炼金男爵 The Chem-Baroness 烈娜塔·戈拉斯克 Renata Glasc | |
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本名 | |
昵称 | |
种族 | 人类 |
地区 | 祖安 |
势力 | 炼金男爵 |
游戏定位 | 辅助 |
萌点 | 企业家、科学家 |
相关角色 | 卡蜜尔、艾克、维克托、泽丽 |
配音(声优) | 武向彤(国服) 泽海阳子(日服) |
“ | 我们不必为敌,让我来改变你的想法。 | ” |
请注意「炼金男爵」这一群体与「炼金男爵 烈娜塔」之间的区别。
英文原文 |
Renata Glasc rose from the ashes of her childhood home with nothing but her name and her parents’ alchemical research. In the decades since, she has become Zaun’s wealthiest chem-baron, a business magnate who built her power by tying everyone’s interests to her own. Work with her, and be rewarded beyond measure. Work against her, and live to regret it. But everyone comes to her side, eventually. |
英雄传记(中文) |
烈娜塔·戈拉斯克并非一生顺利。 她的父母是杰出的炼金术士,专攻治疗技术的创新。他们投身于事业和祖安的社会,为需要的人提供关照和治疗——无论病人是否能付得起报酬。从小到大,烈娜塔已经习惯了饿着肚子上床睡觉,一方面怨恨父母的理想,一方面却无法改变自己的现状。她梦想着驾驶皮尔特沃夫河上的船只驶过日之门,梦想着自己手握船舵,将自己的人生转向全新的方向──朝世上的金银财宝前进。 等她到了能够参与家族事业的年纪,烈娜塔很快就被证明在炼金术方面毫无天赋,不过她有的是赚钱的主意。在第一次进行销售策划时,烈娜塔告诉父母要是他们开始治疗比较有钱的祖安人,他们收取的报酬就不会是病患难以负担的。有忠实病患向社会地位更高的人讲起戈拉斯克家的能耐,而他们的慈善事业很快就有了所需的资金——因为烈娜塔为富人制定了更高的医疗费。 不过这并没有让他们的生活获得改善,钱都被投入了先进炼金科技配方的开发,希望能够为病情严重的病人延长寿命。但无论怎么努力,配方总是会带来有害的副作用,像是让病人变得容易被洗脑,或是极度暴力,因此他们持续不断地尝试改良配方。只有烈娜塔持有不同的想法,她帮忙赚进的钱被父母这样花用,让她感到不理解,她开始思考这个配方是否不经改良就能发挥用处。 在皮尔特沃夫,长期利用祖安医疗漏洞赚取财富的精英领导人听说了戈拉斯克一家的研究,由于不希望自己的收益受到任何影响,他们买通了执法官来帮忙“解决麻烦”。烈娜塔是被父母的尖叫声吵醒的,他们的家被大火烧毁,她付出了一条手臂的代价试图救出父母,最终却无济于事。 烈娜塔除了家族之名和在火灾中幸存的部分研究,就一无所有了,她发誓自己不会再重蹈覆辙,像父母那样做些无人感谢的慈善工作。她转而努力用自己微不足道的遗产创造出更大的目标,希望能藉此带来未曾拥有过的东西,例如金钱、力量和地位。她要打造一个帝国。 一年年过去,烈娜塔成为许多成功创业背后的军师,同时和城市里名誉不佳但具有影响力的人建立起关系。她提供工作和资金,以及简单的治疗药物,但每次都会收取报酬。若对方给不了钱,她就索要对方的忠诚。 没有多久,烈娜塔就意识到人才就是祖安最为珍贵和值钱的商品,她制定了一个计划,投资贫困但有天赋的年轻人来培养人才。她会给予工作机会,以及员工一家的安稳生活,作为交换,这些人得一辈子为她工作。其中最为贫穷的人无法拒绝她,烈娜塔很快就累积了大量新颖又独特的产品设计,以及用她父母的炼金科技配方开发的各种衍生产品。金钱滚滚而来,烈娜塔接着买下第一座工厂,奠定戈拉斯克工业的基础,制定了生产高档炼金科技产品的大型产业的目标。 戈拉斯克企业在祖安迅速扩张,经营范围采矿场到舞厅、精炼厂都有,因此触怒了那些在不同领域原本独占鳌头的炼金男爵。不过烈娜塔一个个说服了他们,让他们成为合作伙伴。就这样,烈娜塔低调地成为炼金男爵的一员,没有人敢反对她,否则就可能影响到自己的收入。在戈拉斯克工业蓬勃发展的同时,烈娜塔依旧藏在幕后,等着采取下一步的机会。 那是一次意外事故,有毒的烟雾在祖安街道蔓延,整个城市陷入了数十年以来的最危险时期。在有毒烟雾的笼罩下,戈拉斯克工业为城裡所有人提供了基本的呼吸面罩和更换用的滤网——而且是免费的。就这样,所有祖安人都知道了烈娜塔·戈拉斯克,还有她的善举,她赢得了祖安的忠诚。 她大方的举动也传遍了皮尔特沃夫,那些商家第一次正视烈娜塔优雅而极度精致的炼金科技产品,并且快速地在店里上架了她的商品。 现在每个走在潮流尖端的皮尔特沃夫人,至少都拥有一个戈拉斯克工业的产品,最顶级的有钱人则是争相在新产品盛会和歌剧院坐在烈娜塔身边。但烈娜塔的计划并非成为祖安的炼金男爵,或是皮尔特沃夫的企业宠儿。 不,她的计划是将皮尔特沃夫的财力来源据为己有,也就是她儿时经常梦想着的日之门。只要她能控制日之门,就等于控制了整个大陆的贸易;而掌控了贸易的人,就等于掌控了整个符文大陆。每一件卖到皮尔特沃夫和祖安的戈拉斯克产品中,都设有一个秘密机关,藏有她父母的炼金科技配方,随时准备好在她下令时释放,带来各种副作用。 不用多久,每个人都将为烈娜塔·戈拉斯克所用。 |
英雄传记(英文) |
Life had not always been good to Renata Glasc. Her parents were brilliant alchemists, focused on innovations for the healing arts. Dedicated to their work and their community in Zaun, they gave their care and their cures to anyone in need... regardless of whether their patients could afford them. Renata grew up accustomed to going to bed hungry, resentful of her parents’ ideology, yet powerless to change her circumstances. She dreamed of the ships that sailed through Piltover’s Sun Gate canal, imagining herself taking the wheel and steering her life in a new direction—toward the riches of the world. When she was old enough to join the family business, it was quickly discerned that Renata had no aptitude for alchemy. She did, however, have ideas about turning a profit. In her first sales pitch, Renata convinced her parents that they wouldn’t need to ask anything more than people could give, if they started treating wealthier Zaunites. With loyal patients extolling the Glascs’ talents to their betters, their charity work was soon paid for by the rates Renata set for the rich. Instead of living comfortably, however, the Glascs spent that money developing a highly refined chemtech formula to extend the lives of their sickest patients. No matter what they did, the formula always had unwanted side effects—such as making their patients extremely suggestible, or