bonus round per scouts deployed on the field.
- 每個指令都有一個快捷鍵與之對應,學好了可以在一秒內完成多個指令Each actions is attached to a hotkey. Learn your macros and give orders in a less than a second.
- M3加農砲使用穿甲彈頭,雖然其爆炸半徑較小,但傷害很高且非常集中M3 cannons use At shells. The fragmentation radius is smaller but damage is concentrated
- 炸藥可以摧毀大石塊,善用爆炸物來塑造對你有利的戰場地勢吧TNT can destroy rocks, use explosives to shape your battlefield.
- 使用柵欄以便在戰場上給德軍製造視線盲區Use palisades to create blind spots on the battlefield.
- 友傷存在——以及別那麼干Friendly fire —— isn't.
- 沒有後座力的步槍——壓根不存在Recoilless rifles —— aren't.
- 武器拆解與裝配的說明書永遠都裝在補給箱裡Uncrating and assembly instructions are always inside the crate.
- 再智能的炸彈也有打不準的一天Smart bombs have bad days too.
- 如果你發現自己處於整個排的最前面,這說明那幫士兵肯定知道些你不知道的東西...If you find yourself in front of your platoon they know something you don't.
- 當你向前看不到敵人的時候,請向後看看Whenever you lose contact with the enemy, look behind you.
- 任何士兵都可以玩掃雷......但是只能玩一次Any soldier can be a minesweeper . . . . once.
- 壓制火力唯一有效的時候是在廢棄陣地上使用The only time suppressive fire works is when it is used on abandoned positions.
- 一般來說軍需主管只有兩種類型:撐死你的和餓死你的The quartermaster has only two sizes, too large and too small.
- 一款武器的有效殺傷距離一般來說都比一個士兵能把它扔出去的距離要遠得多The effective killing radius is greater than the average soldier can throw it.
- 如果你立馬就需要叫一個軍官來的話,做夢吧,夢裡啥都有If you need an officer in a hurry, take a nap.
- 那些可以在一起工作的玩意兒絕對不是能一批送過來的Things that must be together to work can never be shipped together.
- 那些可以在一起工作的玩意兒絕對不是能一批送過來的>The weight of your equipment is proportional to the time you have been carrying it.
- 雷區不是中立派Mine fields are not neutral.
- 上一局讓你升職的東西下一把就可能讓你輸得明明白白What gets you promoted from one rank gets you killed in the next rank.
- 無線電工作一直都非常穩定,可每每到你需要火力支援的時候就不見效Radios function perfectly until you need fire support.
- 如果在戰場上一個問題只能找到一個解決方案,那這個方案一定是個愚蠢至極的方案!If only one solution can be found for a field problem, then it is usually a stupid solution.
- 你夜晚的宿營地就是躲避白日行軍的最佳去處Your bivouac for the night is the spot where you got tired of marching that day.
- 滿地瞎跑 = 等著被狙Walking point = sniper bait.
- 當你受傷時傷口的嚴重程度與你和掩體的距離成反比The seriousness of a wound is inversely proportional to the distance to any form of cover.
- 永遠都不要跟你的排長說:"我現在閒的一批"Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.
- 只要你在戰場上一吃到熱氣騰騰的食物,大雨就會傾盆而至As soon as you are served hot chow in the field, it rains.
- 每當你在一場戰鬥中要扔掉些裝備的時候,你的彈藥和手榴彈總是落得最遠,而你的水壺總是落在你腳下Whenever you drop your equipment in a fire-fight, your ammo and grenades always fall the farthest away, and your canteen always lands at your feet.
- 只要你不作死地使用公用頻道進行溝通,敵人壓根就不會注意你The enemy never monitors your radio frequency until you broadcast on an unsecured channel.
- 你成功的時候永遠都沒人在意,而你失敗的時候上將肯定在看著你Success occurs when no one is looking, failure occurs when the General is watching.
- 解決問題的方法總是有的,行不行得通就是另一碼事了There is always a way, and it usually doesn't work.
- 軍隊中領導的自我重要性與他在官僚體制制度中的地位成反比The self-importance of a superior is inversely proportional to his position in the hierarchy.
