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本模板({{P5PictureBox}} )用來容納圖片和表格。


{{P5PictureBox| 文字 |float= }}

參數 解釋 參數範圍 備註
文字 一般用於介紹信息 若參入數值,格式為 |1= 需要手動添加 <poem> 標籤
bold 控制文字字寬 true/false,默認為 true
float 用於浮動信息框 true/false,默認為 false

{{P5PictureBox | 图片1 | 图片2 |float= }}

參數 解釋 參數範圍 備註
圖片1 滑鼠懸浮前顯示的圖片 若參入數值,格式將會變為 |1=
圖片2 滑鼠懸浮後顯示的圖片 若參入數值,格式為 |2=
color 控制文字顏色 默認為 black 用處不大
float 用於浮動信息框 true/false,默認為 false


{{P5PictureBox|<poem>Now that I think about it, it makes sense Mementos would connect to some place like underneath Shibuya. Everyone crams themselves into packed underground boxes day after day without any complaints… From my standpoint, those are the true inmates of Mementos. It’s no surprise the places are connected. <div style="float:right">— Morgana</div></poem> }}

Main star1(persona5).png

Now that I think about it, it makes sense Mementos would connect to some place like underneath Shibuya.
Everyone crams themselves into packed underground boxes day after day without any complaints…
From my standpoint, those are the true inmates of Mementos. It’s no surprise the places are connected.

— Morgana
Main star1(persona5).png

{{P5PictureBox | {{filepath:P5R1031ceremony.jpg|300}} | {{filepath:P5R1031ceremony.jpg|700}} }}

Main star1(persona5).png
Main star1(persona5).png
