- --协力:User:サンムル
- local p = {}
- function p._main(args,toggle)
- local texts = {}
- local colors = {}
- for k, v in pairs(args) do
- if type(k) == 'string' then --如果是字符串则匹配c开头
- local index = k:match "^c(%d+)$"
- if index then colors[tonumber(index)] = v end
- else --是数字
- texts[k] = v
- end
- end
- colors[0] = colors[#colors] -- 余数等于0时输出除数域
- --渲染部分
- local root = mw.html.create 'span'
- for i, v in ipairs(texts) do
- root:tag 'span'
- :wikitext(v)
- :css {color = colors[i%#colors],
- ["data-color"] = toggle and color}
- :addClass(toggle and 'colorToggleBlock')
- end
- return root
- end
- function p.main ( frame )
- local wrappers = { ['Template:交叉颜色'] = true, ['Template:交叉颜色护眼版'] = true }
- local toggle = frame.args["toggle"]
- local parent = frame:getParent()
- if parent and wrappers[parent:getTitle()] then
- frame = parent
- end
- local args = frame.args
- return p._main(args,toggle)
- end
- return p