- --[[
- 引自维基百科(enwp:Module:String,oldid=552254999)
- This module is intended to provide access to basic string functions.
- Most of the functions provided here can be invoked with named parameters,
- unnamed parameters, or a mixture. If named parameters are used, Mediawiki will
- automatically remove any leading or trailing whitespace from the parameter.
- Depending on the intended use, it may be advantageous to either preserve or
- remove such whitespace.
- Global options
- ignore_errors: If set to 'true' or 1, any error condition will result in
- an empty string being returned rather than an error message.
- error_category: If an error occurs, specifies the name of a category to
- include with the error message. The default category is
- [Category:Errors reported by Module String].
- no_category: If set to 'true' or 1, no category will be added if an error
- is generated.
- Unit tests for this module are available at Module:String/tests.
- ----
- 该模块旨在提供对基本字符串函数的访问。
- 这里提供的大多数函数都可以用命名参数调用,
- 未命名的参数或混合着用。 如果使用命名参数,媒体维基将会
- 从参数中自动删除任何前部或者尾部的空格符号。
- 取决于预期的用途,保存或可能是有利的
- 删除这样的空白。
- 全局选项
- re_errors:如果设置为'true'或1,则会导致任何错误情况符串而不是错误消息。
- r_category:如果发生错误,请指定要分类的名称消息。 默认分类是 [Category:Errors reported by Module String]。(类别:模块字符串报告的错误)
- no_category:如果设置为'true'或1,如果发生错误,则不会添加任何分类 生成。
- 这个模块的测试单元可以在Module:String / tests下找到。
- ]]
- local str = {}
- --[[
- len
- This function returns the length of the target string.
- Usage:
- {{#invoke:String|len|target_string|}}
- OR
- {{#invoke:String|len|s=target_string}}
- Parameters
- s: The string whose length to report
- If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or
- trailing whitespace from the target string.
- ----
- 该函数返回目标字符串的长度。
- 用法:
- {{#invoke:String|len|target_string|}}
- 要么
- {{#invoke:String|len|s=target_string}}
- 参数
- s:要报告的字符串长度
- 如果使用命名参数调用,媒体维基将自动删除任何前部或
- 后部目标字符串的空格。
- ]]
- function str.len( frame )
- local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'s'} );
- local s = new_args['s'] or '';
- return mw.ustring.len( s )
- end
- --[[
- sub
- This function returns a substring of the target string at specified indices.
- Usage:
- {{#invoke:String|sub|target_string|start_index|end_index}}
- OR
- {{#invoke:String|sub|s=target_string|i=start_index|j=end_index}}
- Parameters
- s: The string to return a subset of
- i: The fist index of the substring to return, defaults to 1.
- j: The last index of the string to return, defaults to the last character.
- The first character of the string is assigned an index of 1. If either i or j
- is a negative value, it is interpreted the same as selecting a character by
- counting from the end of the string. Hence, a value of -1 is the same as
- selecting the last character of the string.
- If the requested indices are out of range for the given string, an error is
- reported.
- ----
- 子
- 該函數返回指定索引處目標字符串的子字符串。
- 用法:
- {{#invoke:字符串|分| target_string| START_INDEX| END_INDEX}}
- 要么
- {{#invoke:字符串|子| S= target_string| I= START_INDEX| J = END_INDEX}}
- 參數
- s:返回一個子集的字符串
- i:要返回的子字符串的第一個索引,默認為1。
- j:要返回的字符串的最後一個索引,默認為最後一個字符。
- 字符串的第一個字符被分配索引1.如果i或j
- 是一個負值,它被解釋為與通過選擇一個字符相同
- 從字符串的末尾開始計數。 因此,-1的值與1相同
- 選擇字符串的最後一個字符。
- 如果請求的索引超出給定字符串的範圍,則會出現錯誤
- 報導。
- ]]
- function str.sub( frame )
- local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, { 's', 'i', 'j' } );
- local s = new_args['s'] or '';
- local i = tonumber( new_args['i'] ) or 1;
- local j = tonumber( new_args['j'] ) or -1;
- local len = mw.ustring.len( s );
- -- Convert negatives for range checking
- if i < 0 then
- i = len + i + 1;
- end
- if j < 0 then
- j = len + j + 1;
- end
- if i > len or j > len or i < 1 or j < 1 then
- return str._error( 'String subset index out of range' );
- end
- if j < i then
- return str._error( 'String subset indices out of order' );
- end
- return mw.ustring.sub( s, i, j )
- end
- --[[
- This function implements that features of {{str sub old}} and is kept in order
- to maintain these older templates.
- ]]
- function str.sublength( frame )
- local i = tonumber( frame.args.i ) or 0
- local len = tonumber( frame.args.len )
- return mw.ustring.sub( frame.args.s, i + 1, len and ( i + len ) )
- end
- --[[
- match
- This function returns a substring from the source string that matches a
- specified pattern.
