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阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana 等级 HP SP
{{{阿尔卡那}}} 99 20000 null null null null null null
- - - - - - - - - -
技能名称 技能效果 备注
阿尔卡那Arcana?? 等级99 HP20000 SP??
相性 攻击属性
变动,全程光暗无效,万能伤害减半,不会进入状态异常与倒地 斩/打/贯
行动顺序 人格面具 使用技能 效果
1 斯尔特 玛哈拉基达因 对所有敌人造成火焰属性大幅伤害。
2 杰克霜精 玛哈布芙达因 对所有敌人造成冰冻属性大幅伤害。
3 托尔 玛哈吉欧达因 对所有敌人造成电击属性大幅伤害。
4 库丘林 玛哈加尔达因 对所有敌人造成疾风属性大幅伤害。
5 梅塔特隆 玛翰玛翁 对所有敌人进行中概率光属性即死攻击。
6 爱丽丝 玛哈姆多翁 对所有敌人进行中概率暗属性即死攻击。
7 奈比洛斯 颠塔拉弗/恶魔的微笑/闪光噪音/魅惑之舞/毒雾 使所有敌人进入混乱/恐惧/动摇/洗脑/中毒状态。
8 将门 米吉多拉翁9999*2 对所有敌人造成万能属性9999固定伤害,回避不可。
人格面具 使用技能 效果 行动条件
将门 米吉多拉翁9999 -
  1. 对伊丽莎白将要进行的攻击具有无效,反射,吸收的相性,
  2. 死亡后使用黄昏之羽复活。
皮克西 迪亚拉翰+米吉多拉翁9999 -
  1. 携带伙伴进入战斗。
  2. 使用提特拉康(物镜),玛卡拉康(魔镜)。
  3. 使用终末之战。
  4. 开始后经过约100回合(FES,Portable)。
皮克西 迪亚拉翰 为我方全体回复所有HP。
  1. HP首次降低至10000以下。





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在同一天的凌晨,桐条集团设在辰巳海港岛的实验室发售了一场爆炸。在那场爆炸中,极大部分实验人员死亡,并且在产生了塔尔塔洛斯的同时,也出现了第十三号Shadow聚合体——the Death。当时有一台反Shadow出动以镇压The Death,并在附近刚竣工的月光大桥上重伤了尚未成为完全体的the Death,但因为无法完全消灭它,而将它封印到了附近因此事的而被波及的一场交通事故中幸存的男孩体内。


在2009年4月7日,主人公结城理转入私立月光馆学园。当天,他前往岩户台地区寻找宿舍,但因为一场电车自杀事故耽误了行程,到目的地时已是深夜。 During the walk to the dorm, he experiences the Dark Hour, and is confused upon the sudden change of the surroundings and the sudden halt of his earphones functioning, though he takes the hour in stride, seemingly unaffected. Upon reaching the dorm, he encounters a mysterious boy, who promptly gives him a contract to sign, providing players the opportunity to name him. The protagonist transfers to Gekkoukan High School on the next day. His invitation to study as a transfer student is later revealed that due to his capability to adapt to the Dark Hour, he was moved to the co-ed dorm so his potential can be monitored.

During a full moon the next night, one of the Shadows attacks, causing the protagonist to awaken his initial Persona, Orpheus, using an Evoker. The protagonist has minimal difficulty using the Evoker because he is not afraid of death. The summoning sequence, however, was interrupted as Thanatos bursts forth from Orpheus' head, tearing apart Orpheus and slaying the Shadows. After dispatching the remaining Shadows, the protagonist fainted and was taken to the hospital where he is hospitalized for a week in a coma. While unconscious, he awakens in the Velvet Room, where he learns about his abilities. After recovering from his short coma, the protagonist later learns about the nature of the Shadows and the existence of SEES, and eventually joins SEES. The protagonist is the only character throughout the game with access to the Wild Card ability. The protagonist's past is later revealed after Aigis' memories are restored. In the year 1999, when Death escaped the Kirijo Group, Aigis was dispatched and was in hot pursuit of the Shadow. It is during Aigis' confrontation with Death, during the Dark Hour, that the protagonist's parents died in a burning car crash. Presumably, the protagonist survived due to his potential allowing him to be active during the Dark Hour. Aigis, knowing that she could not defeat Death, sealed a portion of Death inside the protagonist, thus amplifying the protagonist's capabilities of summoning multiple Personas.