- 隊伍指揮官越蠢,領導派他去執行的任務就越發重要The more stupid the leader is, the more important missions he is ordered to carry out.
- 那些奇奇怪怪的東西會吸引敵人的火力--打仗的時候別躲在它們後面Odd objects attract fire - never lurk behind one.
- 受到的火力壓制密度與被壓制的傢伙的好奇程度成正比Density of fire increases proportionally to the curiousness of the target.
- 如果你的側翼突進戰術進行的非常順利,那麼對面的德軍就會考慮從大翼側包抄你的部隊If your flank march is going well, the enemy expects you to outflank him.
- 如果你的伏擊陣已經設計的非常完美了,那麼敵人根本都不會往裡走一步。If your ambush is properly set, the enemy won't walk into it.
- 當你已經在自己的陣地中部署完畢蓄勢待發時,敵人通常都會選擇繞過你。If your positions are firmly set and you are prepared to take the enemy assault on, he will bypass you.
- 永遠別當第一,永遠別當老末,以及永遠不要志願去做任何任務。Don't ever be the first, don't ever be the last and don't ever volunteer to do anything.
- 想隨地找一個能用的散兵坑?不存在的!There is no such place as a convenient foxhole.
- 指令中凡可被誤解者,必誤之。Every command which can be misunderstood, will be.
- 最殘酷的砲彈莫過於一顆啞彈。The crucial round is a dud.
- 一個單位所能提供的實戰戰鬥價值與其裝備和外表的靈巧程度成反比。The combat worth of a unit is inversely proportional to the smartness of its outfit and appearance.
- 「全天候」近程空中支援在天氣很爛的時候其實是不能用的。All-weather close air support doesn't work in bad weather.
- 手榴彈爆炸的殺傷半徑總是比你的最大跳躍距離要遠一英尺。The bursting radius of a hand grenade is always one foot greater than your jumping range.
- 一顆紫心勳章完全可以證明你足夠聰明到能夠想出一個能行的計畫,愚蠢到能夠嘗試實踐你的計畫,而且幸運到能活下來。A Purple Heart just proves that were you smart enough to think of a plan, stupid enough to try it, and lucky enough to survive.
- 那些最適合執行作戰任務的戰地軍官總是會在第二天被調任並由其他人填補該位置的空缺。The perfect officer for the job will transfer in the day after that billet is filled by someone else.
- 作為一名軍官所面臨的最大困難是:你的部隊不一定知道自己想要什麼,但他們肯定知道自己不想要什麼。The tough part about being an officer is that the troops don't know what they want, but they know for certain what they don't want.
- 指揮經驗是一種在你需要時絕對不會找上門來的神奇物質Field experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
- 武器的複雜性與操作這個武器的傢伙的智商成反比。The complexity of a weapon is inversely proportional to the IQ of the weapon's operator.
- 升級的武器一次花費的戰略點越多,維修的時候就得把它們送得越遠The more a weapon costs, the farther you will have to send it away to be repaired.
- 記住:彈藥充足時,你啥都可能打中;彈藥短缺時,你啥都打不中Remeber: Whenever you have plenty of ammo, you never miss. Whenever you are low on ammo, you can't hit the broad side of a barn.
- 一個德國佬根本不夠我們打,但是一群德國佬又顯得太多了One enemy soldier is never enough, but a group is entirely too many.
- 在你犯錯之前,德軍的指揮官們其實不咋會關注你The enemy never watches until you make a mistake.
- 在你的指揮室里什麼破爛戰術都奏效;在你的上校的指揮室里什麼完美戰術都沒用Everything always works in your HQ, everything always fails in the Colonel's HQ.
- 例外總能在證明戰場守則的正確性的同時毀滅你的整個作戰計畫Exceptions prove the rule, and destroy the battle plan.
- 世界上最危險的東西是什麼?是一個拿著地圖和羅盤的二貨少尉!The most dangerous thing in the world is a Second Lieutenant with a map and a compass.