- Usage:
- {{#invoke:String|match|source_string|pattern_string|start_index|match_number|plain_flag|nomatch_output}}
- OR
- {{#invoke:String|pos|s=source_string|pattern=pattern_string|start=start_index
- |match=match_number|plain=plain_flag|nomatch=nomatch_output}}
- Parameters
- s: The string to search
- pattern: The pattern or string to find within the string
- start: The index within the source string to start the search. The first
- character of the string has index 1. Defaults to 1.
- match: In some cases it may be possible to make multiple matches on a single
- string. This specifies which match to return, where the first match is
- match= 1. If a negative number is specified then a match is returned
- counting from the last match. Hence match = -1 is the same as requesting
- the last match. Defaults to 1.
- plain: A flag indicating that the pattern should be understood as plain
- text. Defaults to false.
- nomatch: If no match is found, output the "nomatch" value rather than an error.
- If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or
- trailing whitespace from each string. In some circumstances this is desirable, in
- other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace.
- If the match_number or start_index are out of range for the string being queried, then
- this function generates an error. An error is also generated if no match is found.
- If one adds the parameter ignore_errors=true, then the error will be suppressed and
- an empty string will be returned on any failure.
- For information on constructing Lua patterns, a form of [regular expression], see:
- *
- *
- *
- ]]
- function str.match( frame )
- local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'s', 'pattern', 'start', 'match', 'plain', 'nomatch'} );
- local s = new_args['s'] or '';
- local start = tonumber( new_args['start'] ) or 1;
- local plain_flag = str._getBoolean( new_args['plain'] or false );
- local pattern = new_args['pattern'] or '';
- local match_index = math.floor( tonumber(new_args['match']) or 1 );
- local nomatch = new_args['nomatch'];
- if s == '' then
- return str._error( 'Target string is empty' );
- end
- if pattern == '' then
- return str._error( 'Pattern string is empty' );
- end
- if math.abs(start) < 1 or math.abs(start) > mw.ustring.len( s ) then
- return str._error( 'Requested start is out of range' );
- end
- if match_index == 0 then
- return str._error( 'Match index is out of range' );
- end
- if plain_flag then
- pattern = str._escapePattern( pattern );
- end
- local result
- if match_index == 1 then
- -- Find first match is simple case
- result = mw.ustring.match( s, pattern, start )
- else
- if start > 1 then
- s = mw.ustring.sub( s, start );
- end
- local iterator = mw.ustring.gmatch(s, pattern);
- if match_index > 0 then
- -- Forward search
- for w in iterator do
- match_index = match_index - 1;
- if match_index == 0 then
- result = w;
- break;
- end
- end
- else
- -- Reverse search
- local result_table = {};
- local count = 1;
- for w in iterator do
- result_table[count] = w;
- count = count + 1;
- end
- result = result_table[ count + match_index ];
- end
- end
- if result == nil then
- if nomatch == nil then
- return str._error( 'Match not found' );
- else
- return nomatch;
- end
- else
- return result;
- end
- end
- --[[
- pos
- This function returns a single character from the target string at position pos.
- Usage:
- {{#invoke:String|pos|target_string|index_value}}
- OR
- {{#invoke:String|pos|target=target_string|pos=index_value}}
- Parameters
- target: The string to search
- pos: The index for the character to return
- If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or
- trailing whitespace from the target string. In some circumstances this is desirable, in
- other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace.
- The first character has an index value of 1.
- If one requests a negative value, this function will select a character by counting backwards
- from the end of the string. In other words pos = -1 is the same as asking for the last character.
- A requested value of zero, or a value greater than the length of the string returns an error.
- ]]
- function str.pos( frame )
- local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'target', 'pos'} );
- local target_str = new_args['target'] or '';
- local pos = tonumber( new_args['pos'] ) or 0;
- if pos == 0 or math.abs(pos) > mw.ustring.len( target_str ) then
- return str._error( 'String index out of range' );
- end
- return mw.ustring.sub( target_str, pos, pos );
- end
- --[[
- str_find
- This function duplicates the behavior of {{str_find}}, including all of its quirks.
- This is provided in order to support existing templates, but is NOT RECOMMENDED for
- new code and templates. New code is recommended to use the "find" function instead.
- Returns the first index in "source" that is a match to "target". Indexing is 1-based,
- and the function returns -1 if the "target" string is not present in "source".
- Important Note: If the "target" string is empty / missing, this function returns a
- value of "1", which is generally unexpected behavior, and must be accounted for
- separatetly.
