
育碧 钜献

《炽天使:二战空骑兵》是育碧罗马尼亚(Ubisoft Bucharest)开发的一款空战游戏,该游戏以46架不同的二战战斗机为特色,玩家可以作为一个虚构的中队参加18(PC/Xbox360)/20(PS3/WII)次二战战役。

Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
原名 Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII
常用译名 炽天使:二战空骑兵
Ангелы Смерти: Асы Второй Мировой
开发 Ubisoft Bucharest
发行 育碧
发行时间 2006年




切换目标又可分为切换到最有威胁的敌方飞机(Closest Threat),以及随机选择下一个目标(Next Target)。


本游戏有3种游戏模式,分别为战役模式(Campaign)、单人模式(Standalone Modes)、多人模式(Multiplayer)。

1星,新手飞行员(Novice Pilot)。
2星,一般飞行员(Regular Pilot)。
3星,老练飞行员(Veteran Pilot)。可解锁本关卡第2架可解锁飞机。
4星,精英飞行员(Elite Pilot)。
分为迷你战役(Mini Campaign)、街机(Arcade)、王牌决斗(Ace Duel)。
全王牌完成战役,单人模式全部完成,并完成至少一次多人任务,可解锁几乎所有飞机的空战英豪(Air Marshal)涂装,以奖励玩家完成全部游戏内容。



1、训练日(Training Day)

Conspicuous Gallantry Medal(特别英勇勋章)
Conspicuous Gallantry Medal awarded in recognition of gallantry while flying in operations against the enemy. Coventry, 1940(为表彰在对敌作战飞行中的英勇行为而颁发的特别英勇勋章。考文垂到底是考文垂还是金洛斯啊?,1940年)
任务1: Complete the maintenance run.完成维修飞行
成功讯息: Maintenance run completed.维修飞行完成
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤),以及左右转向机动即可完成此任务。
任务2: Learn to track your target.学会跟踪目标
成功讯息: Target tracking routine completed.跟踪目标完成
任务攻略: 长按观察键,依次从教堂、军事基地、机场上空抵近掠过。抵达机场并使用观察键即可完成此任务。
任务3: Use the machine guns to destroy all targets.使用机枪摧毁所有单位
成功讯息: Targets have been successfully destroyed.成功摧毁目标
任务攻略: 首先在机场和村子中间出现第一批共5个防空气球,目标比较分散;第一批气球摧毁后在河对岸出现第二批共5个防空气球,目标排成整齐紧密的一排;第二批气球摧毁后在军事基地附近出现第三批共5个防空气球,目标排成整齐紧密的一排。摧毁全部15个防空气球即可完成此任务。切记不要与气球相撞,否则会撞毁自己的飞机!
任务4: Launch flyers.投放传单
成功讯息: Flyers successfully dropped.传单成功投放
任务攻略: 飞往教堂投放3轮传单,同时投下两捆或仅仅投下一捆命中教堂均算作一轮。投放3轮传单并准确命中教堂即可完成此任务。
任务5: Find, intercept and destroy the German scout plane.寻找,拦截并摧毁德国侦察机
成功讯息: Target has been destroyed.目标已摧毁
任务攻略: 击落侦察的Me-109即可完成此任务。角斗士火力较弱,摧毁Me-109需要耐心瞄准。
任务6: Destroy the enemy fighters attacking the Allied damaged plane.摧毁攻击友军受损飞机的敌军战斗机
成功讯息: The enemy planes are destroyed!敌军飞机被摧毁
任务攻略: 共有3架Me-109战斗机追击汤姆,击落两架Me-109后,最后一架Me-109会尝试攻击玩家的角斗士,但是威胁不大。击落全部3架Me-109即可完成此任务。
主角: In 1939, the world caught on fire. Oh, the signs had been there for years, but when Hitler crossed the border into Poland, the balloon really went up. One country after another went down under the blitzkrieg, while back home, we just watched and waited, and tried to tell ourselves it was none of our business. At least, some of us did. There were a few who didn't want to sit back and wait for Hitler to come knocking on our doors. Some of us who were pilots found a way to join up with the RAF, to help out any way we could. They called us Eagle Squadrons, and I was with the 71st, the very first one formed. Officially, our first action was the Battle of Britain, but that's not quite true. The first time I fired my plane's weapons in anger was at Kinloss O.T.U., where I'd been sent to rendezvous with another American recruit for training. His name was Joe Castle, and he was from Mississippi. He'd never been away from home before...
乔: Howdy, Cap'n. Now that you're squared away, I'll be goin' up with you to get you acquainted with what you'll be flying.
主角: You're Joe, right? I thought you were a mechanic.
乔: Well, mainly, but I do a little piloting, too. That's the only way they'd take me, don't ya know? But enough yappin'. Let's get this kite in the air.
提示: Start the engine by rotating the right stick.PS3专属动作
乔: You gotta get 'er off the ground, Cap'n.
乔: We gotta take off sooner or later.
提示: Give it some speed. 加速(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异)
提示: Get it in the air! 拉杆(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异)博南
提示: 加速(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异)to accelerate, 减速(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异)to slow down
乔: Come on, try flyin' a little.
主角: Like this?
乔: That's it, Captain. You're doing just fine.
提示: Try some maneuvers. Just 左转/右转(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异) to the left and right.
乔: Cut her loose, Cap'n. She ain't fragile.
乔: It's nice to see another American over here, let me tell you. The folks here are great, but they can use all the help they can get.
乔: There you go.
乔: Take a look around. Beautiful, ain't it? From up here the airfield looks like a dollhouse. Now over there's the village. Bring her in low if you wanna see how many of 'em are light sleepers.
主角: That's a hell of a way to make an introduction.
乔: Better us'n the Germans. So I was in the 'local' with a couple of the other pilots and they were talkin' bout how they can bring their planes around while keepin' an eye on the other guy. You wanna learn how to do that?
提示: Press and hold the 观察(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异) to locate the church in the village.
乔: Good, now just fly over the church while keeping your eyes on it.
提示: Try flying the plane while pressing the 观察(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异). Keep your eyes on the objective.
乔: Try the opposite way - bank left and give 'er some gas. That makes your turns wider.
乔: Whatcha waitin' for? The camera ain't gonna work itself.
乔: I got other things t'do, you know. Now give the camera a try.
乔: Great maneuver! I see you got it. Keep practicing, this will help you a lot during the air combat.
乔: They got an army base over yonder, too. Beats the heck out of the forts I used to make when I was a kid.
乔: Let's turn and head towards the base.可能未使用
乔: Good, now just fly towards the military base.
乔: Good! Let's head for the airport now.
乔: Point 'er nose at the military base. They're gonna be replacing the barrage balloons over there anyway, so we can test out the guns on the old girl and have a little fun while we're at it.
提示: Press the 开火(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异) to fire.
乔: There's a target now. You see it? Why don't we go give that balloon what for?
主角: That's one balloon that won't be bothering us again.
乔: You've got another target off to the right.
乔: There's one, over to the left.
乔: Bring 'er in easy on this one.
乔: Don't forget about that one.
乔: One's coming up now.可能未使用
乔: Target at three o'clock.可能未使用
乔: Looks like another target off to the left.可能未使用
乔: There's another one.可能未使用
乔: Fresh target, 12 o'clock.可能未使用
乔: Now, let's make like we're strafing a German convoy. Pretend those balloons are trucks and take 'em out!
乔: That's it! Ease off on the throttle a bit to slow down and see if that don't help your aim none.
主角: Thanks for the tip.
乔: Now try speedin' up. You're gonna need to be able to shoot fast and accurate up here.
乔: That's the stuff. Now try it with a little more speed.可能未使用
乔: Bring 'er in tight and see if you can knock off the target.可能未使用
主角: Got it.
乔: And that ought to do it. Good job. I'd say you're about ready for action.
乔: And now for the fun part. Head for the church steeple over yonder.
塔台: Is that you up there again, Joe? Didn't I tell you not to teach the new lads any bad habits?
乔: I can't rightly remember. Y'all's accent is too thick. You gotta learn t'speak proper English.
塔台: Proper English? Bloody...oh, hell. Just don't drop another bog roll on the church.
乔: I won't.
乔: But y'all will. Now line up the shot with the targeting camera.
提示: Press the 炸弹/火箭(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异) to launch flyers.
主角: Bombs away...
乔: There you go! Direct hit!
乔: Give it another pass. Nobody gets it on the first try.
乔: How 'bout you come about and give it another run?
乔: There you go! Direct hit!
乔: Now try speedin' up. You're gonna need to be able to shoot fast and accurate up here.
乔: You sure put some daylight into that one!
主角: I didn't like the way it was looking at me.
乔: There you go.
乔: There you go! Direct hit!
乔: Great maneuver! I see you got it. Keep practicing, this will help you a lot during the air combat.
乔: And that ought to do it. Good job. I'd say you're about ready for action.
乔: I thought we were done with the balloons...hang on, that's a German kite over there! It's doing recon!
主角: You think we can take him in this crate
乔: I've got faith in you, Cap'n. Take him out!
乔: He's making a run for it! Don't let him get away!
乔: Hot damn! Your first kill! Congratulations, Cap'n!
塔台: All units, scramble! Repeat, all units, scramble!
塔台: We have three Jerrys inbound trying to pick off one of our boys on his way home.
塔台: Escort him in and take those fighters down!
乔: Son of a...let's give 'em what for! She's all yours.
乔: Looks like our boy took some fire over there. We need to take them fighters out quick.
汤姆: I could use a little help here...
乔: Tom? Is that you?
汤姆: Joe? No time to chat - get these buzzards off my tail!
乔: Aww, hell, we gotta save him. It's my brother-in-law.
主角: Don't worry, we'll get him home. What's your status, Tom?
汤姆: My fuel tank's leaking and I can't vouch for my landing gear. Here's hoping I don't bounce.
主角: Understood. Approaching your position now.
汤姆: You boys down there ready for me?
塔台: Bring her home, Yank. We'll pick up your pieces.
汤姆: Gee, thanks.
乔: You got 'im! That's it!
汤姆: That's one off my back.
乔: Two more to go!
乔: He's in real trouble, Cap'n!
汤姆: I can't take another hit!
汤姆: Two strikes. One more for the punchout.
乔: One more to go!
乔: One left! Don't let 'im go home to the Fuhrer!
汤姆: You boys got one more in you?
乔: He's getting away!
乔: You can't let 'im go!
乔: Uh-oh. Looks like this one's coming for us.
乔: Take him down!
乔: You did it! He's goin' down!
乔: Wooohoo! That was some nice flyin' there, buddy. Tom, you gotta meet this guy!
汤姆: Just let me land first, Joe. There's plenty of time for introductions later. Besides, things are heating up across the Channel. I think we're going to be up in the air together again real soon.
主角: That was my introduction to Tom and Joe. I learned later that they were brothers-in-law, though really, they were both like brothers to me. It turned out that Joe had married Tom's sister, and that he'd followed Tom into volunteering. Tom was worried sick about the kid, and would be as long as we flew together. He didn't want to have to go back home to that little town in Wisconsin and tell his sister that he'd had to watch her husband go down in flames. He was like that with all of us, really, the protector of our little family. I always knew that he'd have my back, no matter what kind of hell we flew into. And it didn't take them long to throw us into the fire. I knew we'd be tested after Kinloss. I just didn't know how soon.

