利蒙英特里 |
別名 | Limoon Inteli(英文名)、LMITL(英文名縮寫形式)
國籍 | 中國 |
年齡 | 18(至今) |
職業 | 嗶哩嗶哩深海迷航UP主
活躍年代 | 2018年-2021年 |
狀態 | (閒置)(2023年10註銷了嗶哩嗶哩賬號) |
語言 | 中文、英文 |
粉絲數 | 最高大約2800(截止至2021年7月) |
曾用名 | 王馬小吉統領 |
代表作品 |
《深海迷航》 《深海迷航:冰點之下》 |
- 幫助其它深海迷航玩家解答相關問題
- 製作《深海迷航:冰點之下》自己的漢化補丁,並主動提供給其他深海迷航UP主,一定程度上得到了一些粉絲的接受與支持
- 編輯《深海迷航:冰點之下》的Wiki網站(現已合併至深海迷航Wiki)(其中藍圖頁面、更新內容頁面編輯次數較多)
- 製作《深海迷航:冰點之下》的更新內容視頻(EA8.1-正式版發佈)
- 在《深海迷航》的翻譯網站上對簡體中文、繁體中文等條目進行翻譯
- 翻譯《深海迷航》系列的真人電影
- 對《深海迷航:冰點之下》的以往版本(EA1-正式版)進行內容考古,查漏補缺
- 對本百科內與深海迷航相關的頁面進行編輯
- 2016暑假觀看小本的《我的世界》生活大冒險後,再觀看天騏的我的世界的生活大冒險,覺得特別有意思,因此關注了天騏
- 2017年夏季因天騏在愛奇藝上直播《深海迷航》(那時候還叫美麗水世界)而對這款遊戲產生興趣,此後又觀看了許多有關《深海迷航》的直播,逐漸迷上了這款遊戲
- 2017年8月8日,註冊了B站賬號,用戶名為「王馬小吉統領」
- 2018年7月1日,因電腦配置達到要求而正式遊玩《深海迷航》(那時候玩得連一科作業都沒寫)
- 2018年8月迷上了深海迷航的mod(可以在Nexus上下載)
- 2018年9月8日,在嗶哩嗶哩上更新了「深海迷航測試」視頻,正式開啟了當深海迷航UP的旅程
- 2019年1月31日更新「深海迷航:零度以下p1」視頻,從此他的更新重心由《深海迷航》轉向《冰點之下》
- 2019年暑假,受到吃喝不愁的Live的漢化精神啟發,且由於當時的冰點之下漢化不全,開始獨自製作《深海迷航:冰點之下》的漢化補丁
- 2020年2月,將用戶名改為「利蒙英特里」,開始更新《深海迷航:冰點之下》歷代版本的更新視頻
- 2020年7月6日,與GT凱麒合作,並為其提供漢化補丁的支持
聯合投稿視頻:終於和外星人聯手了 深海迷航:零度之下 凱麒更新介紹 劇情總梳理
- 2021年6月,參加中考,後被好的高中所錄取
- 2021年8月,更新《冰點之下》mod視頻,後面為自己的視頻配音
- 2021年10月,入坑原神,深海迷航UP旅程暫時告一段落
- 2022年,因學業繁忙將深海迷航系列的視頻全部刪除
- 2023年10月註銷了嗶哩嗶哩賬號
(英文版)【Subnautica Below Zero】27281 update:Model of Recyclotron
在Steam上對《深海迷航:冰點之下》的評價 |
- Al-An:艾爾·安
- Almanac:年鑑者(Architect的原名)⭠曆書族⭠歐爾馬奈克
- Architect:締造者(即先驅者)⭠阿爾基泰克特
- Chelicerate:螯角鯊(詞根是Chelicerata:螯肢動物)⭠螯鯊
- Hivemind:蜂巢腦異蟲
- Chinese Potato:中國馬鈴薯
- Thumper:轟鳴器
- Xenoworx:外星業務⭠外星工作者
- Void Chelicerate:虛空螯角鯊
- Polycage:聚光籠⭠光籠枝
- Purple Vents:紫色熱噴口(生物群落)⭠紫噴口
- Recyclotron:回收站⭠分解裝置
- Snowfox Ice Worm Attack Reduction Module:雪狐號冰蟲攻擊頻率削減模塊⭠雪狐號冰蟲攻擊次數減少模塊⭠雪狐號冰蟲抗擊模塊
- Thermal Spires:熱尖塔(生物群落)
- Tree Spires:樹尖塔(生物群落)
- Ventgarden:孔膜花園水母⭠文特花園
- Vesper:維斯帕號
在《深海迷航:冰點之下》的開發過程中,曾向盧卡斯·諾瓦茨克(Lukas Nowaczek)前後發出了多達16封的郵件,主要包括對翻譯的建議以及漏洞等遊戲問題。
- 第一封:關於深海迷航系列的想法、劇情翻譯(發送時間:2020年8月16日)
Thought, story translation and about Subnautica series |
原文:I am Limoon Inteli that was last email from my friend was about my birthday wishes and report about my thought. When I hear from your reply, I was happy. I thought I must with the help of extranet to write a email to you, so I let my friend to write a email to you on 28th July.