- 能睡則睡,能躺則躺,能坐則坐,能不站則不站Never stand when you can sit, never sit when you can lie down, never stay awake when you can sleep.
- 如果排長能看見你,那麼德國佬也能If the Platoon Sergeant can see you, so can the enemy.
- 一般來說,戰爭中軍服更樸實無華的那一方總能獲勝Usually, the side with the simplest uniforms wins.
- 如果舉棋不定,打空你的彈夾再說When in doubt, empty your magazine.
- 通用零件——都是不存在的Interchangeable parts - aren't.
- 你要用的東西永遠都是短缺的The one item you need is always in short supply.
- 為了保衛和平而發起戰爭跟為了保住貞操而啪啪啪沒什麼區別。Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.
- 防空秘訣:天上飛的打下來,等他們降到地上再收拾。Air defense motto: shoot 'em down; sort 'em out on the ground.
- 如果你記不住要幹什麼了,聖劍會為你指明方向。If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.
- 只顧加固前線防禦會導致部隊後方徹底淪陷。Fortify your front; you'll get your rear shot up.
- 軍情的存在本身就是個悖論Military Intelligence is a contradiction.
- 那些精英士兵的行動是可以預測的;但問題是這個世界總是充滿了危險的菜鳥士兵。Professional soldiers are predictable; the world is full of dangerous amateurs.
- 當戰爭雙方都覺得自己會被對面揍得很慘的時候,通常來說他們兩方都是對的。When both sides are convinced they're about to lose, they're both right.
- 如果你擊殺的敵軍數超過了上面給你定的目標,那麼上級下次給你定的目標的難度絕對會超過上個目標。If you take more than your fair share of objectives, you will get more than your fair share of objectives to take.
- 追蹤器是雙向的Tracers work both ways.
- 如果你讓敵人難以打破你的防禦網,那也就意味著你將無法脫身。Make it too tough for the enemy to get in, and you won't be able to get out.
- 你做的任何一件事都會至你於死地,包括什麼都不做。Anything you do can get you killed, including nothing.
- 唯一可以比敵人的打得子彈更準的是友軍的誤傷火力。The only thing more accurate than incoming enemy fire is incoming friendly fire.
- 如果敵人進入了你的射程,那麼你也一樣If the enemy is within range, so are you.
- 從未有任何一支戰備部隊能活著打完一場戰役的。No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat.
- 從未有任何一支戰備部隊能通過檢查點的。No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection.
- 來襲的砲火在突襲時總是有優先權。Incoming fire has the right of way.
- 如果你已經控制了一個地方,你最好讓敵人也知道這件事。When you have secured the area, make sure the enemy knows it too.
- 如果你除了敵人啥都短缺,那你絕對是在天殺的戰場上。If you are short of everything but the enemy, you are in the combat zone.
- 永遠不要吸引敵人火力,因為這會引火燒身——你的戰友的怒火!Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you.
- 團隊合作在戰鬥中至關重要;它可以增加敵人瞄準別的戰友的腦袋而不是你的腦袋的概率。Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
- 捷徑中必然有藏雷。The easy way is always mined.
- 那些重要的事情總是十分簡單,而那些簡單的總是難得要死。The important things are always simple; the simple are always hard.
- 那些四散逃跑的敵人其實很有可能只是撤回後方然後重組部隊罷了。A retreating enemy is probably just falling back and regrouping.
- 完美作戰計畫?壓根不存在!There is no such thing as a perfect plan.
- 那些你最開始準備的作戰計畫到最後全部都掛了。No OPLAN ever survives initial contact.
- 其實被你忽視的那幫轉移的德軍其實在執行他們的主進攻任務。The enemy diversion you're ignoring is their main attack.
- 如果你的推進計畫執行地過於順利,那這就絕對是個埋伏。If your attack is going really well, it's an ambush.
- 永遠不要忘記:你的武器是由要價最低的投標商製造的Never forget that your weapons were made by the lowest bidder.
- 永遠不要跟一個比你還要勇敢的同志分享你的散兵坑。Never share a foxhole with anyone braver than yourself.