2、敦刻尔克的上空(Skies of Dunkirk)

Distinguished Flying Medal(杰出飞行勋章)
Distinguished Flying Medal awarded for bravery whilst flying on operations against the enemy. Dunkirk, 1940(为表彰在对敌作战飞行中勇敢行为而颁发的杰出飞行勋章。敦刻尔克,1940年)
任务1: Shoot down the German bombers before they destroy the bridge.在德军轰炸机摧毁大桥前击落它们
失败讯息: You weren't in time. Enemy planes have destroyed the bridge.你没及时击落敌机,他们摧毁了大桥
成功讯息: The enemy bombers have been shot down!敌方轰炸机已被击落
任务攻略: 只需要击落第1波3架,第2波5架Ju-87轰炸机即可。如果大桥被炸弹攻击四次则大桥会被摧毁,任务失败。先开始的8架无限重生Me-110战斗机不用理会,会跟友军战斗机缠斗,不建议攻击,因为会恋战,漏轰炸机炸桥),
任务2: Destroy the German columns before they reach the bridge.在德军车队抵达大桥前摧毁它们
失败讯息: You weren't fast enough. The Germans have reached the bridge.你未能在德军抵达大桥前摧毁它们
成功讯息: The German columns are destroyed!德军车队已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要及时摧毁分别从西北,东南,西北,东南,东北(第五波相对距离大桥较近)接近大桥的5波,每波各6辆坦克(PC版是共3波,前两波12辆坦克,最后一波6辆坦克)的装甲车队即可。如果德军坦克抵达大桥则任务失败。新出现的8架重甲Me-110战斗机(具有10000生命值)不用理会,会跟友军战斗机缠斗(非要击落建议前三波抽空攻击1~2架)机枪和炸弹随意使用,如果是飓风MKⅡ这种火力强的战斗机可以只使用机炮
任务3: Destroy four sections of the bridge to the southwest.摧毁通向西南的大桥的四个区块
失败讯息: German troops have taken control of the Bridge. You failed!德军控制了大桥,你失败了
成功讯息: The bridge is useless now!大桥已经没用木大
任务攻略: 需要及时摧毁8节桥梁中的4节即可。如果超过4分06秒则任务失败。这个任务相对简单,可以直接攻击大桥,且炸弹更有利于摧毁桥梁。西北、东南、东北会再次分别驶来6辆德军装甲车队,可以无视,但是摧毁也相对容易。之前剩余的重甲Me-110可以选择此时悉数击落。
任务4: Clear the skies of enemy aircraft.清理天空中剩余的敌机部分旧版本PS3/WII不显示该任务,但仍需要击落那两架Me109才能正常完成关卡好家伙这直接套的中途岛:开场攻势的任务标题
成功讯息: The skies are clear. Success!敌机已被清除,任务成功!部分旧版本PS3/WII完成该任务后不显示该讯息
任务攻略: 新出现23架Me-109会将两架友军战斗机击落,但是对于强悍的主角面前根本不是威胁,可以轻松击落这2架敌机(Wii掩护技能暂不可用,可以命令全中队也就是汤姆一个人去主动进攻,PC可以命令汤姆掩护)。
主角: While we trained in England, the British Expeditionary Force was getting hammered on the ground in France. The Germans pushed them back into a small pocket around Dunkirk, hemming them in with their backs against the sea. They held on there, while the Germans kept hammering at them with every bit of the infantry and armor they had. It became clear that those boys were going to need some help getting off the beach, and that if we didn't go get them soon, it might be too late.
汤姆: So is this your first real action, Captain?
主角: You got it. Here's hoping it's not my last.
汤姆: I can't make you any promises, but I'll watch your back as much as I can. It's going to be messy over there.
主角: That's what I hear. Hell, maybe we can make a little mess of our own.
英军飞行员: All right, Yanks, time to cut the chatter. There's a bridge up ahead that our boys are using to retreat. The Jerrys are keen to knock it out and trap them. You get to make sure that doesn't happen. Good luck.
汤姆: See? It's an easy assignment.
主角: And if we just keep telling ourselves that, it'll be fine.
汤姆: There's the bridge. And here come the Germans. Take them out!
汤姆: Just give me the signal and I'll draw them away from you.
汤姆: That's got their attention. Now take out those bombers!
主角: There you go, Tom. All yours.
塔台: Too many bombers are getting through!
塔台: You have to take out those bombers or we're done for!
汤姆: They're getting too close!
汤姆: You have to take them out!
主角: I'm on it!
汤姆: They're coming around again!
主角: Pick your target, Tom.
汤姆: That's a direct hit!
汤姆: The bridge can't take much more!
汤姆: It's not going to hold up much longer!
汤姆: There goes the bridge. Damn.
主角: You've got another wave inbound, Yanks! Look sharp now!
汤姆: There's more of them this time. This could be tricky.
汤姆: That's the last of them.
英军飞行员: If you lot are through messing about there's some work to be done here. Do something about those German armored columns, will you?
汤姆: On our way.
英军士兵: Machine guns can take them out! Now get cracking!
主角: We're on our way.
英军士兵: Nothing we've got puts a dent in them!
英军士兵: They're closing fast!
英军士兵: Over the bridge! Fall back! Fall back!
汤姆: There you go!
汤姆: That's a good start. Let's come around for another pass.
汤姆: We've got another German column advancing from the west. Let's hit them hard!
英军士兵: They're bringing up panzers!
汤姆: Right. Here's the heavy artillery, Captain.
主角: Like shooting tanks in a barrel
汤姆: Don't shoot them, bomb them!
英军士兵: Just over the river and we're home free!
英军士兵: Chin up, lads! Keep moving! Keep moving!
英军士兵: Look out!
英军士兵: Lay down some covering fire! That's it, keep it hot!
英军士兵: Get cracking!
汤姆: You're taking too many chances.
汤姆: It looks like we've just got trucks and light armor advancing.可能未使用但我在阿登见到了相同的一句话
汤姆: You're doin' great. Do what you have to do. I'm watching you.
主角: Thanks, Tom.
汤姆: There's another German column to the south! Take them out!
英军士兵: Buy us some time! We need to get the wounded across the bridge!
英军士兵: We need to get across those bridges or we're done for!
汤姆: I'm watching your back.
汤姆: It looks like trucks up front and the heavy stuff in back.
汤姆: We're going to have to bomb those tanks.
汤姆: Careful! You're giving them too good a look at you!
汤姆: One more to go!
汤姆: That's the last one!
英军士兵: That's the last of our lot over the bridge. Take it out before the other side uses it!
英军飞行员: Roger. There's more enemy armor rolling up, fast. Think you can handle it, Yanks?
汤姆: Every day and twice on Sundays. Let's go.
英军士兵: The Germans are closing fast!
英军士兵: Set up a position this on this side of the bridge in case they make it across! I want some guns ready, now!
英军士兵: If you're going to take it down, you'd better do it quick!
英军士兵: They're coming too fast! We can't hold them off!
汤姆: Our boys are in trouble. We have to defend those bridges!
英军士兵: Steady, boys...steady...
英军士兵: For the love of God, they're almost across!
英军士兵: Forget the lorry! Just move!
英军士兵: Keep that formation tight! Discipline, lads, discipline!
英军士兵: Not much further, lads!
汤姆: Easier to hit a stationary target, isn't it?
主角: And one that's not shooting back.
汤姆: Seems a shame to knock it down after we fought so hard to hold it up.
汤姆: Bombs away!
汤姆: She's wobbling a little. Give her another shot.
汤姆: Direct hit! The bridge is going down!
英军飞行员: Hang on, who's the new Jerry headed this way?
英军飞行员: He's coming fast.
英军飞行员: He's headed for the Yanks!
英军飞行员: Look out!
汤姆: He's headed this way. I think he's targeting you. Evasive maneuvers, fast!
汤姆: He's right on your tail!
主角: I see him!
汤姆: You're getting chewed up!
汤姆: Hang on! Let me see if I can draw him off!
汤姆: He's following me! Here's your chance. Take it!
汤姆: That's it! Drop in behind him and take him out!
汤姆: You're cutting him to pieces!
汤姆: He's breaking off! He's running!
英军飞行员: Bloody brilliant! That's some top-notch flying there, mate.
汤姆: I was getting a little nervous there. Thanks for not letting me down.
主角: You watched my back. I wouldn't be worth spit if I didn't watch yours.
汤姆: Fair enough. Let's head back to base. Word is they're starting the full scale evacuation tomorrow, and that means we're going to be busy.
主角: The first girl you kiss is always the prettiest, and the first real battle you get into is always the toughest. At least, that's the way it seems in memory, though I know we were in tighter spots later on. It was Joe's first battle, too. Once he got over his jitters, and learned he wasn't bulletproof, the kid did fine. He flew and repaired cropdusters in some godforsaken town in Mississippi before the war, so this was one big adventure to him. Tom's sister was a nurse who'd moved down his way and stole his heart at the hospital when he came in for his shots. If it could fly, he could fix it, and that was what he loved doing most in life. But when Tom signed on, he decided to follow, and got a world full of firsts: first time overseas, first time piloting a fighter, first time killing a man.

