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After You've Gone

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After You've Gone
生化奇兵无限 海报
作曲 Turner Layton
填词 Henry Creamer



此曲是1918年由Turner Layton谱曲,Henry Creamer填词的一首歌曲,曾被很多爵士乐手翻唱过。



Now won't you listen dearie while I say

How can you tell me that you're going away

Don't say that we must part

Don't break my aching heart

You know I loved you truly many years

I loved you night and day

How can you leave me, can't you see my tears

Listen while I say


After you've gone and left me crying

After you've gone, there's no denying

You'll feel blue, you'll feel sad,

You'll miss the dearest pal that you've ever had

And there'll come a time, now don't forget it

There'll come a time, when you'll regret it

Some day, when you grow lonely

Your heart will break like mine, you want me only

After you've gone,

After you've gone away


Oh after the year we've been together

The joy and tears and all kinds of weather

Someday, blue and downhearted

You'll long to be with me right back where you started

After I'm gone,

After I'm gone away