Got down to business. I am glad to see the development progress of Below Zero that close to the end. The stories of Subnautica series is full of wonderful colour. The stories reveals the current status. For example :Alterra represents capitalism countries, such as the US. Especially in the story of Below Zero, Sam's notes for Pengling upgrade ideas that were never implemented that it reveals the problem of racial discrimination in capitalist countries. Anyway, no matter what race it is, everyone must be equal in order to match the community of human destiny. Sam's sacrifice left us deep thinking, She didn't want Kharaa Bacteria sample fall into Alterra's hands. Robin thinks she is a great hero. Just like some of just people or countries fight against evil forces or hegemonism countries. They are wonderful stories. I hope these can be made better and better :)
In addition, I want to talk about the translation of SN. Especially offical Chinese (Simplified), there are 60% of the entries are inconsistent with the original English. And some of are missing important information in-game, such as a character called Ryley Robinson . And some Chinese player still use some original item name. Most Chinese player and Chinese translator (I was not included) didn't know Many item was renamed or edited. I was very sad because they are misled by wrong, original information. :( By the way, I upload my edited Chinese language file called "利蒙英特里漢化補丁". It is a Chinese patch language file contains full content that can help every Chinese SN-player. If necessary, the old official Chinese (Simplified) language file can be replaced.
Certainly, there are some wrong in databank entries in BZ. For example, Scattered Wreckage suggest it from Aurora. But actually, it was from Mercury II. And Snowfox's operation keys have two wrong point. The key of jump is RMB. Actually it is Space. And the key of Onboard headlight is Shift. Actually it is RMB. These are some reasons of wrong in the databank in BZ. I hope they can be fixed :)
That's what I want to say to you, I hope Subnautica Series will be better and better! :D
利蒙英特里Limoon Inteli
thanks! :) If you wish I could import the file you sent to the official
translation website. If you register there I could add them under your name.
- 第二封:語言文件的更新速度與編輯(發送時間:2020年9月11日)
Update speed and edit of Language File |
原文:Hello UWE:D
This is Limoon Inteli again. I was glad to see the Update speed of BZ was fast that it was beyond my imagination. Such as language file, Deep Lilypads Cave Cache and Some plants in SN added to BZ. When I access Subnautica Below Zero Wiki to check Update changes, I was very happy that BZ has updated many things. :)
But now I have difficulty in Edited my Chinese Language file. :( Because of the Update speed so fast, I can't finish my Chinese Language File at the first time. For example, I wrote the email to you and edited my Language File today that is 11th September 2020 in China. I was tired about this because when I compared with Two English Language Files. There were too many entries need to be edited in Chinese Language File. I want to give you a suggestion: Try to reduce the number of entries changed especially long entries every day so that can reduce my burden.
That's what I want to say somethings to you, I hope you can accept my suggestion and BZ will be better and better. :)
利蒙英特里Limoon Inteli
we're working on the final script right now, so I think the updates will
be pretty often in the coming months. Don't worry about it, we'll
probably hire an external company to finish the translation. Again I
suggest using the official translation site if you want to contribute
without any issues.
對盧卡斯的回覆:OK I wish. My user Name in translation website is LMITL.
- 第三封:一些建議、問題和改進措施(發送時間:2020年9月26日)
Some suggestions, problems and improvements |
原文:Hello, UWE :D
This is Limoon Inteli again. I want to give you some suggestions, problems about my experience of BZ and improvements.