3、敦刻尔克大撤退(Dunkirk Evacuation)

Distinguished Flying Cross(杰出飞行十字(英版))
Distinguished Flying Cross awarded for courage and devotion to duty while flying in active operations. Dunkirk, 1940(为表彰在进行中的对敌作战飞行中所表现出的勇敢和忠于职守而颁发的杰出飞行十字,敦刻尔克,1940年)
任务1: Fly towards the harbor area and check on the evacuation.飞到港口区域检查撤退状况
失败讯息: You failed to check the evacuation.你没能检查撤退
成功讯息: The evacuation is proceeding as planned.撤退正在按照计划进行中
任务攻略: 起飞,然后使用观察键寻找港口检查撤退是否正常进行。如果超过3分钟则任务失败。PC/Xbox端无法选择飞机,喷火MKⅠ可以无压力起飞,PS3/Wii端若选择极速快的飞机,不太好起飞,则需要动点歪脑筋,而且跑道尽头过河多出来一套房子(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤)
任务2: Rescue Joe.援救乔
失败讯息: Joe has died.乔死了
成功讯息: The Germans hunting Joe have been destroyed.追击乔的德军已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要击落追击乔的6架Me-109战斗机即可好家伙的居然乔被击落条件还是计时360秒
任务3: Protect the BEF evacuation.掩护英国远征军撤退
失败讯息: The BEF ships have taken too many losses. The evacuation has failed.英国远征军损失过多船只,撤退失败了
成功讯息: The ships evacuating the BEF have left the beaches.撤走英国远征军的船只已经启航
任务攻略: 需要击落第1波5架,第2波7架,第3波9架He-111轰炸机即可好家伙的居然撤退行动失败条件还是计时600秒
任务4: Sink the German warships.击沉德军战舰
失败讯息: Too many ships have been lost. The evacuation has failed.损失过多船只,撤退失败了
成功讯息: All German warships have been destroyed!所有德军战舰已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要先击沉两艘德国驱逐舰,随后弗兰克突然杀出来攻击德国巡洋舰,但并未击沉,补刀击沉巡洋舰即可好家伙的居然撤退行动失败条件还是计时180秒育碧打火机是咬光了什么任务都喜欢计时而不设计真实损失情况判定
主角: When the ground assault on the BEF beachhead centered on Dunkirk didn't work, the Nazis went to the air. They sent waves of bombers in with fighter cover, trying to blow the hell out of the town and everyone in it. Our job was to protect the evacuation corridors so that the boys could get to the beach and the boats that were waiting for them. We were asked to provide air cover while they got the ground troops out of Dunkirk and onto anything that could float. The Nazis didn't want anything making it off that beach alive...
汤姆: Let's get in the air. We should check out the evacuation at Dunkirk before the lead really starts flying.
主角: I hear Joe's already up there.
汤姆: Yeah, he took off an hour ago. I couldn't keep the kid's feet on the ground. Here's hoping he doesn't take too many chances, because this is going to be hairy.
主角: I wouldn't worry too much about Joe. The kid acts like he was born with a joystick in his hand.
汤姆: I'm just hoping he grew up with a brain in his head. If we see him, help me get him home in one piece, will you?
英军飞行员: Coming up on the beach, Yanks. Look lively now.
汤姆: Cap'n, we really need to check on the evacuation, pronto.
汤姆: Sir, we have to look in on the evacuation right away.
汤姆: That's a lot of enemy air power headed our way... Wait, what's that one pilot doing? He's going to get himself killed!可能未使用
乔: Heeelllppp!
汤姆: Joe? What the hell are you doing?
乔: Running for my life! Where did all them Germans come from?!
主角: Germany?
乔: That ain't funny! I need some help here!
汤姆: Hang on, Joe. We're coming, full throttle.
汤姆: If we don't save him now, the kid is done for!
乔: The next one's gonna have my name on it!
乔: Thanks, y'all. That was close.
主角: Just don't do that again. You nearly gave Tom a heart attack.
乔: Him and me both. Now hang on a bit. Looks like my girl took a few rounds here, and I need to patch 'er up.
乔: There we go. Good as new, ain't ya, girl?
乔: And if y'all take any rounds, I can tell ya how to make a few fixes of yer own.
英军飞行员: Cut the family reunion short, lads. We've got bombers headed for the evacuation fleet and they've got your name on them.
乔: Why don't y'all go first this time?
乔: There's another wave incoming!
英军塔台: Buy us a little more time, lads!
英军塔台: We're pulling out! Keep up the cover!
英军塔台: Just a little more help, lads, and we're away, safe as houses.
英军塔台: They're getting through! What the hell are you doing up there?
英军飞行员: There's more incoming. We'll take them, you cover the fleet.
英军塔台: They're slaughtering us! For God's sake, do something!
英军飞行员: Here they come again!可能未使用
英军塔台: We just took a torpedo amidships! One more of those and we're done for!可能未使用
汤姆: The fleet is taking too much damage! They can't hold out much longer!
英军飞行员: We're about to lose the fleet!
英军塔台: Thank you. I think we can limp home from here.
主角: Godspeed, Captain.
乔: Dang, a cruiser and two destroyers. They're getting serious.
汤姆: The cruiser is opening up on the evacuation fleet!
英军飞行员: We've got bombers inbound on that tub. Hold tight!
英军飞行员: Them schnellboats are doin' too much damage! Take 'em out or we're done for!
汤姆: It's now or never on those schnellboats!
乔: They're not getting through! The deck guns on those destroyers are takin' 'em all out!
汤姆: If we can knock out those destroyers, someone can get a good run at the cruiser with a torpedo.
乔: Let's do it!
英军塔台: Yanks, think you can take out those ships? We'd be much obliged.
汤姆: I think we can help you out. Captain, lead us in.
乔: One of 'em's out!
弗兰克: Look out, kids. I've got a little present for the boys on the boat.
乔: Dang, he's going in! That angle's too steep! He'll never make it!
汤姆英军塔台: Take out those German ships or we're all done for!
英军飞行员: Sink the damn German boats before they sink us for good!
汤姆: And that's two.可能未使用
弗兰克: Torpedo away. Enjoy the fireworks, fellas.
汤姆: Frank's been flying with the RAF longer than any of us. He's almost as good as he thinks he is.
主角: Then he must thing he's pretty damn good.
乔: He did it! He did it!
弗兰克: Ah, crud. He's still floating, and I'm out of presents. You think one of you guys can play Santa and drop one down the chimney?
汤姆: Bombs away
弗兰克: You're gonna have to come around again!
乔: Woohoo! She's down for the count!
弗兰克: Nice work there. I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot more of it. Now let's get out of here before they realize I'm outta ammo.
汤姆: We won't tell them if you don't. Just follow the Captain in.
主角: Getting the boys off the beach at Dunkirk raised spirits back in England. They'd been hearing nothing but bad news, and when the BEF came home - what was left of it - it was like the entire country let out a breath it had been holding. Churchill said: 'Wars are not won by evacuations', but if those men hadn't been rescued the door to England would have been wide open. Dunkirk was also where we flew with Frank for the first time. I think he was born with a cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other, and he flew like he didn't care if he came home. He was added to our squadron after Dunkirk, and it was a good thing - I'd never seen a pilot so fearless, or so good at taking on impossible odds and winning.

4、伦敦,1940(London 1940)