- ]]
- function str.str_find( frame )
- local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'target'} );
- local source_str = new_args['source'] or '';
- local target_str = new_args['target'] or '';
- if target_str == '' then
- return 1;
- end
- local start = mw.ustring.find( source_str, target_str, 1, true )
- if start == nil then
- start = -1
- end
- return start
- end
- --[[
- find
- This function allows one to search for a target string or pattern within another
- string.
- Usage:
- {{#invoke:String|find|source_str|target_string|start_index|plain_flag}}
- OR
- {{#invoke:String|find|source=source_str|target=target_str|start=start_index|plain=plain_flag}}
- Parameters
- source: The string to search
- target: The string or pattern to find within source
- start: The index within the source string to start the search, defaults to 1
- plain: Boolean flag indicating that target should be understood as plain
- text and not as a Lua style regular expression, defaults to true
- If invoked using named parameters, Mediawiki will automatically remove any leading or
- trailing whitespace from the parameter. In some circumstances this is desirable, in
- other cases one may want to preserve the whitespace.
- This function returns the first index >= "start" where "target" can be found
- within "source". Indices are 1-based. If "target" is not found, then this
- function returns 0. If either "source" or "target" are missing / empty, this
- function also returns 0.
- This function should be safe for UTF-8 strings.
- ]]
- function str.find( frame )
- local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'target', 'start', 'plain' } );
- local source_str = new_args['source'] or '';
- local pattern = new_args['target'] or '';
- local start_pos = tonumber(new_args['start']) or 1;
- local plain = new_args['plain'] or true;
- if source_str == '' or pattern == '' then
- return 0;
- end
- plain = str._getBoolean( plain );
- local start = mw.ustring.find( source_str, pattern, start_pos, plain )
- if start == nil then
- start = 0
- end
- return start
- end
- --[[
- replace
- This function allows one to replace a target string or pattern within another
- string.
- Usage:
- {{#invoke:String|replace|source_str|pattern_string|replace_string|replacement_count|plain_flag}}
- OR
- {{#invoke:String|replace|source=source_string|pattern=pattern_string|replace=replace_string|
- count=replacement_count|plain=plain_flag}}
- Parameters
- source: The string to search
- pattern: The string or pattern to find within source
- replace: The replacement text
- count: The number of occurences to replace, defaults to all.
- plain: Boolean flag indicating that pattern should be understood as plain
- text and not as a Lua style regular expression, defaults to true
- ]]
- function str.replace( frame )
- local new_args = str._getParameters( frame.args, {'source', 'pattern', 'replace', 'count', 'plain' } );
- local source_str = new_args['source'] or '';
- local pattern = new_args['pattern'] or '';
- local replace = new_args['replace'] or '';
- local count = tonumber( new_args['count'] );
- local plain = new_args['plain'] or true;
- if source_str == '' or pattern == '' then
- return source_str;
- end
- plain = str._getBoolean( plain );
- if plain then
- pattern = str._escapePattern( pattern );
- replace = mw.ustring.gsub( replace, "%%", "%%%%" ); --Only need to escape replacement sequences.
- end
- local result;
- if count ~= nil then
- result = mw.ustring.gsub( source_str, pattern, replace, count );
- else
- result = mw.ustring.gsub( source_str, pattern, replace );
- end
- return result;
- end
- --[[
- simple function to pipe string.rep to templates.
- ]]
- function str.rep( frame )
- local repetitions = tonumber( frame.args[2] )
- if not repetitions then
- return str._error( 'function rep expects a number as second parameter, received "' .. ( frame.args[2] or '' ) .. '"' )
- end
- return string.rep( frame.args[1] or '', repetitions )
- end
- function str.split(inputstr, sep, no_pattern, ignore_null)
- --#invoke 支援
- if type(inputstr) == type({table}) then
- if not getArgs then getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs end
- args = getArgs(inputstr, {parentFirst=true})
- for arg_name, arg_value in pairs( args ) do
- if arg_name == 1 or arg_name == '1' or arg_name == "str" or arg_name == "inputstr" or arg_name == "input" then
- input_str = arg_value
- elseif arg_name == 2 or arg_name == '2' or arg_name == "sep" or arg_name == "separator" then
- separ = arg_value
- elseif arg_name == 3 or arg_name == '3' or arg_name == "no_pattern" or arg_name == "no pattern" then
- no_pattern_flag = arg_value
