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Save Me Some Sugar

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Save Me Some Sugar
原曲名 Save Me Some Sugar
演唱 午夜騎士
時長 4分56秒

Save Me Some Sugar》是遊戲《求生之路2消逝The PassingDLC的主題曲,由午夜騎士演唱。


Save Me Some Sugar是消逝戰役婚禮音樂機的音樂,播放它會驚擾到新娘Witch。同時也是自動點唱機的音樂之一。

遊戲文件中位於Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2_dlc1\sound\music\flu\concert\save_me_some_sugar_stereo.wav

自動點唱機版本Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2_dlc1\sound\music\flu\jukebox\save_me_some_sugar_mono.wav




The bus is on the road sweet Georgia fades away We'll be burning down Louisiana by the very next day No, sleep will never take me, my mind is stuck on you Oh you better be laying awake thinking of me too Won't ask one thing (I'll ask one thing) Not that you'll be true (Not that you'll be true) The thing I'm asking of you...

客車行駛在路上 甜美的喬治亞州隱去身形 就在第二天 路易斯安那州會很熱 不,睡意不會勝出 你已牢牢陷住我的思想 你最好也醒著 這般想著我 我想一件事 不是要問你是否對我真心 我對你要求的那件事

Save me some sugar, this won't take long I won't promise to stay the night, I won't sing you no song Save me some sugar, that's all I'll ask of you You're my old lady, but the road's my lady too

給我留些糖 這並不費事 我不保證會留宿 但是會為你歌唱 給我留些糖 這是我全部的要求了 你是我的情人 但這公路也是

Bill is dead


Thank you for your sugar, sugar you brought down the night I was seeing stars on the bedroom walls, full moon in your eyes This don't mean nothing, we're just passing time And part of you I'll take with me, but most I'll leave behind One day I'll be back (Yeah I'll be back) It might not be too soon (Might not be too soon) Well I pray there's something left of you

謝謝你的糖,那天晚上你帶來的糖 我在臥房的牆上看見了星辰 在你的眼睛裡看見了明月 這有所內涵 不過我們只是在消磨時間 我會帶走關於你的一部分 但更多的記憶我會留下 有一天我會回歸(我會回來) 也許並不很快(也許並不很快) 我祈願還能留存些你的回憶

Save me some sugar, this won't take long Don't give me too much, I won't be there when you fall Save me some sugar, that's all you've got to do Anything left over, I'll take that too

給我留些糖 這並不費事 不要太多 我並不會像你伸出援手 給我留些糖 這是你要做的全部 剩下的事 我會帶走

I'll ask one thing (I'll ask one thing) Not that you'll be true (Not that you'll be true) The thing I'm asking of you...

我想一件事 不是問你是否真心 (不問是否真心) 我對你要求的那件事……

Save me some sugar, this won't take long I won't promise to stay the night, I won't sing you no song Save me some sugar, that's all I'll ask of you You're my old lady, but the road's my lady too But the road's, my lady too But the road, the road's my lady too

給我留些糖 這並不費事 我不保證會留宿 但是會為你歌唱 給我留些糖 這是我全部的要求了 你是我的情人 但這公路也是 但這公路 也是我的情人 這條路 這條路也是我的情人


將歌曲倒放後,在正放的2分3秒處可以聽到Bill is dead這也暗示了比爾在遊戲最後的個人結局雖然這是2代的歌曲