1939-1945 Campaign Star(1939-1945年战役之星)
1939-1945 Campaign Star awarded in recognition for services rendered in operations during the Battle of Britain. London, 1940(为表彰在不列颠空战中服役而颁发的1939-1945年战役之星,伦敦,1940年)
任务1: Prevent the bombers from destroying Parliament.阻止轰炸机摧毁议会
失败讯息: The Parliament building has been too badly damaged.议会已被过于严重损毁
成功讯息: The Parliament building was saved.议会保住了
任务攻略: 需要击落第1波5架,第2波7架,第3波10架He-111轰炸机,以及第1波1架,第2波1架,第3波2架Me-109战斗机即可。如果议会被炸弹攻击37次(即漏过超过6架飞机)则议会会被摧毁,任务失败。如果仅击落轰炸机,还有战斗机剩余,必须先击落全部剩余战斗机才能继续进行新的任务。可以适当击落部分轰炸其他目标的He-111以增加战绩
任务2: Shoot down all of the Stukas before they destroy the Tower of London.在斯图卡摧毁伦敦塔之前击落它们
失败讯息: The Tower of London has been too badly damaged.伦敦塔被过于严重损毁
成功讯息: You destroyed all of the Stukas.你摧毁了所有的斯图卡
任务攻略: 需要击落第1波12架,第2波9架Ju-87轰炸机即可。如果伦敦塔被炸弹攻击10次(即漏过超过9架飞机)则伦敦塔会被摧毁,任务失败。此时不再推荐击落轰炸其他目标的He-111以免漏过目标
任务3: Protect your wingmen from the Messerschmidt attack!在Me-109的攻势中保护你的僚机
失败讯息: You failed to protect your wingmen.你未能保护你的僚机
成功讯息: You shot down the German aces and their wingmen.你击落了德军王牌和他们的僚机
任务攻略: 需要击落第1波8架攻击乔的,第2波8架攻击汤姆的,第3波8架攻击自己的那为什么没人攻击弗兰克难道德国人以为主角好欺负Me-109战斗机即可。如果第1波乔,第2波汤姆被击落,则任务失败
主角: It wasn't too long after Dunkirk that the Lutwaffe changed its strategy. Instead of going after the RAF - and poor slobs like us who were flying with them - they started hitting civilian targets, bombing cities along the eastern coast of England. London got hit the hardest, and I remember seeing the trains of children leaving the city between air raids. We all hoped they were being taken someplace safe. It seemed like every night the sirens would go off and we'd be scrambling, trying to stop them from destroying the city. They called it the Battle of Britain, but I remember smaller things - trying to stop bombers from hitting Parliament and the Tower of London, and hunting bombers down over the Thames. We weren't going to let them win, no sir.
弗兰克: This ought to be fun. There's going to be more targets than I know what to do with.
汤姆: Easy there, Frank. We're all going to need to keep our cool on this one.
弗兰克: You keep your head cool. Me, I'll keep my guns hot.
英军飞行员: Eagle Squadron, do you copy? Is your squadron complete, Captain?
主角: Roger that, Major. We're all airborne and raring to go.
英军飞行员: Good show. Coastal Defense says we've got Jerries inbound over Winchelsea and headed our way. Happy hunting.
主角: You too, sir.
主角: You heard the Major. Get ready, boys.
弗兰克: Here they come.
汤姆: We've got a bomber wing coming in for a run! They're targeting Parliament!
乔: Holy mother of God, that's a lotta planes.
汤姆: We've got two minutes until they're over the Parliament building.
汤姆: They're coming in fast! We've only got a couple of minutes before they hit Parliament, Captain!
弗兰克: Listen up, boys, here's how you hunt bombers. You're faster than they are, so use that to your advantage. You're more maneuverable, too, so don't come in on a direct line, or you'll get chewed up by their gunners. And whatever you do, don't hang around too close or we'll be sending you home in a lunchbox. Got it? Now let's go get us some Henkels.
乔: Here comes another wave.
乔: Holy cow. We got more enemy planes incoming.
乔: Good Lord, where are they all comin' from?
乔: I don't know if we can take another wave!
弗兰克: These guys don't know when to quit.
汤姆: Captain, it looks like the next wave has a fighter escort.
乔: Look out, sir. I'm seein' fighters with them bombers.
弗兰克: Those bombers brought friends. Looks like a fighter escort.
汤姆: Let's meet them head-on!
汤姆: There they are! Let's take them down!
乔: Let's go git 'em!
主角: Follow my lead, boys.
主角: Let's show them how it's done.
主角: Let's take them on.
乔: Ain't nobody lives forever. Let's go!
弗兰克: Let's show 'em how it's done.
弗兰克: Come on, fellas. Let's do it!
英军飞行员: Hang on, where did all these fighters come from?
英军飞行员: There's another one.
英军飞行员: Bloody hell. I think he went down on Farringdon Road.
英军飞行员: That'll be a mess for the traffic, then.
英军飞行员: I wish CD could have given us better gen on the numbers.
汤姆: ETA until they hit Parliament is one minute! Shoot them down!
乔: There's too many of 'em! I can't even slow 'em down!
主角: I see them, fellas.
汤姆: They're breaking through! Parliament's been hit!
乔: No way it stands up to this kinda punishment.
汤姆: Don't let them get any more bombs off.
弗兰克: Another couple hits and it's a rockpile.
主角: Hold the line, men. We can't let them through.
英军飞行员: Too many paints for them to count, don't you know? Just keep track of your kills.
英军飞行员: That was a near thing.
英军飞行员: You'd think they'd start sending better kites.
英军飞行员: You'd think they'd start sending better pilots.
英军飞行员: Here we go. Just sit there one minute more...
英军飞行员: Roger that. I've got one in my sights now.
英军飞行员: Let's give that pilot a warm welcome to London.
英军飞行员: Look out, here comes another one.
汤姆: That's the last of the bombers!
弗兰克: Let's clean up the fighter escort before they wise up and run.
主角: I like the way you think, Frank.
英军飞行员: Not half bad. You rang the bell there.
弗兰克: Damn straight. What's next?
英军飞行员: Looks like the Jerrys are getting ready to try again. Think you lot can cover the Tower while we go after the fighters?
主角: We're on it.
英军飞行员: We've got dive-bombers coming in along the Thames!
弗兰克: Let's go get 'em!
乔: Looks like Stukas. They're headed for the Tower.
弗兰克: Dive bombers. They're sitting ducks, boys.
乔: They're trying to go low and get under the AA!
汤姆: Don't follow them too closely!
弗兰克: Whaddaya know? They brought more.
英军飞行员: There's a second wave inbound. Move to intercept!
乔: Nine more along the river!
乔: Holy cow. We got more enemy planes incoming.
弗兰克: God damnit, those houses are going up like torches. They're bombing residential neighborhoods!
汤姆: Those aren't military targets, damn it! What are they doing?
主角: Whatever it is, let's make them stop it.
汤姆: Don't let them gain altitude or they'll be able to hit the Tower!
弗兰克: How the hell did they get through?
汤姆: It can't take much more punishment!
乔: The Tower ain't looking so good.
汤姆: All targets down.
英军飞行员: Not bad for a bunch of Yankee types.
乔: Hell, we're just getting' warmed up!
汤姆: Looks like we've got more company.
乔: They're heading straight for us!
弗兰克: Sure looks like it, kid.
乔: There's too many of 'em!
弗兰克: Come on, Captain! A little help here!
汤姆: Frank! Don't just charge in!
弗兰克: I'm not gonna wait for them to take me down!
乔: Fellas? I could use a little help here.
乔: I can't shake 'em! Ya gotta help me!
乔: Cap'n, I could surely use some assistance here!
乔: What are you waitin' for, Frank?
乔: Come on, Tom! I can't hold 'em off much longer!
乔: I can't shake 'em!
乔: I'm hit!
汤姆: I'll cover you, Joe Just hold it together!
弗兰克: Just hang in there, kid. We're on our way.
汤姆: Hang on, Joe. We're coming.
弗兰克: Looks like the kid is in trouble.
汤姆: Don't panic. We're looking out for you.
汤姆: We'd better help him out, quick.
弗兰克: No kidding. Now stop yapping and start flying.
主角: I'm coming to help, Joe.
弗兰克: Is that all you've got?
德军王牌: Ich bin geschlagen worden!(我被击败了)
弗兰克: I'm just getting started here! Come on, Cap'n!
德军王牌: Heinrich! Nein!Unmöglich!海因里希,不!不可能!
汤姆: They're on me now.
弗兰克: Tell me something I didn't know.
汤姆: Uh-oh, looks like I've got some unwanted attention.
汤姆: I can handle these guys. You fellas take care of business.
汤姆: Don't worry about me! I can handle myself.
汤姆: I think I've got this under control.
汤姆: Just do what you have to to, Captain. I'm all right.
乔: They're comin' in behind you!
弗兰克: Hold your palomino!
乔: Hurry up, fellas! Tom can't hold 'em off forever!
乔: Come on, Cap'n, what are you waiting for?
乔: We gotta do this right quick!
弗兰克: We're knocking them down as fast as we can.
弗兰克: We're on a schedule here, Captain. Think you can shoot 'em down a bit faster?
弗兰克: We don't have all day here.
弗兰克: We don't have all day here.
乔: He's getting' away!
弗兰克: Looks like they're trying to cut and run!
德军王牌: Ich bin geschlagen worden!(我被击败了)
德军王牌: Ich sehe Sie in der Hölle!(地狱见吧!)
汤姆: Hang in there, Captain. We're coming to help.
乔: On our way, Cap'n. They won't be bothering you for long.
弗兰克: We'll take these turkeys down before they can count to Drei. You just hang in there. We're coming.
German Pilot: Er hat mich! Ich muss aussteigen! Aaaaaaaaaaah(他咬住我了!我要跳伞了!啊啊啊♂)
德军王牌: Ich sehe Sie in der Hölle!(地狱见吧!)
乔: We did it! Woohoo!
汤姆: And he's the last one. They're done for now.
弗兰克: Nice flying, Captain. We couldn't have done it without you.
主角: The Battle of Britain was humbling. Just seeing what the people on the ground were going through, without complaining or giving up, made me realize all over again what we were fighting for. It was almost easier to be up in the air. At least we could defend ourselves, could hit back. And we weren't alone, not by a long shot. Not with pilots from all over the world - Poland, Canada, Czechoslovakia, New Zealand - up there fighting with us. It was our last fight with them, and I'm proud of the work we did together. After the smoke cleared, they sent our entire squadron to North Africa, to help smoke out Rommel and his Desert Rats. It was a different kind of flying, but one that was just as important to winning the war.

5、沙漠侦察(Desert Reconnaissance)