Suggestions: First, I hope you can join in a large website called Bilibili, because the website is second only to YouTube, there are many people including foreign anchors join in big family of Bilibili. I can't join in YouTube because I am in Chinese mainland. I can't access YouTube directly. :(
there are a lot of people in Bilibili, so you can get a large achievement and we can cooperate with each other. :)
Second: I hope you can extend plots of Marguerit Maida, Ryley Robinson and Mercury II. Because There are many plots of these in language file, these hasn't been released in-game. Every one wants to learn about these plots after SN.
Problems and improvements: There are some problems that I encountered in "Subnautica Circle" recently. Especially, I has encountered two Bilibili UP (anchor) who called Mercury II to Sunbeam in BZ. I was very angry! >:( because they never have a look the walk through and Databank, belie facts. "Bad phenomena" have been formed. I hope you can extend plots of Mercury II quickly. Because I am "the Left"(An advanced people who constantly updates and make the right decisions) and I don't want more and more Sub-Player be misleaded. Second there are still some problems in Data Bank. Especially, Snowfox and Metal Salvage. The following is Snowfox's information of Databank and Chinese translation:
The Snowfox is a one-person hoverbike designed for fast traversal over a wide variety of terrain.
While providing little protection for the pilot, the Snowfox can easily outmanauver most threats, especially when upgraded with a jump module (press RMB). Just don't try to take it over water.
-High speed hoverbike
-Onboard headlight (press shift)
-Will make you look cool
'The Snowfox: Other ground vehicle are rabbits in its headlights.'
Chinese translation:
雖然對駕駛員的保護很小,但雪狐號可以輕鬆應對大多數威脅,尤其是在裝備跳躍模塊時(按下空格鍵)(press Space)可以跳過障礙。只是不要試圖把它從水裏拿出來。
車載前燈(按下鼠標右鍵)(press RMB)
It can be seen from the above information that there is a problem with the keys. the jump's key actually is Space instead of RMB. the headlight's key actually is RMB instead of Shift.
The following is Metal Salvage's information of Databank and Chinese translation (Metal Salvage's Ency title is "Scattered Wreckage"):
Analysis confirms this wreckage is from the Aurora.
Outer layers of the material have oxidized, suggesting it has been heated to over 1200 Celsius. This pattern is consistent with hull disintegration during atmospheric entry.
Salvage of intact portions of Alterra vessels is prohibited at legal, moral and technical levels, however scraps such as these may be reclaimed for their titanium content at any Alterra fabricator.
Chinese translation:
分析並證實了這是來自水星二號 (Mercury II)的殘骸。
在法律、道德和技術層面上來講,禁止打撈索爾 (Sol)飛船的完整部分,但此類廢料可在阿爾特拉(Alterra)製作台處用於回收鈦含量。
It can be seen from the above information that there is a problem with the Trans-Govs and vessels. Because the Metal Salvage can be found around Mercury II, the wreckage actually is from the Mercury II instead of Aurora. The Trans-Gov actually is Sol instead of Alterra. But the fabricator that can recycle into the Titanium is Alterran that is the player always uses it.
I hope some wrong information can be rectified.
Third, a Sub-Player reported to me a problem that when the player open the PDA will be stuck, I think it may PDA Pause caused. So I hope this problem can be fixed.
These are my suggestions, problems that I encountered and improvements. I hope Subnautica Below Zero will be better and better! :)
I told my coworkers about Bilibili, but that's all I can do.
We're in text lockdown, so I'm pretty sure the plot is final at this point.
Is the PDA bug still happening in latest patch we released?
- 第六封:漏洞反饋(發送時間:2021年1月24日)
Bug Feedback |
原文:Hello! UWE :D
There are many bugs need to be feedbacked. I did not feedback them in BZ because if I do it with Chinese, it will cause you can not understand. If I wrote them with English, it too long. I feedback them in the e-mail.
1. Releasing Aggressive fauna which was kept in Alien Containment will cause base-flood. Some of them will swim through base walls, some of them will attack bases to cause base-flood.
2. When the player walk in the base, it will cause model-through. it seemed there is something stick the player's foot.
3. While the player is piloting Seatruck's modules, the player will release the modules without reasons.
4. The fauna which in the Alien Containment will swim outside the base. Or will be stuck beside the Alien Containment.
5. The sign can't be hung on the wall of the Large Rooom.
6 The Glow Whale will appear stiff when it swims.
7. There is a issue in base-lighting, it is often flashing. Especially, there are many high-power installations such as Water Filtration Machine and Battery/ Power Cell Charger.
