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Dota logo.png
萌娘百科歡迎您參與完善《Dota 2》相關條目☆Kira~
The International 2023 lightmode.png
名稱 2023年DOTA2國際邀請賽
The International 2023
別名 TI12
主辦國家/地區 USA西雅圖
時間 地區預選賽:


冠軍 Team Spirit logoblack.pngTeam Spirit
前一屆 本屆 後一屆

2023年DOTA2國際邀請賽(英語:The International 2023,簡稱TI12)是Valve舉辦的第十二屆DOTA2國際邀請賽。小組賽於2023年10月12日至15日舉行,淘汰賽於2023年10月20日至22日舉行,決賽於10月27日至29日舉行。


  • 賽事為線下賽,地點為USA 西雅圖。
  • 本屆國際邀請賽分為兩個階段: 國際邀請賽之路,其中包括小組賽和淘汰賽,上演二十支Dota頂尖戰隊角逐到剩下八支隊伍的好戲;國際邀請賽,最後的八支隊伍爭奪冠軍之神盾。


  • 時間為2023年8月17日 - 31日。
  • 所有參加了地區DPC夏季賽的隊伍,只要隊伍中替換的隊員不超過兩名,且未獲得2023年國際賽參賽資格就有資格參賽。
  • 參賽隊伍將根據其DPC積分以及地區聯賽夏季賽中的排名進行賽程排位。
  • 雙敗賽事BO3賽事,敗者組第一輪為BO1。
  • 涉及到決賽出一個名額的地區決賽為BO5。
  • 共20支隊伍,其中12支來自DPC積分前12的隊伍,8支來自各地區的預選。
    • 其中西歐、南美賽區各兩個名額,中國、北美、東南亞、東歐賽區各一個名額。
  • 時間為2023年10月12日 - 15日。
  • 20支隊伍分為四個小組BO2循環。
  • 最後一名淘汰,剩餘16支隊伍將根據之前的戰績排名進行對決,決定哪些隊伍進入淘汰賽的勝者組。
  • 若同分時涉及淘汰則進行一場BO3決定淘汰名額,若不涉及則看勝負關係、與下一名隊伍的勝負關係等決定排名。
  • 時間為2023年10月20日 - 22日。
  • 國際邀請賽(八強賽)的時間為2023年10月27日 - 29日。
  • 前半段淘汰賽場館為西雅圖會議中心峰會大廈Seattle Convention Center’s Summit,八強後場館為氣候宣言競技場Climate Pledge Arena
  • 雙敗賽制,除決賽外所有場次均為BO3。


DPC積分 / 預選賽所屬賽區


Team Liquid Gaimin Gladiators Tundra Esports 9Pandas Evil Geniuses LGD Gaming
Team Liquid logo.png Gaimin Gladiators logo.png Tundra Esports nt.png 9Pandas DOTA2.png Evil Geniuses logoblack.png LGD logo white.png
2150 2140 1660 1496 1470 1284
Shopify Rebellion Talon Esports beastcoast Team Spirit TSM BetBoom
Shopify Rebellion.png Talon Esports logo.png Beastcoast logo.png Team Spirit logoblack.png TSM 2019 nt.png BetBoom Team logo.png
1170 1120 1040 1020 900 760


Azure Ray nouns Virtus.pro Team SMG
Azure Ray LOGO.png Nouns Esports.png Virtus.pro logo.png Team SMG 2022.png
中國賽區 北美賽區 東歐賽區 東南亞賽區
Entity PSG Quest Vivo Keyd Stars Thunder Awaken
Entity logoblack.png Quest Esports.png Keyd Stars DOTA2.png Thunder Awaken logoblack.png
西歐賽區 西歐賽區 南美賽區 南美賽區


  • 地區預選賽時間均為當地時間。
賽區 戰隊 原因
中國 Piggy Killer 陣容不齊
The Last Dark 未知
北美 Nexus Titans 陣容不齊
東歐 前 cybercats 已經解散
南美 Los moticucos 陣容不齊
noMERCY 陣容不齊
x5 Gaming 未知
東南亞 Polaris Esports 賽程衝突
IHC Esports 主動退出
西歐 Old G 陣容不齊
IVY 陣容不齊


