local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local html = mw.html.create() -- 内部图片响应式布局 function p.width(imgname, srcset, imgtitle, frame) if not imgtitle.file.exists then return srcset end local width = {800, 1024, 1280, 1366, 1400, 1440, 1600, 1680, 1920} -- 常见屏幕宽度 local imgwidth = imgtitle.file.width local pieces = {} for i, v in ipairs(width) do if v < imgwidth then -- 比较屏宽与图片尺寸 local filepath = frame:callParserFunction('filepath', imgname, v) table.insert(pieces, filepath.." "..v.."w, ") -- 缩略图生成 else break end end srcset = table.concat(pieces)..srcset -- 组装缩略图 return srcset end -- 动画效果 function p.animate(animate, position, action) if animate == "none" then return end local animateName = animate local actionhub={ ['show'] = "2s", ['shrink'] = "4s ease-out", ['clear'] = "2s", ['appear'] = "5s ease", ['look'] = "5s ease", ['look-top'] = "5s ease", ['look-bottom'] = "5s ease", } local effect if animate == "look" then effect = (position == "top") and "look-bottom" or "look-top" else effect = action or animateName end if actionhub[effect] then return ";animation:"..animateName.." "..actionhub[effect] else return ";animation:"..animateName.." 2s" end end -- 主函数 function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local obj_position, imginside, datasrc, imgtitle, changelogo local imgname = args.url or args[1] if imgname then imginside = frame:callParserFunction('filepath', imgname) imgtitle ='File:'..imgname) -- 图片数据判定 外部图片 内部图片 datasrc = not imgtitle.file.exists and imgname or imginside else datasrc = "" end -- 生成img标签 if args.position then obj_position = "object-position:"..args.position else obj_position = "object-position:center center" end local imgele = html:tag("img") :attr("data-src", datasrc) :cssText( 'position:fixed;top:0;width:100%;height:100%;object-fit:cover;'..obj_position) if imginside then imgele:attr("srcset", p.width(imgname, imginside, imgtitle, frame)) -- 响应式布局 end -- 生成动画效果 local animate = args.animate or "show" -- 动画效果-- 动画进行方式 local animation = p.animate(animate, args.position, args.action) -- 背景颜色生成 local color = args.color or "transparent" local backcolor = html:tag("div"):cssText( 'position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;background:'..color..animation) -- make and shade local opacity = args.shade or 0 local shadeColor = args.shadeColor or "#fff" local shadeval = "background:"..shadeColor..";opacity:"..opacity..animation local shade = html:tag("div"):cssText( 'position:fixed; top:0; width:100%; height:100%;'..shadeval) if args.make then local make = html:tag("div"):cssText( 'position:fixed; top:0; width:100%; height:100%; '..args.make) shade = tostring(make)..tostring(shade) imgele = nil -- make会遮住图片 end -- display logo local displaylogo = args.displaylogo ~= "no" and "yes" or "no" -- 替换logo if args["logo-url"] then local logoUrl = frame:callParserFunction('filepath', args["logo-url"]) changelogo = html:tag("span") :addClass("nomobile") :attr("id","wglogo") :attr("data-background-position",args["logo-position"]) :attr("data-background-image", logoUrl and logoUrl or frame:callParserFunction('filepath', "ZhMoegirl15.2.png")) --对应原来的 false = False = "" if args["logo-size"] ~= "false" or "False" then changelogo:attr("data-background-size",args["logo-size"]) end changelogo = tostring(changelogo)"{{#Widget:Wglogo}}") end -- 包装 local backpic = html:tag("div") :addClass("nomobile sidebar-character") :cssText('display:none;width:100%;height:100%;top:0;left:0;z-index:-3;') :attr("data-displaylogo", displaylogo) :wikitext(tostring(backcolor)..tostring(imgele)..tostring(shade)) return tostring(backpic)..tostring(changelogo) end return p