- elseif arg_name == 4 or arg_name == '4' or arg_name == "ignore_null" or arg_name == "ignore null" then
- ignore_null_flag = arg_value
- elseif arg_name == 5 or arg_name == '5' or arg_name == "format" then
- format = arg_value or "*{{{1}}}\n";
- end
- end
- if not yesno then yesno = require('Module:Yesno') end
- no_pattern_flag = yesno( no_pattern_flag or 'yes' )
- ignore_null_flag = yesno( ignore_null_flag or 'no' )
- is_invoke = true
- format = mw.ustring.gsub(format or "*{{{1}}}\n", "%{%{%{.-%}%}%}", "%%s" );
- it = mw.ustring.find(format, "%%s", 1)
- if it == nil then format = format .. "%s" end
- format = mw.ustring.gsub(format, "\\n", "\n")
- else
- input_str = inputstr
- separ = sep
- no_pattern_flag = no_pattern
- ignore_null_flag = ignore_null
- is_invoke = false
- end
- input_str = input_str or ''
- separ = separ or "%s"
- if no_pattern_flag == nil then no_pattern_flag = true end
- if ignore_null_flag == nil then ignore_null_flag = false end
- length = mw.ustring.len(input_str)
- --split函數起點
- if no_pattern_flag then
- separ = mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(separ,
- "%[", "%["), "%]", "%]"), "%{", "%{"), "%}", "%}"), "%%", "%%%%"), "%)", "%)"), "%-", "%-"),
- "%^", "%^"), "%$", "%$"), "%(", "%("), "%.", "%."), "%*", "%*"), "%+", "%+"), "%|", "%|");
- end
- iterator = 1 ; i = 1 ; flag = true
- result = {}
- separ_str_begin, separ_str_end = mw.ustring.find(input_str, separ, iterator)
- --
- debug1 = 1
- --
- while flag do
- debug1 = debug1 + 1
- if separ_str_begin == nil or iterator > length or debug1 >= 100 then
- separ_str_begin = 0
- separ_str_end = -2
- flag = false
- end
- if separ_str_end < separ_str_begin then separ_str_end = separ_str_begin end
- finded_str = mw.ustring.sub(input_str, iterator, separ_str_begin - 1)
- if not(mw.text.trim(finded_str) == '' and ignore_null_flag) then
- result[i] = finded_str
- i = i + 1
- end
- iterator = separ_str_end + 1
- separ_str_begin, separ_str_end = mw.ustring.find(input_str, separ, iterator)
- end
- if is_invoke then
- body = ''
- for i, result_str in pairs( result ) do
- body = body .. mw.ustring.gsub(format, "%%s", result_str)
- end
- return body
- end
- return result;
- end
- --[[
- join
- Join all non empty arguments together; the first argument is the separator.
- Usage:
- {{#invoke:String|join|sep|one|two|three}}
- ]]
- function str.join(frame)
- local args = {}
- local sep
- for _, v in ipairs( frame.args ) do
- if sep then
- if v ~= '' then
- table.insert(args, v)
- end
- else
- sep = v
- end
- end
- return table.concat( args, sep or '' )
- end
- --[[
- Helper function that populates the argument list given that user may need to use a mix of
- named and unnamed parameters. This is relevant because named parameters are not
- identical to unnamed parameters due to string trimming, and when dealing with strings
- we sometimes want to either preserve or remove that whitespace depending on the application.
- ]]
- function str._getParameters( frame_args, arg_list )
- local new_args = {};
- local index = 1;
- local value;
- for i,arg in ipairs( arg_list ) do
- value = frame_args[arg]
- if value == nil then
- value = frame_args[index];
- index = index + 1;
- end
- new_args[arg] = value;
- end
- return new_args;
- end
- --[[
- Helper function to handle error messages.
- ]]
- function str._error( error_str )
- local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame();
- local error_category = frame.args.error_category or 'Errors reported by Module String';
- local ignore_errors = frame.args.ignore_errors or false;
- local no_category = frame.args.no_category or false;
- if str._getBoolean(ignore_errors) then
- return '';
- end
- local error_str = '<strong class="error">String Module Error: ' .. error_str .. '</strong>';
- if error_category ~= '' and not str._getBoolean( no_category ) then
- error_str = '[[Category:' .. error_category .. ']]' .. error_str;
- end
- return error_str;
- end
- --[[
- Helper Function to interpret boolean strings
- ]]
- function str._getBoolean( boolean_str )
- local boolean_value;
- if type( boolean_str ) == 'string' then
- boolean_str = boolean_str:lower();
- if boolean_str == 'false' or boolean_str == 'no' or boolean_str == '0'
- or boolean_str == '' then
- boolean_value = false;
- else
- boolean_value = true;
- end
- elseif type( boolean_str ) == 'boolean' then
- boolean_value = boolean_str;
- else
- error( 'No boolean value found' );
- end
- return boolean_value
- end
- --[[
- Helper function that escapes all pattern characters so that they will be treated
- as plain text.
- ]]
- function str._escapePattern( pattern_str )
- return mw.ustring.gsub( pattern_str, "([%(%)%.%%%+%-%*%?%[%^%$%]])", "%%%1" );
- end
- return str