中國賽區預選時間為2023年8月17日 - 21日。


  • 未列出教練位。
Team Aster logo.png China Monet Azure Ray LOGO.png China Lou Invictus Gaminglogo square.png China Dust XtremeGaming.png Malaysia Ghost
Pakistan SumaiL China Somnus China Emo China Xm
China Xxs China chalice Malaysia zeal Malaysia JT-
China kaka China fy China Pyw China XinQ
Team Aster China 皮球 Azure Ray China 天命 Invictus Gaming China qyqx Xtreme Gaming China Dy
DPC積分 486 DPC積分 400 DPC積分 368 DPC積分 303
Aster.Aries.png China Ulu HOLY GRAIL.png China Summer Team Zero black.png China Cty Team Bright N.png China once.
China Xwy Malaysia GaN- China 7e China phoenix
China 生死 China dolme China Beyond China Irving
China Mercy China Dqq China iceice China imitator
Aster.Aries China Redpanda Holy Grail China sj Team Zero China zzq Team Bright China Undyne_
DPC積分 25 A級聯賽 第一名 A級聯賽 第二名 S級聯賽 第八名
BIG BRAIN.png China 聖子華煉 Supernova full.png China Team Disillusion.png China L'enfer, c'est les autres Ig Vitality.png China ukiyo
China Sakata China Han China Small.Kk China ButterflyEffect
China csj China Kamma China Ayunid China 項羽
China 三無marblue China sheep Malaysia Eren China 魚王
Big brain China Tz. Supernova China Chola Team Disillusion China RanFuDao iG.Vitality Malaysia ponyo
A級聯賽 第四名 A級聯賽 第五名 A級聯賽 第六名 A級聯賽 第七名
LIMIT.png China Rain pause
China Iristina
China 冷鳥
China Q
Limit China 出省
A級聯賽 第八名


勝者組¼決賽 勝者組半決 勝者組決賽
Team Aster logo.pngTeam Aster 2
Team Zero black.pngTeam Zero 0
Team Aster logo.pngTeam Aster 1
XtremeGaming.pngXtreme Gaming 2
XtremeGaming.pngXtreme Gaming 2
Aster.Aries.pngAster.Aries 0
XtremeGaming.pngXtreme Gaming 1
Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray 2
Invictus Gaminglogo square.pngInvictus Gaming 2
HOLY GRAIL.pngHoly Grail 0
Invictus Gaminglogo square.pngInvictus Gaming 0
Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray 2
Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray 2
Team Bright N.pngTeam Bright 1
BIG BRAIN.pngBig brain W
- -
Team Zero black.pngTeam Zero 2
BIG BRAIN.pngBig brain 0
Team Zero black.pngTeam Zero 2
Aster.Aries.pngAster.Aries 0
Ig Vitality.pngiG.Vitality 1
LIMIT.pngLimit 0
Aster.Aries.pngAster.Aries 2
Ig Vitality.pngiG.Vitality 0

Team Disillusion.pngTeam Disillusion W
- -
HOLY GRAIL.pngHoly Grail 2
Team Disillusion.pngTeam Disillusion 0
HOLY GRAIL.pngHoly Grail 0
Team Bright N.pngTeam Bright 2
Supernova full.pngSupernova W
- -
Team Bright N.pngTeam Bright 2
Supernova full.pngSupernova 1

敗者組¼決賽 敗者組半決賽
Invictus Gaminglogo square.pngInvictus Gaming 1
Team Zero black.pngTeam Zero 2
Team Zero black.pngTeam Zero 2
Team Bright N.pngTeam Bright 0
Team Aster logo.pngTeam Aster 1
Team Bright N.pngTeam Bright 2
  敗者組決賽     決賽
    Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray 3
  XtremeGaming.pngXtreme Gaming 2     XtremeGaming.pngXtreme Gaming 1
  Team Zero black.pngTeam Zero 1  


北美賽區預選時間為2023年8月17日 - 21日。


  • 未列出教練位。
戰隊 1 2 3 4 5 排序
Nouns Esports.pngnouns Peru K1 USA Gunnar Austria Moo Brazil Lelis USA Yamsun DPC積分 464
Felt DOTA2.pngfelt Ukraine Licht 神 USA Kitzz USA Fayde Russia solji;, USA albinozebra1 DPC積分 104
Team DogChamp DOTA2.pngTeam DogChamp USA dnm USA red2 USA Speeed Peru MoOz USA Bloody Nine DPC積分 100
B8 DOTA2.pngB8 Ukraine V-Tune Ukraine Dendi Ukraine StoneBank Bulgaria CTOMAHEH1 Ukraine Kidaro DPC積分 25
Wildcard Gaming.pngWildcard Gaming USA Sammyboy USA RCY Bulgaria Sunlight Norway Taiga USA Husky DPC積分 5
DotA2 team unknown.pngLucky Bird Peru Carjua || Peru steel- || Peru Blessed kid || Peru Braxie- || Peru Tokaya || style="text-align:center" | S級聯賽
Ravens DOTA2 Esports.pngRavens Peru Argius USA RRL Peru Cara USA Theyna Brazil Yanbura A級聯賽
Sand King Gómez 2020.pngSand King Gómez Slovakia SlaweE Mexico lundd Peru Ducho Mexico N1ne Peru CHAAANNN S級聯賽
CDUB Esports.pngCDUB Esports USA Double King USA Mark Jordan isIA USA Sanctified Brazil Duster A級聯賽
The Cut DOTA2.pngThe Cut USA Scourge McDuck Pakistan Aeon the Czech Republic Ade USA bgod Canada high shaggy A級聯賽
American goons.pngAmerican goons Canada boris Finland MTD USA Lil_Nick USA Giant USA empyreaN A級聯賽
TiltedBoys DOTA2.pngTiltedBoys Ukraine Ferte Ukraine ValOdbka USA monkeys-forever Jordan wakemeup USA door A級聯賽
DotA2 team unknown.pngGRIN Esports Syria -SouL USA rohofireflu USA Moozy USA Brightside USA Salivating Salamander 37 A級聯賽


