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One Bad Man

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One Bad Man
原曲名 One Bad Man
演唱 午夜騎士
時長 3分01秒

One Bad Man》是遊戲《求生之路2黑色狂歡節Dark Carnival戰役音樂節的第二首曲目,由午夜騎士演唱。


One Bad Man是黑色狂歡節戰役音樂會播放的第二首曲目,播放到高潮部分會發射信號彈呼叫救援直升機並且召喚一隻戰車。同時也是自動點唱機的音樂之一。




I'm a half ton son of a gun
With a suitcase full of pistols and money
Come dawn woman
I'm gone but tonight can be your lifetime honey
God damn girl
I'm your man girl
I'll get your engine singing
This sounds good
Let me under your hood
And we can find out what I'm bringin'
I'm one bad man
One bad man
I'm a blood hound heading straight down
Looking for some women and whiskey
A bar fight to start the night
Then I'm looking for a kitty to frisk me
Nice legs making me beg
Your mini and your rattlesnake smile
Well it's late we go back to your place
I'll rattle your cage for a while
I'm one bad man
One bad man
The next morning you're still snorin'
Pick my leathers up off the floor
Rifle through your purse
Got to quench my thirst and
I'm headin' straight out your door
Well well see me in hell
Why don't that surprise me none
Some day
I'll be back this way
Does your sister want to have some fun
I'm one bad man yeah ooh
One bad man
One bad man
One bad man
One bad man
One bad man