Distinguished Conduct Medal(杰出行为勋章)
Distinguished Conduct Medal awarded for acts of bravery in the face of the enemy. Mediteraneean Sea, 1941(为表彰在面对敌人时的勇敢行为而颁发的杰出行为勋章。地中海,1941年)
任务1: Take pictures of all the Allied ships.拍摄友军船只
失败讯息: You failed to take the photos in time.你未能及时拍摄照片
成功讯息: You've taken photos of all the Allied ships.你成功拍摄了友军船只
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤),拍摄友军3艘军舰(自己起飞的航母、1艘指定的战列舰、1艘指定的巡洋舰)即可完成此任务。如果超过5分钟则任务失败。
任务2: Take photos of three German camps.拍摄3个德军基地
失败讯息: You failed to take the photos in time.你未能及时拍摄照片
成功讯息: You have taken photos of all the German camps.你成功拍摄了德军基地
任务攻略: 通过监听德军无线电(其中一个为方向条,一个为距离条,先对准方向然后不断让方向条保持在最满的情况下飞近德军基地)拍摄德军3个基地即可完成此任务。如果超过5分钟则任务失败。WII、PS3前两个基地,PC、Xbox三个基地都会遭遇沙尘暴。WII、PS3在抵达第二个基地时会放晴,拍摄完毕后敌军出动3架Me-109 G问一下各位三次元1941年年初109G正式列装了吗攻击主角,而后汤姆赶来掩护主角,此时只需要前往第3个基地即可,抵达第3个基地后敌军出动5架Me-109 G,拍摄完毕后敌军出动5架Me-109 G。主角没有带武器,不可攻击敌机,汤姆可以协助摧毁所有敌机
任务3: Survive until you reach the carrier and land.存活直到抵达航母所在位置并降落
成功讯息: All photos taken are safe.所有拍摄的照片安全返回
任务攻略: 5分钟内找到并降落在航母上即可完成此任务。
主角: The North African Campaign was ugly, no two ways about it. The Italians couldn't dent the British positions, so the Germans sent in Rommel and his Afrika Korps. General Montgomery did his best, but it was damn near impossible to fight the Germans without knowing where they were. That's where I came in. It was my mission to fly recon into enemy territory. Ideally, I would locate Rommel's bases and report back on their position. If I were really lucky, I'd make it back home in one piece. Of course, nobody was counting on that sandstorm...
汤姆: All right, Captain, here's the drill. Take off from the carrier and get a shot of each of the Allied ships to get used to the camera. When you're done with that, head inland.
弗兰克: You sure you want to do this run solo, Captain?
主角: It's orders, Frank.
乔: Nuts to orders. Why do we have to sit out here on this aircraft carrier while you get to have all the fun.
汤姆: Easy there, Joe. It's a one man mission because there's a sandstorm coming in and they want the most experienced pilot out there. That's all.
主角: And if I get in trouble, fellas, I expect you to bail me out, sandstorm or no sandstorm.
弗兰克: Roger that, Captain. You won't have time to miss us.
乔: That's it, a good takeoff.
弗兰克: Nice one, kid.
乔: Try it again.
乔: Give 'er another pass.
弗兰克: You're there to take snapshots, not barnstorm.
乔: There you go!
弗兰克: One more and you're ready. Go get a shot of Rommel in his skivvies so you can sell it to the papers.
主角: I'll save you a personal copy, Frank.
弗兰克: Supposedly, Rommel set up three camps for his troops while the storm was rolling in.
弗兰克: Find them and take some snapshots so we know where to go hunting.
汤姆: Just remember when you're out there that you've shooting snapshots, not tracers. Get the recon shots and get out.
乔: Whoah! Where'd that all come from?
弗兰克: Just keep it level. You'll be OK
汤姆: At least the Germans will be hunkered down. This could be a break.
主角: My fingers are crossed.
德军电报: Gott in Himmel!(老天爷!)这里电报声音居然还是准的(虽然可能有几个点听不清,音质太次)
弗兰克: You're getting' close. That sounds like one of their signal transmissions. Just follow the noise in.
汤姆: We'll see you when you get back.可能未使用
德军电报: Du horst schon Gespenster.(你听的是个鬼啊)
德军电报: Das kann kein Flieger sein!(这不可能是架飞机)
德军电报: Kein britischer Flieger schafft das!(英国佬的飞机不可能来)
德军电报: Ja, auch in England.(是的,即使在英国)
德军电报: Wer ist denn noch da, um diese Insel zu verteidigen?(那里还有谁守者那个破岛?)
德军电报: Wir waren in 24 Stunden in London, ich sag's dir.(我跟你讲咱们可以一天之内扬了伦敦)
德军电报: Warum haben die uberhaupt Truppen hier?(那他们为什么搁这儿呆着)
弗兰克: Come on, you're losing the signal!
弗兰克: Keep on the signal!
汤姆: Focus on the sound of the broadcast
汤姆: Stay on target!
乔: You're gettin' colder.
乔: You're losing the signal!
弗兰克: Oh yeah. You're on it.
弗兰克: That's it, Boss.
汤姆: There it is. Follow it in!
汤姆: You've got it.
乔: Let your ears lead you.
乔: You're dead on.
乔: I don't know where you think you're goin', Boss, but that ain't it.
乔: You getting close yet?
汤姆: You're right on top of them!
弗兰克: Coming up on the next target!
主角: I've spotted the first enemy base.
德军电报: Die sollten sich zu Hause vorbereiten.(他们应该准备好宅家)
德军电报: Denkst du, sie haben Angst vor uns?(你认为他们怕我们吗?)
德军电报: Das sollten sie.(是滴)
德军电报: Das ist nicht gut, uberhaupt nicht gut.(这不妙,非常不妙)
德军电报: Ich hoffe, du liegst falsch.(我希望你们想错了)
德军电报: Es klingt jetzt lauter.(这玩意动静更大了)
德军电报: Was ist das nur?(这特喵的是啥?)
德军电报: Gott im Himmel!(老天爷!)
汤姆: You're done here! One more to go!
乔: And it looks like the weather's clearing up, too. All righty.
弗兰克: I'd say the forecast calls for sunny, with a 80% chance of enemy fighters. You've got company.
汤姆: Hold tight. We're on our way.
乔: Hang on just a little longer...
汤姆: We're almost there, Captain!
弗兰克: We see you, Cap'n
汤姆: Find that second camp, I'll keep the fighters off your back. Just say the word, and I'll draw their fire to me. That should leave you a clear path to your target.
主角: Thanks for the backup, fellas. I was getting lonely without you.可能未使用
乔: There it is!
弗兰克: Get your snapshots and get out! It's getting busy up here!
乔: Hell, I wish I could get pictures of some of this for Mary.
汤姆: I think she'll understand, Joe. Now watch the Captain's back.
德军电报: ... irgendwas sagen... verliere Sie... noch mal versuchen...(请讲……我失去了你的信号……再试一下……)
德军电报: Alle Mann sofort zuruck zum Stutzpunkt.(所有人赶紧回到坠机地点)
德军电报: Stutzpunkt B-O-K, horen Sie mich?(坠机地点在B-O-K,了解?)
德军电报: Verstanden. Hier ist B-O-K.(明白,在B-O-K)
德军电报: GHier ist B-O-F, das Wetter ist schlecht.(这里是B-O-F,天气状况恶劣)
德军电报: Hat er seine Wette gewonnen?(他赢了赌局?)
德军电报: Ein solches Flugzeug gibt es noch nicht.(还没这样的飞机)
弗兰克: They're sending up a welcoming committee!
乔: They were waitin' for us!
汤姆: Do what you have to do, Captain. We'll take care of the fighters.
弗兰克: That's it. Come on home.
汤姆: Is everyone in one piece? I think we're home free.
弗兰克: That's it! Now let's get out of there!
主角: You don't have to tell me twice
汤姆: I've got the carrier on radar. We can head back.
乔: That was some fancy flyin' there. And when y'all bring them pictures back, the ground troops will be able to hit 'em hard!
弗兰克: I think they're already getting ready, kid. The Captain's just telling them where to land the punch.
汤姆: Make sure you get those recon photos!
弗兰克: That's it, Boss.
主角: What I went through finding those German bases was just the beginning of the real fight. Once I brought back the recon photos, the ball really started rolling. And I have to say, I came out of that with a hell of a lot more confidence than I'd had going in... confidence in myself to fly under any conditions, and confidence that Tom would be there to watch my back, no matter what. Knowing that you've got brothers you can rely on anytime, anywhere does a lot to give a man the courage he needs to fly straight into the gates of Hell. And once High Command knew where those Germans were, that's exactly what they asked us to do.

6、沙鼠攻势(Desert Rats Attack)

