下一個賽季,在一輪人員調整後,雖然成績並沒有顯著的提升,但是還是有了兩次參與國際賽事的機會。在ESL One 伯明翰2018小組賽中,他們擊敗了Evil Geniuses,這也是壓垮了老EG陣容的最後一根稻草。然而這個陣容依然沒有在國際賽事正賽中取得更大的突破,ESL伯明翰2018第二輪出局,SuperMajor第一輪出局。在隨後的2018年DOTA2國際邀請賽預選賽中依舊失利,沒有取得通往國際邀請賽的門票。
Players having a meeting in regards to if Donk should be allowed for next tournament or not.(選手們正在開會討論是否應該允許donk參加下一場比賽。)
——Casper "cadiaN" Møller
Donk could have won this event alone(donk能夠單槍匹馬贏得這場比賽。)
——Emil "Magisk" Reif
Congratulations to Team Spirit with winning the trophy here in Katowice. This donk kid is a problem bro😅(恭喜Team Spirit在卡托維茲贏得獎盃。donk這小孩確實是個問題,兄弟😅)
——Håvard "rain" Nygaard
Guys seriously question. If some team would like to buy donk as a player, how much they need to pay. Any specialist of transfer market cs2 ? 😁(哥們真心求教。如果有些戰隊想要買donk加入隊伍,他們需要花多少錢?有沒有《反恐精英2》轉會市場的專家? 😁)
——Jarosław "pashaBiceps" Jarząbkowski
Maybe its the nickname How dowes glonk sound?(你們說我改名成glonk能不能原地起飛?)
——Lukas "gla1ve" Rossander
There is something I dont understand(有些事我不明白。)
——Pavle "Maden" Bošković
I've had a pretty long career. But I've never seen anything like this...(我職業生涯打了那麼長時間。但我也從未見過像這樣的事情……)
——Peter "dupreeh" Rasmussen
donk best tournament performance in CS history no doubt(donk表現出了CS歷史上的最佳,毫無疑問。)
——Robin "ropz" Kool
Cheating i think hopefully(我希望是他開了。)
——Shahar "flameZ" Shushan
Three names, s1mple, ZywOo, donk, Changed the game from the moment they stepped into elite CS.(三個名字:s1mple,ZywOo,donk,他們一踏入精英級《反恐精英》就改變了遊戲。)
idk man im just a social media guy but i have watched thousands of hours of counter strike and i have to admit that donk is not normally man someone has to check him pc i ask admin they say he legit but i dont believe(我不知道,夥計,我只是個社交媒體的人,但我已經觀看了數千小時的《反恐精英》,我不得不承認那個donk通常不太正常,有人得檢查他的電腦。我問管理員,他們說他是合法[1]的,但我不相信。)