Module:Game List
local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local data = require('Module:Game List/Data') local template_zero = mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = "0" } function split(text) return mw.text.split(string.gsub(text, '<br%s*/?>', '/'), '[/、]') end function parse_season(text) if string.find(text, "^[1-3]月") then return "1-3月" elseif string.find(text, "^[4-6]月") then return "4-6月" elseif string.find(text, "^[7-9]月") then return "7-9月" elseif string.find(text, "^1[0-2]月") then return "10-12月" else return "未定" end end function p._row(frame, args) -- 标题、链接 local title = args['title'] or args[1] or "无标题" local link = args['link'] or title -- 开发商、发行商 local developers = split(args['developer'] or args[2] or "") for i, v in ipairs(developers) do developers[i] = data.publishers[string.lower(v)] or v end local publishers = split(args['publisher'] or args[3] or "") for i, v in ipairs(publishers) do publishers[i] = data.publishers[string.lower(v)] or v end -- 发售日期 local release_date = string.gsub(args['release_date'] or args[4] or "未定", template_zero, "") local y, m, d, formated_date y, m, d = mw.ustring.match(release_date, '(%d+)[年%-%./](%d+)[月%-%./](%d+)[日]?') if y then formated_date = mw.ustring.gsub(string.format('%04d年%02d月%02d日', y, m, d), '([年月])0', '%1{{0}}') else y, m = mw.ustring.match(release_date, '(%d+)[年%-%./](%d+)[月%-%./]') d = 32 if y then formated_date = mw.ustring.gsub(string.format('%04d年%02d月', y, m), '([年])0', '%1{{0}}') else y, m = mw.ustring.match(release_date, '(%d+)[年%-%./]?([春夏秋冬内內初末底]?)') if y then formated_date = string.format('%04d年%s', y, m) m, d = 13, string.find('春夏秋冬内內初末底', m) else y, m, d = 9999, 13, 32 formated_date = release_date end end end local date_wikitext = string.format('data-sort-value="%04d-%02d-%02d | %s', y, m, d, formated_date) -- 中文情况 local chinese = args['chinese'] or args[5] or "" local chinese_wikitext = "" local chinese_simplified = string.find(chinese, '简') or string.find(chinese, '簡') local chinese_traditional = string.find(chinese, '繁') local chinese_available = string.find(chinese, '有') local chinese_not_available = string.find(chinese, '无') if chinese_available then chinese_wikitext = 'colspan="2" data-sort-value="-0.5" | 有中文' elseif chinese_not_available or chinese_simplified or chinese_traditional then chinese_wikitext = (chinese_simplified and 'data-sort-value="-1" | 简体中文' or 'data-sort-value="0" {{N/A|无}}') .. '\n| ' .. (chinese_traditional and 'data-sort-value="-1" | 繁體中文' or 'data-sort-value="0" {{N/A|无}}') elseif chinese == "" then chinese_wikitext = 'colspan="2" data-sort-value="-0.2" {{N/A|未公布}}' else chinese_wikitext = 'colspan="2" data-sort-value="0" | ' .. chinese end -- 备注 local note = args['note'] or args[6] or "" local note_name = args['note_name'] or "" local note_wikitext = " {{#var_final:gl-note}}" if note ~= "" then note_wikitext = '\n| {{#tag:ref|' .. note .. '|group=注' .. (note_name ~= "" and '|name=' .. note_name or "") .. '}}' note_wikitext = note_wikitext .. '{{#vardefine:gl-note|{{!}}{{!}}}}{{#vardefine:gl-note-head|!! rowspan="2" {{!}} 备注}}' end -- 输出 local wikitext = table.concat({ "|-", "{{#ifexist:" .. link .. "|[[" .. link .. "|" .. title .. "]]|" .. title .."}}", table.concat(developers, "<br>"), table.concat(publishers, "<br>"), date_wikitext, chinese_wikitext }, "\n| ") wikitext = wikitext .. note_wikitext return frame:preprocess(wikitext) end function p.row(frame) return p._row(frame, getArgs(frame, {wrappers = "Template:Game List/Row"})) end function p._navbox(frame, args) local raw_wikitext =['page']):getContent() if raw_wikitext ~= "" then local last_season = "" local group = 0 local navbox_args = args navbox_args['page'] = nil for content in string.gmatch(raw_wikitext, '{{%s*Game[ _]List/Row%s*\|%s*(.-)%s*}}%s*\n') do content = content .. "|" content = string.gsub(content, '{{0}}', '') local title = string.match(content, '^%s*(.-)%s*\|') or '无标题' local link = string.match(content, '\|%s*link%s*=%s*(.-)%s*\|') or title local date = string.match(content, '\|%s*%d+年(.-)%s*\|') or '未定' if string.find("春夏秋冬", date) then date = date .. "季" elseif string.find("内內初末底", date) then date = "年" .. date end local season = parse_season(date) if season ~= last_season then group = group + 1 navbox_args['group' .. group] = season navbox_args['list' .. group] = '' last_season = season else navbox_args['list' .. group] = navbox_args['list' .. group] .. " • " end navbox_args['list' .. group] = navbox_args['list' .. group] .. "[[" .. ((link == title) and title or (link .. "|" .. title)) .. "]](" .. date .. ")" end return frame:expandTemplate({ title = 'Navbox', args = navbox_args}) else return "" end end function p.navbox(frame) return p._navbox(frame, getArgs(frame)) end return p