- 如果在戰爭中形勢不利於你,那就趕緊叫個空襲支援來吧。If at first you don't succeed, call in an air strike.
- 如果你的部隊在戰場上的位置靠前,那麼德軍的火砲打的也會近一些。If you are forward of your position, your artillery will fall short.
- 友傷通常被看作是是戰爭中不可避免的結果——維基百科Friendly fire is often seen as an inescapable result of combat. - Wikipedia
- 我們每10波就會清理一次戰場,同時對遊戲組件關聯進行核查A clean function kicks in each 10 waves and checks all components in the game for relevancy.
- 剛來《叢林野戰排2》來看看我們的百科吧![2]New to mud and blood2? Visit our wiki at mudandblood.net
- 你一次最多只能攢20個戰略點Your TPs will cap at 20.
- 過了50波後,德軍將派出更多的特種部隊來進攻你的防線Past wave 50, the Germans will use more special troops on you.
- 為什麼不用雷區來迎接德軍的摩托車隊呢?Enemy bikes can be countered with a mine field.
- 老道的重機槍手可以一次應對多個目標Experienced Machine gunners will now engage multiple targets.
- 你們正在對抗的敵人之一是黨衛軍第二裝甲師「帝國軍」;他們共獲得了69枚騎士十字勳章、151枚德意志金質十字勳章和29枚陸軍榮譽勛飾2nd SS-Panzerdivision 'Das Reich', the guys you're fighting, was honored with 69 Knight's Cross', 151 German Cross in Gold and 29 honor Roll Clasp recipients.
- 目前為止,你已經把[炸死德軍人數]個德軍炸成了碎片。So far, you've seen [炸死德軍人數] enemies exploding.
- 目前為止,你已經把[燒死德軍人數]個德軍炸成了碎片燒成了烤肉串。So far you fried[燒死德軍人數] enemies.
- 自從你擔任指揮官一職,你已經回收了[補給回收數量]個空投補給箱Since you're in command, you recovered [補給回收數量]crates.
- 你的部隊每局平均可以擊殺[局平均擊殺敵軍數]個敵人Your squad kill an average of [局平均擊殺敵軍數] enemies per mission.
- 在你手下已經有[NCO(非任命指揮員)士兵人數]個士兵成功晉升為非任命指揮員。You have [NCO(非任命指揮員)士兵人數] soldiers who climbed the ranks up to the commission since you're under command.
- 你叫的空襲每次平均可以擊殺[次空襲平均擊殺敵軍數]個敵人your airstrikes are doing an average of [次空襲平均擊殺敵軍數] kills per sortie.
- 這局是你生涯中的第[遊戲總局數]局遊戲。This is your game number [遊戲總局數] under this profile.
- 自從你擔任指揮官一職,你已經在這戰場上生存了[存活總波數]波。You survived [存活總波數] enemy waves as a commander so far.
- 自你成為指揮官以來,已經有[部署美軍人數]人在你的手下服過役了。[部署美軍人數] men served under your command so far.
- 自你成為指揮官以來,德軍已經想你發射了[德軍發射火砲數]枚火砲彈頭來阻止你推進。The Germans fired a total of [德軍發射火砲數] arty rounds at you since the start of your career.
- 你已經向你的上司報告了[報告軍情次數]次戰場軍情。You made [報告軍情次數] Sitreps so far.
- 目前為止,已經有[炸毀樹木數量]棵樹因為你的指揮而被炸毀。So far, [炸毀樹木數量]trees have been hurt under your command.
- 這個遊戲是不會公平對待你的。This game will not treat you fairly.
- 這個遊戲是不會公平對待你的。You can only deploy 100 men.
- 遊戲中一共有52條不同的榮譽綬帶。There is currently 52 ribbons in this game.
- 你幾乎不可能在一個檔案中拿到所有的綬帶。It is almost impossible to get all the ribbons in one career.
- 遊戲中一共有52條不同的榮譽綬帶,但是這裡面只有43條是能用的。There are currently 52 ribbons in this game but only 43 of them are active.
- AAA防空砲其實對地對空都可以進行索敵AAA cannons will fire at planes and ground troops.
