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Template-info.svg 模板文档  [查看] [编辑] [历史] [刷新]

本模板({{P5LyricsBox}} )是歌曲信息模板,原本是用户 Mottledfly在完善女神异闻录5相关条目而创建的代码。
后由Greykid毋能忘却的记忆等用户在 此处Talk:提问求助区/存档/2019年08月#技术性求助页面不断修改、完善,最后被包装成模板。


{{P5LyricsBox| 文字 |Lyrics=false[|explaination=false] |float= }}

参数 解释 参数范围 备注
文字 一般用于介绍信息 若参入数值,格式为 1= 需要手动添加 <poem> 标签
explaination 控制模板格式 默认为 false 可手动添加true,但此状态下强制为false
Lyrics 控制模板格式 默认为 true 此状态下强制为false
bold 控制字重 true/false,默认为 true
float 用于浮动信息框 true/false,默认为 false

{{P5LyricsBox|original= |translated= |llang= |key= |float= [|Lyrics=true|explaination=false]}}

参数 解释 参数范围 备注
original 歌词原文 一般要填
translated 歌词译文
llang 原文语言 不指定时默认为日语(ja) 语言格式与 {{lang}} 相同
float 用于浮动信息框 true/false,默认为 false
explaination 控制模板格式 默认为 false 可手动添加true,但此状态下强制为false
Lyrics 控制模板格式 默认为 true 可手动添加false,但此状态下强制为true
key 即 reserveWidth,控制文本溢出 默认为 -15px 如果歌词文本末尾单词换行,可填 -50px ~ -130px 以避免换行
music_id 网易云音乐上的此歌的代号 此歌代号 尽量填写
song 启用{{music163}} 默认为true
mode 外框形式 参考{{music163}} 默认为2
float 用于浮动信息框 true/false,默认为 false

{{P5LyricsBox|original= |translated= |float= |explaination=ture}}

参数 解释 参数范围 备注
original 歌词原文 一般要填 默认为日语(ja)
translated 歌词译文
explaination 控制模板格式 默认为 false 此状态下强制为true
float 用于浮动信息框 true/false,默认为 false


{{P5LyricsBox|<poem> I release upon you the deadly sin of lust. You have no means of escape, humans. The insanity of mankind shall bring forth the demise… I release upon you the deadly sin of vanity. You have no means of escape, humans. The fraudulence of mankind shall bring forth ruin… I release upon you the deadly sin of gluttony. You have no means of escape, humans. The selfishness of mankind shall bring forth ruin… I release upon you the deadly sin of wrath. You have no means of escape, humans. The passion of mankind shall bring forth ruin… I release upon you the deadly sin of greed. You have no means of escape, humans. The fixation of mankind shall bring forth ruin… I release upon you the deadly sin of envy. You have no means of escape, humans. The resentment of mankind shall bring forth ruin… I release upon you the deadly sin of pride. You have no means of escape, humans. The ingratitude of mankind shall bring forth ruin… The abyss of the unconscious yearns for ultimate ruin… You have no means of escape, humans. Punishment shall strike you all… As you pass through the gates of destruction… </poem> |song=false |Lyrics=false|explaination=true}}

Main star2(persona5).png

I release upon you the deadly sin of lust.
You have no means of escape, humans.
The insanity of mankind shall bring forth the demise…

I release upon you the deadly sin of vanity.
You have no means of escape, humans.
The fraudulence of mankind shall bring forth ruin…

I release upon you the deadly sin of gluttony.
You have no means of escape, humans.
The selfishness of mankind shall bring forth ruin…

I release upon you the deadly sin of wrath.
You have no means of escape, humans.
The passion of mankind shall bring forth ruin…

I release upon you the deadly sin of greed.
You have no means of escape, humans.
The fixation of mankind shall bring forth ruin…

I release upon you the deadly sin of envy.
You have no means of escape, humans.
The resentment of mankind shall bring forth ruin…

I release upon you the deadly sin of pride.
You have no means of escape, humans.
The ingratitude of mankind shall bring forth ruin…

The abyss of the unconscious yearns for ultimate ruin…
You have no means of escape, humans.
Punishment shall strike you all…
As you pass through the gates of destruction…

Main star2(persona5).png

{{P5LyricsKai |original= You'll never see it coming You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes You're done in By the time it's hit you, your last surprise |translated= 你永遠不會看見他的到來 你會看見我的心智是如此迅速 你感覺疲憊了 在擊中你的時候,就是你最後的驚喜 }}

Main star2(persona5).png
You'll never see it coming
You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes
You're done in
By the time it's hit you, your last surprise
Main star2(persona5).png