Victoria Cross(维多利亚十字)
Victoria Cross awarded by the British Empire as the highest recognition of valor in the face of the enemy. Libya, 1941(大英帝国为表彰面对敌人时英勇行为而颁发的维多利亚十字作为最高荣誉。利比亚,1941年)
任务1: Support the British 8th Army assault.支援英军第八军攻击
失败讯息: The ground offensive was stalled. You failed!地面攻击陷入了停滞,你失败了
成功讯息: The German ground defenses were annihilated!德军地面防御力量已被歼灭
任务攻略: 需要摧毁两块高地后方的8个炮兵阵地,左侧右侧高地后方分别有4个,两两一组,共2组炮兵阵地。如果超过3分钟则任务失败。任务开始前敌军出动4架Me-109 G,很容易击落
任务2: Repel the Stukas' attack击退斯图卡攻击
失败讯息: The Allied troops were decimated. You failed!友军部队已被消灭,你失败了
成功讯息: The Allied ground troops are secure now!友军地面部队安全了
任务攻略: 需要击落两波各10架Ju-87轰炸机。如果超过5分20秒则任务失败。每波均由3架Me-109 G护航
任务3: Help the ground troops advance.帮助地面部队前进
失败讯息: You failed to help the ground units advance!你未能帮助地面部队前进
成功讯息: The Allied ground troops took the positions!友军地面部队占据阵地
任务攻略: 需要摧毁两块高地前方靠近中路山谷的12个炮兵阵地,左侧右侧均为6个炮兵阵地。如果超过4分钟则任务失败。任务完成后有相当长的时间可以自行清理高地上的其他敌军增加战绩
任务4: Help the ground troops escape from the trap帮助友军部队逃脱陷阱
失败讯息: The Allied troops are surrounded! You failed!友军部队被包围,你失败了
成功讯息: The enemy tanks columns were destroyed敌军坦克车队已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要摧毁左右路山谷中试图包围英军地面部队的30辆坦克中的至少27辆,左路右路分别为15辆坦克。如果超过2分40秒则任务失败
主角: Operation Crusader is what they called the last battle for Tobruk, when the Eighth Army lifted the siege and sent the Germans running back toward El Agheila. It was a near thing, though. The Allied armor got hit hard, and the Afrika Korps panzer divisions counter-attacked. If they hadn't outrun their supplies, they might have broken through all the way to the Suez Canal. But they did, and with the help of some air cover, our boys regrouped. Up around Sidi Rezegh, they nearly trapped the entire German light infantry. We were flying support for the Eighth at that point, which was a good thing because Rommel had called in the Lutwaffe and they were pounding our people like there was no tomorrow when we got there. All that changed right quick, though, when the Eagle Squadrons arrived.
乔: I'm telling you, we ain't got nothing like this kinda desert back in Mississippi. It reminds you how far from home you really are.
汤姆: We're all a long way from home, Joe, but we knew that when we signed on. We're all missing our families.
弗兰克: I dunno. A few more miles between me and the ex-wife might not be a bad thing.
主角: If I could have your attention for a minute, fellas? We're going to be flying support for the ground elements. They hit the Germans first thing this morning, and we're to give them air cover.
英军飞行员: Look alive up there! We've got flak opening up, and enemy fighters inbound!
主角: Roger that. We'll support the ground troops if you can handle the fighters.
英军飞行员: Righty-ho. We'll try to save you some fun.
乔: Here come our boys!
汤姆: Watch it!
弗兰克: Sweet Susie, that was too close.
乔: I ever tell you guys I hate anti aircraft guns?
主角: Keep it steady, boys.
英军飞行员: Those fighters are getting through! Watch yourselves, lads!
英军飞行员: Where are they all coming from!
英军飞行员: There's too many of them!可能未使用
英军飞行员: We're outnumbered!可能未使用
英军飞行员: It's over to you, Yanks.可能未使用
英军飞行员: There's one on my tail!
英军飞行员: I'm hit! I'm hit!
英军飞行员: Here they come!
主角: Damn. We're too late.
英军飞行员: It's getting thick up here! There's too much A A!
弗兰克: The ack-acks are tearing up those bombers!可能未使用
英军飞行员: We're hit! Bailing out now!
乔: They're going down!
英军飞行员: Good luck, Yanks. I don't think we're going to be able to help you...
汤姆: The whole squadron's gone. Blast.
弗兰克: The flak is getting pretty thick up here.
乔: Did I ever tell you guys I hate anti aircraft guns?为什么他说了两遍瓦阿斯附体
汤姆: There's four batteries down there.
弗兰克: It's us or them, Captain. I suggest we make it us.
乔: Whoah! That was close!
弗兰克: The flak is getting pretty thick up here.可能未使用
弗兰克: Cutting it close there.可能未使用
汤姆: We need to get out of this AA soon.可能未使用
汤姆: We can't take much more of this pounding!
弗兰克: You maybe want to do something about those guys down there?
乔: If you're waitin' for a rainy day, it's raining flak out there!
乔: Direct hit. Y'all see that?
弗兰克: We just cut their firepower in half.
汤姆: Keep hitting them! Three down, one to go!
弗兰克: It just got a whole lot easier to breathe up here. Now, what's next?
乔: Hang on, they're throwin' Stukas at the infantry
弗兰克: We're working on it.
乔: Jeez, they've got fighter escorts an' everything.
汤姆: Those fighters are coming for us. I'll keep them off of you. Go after the bombers
乔: We better stop them Stukas or else!
弗兰克: Looks like we got 'em.
乔: There's more comin'!
汤姆: So far, so good. We have to keep holding!
弗兰克: Whatever the hell that means
乔: Here comes more trouble!
弗兰克: Another divebomber gets through and they've had it!
汤姆: They're scoring direct hits!
弗兰克: We can't let that happen again.
乔: They're getting through!
英军士兵: If you're not busy up there, you could keep those dive bombers off us.
英军士兵: They're coming down on us! Can't you do something?可能未使用
英军士兵: You've got to help us!可能未使用
英军士兵: Get them off of us!可能未使用
弗兰克: Ah, hell. There goes the infantry. Nothing left for us to do here.
弗兰克: That's the last of them. About damn time, too.
汤姆: The infantry's being thrown back with heavy losses!
英军士兵: All units! Advance!
弗兰克: They're charging against those defenses. Uh-oh
乔: If we don't do somethin', they got a snowball's chance.
主角: We're going to need to punch some holes in those German lines. They've got a triple perimeter set up.
乔: A what?
弗兰克: Three lines of guns, Joe. Armor, artillery, and long range. Just worry about keeping the planes in the air and leave the big words to the Captain.
汤姆: Lay off him, Frank. At least he can count to three.
汤姆: OK, Let's clear some holes in that artillery line
弗兰克: Keep watchin' the skies, ratzis!
英军士兵: That artillery battery has us pinned down! Can you deal with them?
英军士兵: The panzers are rolling right over us!
英军士兵: Advance! Advance!
英军士兵: We could use some air support, if you're not too busy.
英军士兵: Those batteries are dug in too well!
英军士兵: We need those machine gun nests taken out, now!
英军士兵: We can't do this without your help, Yanks!
英军士兵: We're dying down here, Yanks!
英军士兵: We need support, immediately!
英军士兵: Get some fire down here!
英军士兵: I've lost half my unit strength.
英军士兵: We're down to one-quarter unit strength here.
英军士兵: My men can't hold out much longer.
英军士兵: If you don't take out those defenses, we're done for!
汤姆: The boys on the ground can't take much more from those guns!
汤姆: They're breaking through!
乔: They busted on through!
弗兰克: The first line is broken!
汤姆: They're through the second line!
乔: Look at them Desert Rats run.
弗兰克: Keep pushing! They're breaking!
汤姆: They've broken the German line!
乔: That's it, keep pushin' em!
弗兰克: Our boys made it through! The Germans are on the run!
乔: Here comes more trouble! They're bringing up panzer reserves! Two columns.
弗兰克: Great. That's just what we needed.可能未使用
英军士兵: Are you still willing to lend a hand here, Yanks? We could surely use one.
乔: We're doin' our best.
汤姆: There's no way they can take those tanks out.
英军士兵: You'll have to buy us some time.
弗兰克: We'll even wrap it up like it's Christmas.可能未使用
乔: Stay away from our boys, you hear me?
汤姆: I don't think they can hear you, Joe.
弗兰克: Keep shooting. It'll get the message across.
英军士兵: We're running out of room here, Yanks!
汤姆: They're closing the pincer.
弗兰克: We need to take some of those tanks out.
汤姆: Take out those tanks!
乔: Our boys are getting chewed up. Take out them tanks!
乔: Captain, those boys need savin'
英军士兵: We're being encircled! You have to buy us more time!
汤姆: The encirclement's nearly complete!
英军士兵: No good. We're trapped. Bloody hell.
汤姆: You're doing it! You're keeping the escape hatch open!
弗兰克: That's the stuff! Slow 'em down so our boys can get away.
乔: They're gonna need a whole mess of new tanks.
英军士兵: Almost there, chaps. Give us a little more...
乔: They're leaving! We did it!
乔: We did it! Woohoo!
主角: This was our last fight in Africa, not to mention our last fight as part of the RAF. Some smart fellas in the US Army Air Corps, they weren't called the Air Force until '47, you know decided they wanted us back stateside. It sounded like a cushy assignment. You know, nobody shooting at us, beautiful beaches, and finally, a place to get a decent hamburger. But the universe doesn't work like that. It likes to make things...interesting, and maybe that's why we were assigned to Pearl Harbor.

7、耻辱日(Day of Infamy)

Purple Heart(紫心)
Purple Heart awarded for being wounded in action in any war or campaign. Pearl Harbor, 1941(为表彰在任何一场战争或战役中受伤而颁发的紫心勋章。珍珠港,1941年)
任务1: Protect the airport - destroy all bombers!保卫机场,摧毁所有轰炸机
失败讯息: You failed to destroy all the enemies in time!你未能及时摧毁所有敌机
成功讯息: You shot down all the bombers attacking the airfield!你击落了所有进攻机场的轰炸机
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作在堆满飞机残骸和杂物的跑道上完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤),需要击落第1波2组3架共6架,第2波4架,第3波3架攻击机场的B5N2九七舰攻轰炸机即可。如果超过8分20秒则任务失败。第1波击落3架,敌军出动第2波;第2波击落1架,敌军出动第3波。可以适当击落部分轰炸其他目标的B5N2九七舰攻以增加战绩。该任务每一波会出动2架A6M零战战斗机护航,若击落可以适当减轻下两个任务的压力。零式战斗机滚转非常烂,血也少,如果被咬住可以选择频繁切换方向转向来躲开零战。如果是飓风这种灵活的飞机可以直接去绕,尤其是飓风MKⅡ这种既火力强又灵活的,火力可以直接秒杀零战
任务2: Destroy the Japanese Bombers before they sink a Battleship!在日军轰炸机击沉战列舰前摧毁它们
失败讯息: The enemy bombers did too much damage to the battleships!敌军轰炸机对战列舰造成了过于严重的损坏
成功讯息: You shot down all the bombers attacking the battleships!你击落了所有攻击战列舰的轰炸机
任务攻略: 需要击落2组6架共12架攻击港内战列舰的B5N2九七舰攻轰炸机即可。如果超过7分30秒则任务失败。可以适当击落部分轰炸其他目标的B5N2九七舰攻以增加战绩。该任务会出动4架A6M零战战斗机护航,若击落可以适当减轻下一个任务的压力
任务3: Destroy the Zeros strafing the docks!摧毁扫射港口的零战
失败讯息: You didn't eliminate the Zeroes quickly enough!你消灭零战的速度不够快
成功讯息: You were fast enough and killed all Zero fighters!你消灭零战的速度足够快
任务攻略: 需要击落无数架扫射港口平民的A6M零战战斗机即可。如果超过6分40秒则任务失败。可以适当击落部分轰炸其他目标的B5N2九七舰攻以增加战绩。若未击落之前任务中护航的零战这些零战会对玩家攻击,但是扫射港口的零战不对玩家攻击
任务4: Shoot down the bombers before they damage the industrial area!在轰炸机损坏工业区之前击落它们
失败讯息: You failed to destroy all the bombers in time!你未能及时摧毁所有轰炸机
成功讯息: You shot down all the bombers attacking the industrial area!你击落了所有攻击工业区的轰炸机
任务攻略: 需要击落18架攻击工业区的B5N2九七舰攻轰炸机即可。如果超过7分30秒则任务失败。可以适当击落部分撤离珍珠港的B5N2九七舰攻以增加战绩。该任务会出动8架A6M零战战斗机护航,可以击落以增加战绩
主角: When the Army Air Forces asked the RAF to transfer us over in order to train up American pilots, that took us right out of the European theater and straight to the Pacific. It was a tremendous honor to be brought home like that, the whole squadron. I have to admit, I regretted leaving the RAF, as they'd been more than decent to us, but I knew they'd be doing just fine without us, and there were American pilots who needed to learn what combat flying was like before they got taught the hard way. And it certainly did look like it was going to be soft duty. Sure, we wanted to get back in the action - at least I did - but there are worse things than serving as flight instructors in Hawaii. At least, that's what we thought...
塔台: Scramble! All units, scramble!
主角: What's going on?
汤姆: Sneak attack! We've got to scramble!
主角: Is anyone else up?
汤姆: Not yet, and we've got to buy them time to get there!
塔台: Incoming fighters and bombers! They're coming straight for us!可能未使用但我在阿登见到了相同的一句话
汤姆: It's just the two of us. We've got to protect the planes on the ground!
美军飞行员: There's zillions of 'em!可能未使用
美军飞行员: How'd they sneak up on us?
美军飞行员: Look out!可能未使用
美军飞行员: Mayday! Mayday!可能未使用
美军飞行员: We've got bombers with a fighter escort!可能未使用
美军飞行员: They're hitting the runways!可能未使用
美军飞行员: There's too many of them!可能未使用
美军飞行员: They're coming in too fast!可能未使用
汤姆: We need to protect the airfields!可能未使用
汤姆: Don't let any of them through!可能未使用
汤姆: The airfield is a couple of hits away from being useless
塔台: One more hit and we'll be out of action!
主角: Damnit, fellas, we could use some help!
弗兰克: Little bit of traffic down here, don't you know?
乔: But we're right behind y'all.
主角: About damn time.
弗兰克: Sorry, Captain. Now let's take out those bombers.
汤姆: That's the last of them.
塔台: Thanks for the cover - wait a minute. They're coming up on Battleship Row!
主角: They're launching torpedoes!
弗兰克: We've got fish in the water!可能未使用
乔: Get outta the way! Get outta the way!
汤姆: Oh my God...
弗兰克: No. Oh, no.
塔台: The Arizona is hit! She's going down!
塔台: We have men in the water! My God, somebody help them!
美军飞行员: Here they come again!
弗兰克: No more. We've gotta keep them from taking out another ship.
乔: Ah'm with you. Let's go get those bastards.
汤姆: Torpedo bombers!可能未使用
弗兰克: Knock 'em out before they sink anything else!
主角: Nobody else gets through, you hear me?
弗兰克: Tighten it up!可能未使用
汤姆: First wave's down. Here comes the second!可能未使用
乔: Dive bombers! Let's take 'em out!可能未使用
汤姆: They're getting through!
弗兰克: Any more bombers get through and those battleships are done for!
塔台: Those ships can't take much more punishment!
乔: We can't lose no more ships!可能未使用
乔: We did it!
塔台: We've got enemy fighters strafing the docks! Knock them out of the air!
主角: With pleasure.可能未使用
弗兰克: What the...they're shooting civilians!
弗兰克: Take 'em down. We're right behind you.
弗兰克: Those sons of bitches are going to pay.
乔: Murderin' sons of bitches.
汤姆: That's it! Take them out!
乔: Some of 'em are peelin' off!
弗兰克: They're dying down there!
主角: Don't let them get away!可能未使用
塔台: Stop them! You've got to stop them!
乔: Take that, you bastards!
汤姆: Don't lose your head, son. That's what they want.
弗兰克: I don't know what they want, but they're asking for a kick in the ass.
乔: It's like a shootin' gallery!可能未使用
汤姆: This is murder.可能未使用
汤姆: They're coming around again!
塔台: VF-Alpha, you have to take those fighters down, now!
乔: I think we're just about beat.
汤姆: That's it. The docks are clear.
塔台: Belay that talk. We've got no time. More bombers are inbound from the northwest.
美军飞行员: Looks like they're targeting the industrial plants just off the airfield.
汤姆: Right. Northeast it is. We'll follow you in, Captain.
乔: There they are.可能未使用
汤姆: They're making their run!可能未使用
乔: That's for the guysfellas on the docks!
弗兰克: You boys have got nowhere to run.
弗兰克: Crap! They just scored a direct hit!
乔: A bomb got through!
汤姆: Don't let any more through!
主角: Hold them off!
塔台: You have to stop them now!
汤姆: We're losing the industrial area!
主角: That's the last of 'em.
弗兰克: Run home, you sneaky bastards. We'll be coming for you.
乔: Jesus. Look at it.
汤姆: They're going to pay, Joe. We're going to make them pay.
弗兰克: And tomorrow won't be soon enough.
主角: You don't forget something like Pearl Harbor. You might have seen the pictures, but they can't tell you what it was like. I can tell you what I was doing every second of the battle like it was yesterday. I suspect I always will. Pearl Harbor changed everything, of course. It brought America into the war right and proper. We knew who we were fighting and what we were fighting for. All that was left was to go out and do it.