- AAA防空機砲火力強勁,但是砲手卻沒有多少裝甲保護自己。最好放在陣地後方。AAA cannons are powerful but the gunner is exposed.. keep it back.
- 一般來說,三部曲作品只能有一部There's only one trilogy.
- 永遠別把手榴彈交給馬上就要撤出戰場的士兵們。Never hand grenades to recruits.
- 現在是花生醬果凍時間......It's peanut butter jelly time...
- 這是個生存沙盒遊戲,你的目標就是要用你所擁有的一切在德軍的無盡進攻中儘可能地活下去This is a survival sandbox game, the goal is to last as long as you can with what you got.
- 你每生存一波就可以獲得一點戰略點You gain 1 tactical point per wave.
- 每局遊戲結束的時候,你的最終分數將會被結算為經驗值並計入個人檔案;經驗值達到一定閾值就可以晉升!At the end of each games, your final score is added and you get promoted when you reach a certain amount.
- 當一個士兵的生命值小於等於0時,意味著他就長眠於此了Soldiers with a health score of 0 or minus are dead and gone.
- 吉普車與坦克若要正常運行需要士兵進入操作它們Jeeps and tanks need infantry to complement them.
- 你的遊戲存檔保存在本地Your profile is saved localy.
- 火勢是會蔓延的Fire spreads
- 按空格鍵暫停遊戲Hit the space bar to pause the game.
- 雖然說這基本算是個防禦遊戲,但是如果你願意的話也可以推進戰線This is basically a defence game but feel free to advance if you want.
- 不要被複雜的戰術沖昏頭腦!簡單行事,一切都會好起來的Don't get overwhelmed by all your options, keep your fight simple and you'll be all right.
- 人民衝鋒隊(淺綠色軍服)的士氣值並不高,興許被打上一槍,他們就可能掉頭回家走人了Volkssturm (light green soldiers) have poor morale. If shot at, they might just give up and go home.
- 別傻了!碉堡若被某些幸運/不幸的炸彈砸中中心,它們也會被炸得稀巴爛的!Don't be fooled, a bunker can be blown into pieces if it gets directly hit by a lucky/unlucky bomb.
- 德軍的機槍手將在後方持續開火來掩護他們的戰友前進。如果不及時處理掉,他們的威脅會越來越大Enemy gunners will stay behind and cover the progression of their fellow soldiers. This can be problematic if not dealt with promptly.
- 用煙霧彈掩護你行動中的部隊Use smoke to cover your movements.
- 在過了一定距離後,火箭彈對任何離得夠近的倒霉鬼都是一種威脅After a certain range bazooka rounds are a threat to anyone or anything close enough.
- 祈禱那些德軍噴火兵不會朝著你的碉堡開火吧...Pray that enemy flamers never have a shot at your bunker...
- 任何手榴彈都是扔不出碉堡的Grenades can't be thrown out of bunkers.
- 在黨衛軍「希特勒青年團」第12裝甲師中,最小的裝甲兵僅僅只有13歲One of the youngest soldier in the 12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend was 13 yrs old.
- 小心!如果你聽到了一聲短促的音樂提示音,這意味著你即將經歷一次德軍的閃電戰突襲...總之不是啥好消息Careful if you hear a small musical cue it means you're about to experience a Blitz (boss wave).. not good.
- 把你的坦克部署在你的士兵前面,給步兵提供有效掩護的同時讓他們在後方持續輸出Put your tank in front of your soldiers to give them solid cover while allowing them to shoot over it.
- 大多數士兵都反映在碉堡中會導致索敵困難Most soldiers will have hard time finding the enemy when located in a bunker.
- 重機槍手在碉堡中戰鬥效率會大大加強Machine gunners are very effective when located in bunkers.
- 狙擊手在碉堡中的表現並不怎麼樣Snipers are not effective when located in bunkers.
- 你無法在碉堡中發射火箭筒。Bazookas can't be operated in bunkers.
- 軍官為了延長戰鬥時間,會隨時間流逝減少通過你防線的德軍士兵數量。Allied officer can reduce the number of german soldiers who passed your line of defence for extended play.
