基本資料 | |
本名 | (Shindou Chihiro) |
別號 | 小千尋、七尋 |
髮色 | 紫髮 |
瞳色 | 黃瞳 |
身高 | 151cm |
體重 | 38kg |
三圍 | 77-53-78 |
生日 | 6月2日 |
血型 | A型 |
星座 | 雙子座 |
聲優 | 牧泉美(PC遊戲、廣播劇) 柳瀨夏美(PS2遊戲、動畫) |
萌點 | 妹妹、雙子、短髮、妹妹頭、髮卡、天然呆、眼罩、弱氣、失憶、貧乳、弱嬌 |
出身地區 | 音羽市(日本) |
活動範圍 | 音羽市(澳大利亞) |
親屬或相關人 | |
姐姐:新藤景 戀人:麻生蓮治 代理監護人:火村夕 幼馴染:廣野紘 未來丈母娘:麻生菫 |
“ | 由昨天的我,寫給今天的我。 | ” |
————新藤千尋 |
日記本開頭的說明 |
「由昨天的我,寫給今天的我。 首先,現在的你經過13個小時就會失去記憶。 你應該沒有那個瞬間的記憶了,這是4年前發生的交通事故留下的後遺症。 事故本身並不是什麼重要的事。很遺憾你還失去了左眼,請把這些作為已經存在的事實接受下來。 接下來是正題了,這裏記錄了你生活下去所必須做的事情。 1.這本記事本每天早上請一定要重新讀一遍。這本記事本是日記,對你來說,這就是所記錄下來的記憶。你的全部都在這裏面。應該要讀的部分有這份說明,一天的行動預定表,還有從今天的你所在的日期算起至少一星期的日記,請把這些都重讀一遍。由於狀態變化而無法遵守各項規則的時候,請在不會出問題的前提下給予修正。 2.請一定要寫日記。我的記憶就是這個記事本上所記錄的東西,當天的行動範圍、會話、食物、醫療記錄等等,請儘量正確地留下信息。為了你的那個明天的我。 3.請儘量避免與他人接觸。雙親和姐姐是事故以前就認識的一部分人所以還能認出來,現在的你新認識的人13小時後就會從記憶中消失不見。也就是說,這個障礙有可能令你吃苦頭,同時也有可能給對方造成困擾。如果出現必須和誰繼續會面的場合,請將那個人的特徵和對話——能夠把那個人物確定下來的情報準確地記錄在日記里。 4.注意不要讓食物的營養不均衡。並不是吃不吃飽的問題,而是請注意不要持續吃同一系統的食物。 5.定期的,或者感到身體狀況異常的時候一定要去看醫生。一時的不舒服,往後拖的話有可能釀成大病,所以請多加留心。 6....... |
千尋的小說 |
The girl is only one in the world. That make her the god of this world. She found herself on an island when she began to understand things around her. There was a mansion on the island, which was connected to an old castle by a passageway. She did not know why for what purpose those structures which completely seemed to be unfit in the environment were built there. She did not need to know why. And besides, the girl never wondered why she had been there before she realize. There were a huge amount of preserved foods and daily necessaries inside the warehouse of the castle, so she did not have to starve (although she was hungry until she realized these were eatable). But she almost died several times because of sickness and injuries. In most cases, she almost got herself killed by eating either spoiled food or plants and inorganic things around her. She used the mansion as a residential area, and almost never set her foot in the old castle. There was no particular reason to draw a line between the two structures. It was only a rational judgment that the old castle was unfit for her to live there. She had nothing to do. The island was small, and one could go around it in half a day by foot. All she could see at the beach was the ocean, the sky, clouds and the horizon stretching as far as she could see in a 360-degree view.That was the everything the world offered. She painted a human being.It was good. But the girl did not feel like painting a human being in a bigger size.Because she was unable to judge whether it was well drawn or not.So she decided to add a figure of a boy into the paintings of landscape she had painted.Boy was added to all the paintings.With no specific reason, she starting those paintings in the same places where she painted them. There was not single place in the mansion she did not paint.The boy was just standing straight in all the paintings. And the boy was looking straight ahead. It meant that the girl and the boy looked at each other every time she looked at the paintings.The girl had no feeling of achievement. Would he be a "human?"She thought. This was the "painting of a human