8. It is a big problem in Changing batteries, The player can't change batteries because when the player select batteries, there are words shows "No Input Assigned" :(.
9. Some posters which is hung on Large Room Partitions can't be picked up.
10. Wall Locker, Fabricator and Jukebox etc. can't fit walls completely. There is a air-barrier between the base modules.
11 It is a long-problem in dropping items on the land, the items which was dropped will fall through the grounds. And some posters and photos which dropped will hover in the sky.
These are the bugs in BZ. I hope the bugs will be fixed and the Subnautica series will be better and better! :)
Good bye!
回信:Hello again :)
Right now we're fixing bugs before the release. Are you using the latest version of the game (on Steam Experimental)?
- 第七封:關於「締造者」的問題和新年祝福(發送時間:2021年2月15日)
Question about "Architect", and New year's greetings |
原文:Happy New Year UWE :D
Here is Limoon Inteli again! Thank you for fixing those bugs in BZ and adding my username to credits. Today, I want to ask a question about "Architect". I know "Architect" is "Precursor" in BZ. But I don't know what "Architect" means. I just know "Precursor" is an alien race in Subnautica series. I think "Precursor" is a source code or informal name.
That's all what I talk. Finally, I wish you have a good health, smooth work and high morale. I hope BZ will release soon and Subnautica will be better and better! :D
Happy New Year!
回信:Happy New Year! :)
I'm glad you're happy about the credits - thank you for your work!
Regarding The Architects - check out the Wiki page: https://subnautica-belowzero.fandom.com/wiki/The_Architects
Thank you for the good wishes! All the best to you :)
- 第十六封:新年祝福、問題和我的個人經歷(發送時間:2024年1月12日)
New Year Greetings, questions and my personal experiences |
原文:Happy New Year! UWE! :)
I'm Limoon Inteli. How is everything going? Since Krafton had bought you. Hearing that you are concentrate on making next game of Subnautica series. I'm writing to ask some questions concerning the next game of Subnautica series, off my conceived creature and share my personal experiences willingly.
1. Is the next game Subnautica 2? I want to gain a confirmation because there are numerous Subnauts treating it as Subnautica 3.
2. Is the language files still in .json format? If so, will there be over 10,000 entries?
3. Will there be Multiplayer mode in the next game?
4. Will there be many massive submersibles for exploring?
5. What are the system requirements? Knowing that you are developing the game by Unreal Engine 5, I'm wondering whether the game will be too stuck while playing in Early Access.
6. Will Ryley Robinson or his information appear in the next game? And What about the Architect?
7. Will there be any other extraterrestial locations mentioned in PDA or other media?
8. Are the Kharaa and information regarding Natural Selection 2 (For instance, those mutated Aliens, marines and TSF) mentioned in the next game?
9. Will there be more lands or space area for player to explore?
10. I bought Subnautica in early time and unlocked 2014 Early and Earliest Access Version by entering "subnauticaearlyaccess". I attempted to translate into Chinese and add some missing entries to English Language File. However, I spotted a issue that some missing entries added and translated could be shown in translated form. Others can't be so. Even if I changed all source code of those into the full uppercase letters, they was still in that case. It seemed some of them was in the control of by other source code library. Similar situation also occurred in BZ EA1-EA6. The Label "Request" of Exchanger Rocket can not be shown in translated form so.
That's all the question I want to ask about. Next, I want to offer a Leviathan-class dragon that I conceive.
What Leviathan may astonish every Subnaut that I want to introduce is "Eddy Dragon" (Source code: Xuanwolong Chinese:旋渦龍). In China, this year is the Year of the Dragon. We Chinese people are the generations of Chinese Dragon due to the symbol of the Dragon. Which symbolizes "Auspice", "Luck", "Continuous self-renewal" and "Success". The eddy dragon is based on the Chinese dragon as the prototype. It has large jaw that can take in many creature, such as Crabsnake and small predator. It can shake its body to generate a vortex to absorb creatures toward it. And player can interact with it in short distance. The dragon will make a response to player. But if player try do damage to it, the dragon will shake its body to make vortex to take him in and swallow him.
That's it. What I want to share next is my personal experiences including how I got connection with Subnautica and my life thoughts.