勝者組¼決賽 勝者組半決 勝者組決賽
Nouns Esports.pngnouns 2
Sand King Gómez 2020.pngSand King Gómez 1
Nouns Esports.pngnouns 2
Wildcard Gaming.pngWildcard Gaming 1
B8 DOTA2.pngB8 1
Wildcard Gaming.pngWildcard Gaming 2
Nouns Esports.pngnouns 2
Team DogChamp DOTA2.pngTeam DogChamp 0
Team DogChamp DOTA2.pngTeam DogChamp 2
DotA2 team unknown.pngLucky Bird 0
Team DogChamp DOTA2.pngTeam DogChamp 2
Felt DOTA2.pngfelt 1
Felt DOTA2.pngfelt 2
Ravens DOTA2 Esports.pngRavens 0
CDUB Esports.pngCDUB Esports W
- -
Sand King Gómez 2020.pngSand King Gómez 2
CDUB Esports.pngCDUB Esports 1
Sand King Gómez 2020.pngSand King Gómez 0
B8 DOTA2.pngB8 2
TiltedBoys DOTA2.pngTiltedBoys 1
DotA2 team unknown.pngGRIN Esports 0
B8 DOTA2.pngB8 2
TiltedBoys DOTA2.pngTiltedBoys 0

American goons.pngAmerican goons W
- -
DotA2 team unknown.pngLucky Bird 0
American goons.pngAmerican goons 2
American goons.pngAmerican goons 2
The Cut DOTA2.pngThe Cut 0
The Cut DOTA2.pngThe Cut W
- -
Ravens DOTA2 Esports.pngRavens 0
The Cut DOTA2.pngThe Cut 2

敗者組¼決賽 敗者組半決賽
Felt DOTA2.pngfelt 0
B8 DOTA2.pngB8 2
B8 DOTA2.pngB8 2
Wildcard Gaming.pngWildcard Gaming 1
Wildcard Gaming.pngWildcard Gaming 2
American goons.pngAmerican goons 1
  敗者組決賽     決賽
    Nouns Esports.pngnouns 3
  Team DogChamp DOTA2.pngTeam DogChamp 0     B8 DOTA2.pngB8 0
  B8 DOTA2.pngB8 2  


東歐賽區預選時間為2023年8月22日 - 26日。


  • 未列出教練位。
戰隊 1 2 3 4 5 排序
Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro Russia Kiritych- Russia squad1x Russia Noticed Russia sayuw Flag of Belarus.svg Fng DPC積分 218
HYDRA 2021.pngHYDRA Kyrgyzstan dream Russia Worlck Russia Cloud Ukraine Lil Flag of Belarus.svg HappyDyurara DPC積分 50
One Move DOTA2.pngOne Move Russia Munkushi~ Flag of Belarus.svg Ainkrad Russia AfterLife Flag of Belarus.svg pantomem Russia Xakoda DPC積分 35
Natus Vincere logo3.pngNatus Vincere Ukraine shigetsu Ukraine mellojul Kazakhstan Malik Kazakhstan Danial Kazakhstan Malady A級聯賽
Nemiga Gaming 2020.pngNemiga Gaming Kazakhstan v1oleny` Russia Malr1ne Russia Vazya Flag of Belarus.svg Hellscream Russia RodjER S級聯賽
Team Sexy 2023.pngTeam Sexy Ukraine 7jesu Kazakhstan Mirage` Ukraine Nefrit Russia 9Class Ukraine Hduo A級聯賽
UALEIKUMNIHAO.pngUALEIKUMNIHAO None Otaker Russia CHIRA_JUNIOR Russia Shergarat (Vladimir) Kazakhstan b1kA Kazakhstan Mary_y S級聯賽
Matreshka 2023.pngMatreshka Russia Retsu Russia nattynarwhal_ Russia meLes Russia LagooNa Ukraine dark A級聯賽
StoRm DOTA2 Esports Team.pngStoRm Kyrgyzstan k8t Kazakhstan Nicky`Cool Russia Dominic Flag of Belarus.svg Onejey Russia SoNNeikO A級聯賽
Moneymakers 2023.pngMoneyMakers Russia Lukas Russia Egor Russia bb3px Ukraine Bignum Ukraine Slayer A級聯賽
Natus Vincere Junior 2021.pngNAVI Junior Ukraine gotthejuice Kazakhstan toshiyb Ukraine pma Kazakhstan daze Ukraine Riddys A級聯賽
SIBE Team.pngSIBE Team Russia Nesfeer Russia erase Flag of Belarus.svg klassnokruto Russia Velheor Russia asdekor_r A級聯賽