being".She knew that from the very beginning. He did not move.She did not think. He was simple there, lonely?Finally,she could ask herself by finding the word. She was not lonely.The girl started practise drawing her own portrait from the day after the wedding.There was only one human being on the side of the paintings.So, she started painting herself on the paintings. On the other side of the paintings, the two had smiles on their faces. Still, the girl felt strange to see herself in the paintings. She could not find right words to describe her feelings. She did not really understand her emotion. But the paintings continued to capture her attendtion without making her bored for first time for month to come. The girl was alone in the world. That made her the god of this world. Something mysterious happened. It was the day after she repainted all of her paintings, hundreds in numbers. The two in those paintings had moved. But it did not startle the girl, because she had no idea asking herself whether it was abnormal or not. From the beginning, she was trying to make humans. "Did it work?" The god looked inside the miniature garden. She looked close at the paintings. It appeared that the other side of the paintings could not see the world on her side. The two in the pictures seemed to be doing something, smiling at each other. But the paintings were blured.The world itself appeared blured, giving her no clue to see what they were doing. Why, the girl thought.She could not confirm results. She could not see what was supposed to be there.A strange feeling developed in her mind. She could not describe what it was. She could not find in a dictionary the defination of something she could not describe.She wondered why the paintings became blurred even though she painted them so clearly. Was it a failure? But the two in the paintings were smiling at each other. That was what her felt--which made her feel weird on the other side of the paintings.Something must have been wrong. I had understood things in the way, making mistakes repeatedly?She thought.She repaint them over and over. But the results were exactly the same. She was at a loss. She began to unsure of everything. The girl is the only one in the world. So she thought she should make her world much cleaner.She burned all pictures. She set fire to the mansion and the old castle.Along with the structures,she burned all her memories. Lastly, the god threw the trash, the only trash left in the world,out from the cliff. |
千尋的小說(譯文) |
當她開始感知周圍的事時,她發現自己在一個小島上。 【這裏的含義是指事故以後,千尋慢慢地甦醒,發現一個人在音羽市】
【城堡是家裏的意思(這裏家是城堡,而後面的府邸是指自己的房間)。倉庫是冰箱, 由於千尋忘記了一切記憶,所以喪失了獨自生活的能力,所以在她意識到冰箱裏面有可以吃的東西的時候,他一直是空着肚子的,不過就算是這樣,她也差點掛掉,因為由於她喪失了獨自生活的能力,所以她經常吃一些腐爛、變質,甚至是一些根本不能吃,或者有毒的食物】
【千尋真的很想知道,為什麼昨天的自己將日記寫的非常的詳細,然而自己依舊會哭呢? 】
隨着火苗的飄揚,她以前記憶也開始消失 最後,神把這世上唯一殘留下來的垃圾(她自己),從懸崖邊緣拋下。 |
這個無聊的玩笑最初的來源是 現在讓我去想的話,腦子裏也只是蹦出來「把那個眼罩拿開的話,會不會射出光線呢」這樣的無聊段子。(by 麻生蓮治)
- ↑ 柳瀬なつみ和まきいづみ是同一個人,見 http://www5d.biglobe.ne.jp/~overhill/page376.html
- ↑ 順行性遺忘症,遺忘症的一種,會遺忘患病後的陳述性記憶(但也會保留些程序性記憶,例如他們有可能記得或學會某種知識,但並不會記得昨天早晨發生了什麼事),一般藥物引起的病症短期會康復,但遭到永久性創傷則很難恢復如初,而遺忘情況視各人而定。現今醫術很難治療該病症,諸如代表人物有一周朋友的藤宮香織。詳情請查看順行性遺忘症