8、奇袭(Surprise Attack)

Navy Distinguished Service Medal(海军杰出服役勋章)
Navy Distinguished Service Medal awarded to any person serving with the Navy who distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service. Coral Sea, 1942(为表彰任何在海军服役时以非凡的功绩而脱颖而出的人而颁发的海军杰出服役勋章。珊瑚海,1942年)
任务1: Follow Tom and infiltrate the Japanese position跟随汤姆渗透到日军位置
失败讯息: The Japanese have tracked you down.日军已经发现了你
成功讯息: You have reached the Japanese fleet!你已抵达日军舰队
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤),跟随汤姆和弗兰克抵达日军舰队即可。如果落下汤姆800m,或距离沿途19个日军军舰距离过近则任务失败。距离汤姆400m以上汤姆会提醒加速跟上。这关非常不推荐使用剑鱼,因为很难跟上汤姆和弗兰克,任务极其容易搞砸,而且后面鱼雷轰炸任务飞得太慢极易被防空炮击落更容易把任务搞砸
任务2: Destroy the Japanese warships before their reinforcements arrive在日军增援赶来之前摧毁日军舰队
失败讯息: You've taken too long. The Japanese reinforcements have arrived.你用了太久时间,日军增援已经抵达
成功讯息: Main Japanese warships were destroyed!主要日军战舰已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要摧毁由1艘航母、1艘战列舰、2艘巡洋舰、3艘驱逐舰、2艘货船,共9艘日军军舰组成的日军舰队中的航母、战列舰、2艘巡洋舰、舰队右侧的驱逐舰即可。如果超过5分钟则任务失败。若航母未被摧毁,每过1分钟就会有5架A6M零战战斗机起飞,如果使用A-1和SB2C则可以勉强和零战缠斗。其他舰艇无法被瞄准,但是可以通过特殊技巧发射鱼雷捎带上被鱼雷击沉,为自己添加战绩
主角: Pearl Harbor opened a lot of eyes back home. In one shot, the Japanese had crippled us. More than that, they taught America that this wasn't a war to be fought by other people, far away. It was our fight, too, and if American soil had been hit once, it could be hit once again. So naturally, we wanted to hit back. The Doolittle Raid was good for morale, but the real work was done when they found the Japanese fleet hiding in the Coral Sea. While they steamed for Port Moresby, the U.S.S. Yorktown closed in, with us on board and the Lexington coming up behind. The key to winning the battle was knocking out the enemy carriers as quickly as possible. The Japanese had more planes than we did, and if they all got in the air we were dead men walking. That's why they sent us to pay a little visit to an enemy carrier Shoho. If we could sink her before she launched her complement of fighters, the thinking was, we just might stand a chance...
塔台: VF-Alpha-Four, you are cleared for takeoff.
塔台: VF-Alpha-Two, you are good to go.
汤姆: Roger that, control. VF-Alpha-Two, taking off.
塔台: VF-Alpha-One, you are cleared for takeoff. Happy hunting.
弗兰克: Come on, Captain. We've got a carrier to sink and we're stuck here waiting on you.
主角: I'm on my way, Frank. Hold your horses. This isn't something we want to rush.
弗兰克: Ah, who wants to live forever?
汤姆: I do. Now you all know the mission, right? We're going to take out one of the enemy's carriers. According to recon planes, it's isolated and vulnerable.
弗兰克: It's going to be dead meat. I've been itching for payback since Pearl Harbor, and here's our chance.
主角: Let's not try to take it too soon. Fly low and use the islands for cover. We can use their radio signals to home in on their position. Tom will lead us in.
弗兰克: And then, the fun starts. Wait til they see what I've got cooking for them.
汤姆: That's it. Stay on my tail.
汤姆: Hold formation. We're getting close.可能未使用
汤姆: Form up on me, or they'll spot you.
汤姆: Don't mess around. Follow me in!
汤姆: I'm losing you. Form back up!
弗兰克: You keep that up, Cap'n, they're gonna spot us.可能未使用
弗兰克: You're about to get us both killed!可能未使用
汤姆: There you are.
汤姆: I see you now. Good work.
汤姆: And you're back. Good.
弗兰克: I think they spotted you! They're sending up triple-A!
汤姆: Looks like fighters coming off that carrier!
弗兰克: I hate to say it, but you shoulda followed him.
弗兰克: I don't like this.
汤姆: So let's get it over with.
弗兰克: Where the hell is Joe? We could use him now.
汤姆: His plane's up for repairs. It's just us, cupcake.
汤姆: Listen for their radio calls.
弗兰克: I would if you'd stop yapping.
汤姆: We're getting close.
弗兰克: What is this, hide and go seek?
主角: Easy, Frank. We're closing in.
弗兰克: I hate sneakin' around like this.
主角: Cut the chatter! They can hear us!
日军无线电内容(在此特别鸣谢B站用户VF-Alpha(UID 12492861)以及暂不知晓姓名的听译人员,以及百度用户@bf109k14)
日军无线电(翔凤): 榛名、直ちに編隊を組め!(榛名号,立即跟近编队!)
日军无线电(榛名): 申し訳ありません,主力機関に問題が生じています。(很抱歉,我们遭遇了主引擎故障)
日军无线电(翔凤): 修理にどの程度を要するのだ?(你觉得多久能修好?)
日军无线电(榛名): 不明であります、機検部(?不很确定)が調べております。(不知道,工程队正检查这个问题)
日军无线电(翔凤): 本当に行ける程度に動くか?(你能有足够机动性应战吗?)
日军无线电(榛名): 最高速度が30海里から22海里に落ちましたが、武器は操作可能です。(最高速度已由30节降到22节,但是所有的武器系统都可用)
日军无线电(翔凤): 主力機関は止めねばならんのか?(发动机需要停用吗?)
日军无线电(榛名): 現時点では不明であります。(暂时未知)
日军无线电(翔凤): 必要であれば修理を中断せよ、この海域に敵が集まっている!(如果有必要立即放弃所有维修,我们接到报告说这片区域有敌机)
弗兰克: Well hel-lo boys. What have we here?
汤姆: That looks like our strike force. It's a carrier group.
弗兰克: And they're launching planes! Claudes and Zekes, incoming!可能未使用
汤姆: We need to take that carrier out!
弗兰克: We need to live long enough to do it!
汤姆: Their triple-A is opening up!
汤姆: That's a lot of anti-aircraft fire.
弗兰克: Look out! Flak!
弗兰克: It's getting messy up here!
主角: Watch the AA, men.
汤姆: We can't take them all on!
汤姆: Try to expose one side of the carrier!
汤姆: All we need is one clear shot!
弗兰克: Pick off the destroyers first.
弗兰克: Clear one side out. That's all we need.
弗兰克: Don't take 'em all on.
弗兰克: We just need to get to the carrier!
汤姆: They're launching fighters!
汤姆: We've got another wave of fighters taking off.
汤姆: More fighters inbound!
汤姆: Here comes another wave!
汤姆: How many more planes can they throw at us?
汤姆: More fighters, taking off!
弗兰克: We've got fighters taking off!
弗兰克: They're throwing some Claudes at us!
弗兰克: Looks like some of their guys wanna play.
弗兰克: Here come some.
弗兰克: Are these guys ever gonna run out of planes?
弗兰克: Oh, crud. More Zekes.
主角: We've got more company.
主角: Heads up, fellas.
主角: It just got crowded up here.
塔台: Heads up! We've got a whole raft of paints coming in!
塔台: You've got four minutes to take out that carrier before things get ugly!
塔台: Three minutes before contact with the main enemy air element!
塔台: ETA of enemy fighters at your position is two minutes.
塔台: They're right on top of you!
弗兰克: Holy crud.
汤姆: That's a lot of fighters.
弗兰克: No way we're gonna be able to hold them off!
汤姆: Get the carrier!
弗兰克: If we're gonna go down, let's go down swinging!
汤姆: If we don't take out the carrier now, we're not making it back.
弗兰克: It's them or us, and right now it looks like them.
塔台: You have to take out that carrier!
塔台: Clear out one side of the formation! It's your best shot!
塔台: They're launching more fighters!
塔台: More fighters are in the air!
塔台: More fighters are taking off!
塔台: Take out that carrier, now!
塔台: Nice shooting. Now come on home.
塔台: We'll send someone out to pick up your wingmen.
弗兰克: Yes, Mom.
弗兰克: They've got three boats left in the water!
汤姆: Two enemy vessels remaining!
弗兰克: Last one!
弗兰克: One down!
弗兰克: We got a destroyer out of action!
弗兰克: Scratch one destroyer!
汤姆: Destroyer out of commission!
汤姆: That one's out of action!
汤姆: Destroyer, down!
汤姆: That cruiser's dead in the water!
汤姆: You nailed the cruiser!
弗兰克: Look at that thing sink!
弗兰克: The cruiser's out of action!
弗兰克: The carrier's limping!
弗兰克: Direct hit! Now hit her again!
汤姆: Direct hit on the carrier!
汤姆: She's hurt! The carrier's hurt!
汤姆: The aircraft carrier is out of action!
汤姆: She's out of commission!
弗兰克: She's going down!
弗兰克: That's one dead carrier.
弗兰克: Would you look at that mess we made? We're getting pretty good at this, fellas.
塔台: Nice shooting. Now come on home before the rest of the Imperial Navy finds you.
弗兰克: Amen to that, brother. We're on our way.
汤姆: Tell Joe not to wait up for us.
塔台: Too late. And he's pissed that he missed all the fun. See you at home, boys.
主角: Fitting in with the US Army Air Forces was tricky for a while. Our ranks and commissions were from the RAF, and getting that straightened out when we were transferred over was a nightmare. Besides, we'd been doing all our flying over there, and had to prove ourselves all over again. After we took out that carrier, though, folks' attitudes started to change. They realized that our experience flying in tight spots was a good thing. The brass started giving us the most dangerous missions, because they thought we could handle them. And somehow, we always did.