- 砍樹是不好的呦!Killing trees is bad.
- 一個被點燃的士兵在因痛苦而四處亂跑的時候,有一定概率把火傳到別的士兵身上A burning soldier, while freaking out, has chances to spread the fire to nearby soldiers as well.
- 如果噴火兵的燃料箱被打爆,他們就會以驚人的方式爆炸!Flame soldiers can blow up if shot in the fuel tank.
- 落在樹上的空降兵一般都會受傷,甚至以非常悲慘的方式死去Paratroopers who land on trees can get hurt pretty bad.
- 讓機槍手原地待命一段時間可以讓他好好部署上他的重機槍,以提高精準度Leave your machine gunner still for a moment to allow him to deploy his gun for more accuracy.
- 提著重機槍肯定沒有部署好重機槍再射擊的準確性高。A machine gun that is firing from the hip is less accurate than one being deployed.
- 你不用為你的士兵們指定目標,他們會自己挑著敵人攻擊You don't need to designate targets to your soldiers they will pick them by themselves.
- 記住那些不射擊的士兵正在幹的事:觀察戰場、調整射擊位置、與戰友們進行協調、掩護自己或思考戰局。Keep in mind that a soldier who's not shooting is: scanning, adjusting his firing position, coordinating with his squad, taking partial cover or assessing the situation.
- 你的士兵(就像這個遊戲中的其他東西一樣)都是隨機生成的,有時你甚至可以得到一個超級士兵!Soldiers (as anything else in this game) are generated randomly, sometimes you can get a super soldier.
- 特種兵們不但非常擅長作戰,而且還帶著那麼多手榴彈Spec Ops come skilled at combat and with grenades.
- 狙擊手,機槍吉普和謝爾曼坦克是整個遊戲中傷害輸出最高的單位Snipers, jeeps and tanks are the best damage dealers of in this game.
- BAR輕機槍是款不錯的中遠程支援武器,但是需要頻繁更換彈夾The BAR is a good support weapon but it requires frequent reloads.
- 下一部《叢林野戰排》應該不是講中世紀的事吧...The next Mud And Blood instalment might not be medieval after all..
- 這個遊戲的一切都是隨機的,有時甚至可以被稱為殘忍...This game is totally randomized. Expect to be brutalized sometimes...
- 現實中的戰爭跟這遊戲裡的差不多,只不過畫質更好,而且也不需要戰略點了War in RL is just like this but with better graphics and no spawn points.
- 當士兵爆炸時,一共會有21種不同的身體部位四散飛開There is up to 21 different body parts that fly when a soldier explodes.
- 別把所有士兵都聚在一起Don't bunch all your guys at the same spot.
- 趕緊挖個戰壕吧!麻溜的!!!Get a trench going ASAP!!!
- 隊伍中人數越少,被敵方偵察機看到的概率就越小Smaller squads are harder to spot from the sky.
- 空襲非常,非常,非常致命;全劇終Airstrikes are deadly. End of story.
- 小心那些手雷Careful with those grenades.
- 撿到空投補給的士兵可以獲得少量經驗值Soldiers who recover supplies get experience points.
- 你的移動命令下達之後士兵們不一定會立即執行,而是在他們認為安全時才移動。Soldiers will not execute your move orders right away but rather when they feel safe to move.
- 未來版本中將會更新德軍防禦陣線和一個靜音鍵Future versions will include German defences and a mute button
- 別當菜鳥,聽我的Don't be a noob.
- 戰略點在遊戲早期時更容易獲得Tactical points are easier to get early in the game.
- 地雷引信對雙方都有效,所以別踩它們。Mines work both ways, don't step on 'em.
- 所有士兵都可以擁有並使用手榴彈,除了醫師們。All soldiers, except medics, can have frag grenades.
- 爆炸的氣浪可以掃倒樹木,你可以藉此改變整個戰場的局勢與走向Explosions can knock trees down changing the tactical situation.
- 工程師可以建造防禦工事,還可以布置地雷和鐵絲網Engineers can build defences, lay mines and barbwire.