勝者組¼決賽 勝者組半決 勝者組決賽
Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro 2
Matreshka 2023.pngMatreshka 0
Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro 2
Natus Vincere logo3.pngNatus Vincere 1
Natus Vincere logo3.pngNatus Vincere 2
Nemiga Gaming 2020.pngNemiga Gaming
Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro 2
One Move DOTA2.pngOne Move 0
One Move DOTA2.pngOne Move 2
Team Sexy 2023.pngTeam Sexy 1
One Move DOTA2.pngOne Move 2
HYDRA 2021.pngHYDRA 0
HYDRA 2021.pngHYDRA 2
敗者一輪上半區 敗者二輪上半區
Matreshka 2023.pngMatreshka 1
StoRm DOTA2 Esports Team.pngStoRm 2
StoRm DOTA2 Esports Team.pngStoRm 2
Nemiga Gaming 2020.pngNemiga Gaming 0
Nemiga Gaming 2020.pngNemiga Gaming 2
SIBE Team.pngSIBE Team 0
敗者一輪下半區 敗者二輪下半區
Team Sexy 2023.pngTeam Sexy 1
Natus Vincere Junior 2021.pngNAVI Junior 2
Natus Vincere Junior 2021.pngNAVI Junior 0
Moneymakers 2023.pngMoneyMakers 2
Moneymakers 2023.pngMoneyMakers 2
敗者組¼決賽 敗者組半決賽
HYDRA 2021.pngHYDRA 2
StoRm DOTA2 Esports Team.pngStoRm 1
HYDRA 2021.pngHYDRA 1
Natus Vincere logo3.pngNatus Vincere 2
Natus Vincere logo3.pngNatus Vincere 2
Moneymakers 2023.pngMoneyMakers 0
  敗者組決賽     決賽
    Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro 3
  One Move DOTA2.pngOne Move 2     One Move DOTA2.pngOne Move 0
  Natus Vincere logo3.pngNatus Vincere 1  


西歐賽區預選時間為2023年8月22日 - 26日。


  • 未列出教練位。
戰隊 1 2 3 4 5 排序
Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken Belarus Knight~ Peru SLATEM$ Peru ILICH- Peru n1ght Peru Mjz DPC積分 343
Infinity 2021.pngInfinity Peru Lumière Peru kxy Peru Vitaly Bolivia Michael~ Peru Gardick DPC積分 128
AcatSuki.pngAcatSuki Peru Mnz Peru Leostyle Peru Frank Bolivia Kiri Peru Prada DPC積分 40
Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars Brazil Costabile Brazil 4nalog Brazil fcr Brazil Kingrd Brazil KJ DPC積分 38
Mad Kings 2021.pngMad Kings Peru Adrian Peru PiPi Bolivia Oscar Peru Genek Peru RedMonster DPC積分 32
Infamous Gaming logo.pngInfamous Brazil mini Peru Mr.Jeans Brazil hyko Brazil Jupiter Brazil nuages DPC積分 25
Universitario Esports.pngUniversitario Esports Peru DaaD- Peru James- Bolivia Lissex Peru D1smar Peru Austin A級聯賽
Balrogs 2021.pngBalrogs Peru DCMC Peru Nengo Brazil Sexyfat Peru Demon Peru Accel S級聯賽
Lava DOTA2 Esports Team.pngLava Esports Peru payk Peru Lumpy Peru Arkano Peru Smoker Peru Kr1sSt嬌小 A級聯賽
NoPing e-sports.pngNoPing Esports Brazil hFn 厄瓜多爾 SebaS Peru ArzenT Peru Elmisho Peru SexyeYogye A級聯賽
Qhali DOTA2.pngQhali Peru Cucahook Peru Robo-Z Argentina Hermit Peru MonHty Peru Luis A級聯賽