extremely violent—so they continued to try and improve their work. Only Renata, bitter at what her parents chose to do with the money she had earned them, wondered if the formula could be useful as is. Up in Piltover, the elite clan leaders who had been making money off of Zaunite medical stopgaps heard whispers of the Glasc family’s research. Not willing to let anything threaten their bottom line, they paid off a handful of enforcers to “take care of it.” Renata woke to the sound of her parents’ screams as her home burned down around them. She lost her arm trying—and failing—to save them. With only her family name and the scraps of research that survived the fire, Renata swore to avoid her parents’ mistake of thankless altruism. Instead, she threw herself into building her meager inheritance into something bigger, something that could give her everything she’d never had, something that would give her money and power and control. An empire. As the years passed, she became the brains behind several successful small-time operations while building relationships with unsavory, but influential, individuals throughout the city. She’d give people jobs, lend them money, and give them medicine for their sick children—but never for free. If they couldn’t pay in coin, she demanded their loyalty. Renata quickly realized that genius was the rarest and most lucrative commodity in Zaun and devised a plan to invest in destitute youths with a talent for innovation. She offered a space to work and stability for their families in exchange for their work in perpetuity. The poorest among them couldn’t afford to say no. Renata found herself with plentiful access to new and unique product designs, and novel uses for the chemtech formula that was her parents’ legacy. Profits soared. She then established Glasc Industries after purchasing the first of what would eventually be dozens of factories to manufacture her high-end chemtech products. Glasc Industries quickly expanded across Zaun—from chemtech mining operations to dance halls to refineries—angering some barons who’d held monopolies over the ventures. But, one by one, Renata persuaded them all to go into business with her. And just like that, Renata quietly managed to become a chem-baron in her own right, and no one could push back for fear of upsetting their own cash flow. While Glasc Industries flourished, Renata herself remained in the shadows, waiting for the right time to make her next move. That time came after a chemical accident sent poisonous fumes sweeping through the streets of Zaun, leaving the city in its worst state in decades. Amidst the noxious gray clouds, Glasc Industries offered basic breathers and replacement filters to everyone in the city… for free. Now everyone in Zaun knew of Renata Glasc and her benevolence. She had earned Zaun’s loyalty. Word of her generosity swept through Piltover, as well. For the first time, shopkeepers looked seriously at Renata’s elegant and ultra-refined chemtech designs and soon lined their shelves with her products. Now, every fashionable Piltovan owns at least one Glasc Industries product, and the wealthiest among them vie to sit beside Renata at novelty galas and the opera house. But Renata’s plan was never to be a chem-baron in Zaun or the corporate darling of Piltover. No, she aims to take Piltover’s source of financial power for herself—the Sun Gate she had dreamed of so often in her youth. For she who controls the Sun Gate, controls the flow of trade; and she who controls the trade, controls the world. With a secret cache of her parents’ chemtech formula embedded in every Glasc product in both Piltover and Zaun, ready to be released at her command—side effects and all—it’s only a matter of time before everyone works for Renata Glasc. |