On December 31, Ryoji asks for SEES to make their decision and invites himself into the protagonist's room and sits on his bed. Killing Ryoji would result in erasing the memories of the Dark Hour (the cause of all their pain and suffering), allowing the members of SEES to live their lives as normal high-school students until the arrival of Nyx on the promised day. In an attempt to persuade the protagonist to kill him, Ryoji transforms into his true form as Thanatos, bringer of death. In the 'good' ending, declining Ryoji's offer to kill him results in providing the members of SEES with useful information regarding a confrontation with Nyx. When Ryoji leaves, he tells them to "look forward to the next year," presumably indicating that he, himself, hopes that they can put a stop to Nyx, as well.

In SEES' final confrontation with Nyx, specifically Nyx Avatar, the bonds he has forged with SEES and his other friends give him the power to fight the sorrow, depression and apathy of humankind, which were what drew Nyx to Earth, by letting him create the final arcana, the Universe Arcana with the help of Igor. With the power of the The Universe, and the cheering on of his comrades he ascends to Nyx' true body, the moon, to combat Nyx itself in a one-on-one battle. After being downed and uplifted multiple times by the SEES members' prayers and Nyx's attacks, he eventually reaches his full potential and performs the Great Seal to miraculously seal Nyx, preventing the Fall. After the battle, Ryoji's voice is heard congratulating SEES. Ryoji claims that the protagonist has "found the answer to life's greatest question." As the Dark Hour and Tartarus disappears, the protagonist is seen returning with a faint smile.

The protagonist clings to life for one month after fighting Nyx. He, unlike the others, retains his memories regarding the Dark Hour and Nyx in order to keep the promise he made to meet his friends on Graduation Day. After saying goodbye to everyone and all of his Social Links around the school and city, once his oath was fulfilled, he "falls asleep" in Aigis' lap on the roof of the school, smiling peacefully in the warm sunset surrounded by windmills. Aigis swears that she will live her life protecting him, unaware that he is dying at that very moment.



In the playable epilogue of Persona 3 FES, it is revealed that the protagonist died the day after his sleep, leading to the members of SEES' confusion regarding his cause of death, as the doctor cannot find any unusual symptoms before his death, leading to speculation that it was some acute case of severe exhaustion. After the defeat of Nyx and the death of the protagonist, Aigis was the one who kept his Evoker, upon witnessing the Abyss of Time, the remaining members of SEES encounter a recurring silhouette resembling the protagonist. However, whenever they come into contact, the silhouette flees.

"This is the reason for everything... From the Abyss of Time's failure to disappear, to the presence of Shadows... This... was born from all of you." —Metis It is not until venturing into the deepest area of the Abyss of Time (Empyrean) that the silhouette is revealed to be a shadow resembling the protagonist's appearance. It manifests through the negative emotion and urge of seeing the protagonist one more time deep within the members of SEES. Making its entrance, the shadow challenges SEES, copying their Personas (all of which are colored with a grayish tint) except Psyche and Juno, retaining the Wild Card ability, and several attacks of the protagonist. After its defeat, the shadow dissolves into "letters," forging unknown words, and butterflies.

The sacrificed protagonist acting as the Great Seal to save life and humanity from death. The "real" protagonist is later seen in the past, where he seals Nyx. In order to seal Nyx, the protagonist sacrificed his life to become the Great Seal. He was, however, capable of retaining his consciousness long enough to fulfill his oath between the members of SEES to meet again on Graduation Day. The protagonist is shown as a statue, crucified and bound to the door between Nyx and humanity. It is later revealed that Nyx was only awakened because Erebus, a grand being manifested from humanity's grief and negative emotions, was reaching out to Nyx to bring the Fall. The protagonist wasn't trying to seal Nyx, he was acting as a barrier between Nyx and Erebus. After defeating Erebus and realizing the protagonist's purpose, the remaining members of SEES swore to help him bear the burden by making the most out of their own lives.