When I was primary school student. In 2017, I watched live streamings of Subnautica by a Minecraft player I subscribed. So astonished was I that I was interested by the game gradually. Then I fell in love with the game by watching many live streaming of it in later time. In 2018, I played the game, mods to it and uploaded a recorded video on Bilibili. That was the first time that I became a Subnautica UP. In 2019 summer holiday, I decided to make my own Chinese Language File for those who was in need due to the persistent inspiration of CHBCLive and incompleteness of Chinese translation in BZ Early Access. At first, I committed a mistake on account of the lacking of copyright consciousness. Eventually, I made an apology and compensation. Later, in 2020-2021, I made and uploaded my videos regarding update content of BZ arranged from EA8.1 to Final release. At last I had to quit Subnautica for a while due to the academic stress. In 2022, I deleted my all Subnautica videos on Bilibili because I don't want to be disturbed by others. I made contributions, though. I committed many mistakes. Editing the Chinese translation privately, solving problem improperly in Mercury II incident. Looking back currently, it's all my fault. I caused many problems to you due to my weird personality: Stubbornness, childishness, over-anxiety and eager for quick success and instant benefits. :( Here I want to sincerely extent my apology to for my improper practices. Now I am a Senior High 3 student and I'll face the "gaokao" (Chinese:高考 entrance examination to college). I want to study in good university in the city. There are only over 140 days left. But my grade is poor, especially my mathematics. It is quite diffcult. In my high school academic career, I experienced a lot, witnessed many tragedy and watched many news about world situation, such as wars and the emission of nuclear waste water. Whenever I think of these things, I always sigh. To be frank, the reason why I write this email to you is that I can't find sense of belonging after quitting Subnautica series. So I want to return. Thanks to Subnautica you made, I learnt many English words biological knowledge and chemical knowledge from it. I want to get a restart. For my better self. I desire to make my own Chinese Language. For those who is in need. Although it can make me feel exhausted, yet it is worthy. Subnautica is a great game. I think it educational in the current situation of the Earth oceans.
That's all, hope the next game of Subnautica will be a epic diving feast for Subnauts. Wish you all a prosperous business. :)
利蒙英特里Limoon Inteli
thank you! Have a great year too :)
Right now the game is still in early developement and I can't share much, sadly. But to be honest... looking at your questions, I'd say you'll be very happy when we announce the game officially :) We should annouce the game this year for sure.
I don't think it makes sense to translate the other Steam branches, as a lot of them don't even fully support translations correctly.
Thanks for the Leviathan concept! I still wonder how will they look like in the next game. It's quite exciting!
Thanks for sharing your story. I joined Unknown Worlds as a community member - I was following the company for 10 years or so before joining it! Life is truly strange. Just remember that if you find passion you'll be able to earn money on it, with some persistence of course. It's not easy.
Maths is hard, that's true. I wasn't ever very good with it, but to be honest it's all about your teacher. You might try searching for some tutorials on youtube and find someone that'll explain it better than your current teacher. All my math teachers were terrible.
Good luck on your exam! And remember, that your life does not depend on it. I had a similar exam myself when I was your age... and I failed it! If I wouldn't do that, I wouldn't start a company and I wouldn't start programming professionally.
Take care,
- 在天騏直播深海迷航期間,曾因為天騏在膠狀菇洞穴中被一條蟹蛇咬了一下,差點嚇出心臟病來
- 在第一個投稿「深海迷航測試」視頻中展示過深海迷航的Mod(其中有快捷欄擴增、科技手槍等等),在「深海迷航戰鬥測試p1」中用海蛾號的激光炮炮轟過死神利維坦,在最後用科技手槍的大炮轟死了它
- 在早期的視頻作品中沒有字幕而是使用彈幕進行補充解說內容的,後來用的是CC字幕,直到2020年2月視頻中才有了字幕(那時候用的是嗶哩嗶哩的在線視頻編輯網站)
- 直到在《冰點之下》正式版發佈前幾個月才在Steam上購買了它,《冰點之下》以往的最新版本是在Tuttop上下載的
- 在《冰點之下》海蛟號加速模塊mod視頻中,誤將海蛟號的升級後的最大行駛速度理解成加速度(因為那時候還沒有上高中)(加速度的公式:a=Δv/Δt)
深海迷航 |
| 「極光號」乘員 | | | 「德加斯號」乘員 | | | 本土動物 | | | 其他生物 | | | 藍圖 | | | 其他 | |