勝者組¼決賽 勝者組半決 勝者組決賽
Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken 2
Balrogs 2021.pngBalrogs 0
Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken 1
Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars 2
Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars 2
Mad Kings 2021.pngMad Kings 0
Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars 2
AcatSuki.pngAcatSuki 0
AcatSuki.pngAcatSuki 2
Infamous Gaming logo.pngInfamous 0
AcatSuki.pngAcatSuki 2
Infinity 2021.pngInfinity 1
Infinity 2021.pngInfinity 2
Universitario Esports.pngUniversitario Esports 0
敗者一輪上半區 敗者二輪上半區
Balrogs 2021.pngBalrogs 1
Lava DOTA2 Esports Team.pngLava Esports 2
Lava DOTA2 Esports Team.pngLava Esports 1
Mad Kings 2021.pngMad Kings 2
Mad Kings 2021.pngMad Kings W
- -
敗者一輪下半區 敗者二輪下半區
Infamous Gaming logo.pngInfamous 1
Qhali DOTA2.pngQhali 2
Qhali DOTA2.pngQhali 2
Universitario Esports.pngUniversitario Esports 1
Universitario Esports.pngUniversitario Esports 2
NoPing e-sports.pngNoPing Esports 1
敗者組¼決賽 敗者組半決賽
Infinity 2021.pngInfinity 1
Mad Kings 2021.pngMad Kings 2
Mad Kings 2021.pngMad Kings 1
Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken 2
Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken 2
Qhali DOTA2.pngQhali 1
  敗者組決賽     資格
    Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars
  AcatSuki.pngAcatSuki 0     Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken
  Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken 2  


東南亞賽區預選時間為2023年8月27日 - 31日。


  • 未列出教練位。
戰隊 1 2 3 4 5 排序
Execration 2020 nt.pngExecration the Philippines Palos the Philippines Bob the Philippines Tino the Philippines Shanks the Philippines Abeng- DPC積分 592
Bleed eSports.pngBleed Esports Laos JaCkky Singapore Kordan Singapore iceiceice the Philippines DJ Korea DuBu DPC積分 500
Blacklist International nt.pngBlacklist Rivalry the Philippines Raven the Philippines Karl Australia kpii the Philippines TIMS the Philippines Kuku DPC積分 360
Team SMG 2022.pngTeam SMG Ukraine No[o]ne- Malaysia MidOne Thailand Masaros Malaysia ah fu the Philippines Jaunuel DPC積分 133
Geek Fam 2019.pngGeek Fam Romania Ulnit the Philippines Kokz the Philippines Force Flag of Mongolia.png NARMAN the Philippines skem DPC積分 115
Army Geniuses.pngArmy Geniuses Indonesia inYourdreaM the Philippines Yowe Indonesia db- Indonesia Jhocam Indonesia Varizh DPC積分 80
Boom Esports new.pngBOOM Esports the Philippines Natsumi the Philippines Yopaj- Malaysia Ws China Boboka Malaysia xNova S級聯賽
Neon Esports.pngNeon Esports Flag of Mongolia.png FortuneSoul the Philippines Ken Flag of Mongolia.png khishka the Philippines Raging-_-Potato South Africa Castaway A級聯賽
DotA2 team unknown.pngMade in Philippines the Philippines YoungGod the Philippines JG the Philippines Rupido the Philippines LuziFy the Philippines Teehee S級聯賽
Myth Avenue Gaming.pngMyth Avenue Gaming Singapore Meracle Singapore xsilearn India Krish Singapore poloson Singapore ponlo A級聯賽
IHC ESPORTS.pngIHC Esports Flag of Mongolia.png 423 Flag of Mongolia.png sanctity- Flag of Mongolia.png 11 Flag of Mongolia.png Ace12 Flag of Mongolia.png Se A級聯賽
SPAWN Team.pngSPAWN Team Vietnam 458 Indonesia MamangDaya Vietnam Red Indonesia dalul Indonesia TraVins A級聯賽
UD Vessuwan.pngUD Vessuwan Thailand KNP Thailand Fearless Laos BeeBie Thailand Boombui Thailand LionaX A級聯賽
Vision Dota2 Esports.pngVision Malaysia Mercury the Philippines Nasjo Malaysia Candyloon the Philippines Luciano Malaysia LOyd A級聯賽


勝者組¼決賽 勝者組半決 勝者組決賽
Execration 2020 nt.pngExecration 2
Neon Esports.pngNeon Esports 0
Execration 2020 nt.pngExecration 1
Team SMG 2022.pngTeam SMG 2
Team SMG 2022.pngTeam SMG 2
Geek Fam 2019.pngGeek Fam 1
Team SMG 2022.pngTeam SMG 2
Blacklist International nt.pngBlacklist Rivalry 0
Blacklist International nt.pngBlacklist Rivalry 2
Army Geniuses.pngArmy Geniuses 0
Blacklist International nt.pngBlacklist Rivalry 2
Bleed eSports.pngBleed Esports 0
Bleed eSports.pngBleed Esports 2
Boom Esports new.pngBOOM Esports 0
DotA2 team unknown.pngMade in Philippines W
- -
Neon Esports.pngNeon Esports 2
DotA2 team unknown.pngMade in Philippines 1
Neon Esports.pngNeon Esports 1
Geek Fam 2019.pngGeek Fam 2
SPAWN Team.pngSPAWN Team 0
UD Vessuwan.pngUD Vessuwan 1
Geek Fam 2019.pngGeek Fam 2
UD Vessuwan.pngUD Vessuwan 0