- 在遊戲中一定要儘早開始進行戰略布局Establish your strategy as early as possible in the game.
- 只有另一個狙擊手才能偵測或者攻擊一名隱身狀態下的狙擊手Only another sniper can detect and shoot at a concealed sniper.
- 這場戰役中,三百餘美軍士兵會血染疆場;不過德國佬們在這裡也得丟掉150餘輛坦克和一大堆士兵...看著還挺公平的300 American soldiers will die defending this place but Germans will lose 150 tanks and considerable amount of men as well.
- 在八月八日後,德軍的「眼鏡蛇行動」徹底宣告失敗,同時德軍也失去了最後的將盟軍部隊扼殺在諾曼第海攤上的希望y August 8th, Operation Lüttich had failed, and with it the German's last chance to destroy the Allied forces in Normandy.
- 德軍將這次軍事行動命名為「Lüttich」The Germans code named this operation 'Lüttich'.
- 你的任務就是在盟軍後方指揮部搬遷期間進行臨時防禦牽制敵人Your mission is to conduct an impromptu defence while your HQ is relocating.
- 你是美軍第30步兵師第119團第1偵察排的一員You are part of the 1st Recon platoon of the 119th regiment in the 30th Infantry Division.
- 攻擊我們的是黨衛軍第二「帝國」裝甲師和黨衛軍第十二「希特勒青年團」裝甲師You are attacked by the 2nd SS Division Das Reich and the 12th SS.
- 我們現在是1944年8月7日,在法國諾曼第州莫爾坦地區南部We are the 7th August 1944, few clicks south of Mortain, Normandy, France.
- 當防空警報響起的時候,這就說明一架敵軍的戰鬥機已經被偵測到了Alarms mean that an enemy plane have been spotted.
- 如果戰場環境條件很好的話,你甚至可以聽到遠處的德軍火砲向你開火的聲音If battlefield conditions are favourable you can hear the distant enemy artillery firing at you.
- 當一枚敵人的子彈打到我方士兵的掩體上時,你會聽到一聲清脆的跳彈聲You will hear a distinctive ricochet sound when a soldier is saved by his cover.
- 德軍的火砲打擊彈頭數為1-8之間的隨機數;對於火砲突襲時,彈頭數量將驟增至1-20發Arty strikes can be from 1 to 8 shells. Boss arty will be from 1 to 20 rounds.
- 你可以用火砲打擊來清理那些煩人的德軍狙擊手Use arty to dislodge annoying snipers.
- 請在敵人抱團出現的前線上呼叫空襲,效果更好!Use air strikes on a very populated enemy front.
- 你存活的時間越長,你就越有可能被德軍的指揮官們視作眼中釘The longer you last, the more you will be considered a nuisance by enemy comanders.
- 好好打仗!加油!Keep up the good work!!
- 呼叫支援所使用的戰略點只有在支援生效後才會扣除,請保證在呼叫支援後你保持擁有足夠的戰略點,否則支援序列將被取消Tactical points for strikes are only deducted after the call is acknowledged and processed. Make sure you have enough or the call will be cancelled.
- 把傷兵撤到戰場後方,這樣他們就可以在接受治療的時候持續輸出了!Back your injured soldiers so they can keep fighting while avoiding being targeted first.
- 把M1加蘭德步槍交給你手下最好的射手吧!Give M1 Garands to your best shooters.
- All your base are belong to us.All your base are belong to us.
- 醫師可以救活那些已經癱瘓了的士兵Medics can fix up DISABLED soldiers.
- 當士兵的生命值小於10時,他們就會進入癱瘓狀態A soldier with less than 10 hit points is considered DISABLED.
- 如果有10個德軍士兵突破了你的防線,任務就徹底失敗了Your mission will end if 10 Germans cross your line of defence.
- 分散你的部隊!這樣他們就不會被一枚火砲砲彈一批全都帶走了Spread your squad to avoid being wiped out by a single arty shell.
- 霰彈槍在近距離交火時造成的傷害會被最大化Shotgun damage at close range is maximized.
