local p = {} local getArgs = require('module:arguments').getArgs function local args = getArgs(frame) local styles = args[1] == 'child' and '' or frame:extensionTag{name = 'templatestyles', args = {src = 'mininav/style.css'}} local div = _box(args, frame):newline() local i = 1 local v = args['list'..i] while v do div:wikitext(v) :newline() i = i + 1 v = args['list'..i] end return styles..tostring(div) end function p.container(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local styles = frame:extensionTag{name = 'templatestyles', args = {src = 'mininav/style.css'}} local div = _box(args, frame) local content = div:tag('div') :addClass('mw-collapsible-content') local i = 1 local v = args['list'..i] while v do content:wikitext(v) i = i + 1 v = args['list'..i] end return styles..tostring(div) end function navbar(frame, name) local div = mw.html.create('div') :addClass('noprint plainlinks navbar nomobile') :wikitext('[[template:''|<span title="-{zh-hans:查看;zh-hant:檢視}-这个模板">查</span>]] · '.. '[[template talk:''|<span title="关于这个模板的讨论页面">论</span>]] · '.. '['..frame:callParserFunction{name = 'fullurl', args = {'template:', 'action=edit'}}.. '<span title="您可以编辑这个模板。请在储存变更之前先预览">编</span>]') return tostring(div) end function _box(args, frame) local div = mw.html.create('div') :attr{id =, class = args.class} :addClass('navbox') :tag('div') :addClass('navbox-title') :wikitext(args[1] == 'child' and '' or navbar(frame, :wikitext(args.title or '') :done() local state = args.state if state ~= 'plain' and state ~= 'off' then div:addClass('mw-collapsible') :addClass(state) end return div end function local args = getArgs(frame, {removeBlanks = false}) local text = '<div class="mw-collapsible-content">\n{|class="' local state = args.state local isTitled = args.title and args.title ~= '' if not isTitled then state = 'off' end if state ~= 'plain' and state ~= 'off' then text = text..'mw-collapsible '..(state or '')..' ' end text = text..(args.class or '')..'"' if and ~= '' then text = text..' id="''"' end text = text..( and ' style="''"' or '')..'\n' if isTitled then text = text..'|+class="navbox-title"'.. (args.titlestyle and ' style="'..args.titlestyle..'"' or '').. '|'..args.title..'\n' end return text.._subgroup(args)..'|}</div>' end function p.subgroup(frame) local args = getArgs(frame, {removeBlanks = false}) return mw.ustring.sub(_subgroup(args, true), 2) end function _subgroup(args, flag) local text = '' local i = 1 local v = args['group'..i] local attr = 'class="navbox-'..(flag and 'sub' or '')..'group"' while v do local u = args['list'..i] or '' local _, count = mw.ustring.gsub(u, '\n%|%-\n+|%w', '\n%|%-\n+|%w') if count > 0 then text = text..'|rowspan='..(count + 1)..' '..attr else text = text..'|'..attr end local style = args['groupstyle'..i] or args.groupstyle if style and style ~= '' then text = text..' style="''"' end text = text..'|'..v..'\n|'..u..'\n\|-\n' i = i + 1 v = args['group'..i] end return text end return p