IHC ESPORTS.pngIHC Esports 退出
Vision Dota2 Esports.pngVision W
Army Geniuses.pngArmy Geniuses 2
Vision Dota2 Esports.pngVision 0
Army Geniuses.pngArmy Geniuses 1
Boom Esports new.pngBOOM Esports 2
Myth Avenue Gaming.pngMyth Avenue Gaming W
- -
Boom Esports new.pngBOOM Esports 2
Myth Avenue Gaming.pngMyth Avenue Gaming 1

敗者組¼決賽 敗者組半決賽
Bleed eSports.pngBleed Esports 1
Geek Fam 2019.pngGeek Fam 2
Geek Fam 2019.pngGeek Fam 2
Execration 2020 nt.pngExecration 1
Execration 2020 nt.pngExecration 2
Boom Esports new.pngBOOM Esports 1
  敗者組決賽     決賽
    Team SMG 2022.pngTeam SMG 3
  Blacklist International nt.pngBlacklist Rivalry 2     Blacklist International nt.pngBlacklist Rivalry 0
  Geek Fam 2019.pngGeek Fam 0  


西歐賽區預選時間為2023年8月27日 - 31日。


  • 未列出教練位。
戰隊 1 2 3 4 5 排序
Quest Esports.pngQuest Esports Kazakhstan TA2000 Lebanon No!ob Austria Tobi Lebanon OmaR Ukraine kaori DPC積分 545
OG logo.pngOG Ukraine Yuragi Bulgaria bzm Russia DM France Ceb USA Kitrak DPC積分 290
Entity logoblack.pngEntity Kazakhstan watson Germany Stormstormer the Philippines Gabbi Russia Kataomi` Flag of Belarus.svg Fishman DPC積分 208
Level Up Esports 2021.pngLevel UP Russia Daxak Ukraine lorenof Denmark OwnedMe None swedenstrong Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg MiLAN A級聯賽
Luna Galaxy DOTA2.pngLuna Galaxy Netherlands Shad United Kingdom Adzantick Belgium Davai Lama Brazil Thiolicor Russia Dukalis S級聯賽
Nigma Galaxy.pngNigma Galaxy Flag_of_Nicaragua.svg Yuma Iran Mikey Bulgaria MinD_ContRoL Lebanon GH Germany KuroKy A級聯賽
Team Secret logo black.pngTeam Secret Netherlands Crystallis the Philippines Armel Indonesia Fbz Russia yamich Estonia Puppey S級聯賽
KZ TEAM DOTA2.pngKZ Team Georgia Nande Georgia W1sh- Greece Skylark Greece dEsire Greece SssSpartan A級聯賽
Into The Breach Pink 2022.pngInto The Breach Hungary lowskill Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Supream^ Sweden Xibbe Ukraine Merlin Flag of Belarus.svg RESPECT A級聯賽
Ancient Tribe 2022.pngAncient Tribe Russia WoE Germany Mo13ei Turkey Mr. Luck Serbia Alex Serbia LeBronDota A級聯賽
Alliance logo.pngAlliance Sweden charlie the Philippines ChYuan Sweden s4 Sweden Pablo Sweden Handsken A級聯賽


勝者組¼決賽 勝者組半決 勝者組決賽
Quest Esports.pngQuest Esports 2
KZ TEAM DOTA2.pngKZ Team 0
Quest Esports.pngQuest Esports 1
Luna Galaxy DOTA2.pngLuna Galaxy 2
Level Up Esports 2021.pngLevel UP 0
Luna Galaxy DOTA2.pngLuna Galaxy 2
Luna Galaxy DOTA2.pngLuna Galaxy 0
Entity logoblack.pngEntity 2
Entity logoblack.pngEntity 2
Nigma Galaxy.pngNigma Galaxy 1
Entity logoblack.pngEntity 2
Team Secret logo black.pngTeam Secret 0
OG logo.pngOG 0
Team Secret logo black.pngTeam Secret 2
敗者一輪上半區 敗者二輪上半區
KZ TEAM DOTA2.pngKZ Team 2
Into The Breach Pink 2022.pngInto The Breach 1
KZ TEAM DOTA2.pngKZ Team 0
Level Up Esports 2021.pngLevel UP 2
Level Up Esports 2021.pngLevel UP W
- -
敗者一輪下半區 敗者二輪下半區
Nigma Galaxy.pngNigma Galaxy 1
Alliance logo.pngAlliance 2
Alliance logo.pngAlliance 1
OG logo.pngOG 2
OG logo.pngOG 2
Ancient Tribe 2022.pngAncient Tribe 0
敗者組¼決賽 敗者組半決賽
Team Secret logo black.pngTeam Secret 2
Level Up Esports 2021.pngLevel UP 0
Team Secret logo black.pngTeam Secret 1
Quest Esports.pngQuest Esports 2
Quest Esports.pngQuest Esports 2
OG logo.pngOG 1
  敗者組決賽     資格
    Entity logoblack.pngEntity
  Luna Galaxy DOTA2.pngLuna Galaxy 0     Quest Esports.pngQuest Esports
  Quest Esports.pngQuest Esports 2  