- 試著結合使用長距、中距與近距兵種來應對德軍的不同攻擊戰術Try to use a good combination of long, medium and short range soldiers.
- 醫師不參與戰鬥Medics don't fight.
- 沒什麼作戰經驗的士兵會試著在敵人還在武器有效殺傷範圍之外時開火Inexperienced soldiers will use their weapons beyond effective range.
- 多吃蔬菜水果,醫師不來找我Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
- 空襲與火砲的爆炸可以強制壓制敵人一小段時間Air strikes and arty will pin the enemy down for a while.
- 處於戰場後方的士兵大概率不會被非狙擊手的敵人優先鎖定Soldiers in the rear are less likely to be targeted by non snipers.
- 德軍會為了機動性而犧牲掩護效果。誘敵深入,一個一個敲掉他們!Germans will sacrifice cover for mobility. Dig in and pick them off one by one.
- 在戰場上,人數優勢不總能讓你走向成功Having a lot of soldiers in your section is not always the key to success.
- 空襲和火砲打擊不是叫完馬上就能來的,你的信號員和總部之間要做很多定位工作的Air strikes and artillery are not instant. A lot of coordination is required between the HQ and your Signaller.
- 如果你覺得德軍就是團軟包子的話,試試向下一片戰場突進吧!這不單能改變你所處的地形,而且還會給你一點額外的戰略點Consider moving up if the enemy is soft enough. You will gain a tactical point and change terrain.
- 呼叫空襲和火砲打擊的時候請務必小心別打到自己人!Careful to not hit your own troops with air strikes and artillery.
- 黨衛軍部隊(黑色軍服)移動與開火都很迅速SS troops (dark blue dress) move and shoot faster.
- 特種兵與戰鬥工兵部署時會帶著一把M3衝鋒鎗,又名:注油槍Spec Ops and Engineers initially deploy with a m3 SMG also called Grease Gun.
- 狙擊手會優先攻擊高威脅單位Snipers will prioritise targets.
- 信號兵背著的設備沉得要死,所以別對他們的速度抱有希望Signallers are slow movers because they carry heavy packs.
- 狙擊手會一直保持隱身狀態,只有在他們開火時才會被德軍看到Snipers are invisible to the enemy until they fire.
- 想要給士兵加點Buff嗎?去撿空投箱吧Secure the supply drops to get power ups.
- 在實戰中,手槍在應付距離20米以上的目標時就會顯得力不從心In combat pistols are unreliable past 20m
- 一個經驗豐富的士兵可以更快地做出更明智的決定An experienced soldier will make better and faster decisions.
- 善用爆炸產生的彈坑來掩護你的手下Use craters for cover.
- 士氣值較低的士兵再被擊中時大概率會為了保命而暫時進入被壓制狀態A low morale soldier that is fired upon will most likely be pinned for a while
- 在突進的時候,把傷兵落在後面會減少部隊的士氣值When advancing, leaving wounded soldiers behind will reduce the morale of your troops
- 敵人被霰彈槍爆頭的機率隨距離縮進而提高Closer the enemy is, easier it will be to kill him with a shotgun.
- 湯普森打字機的火力極強,但是它的子彈的有效殺傷距離卻不長Thompson SMGs are good at short range but less effective at long range.
- 醫師可以被玩家操控了Medics are now player controlled
- 軍官可以讓附近的士兵更快地對來犯的德軍做出反應Officers allow nearby troops to make decisions faster.
- 被德軍的狙擊手集火了?善用樹木與石塊來保護你的部隊吧!Taking sniper fire? Use trees and rocks to shield your troops.
- 把你的高價值單位與傷員藏在大樹與石頭後面Hide valuable or injured soldiers behind trees and rocks.
- 特種兵的移動速度高於幾乎所有其他步兵Spec Ops move faster than normal troops.
- 你的信號員的工作效率與速度取決於他的經驗值等級The effectiveness of your signaller is determined by his experience.
- 你無法為醫師、軍官、重機槍手、噴火兵、火箭砲手、迫擊砲手與狙擊手更換武器Medics, officers, gunners, flammers, bazookas, mortars and snipers can't upgrade weapons.