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本页面之全部或部分原来自中文维基百科的[1],依 CC BY-SA 3.0 授权引入;原贡献者可以在这里看到。 |
local WikitextLC = require( 'Module:WikitextLC' )
- local p = {}
- --- Construct an inline conversion from a table input.
- -- @param content table of the form
- -- { ["zh-cn"]='foobar', ["zh-tw"]='firecat', ["zh-hk"]='' }
- -- @returns string
- -- "-{zh-cn:foobar;zh-tw:firecat;zh-hk:<span></span>}-"
- --
- -- @fixme allow for generating output without "-{" "}-", so that
- -- it can be used with the last three wrappers.
- function p.selective( content )
- local text = '-{'
- for variant, value in pairs( content ) do
- if value == '' then
- value = '<span></span>'
- end
- text = text .. variant .. ':' .. value .. ';'
- end
- text = text .. '}-'
- return text
- end
- --- Write some text with a limited set of variants to convert to
- --
- -- @param content text to be written
- -- @param variant a variant (string), or a list of variants
- -- (semicolon-deliminated string, or table of strings)
- -- @param[opt] force convert even under "zh" (no conversion) locale
- function p.converted( content, variant, force )
- if type( variant ) == 'table' then
- variant = table.concat( variant, ';' )
- end
- return '-{' .. ( force and '' or 'zh;' ) .. variant .. '|' .. content .. '}-'
- end
- --- Wraps some "raw text" to not convert.
- --
- -- @fixme Is the "R" flag some undocumented/undefined no-op magic?
- -- Are we using it instead of the old '-{' .. content .. '}-'
- -- to avoid confusion caused by a flag in the "content"?
- function p.raw( content )
- return '-{R|' .. content .. '}-'
- end
- --- Wraps a title conversion rule.
- function p.title( content )
- return '-{T|' .. content .. '}-'
- end
- --- Wraps a (hidden) conversion rule definition.
- function p.hidden( content )
- return '-{H|' .. content .. '}-'
- end
- return p