小組 A
名次 隊伍名稱 勝 - 平 - 負 小分
1 Team Spirit logoblack.pngTeam Spirit 4 - 0 - 0 8 - 0
2 Entity logoblack.pngEntity 1 - 2 - 1 4 - 4
3 9Pandas dota2 full.png9Pandas 1 - 2 - 1 4 - 4
4 Evil Geniuses logoblack.pngEvil Geniuses[1] 0 - 2 - 2 2 - 6
5 Team SMG 2022.pngTeam SMG[1] 0 - 2 - 2 2 - 6
9Pandas dota2 full.png Entity logoblack.png Evil Geniuses logoblack.png Team SMG 2022.png Team Spirit logoblack.png
9Pandas dota2 full.png - 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 0 0 - 2
Entity logoblack.png 1 - 1 - 2 - 0 1 - 1 0 - 2
Evil Geniuses logoblack.png 1 - 1 0 - 2 - 1 - 1 0 - 2
Team SMG 2022.png 0 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 - 0 - 2
Team Spirit logoblack.png 2 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 -
小組 B
名次 隊伍名稱 勝 - 平 - 負 小分
1 Team Liquid logo.pngTeam Liquid 3 - 1 - 0 7 - 1
2 BetBoom Team logo.pngBetBoom 3 - 0 - 1 6 - 2
3 Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray 1 - 2 - 1 4 - 4
4 Shopify Rebellion.pngShopify Rebellion 0 - 2 - 2 2 - 6
5 Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken 0 - 1 - 3 1 - 7
Azure Ray LOGO.png BetBoom Team logo.png Shopify Rebellion.png Team Liquid logo.png Thunder Awaken logoblack.png
Azure Ray LOGO.png - 0 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 2 - 0
BetBoom Team logo.png 2 - 0 - 2 - 0 0 - 2 2 - 0
Shopify Rebellion.png 1 - 1 0 - 2 - 0 - 2 1 - 1
Team Liquid logo.png 1 - 1 2 - 0 2 - 0 - 2 - 0
Thunder Awaken logoblack.png 0 - 2 0 - 2 1 - 1 0 - 2 -
小組 C
名次 隊伍名稱 勝 - 平 - 負 小分
1 LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD Gaming 3 - 1 - 0 7 - 1
2 Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGaimin Gladiators 2 - 1 - 1 5 - 3
3 Nouns Esports.pngnouns 0 - 3 - 1 3 - 5
4 Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro 0 - 3 - 1 3 - 5
5 Beastcoast logo.pngbeastcoast 0 - 2 - 2 2 - 6
Beastcoast logo.png Gaimin Gladiators logo.png LGD Gaminglogo square.png Nouns Esports.png Virtus.pro logo.png
Beastcoast logo.png - 0 - 2 0 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1
Gaimin Gladiators logo.png 2 - 0 - 0 - 2 1 - 1 2 - 0
LGD Gaminglogo square.png 2 - 0 2 - 0 - 2 - 0 1 - 1
Nouns Esports.png 1 - 1 1 - 1 0 - 2 - 1 - 1
Virtus.pro logo.png 1 - 1 0 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 -
小組 D
名次 隊伍名稱 勝 - 平 - 負 小分
1 Tundra Esports nt.pngTundra Esports 3 - 1 - 0 7 - 1
2 TSM 2019 nt.pngTSM 1 - 2 - 1 4 - 4
3 Talon Esports logo.pngTalon Esports 2 - 0 - 2 4 - 4
4 Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars 0 - 3 - 1 3 - 5
5 Quest Esports.pngPSG Quest 0 - 2 - 2 2 - 6
Quest Esports.png Talon Esports logo.png TSM 2019 nt.png Tundra Esports nt.png Keyd Stars DOTA2.png
Quest Esports.png - 0 - 2 1 - 1 0 - 2 1 - 1
Talon Esports logo.png 2 - 0 - 0 - 2 0 - 2 2 - 0
TSM 2019 nt.png 1 - 1 2 - 0 - 0 - 2 1 - 1
Tundra Esports nt.png 2 - 0 2 - 0 2 - 0 - 1 - 1
Keyd Stars DOTA2.png 1 - 1 0 - 2 1 - 1 1 - 1 -
分組 晉級勝者組
A1 Team Spirit logoblack.pngTeam Spirit 2
B4 Shopify Rebellion.pngShopify Rebellion 0
Team Spirit logoblack.pngTeam Spirit
Team Liquid logo.pngTeam Liquid
B1 Team Liquid logo.pngTeam Liquid 2
A4 Evil Geniuses logoblack.pngEvil Geniuses 0
分組 晉級勝者組
C1 LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD Gaming 2
D4 Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars 0
LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD Gaming
Nouns Esports.pngnouns
D1 Tundra Esports nt.pngTundra Esports 0
C3 Nouns Esports.pngnouns 2
分組 晉級勝者組
A2 Entity logoblack.pngEntity 0
B3 Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray 2
Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray
9Pandas dota2 full.png9Pandas
B2 BetBoom Team logo.pngBetBoom 1
A3 9Pandas dota2 full.png9Pandas 2
分組 晉級勝者組
C2 Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGaimin Gladiators 1
D3 Talon Esports logo.pngTalon Esports 2
Talon Esports logo.pngTalon Esports
Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro
D2 TSM 2019 nt.pngTSM 0
C4 Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro 2


  第一輪     第二輪     第三輪     總決賽
   Team Spirit logoblack.pngTSpirit 2  
   Virtus.pro logo.pngVP 1      
                 Team Spirit logoblack.pngTSpirit 2  
                   Team Liquid logo.pngLiquid 1    
   Team Liquid logo.pngLiquid 2          
   Talon Esports logo.pngTLN 0          
                 Team Spirit logoblack.pngTSpirit 2  
                   LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD 0    
   LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD 2              
   9Pandas dota2 full.png9P 0                  
                 LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD 2          
                   Azure Ray LOGO.pngAR 0        
   Nouns Esports.pngnouns 0            
   Azure Ray LOGO.pngAR 2          
       Team Spirit logoblack.pngTSpirit 3
       Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGG 0
  敗者組第一輪     敗者組第二輪     敗者組第三輪     敗者組第四輪     敗者組第五輪     敗者組第六輪    
           Nouns Esports.pngnouns 2          
   Shopify Rebellion.pngSR 0      TSM 2019 nt.pngTSM 0              Team Liquid logo.pngLiquid 1      
   TSM 2019 nt.pngTSM 2        Nouns Esports.pngnouns 0      Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGG 2        
           Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGG 2              
           9Pandas dota2 full.png9P 0                  LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD 0    
   Evil Geniuses logoblack.pngEG 0      Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGG 2        Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGG 2      Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGG 2  
   Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGG 2        Azure Ray LOGO.pngAR 0  
           Talon Esports logo.pngTLN 1          
   Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngKStars 0      BetBoom Team logo.pngBB 2              Azure Ray LOGO.pngAR 2    
   BetBoom Team logo.pngBB 2        BetBoom Team logo.pngBB 2      BetBoom Team logo.pngBB 1  
           Virtus.pro logo.pngVP 0  
           Virtus.pro logo.pngVP 2    
   Tundra Esports nt.pngTundra 0      Entity logoblack.pngEntity 0  
   Entity logoblack.pngEntity 2  


排名 獎金 比例 戰隊
1 $1,521,362 45% Team Spirit logoblack.pngTeam Spirit
2 $405,637 12% Gaimin Gladiators logo.pngGaimin Gladiators
3 $270,499 8% LGD Gaminglogo square.pngLGD Gaming
4 $185,898 5.5% Azure Ray LOGO.pngAzure Ray
5 - 6 $109,925 3.25% Team Liquid logo.pngTeam Liquid
BetBoom Team logo.pngBetBoom
7 - 8 $84,489 2.5% Nouns Esports.pngnouns
Virtus.pro logo.pngVirtus.pro
9 - 12 $67,569 2% TSM 2019 nt.pngTSM
9Pandas dota2 full.png9Pandas
Talon Esports logo.pngTalon Esports
Entity logoblack.pngEntity
13 - 16 $50,761 1.5% Shopify Rebellion.pngShopify Rebellion
Evil Geniuses logoblack.pngEvil Geniuses
Keyd Stars DOTA2.pngVivo Keyd Stars
Tundra Esports nt.pngTundra Esports
17 - 20 $33,840 1% Team SMG 2022.pngTeam SMG
Thunder Awaken logoblack.pngThunder Awaken
Beastcoast logo.pngbeastcoast
Quest Esports.pngPSG Quest


  1. 1.0 1.1 加賽中EG 2:0 SMG,SMG遺憾出局