9、中途岛:开场攻势(Midway: Opening Moves)

American Campaign Medal(美国战役勋章)我觉得这可能是给新乔治亚群岛之战预备的勋章,不然对不上,且后面三个勋章向后错位了一关,直到拉包尔才对上
American Campaign Medal awarded for service in the US Armed Forces within the American Theater of Operations(为表彰美国武装部队在美国战场上服役而颁发的美国战役勋章)
任务1: Protect Midway Island. Shoot down all of the enemy bombers!保卫中途岛,击落所有敌方轰炸机
失败讯息: The airfield was heavily damaged by the enemy bombers.机场已被敌方轰炸机严重损坏
成功讯息: You shot down all the bombers before they destroyed the airfield.你在轰炸机摧毁机场之前击落了他们
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤),需要击落攻击机场的第1波12架B5N2九七舰攻轰炸机,第2波14架D3A1九九舰爆轰炸机,第3波10架B5N2九七舰攻轰炸机,第4波10架D3A1九九舰爆轰炸机即可。如果机场被炸弹攻击10次(即漏过超过9架飞机)则机场会被摧毁,任务失败。第1波击落5架,敌军出动第2波;第1波全部击落,敌军出动第3波;第2波全部击落,敌军出动第4波。该任务第3波、第4波会出动2架A6M零战战斗机护航,若击落可以适当减轻下两个任务的压力。该任务默认飞机F2A水牛就是一个天坑,飞的慢不说还性能差,火力差,推荐使用飓风MKⅡ和喷火MKⅤ。虽然飓风速度慢一些,但是强大的火力在轰炸机侧面扫射可以一下子完全摧毁轰炸机编队我还特地查了查xml发现僚机和玩家写在xml中的飞机竟然是P-40?育碧坑我!!
任务2: Escort the retreating Allied bombers.护航撤退的友军轰炸机
失败讯息: Too many bombers were shot down.过多的友军轰炸机被击落
成功讯息: The bombers have reached Midway safely.轰炸机安全抵达中途岛
任务攻略: 需要击落无数架攻击友军B-17空中堡垒轰炸机机群的A6M零战战斗机,以掩护轰炸机机群返回机场。如果轰炸机机群被击落超过12架则任务失败。育碧又给玩家挖了个超级天坑,辅助瞄准经常会把玩家的准心拽走,从而不利于支援被日军飞机攻击的B-17,很容易追着个落单的零战然后眼睁睁看着其他零战疯狂攻击B-17然后友军轰炸机非死即残。更甚至其中有4架零战会直接撞击轰炸机,需要仔细甄别优先击落查了xml发现这四架飞机赫然写着如下代码
任务3: Clear the skies of enemy aircraft.清理天空中剩余的敌机
失败讯息: You failed to clear the skies你未能清除敌机
成功讯息: The skies are clear. Success!敌机已被清除,任务成功!
任务攻略: 需要击落机场上空剩余的A6M零战战斗机即可。如果超过3分钟则任务失败。零战数量众多,建议用汤姆拉走仇恨减轻压力当然如果你开飓风自信爆棚不用汤姆就当我没说
主角: We bloodied their noses at the Battle of the Coral Sea, but it was still an uneven fight, and the enemy knew it. They put together an offensive against Midway atoll, a godforsaken piece of coral out in the middle of nowhere. An enemy airstrip on it would mean trouble, though, which meant that we had to defend it, no matter what. Good thing we'd cracked the Japanese military cipher and knew they were coming. The good news was that the Japanese naval formation was strung out over a few hundred square miles of ocean. Their plan was to bomb the military base on Midway into powder, then mop up whatever naval forces we had left. If they'd been able to pull it off, the entire North Pacific would have been wide open. We had to hold the line, knowing that this might the fight that everything hinged on, one way or the other.
塔台: All aircraft, scramble! Repeat, all aircraft scramble! You are cleared for takeoff. Keep it moving, people.
乔: What the heck is goin' on?
弗兰克: One of the radar boys said we've got a whole mess of trouble headed our way. Bombers, and plenty of them.
乔: If they take out the airstrip, we're in all sorts of trouble.
汤姆: Then you'd better not let 'em take it out.
主角: Any idea what we're up against?
弗兰克: Bombers with a light fighter escort. It looks like they want to take us out with a sneak attack.
主角: Then it looks like they miscalculated.
弗兰克: Damn straight. They'll never know what hit them.
乔: Here they come! Divebombers! Incoming!
主角: There's our targets, fellas.
弗兰克: Oh, goody. They sent Vals.
汤姆: Protect the airstrip!
乔: You got it!
弗兰克: The best defense is a good offense.
弗兰克: Let's give'em the bum's rush.
乔: They ain't getting through today!
汤姆: Keep knocking them out of the air!
汤姆: Keep them away from the airstrip!
乔: Why do they call 'em Vals?
弗兰克: Named after my ex-wife, probably for the way they go---look out!
弗兰克: Looks like they brought some friends.
乔: They got some Kates for escort.
汤姆: I can draw off the fighters. Go after the bombers.
弗兰克: Just more targets for us to knock down.
乔: Maybe this is all they got.
汤姆: Look alive. Those guys aren't playing around.
美军飞行员: Cripes, there's a lot of 'em.可能未使用
美军飞行员: It's like rush hour up here.
美军飞行员: You've got one on your tail!
美军飞行员: Easy now. I'm on my way.可能未使用
美军飞行员: Things are getting hairy.
美军飞行员: Punch his ticket!可能未使用
美军飞行员: Fog him! Fast!可能未使用
美军飞行员: I dunno if we can keep holding them off!可能未使用
美军飞行员: Here comes more company!
美军飞行员: You have to admit, they are getting better...
汤姆: They're getting through!
汤姆: The runway's getting cratered!
乔: If they keep hittin' the strip, we can't land!
乔: Looks like we took another hit!
弗兰克: Come on, keep 'em away from the tarmac!
弗兰克: Uh-oh, that looks like a hit!
主角: The airpstrip is getting pounded!
汤姆: Don't let them get away.
弗兰克: They're not making it back home.
乔: We're cutting 'em to pieces!
弗兰克: We're taking them down.
汤姆: They're not getting through!
汤姆: We can't let any more bombers get through.
汤姆: Come on, we can take them out.
塔台: We have another wave inbound.
塔台: Charlie squadron! Get in there!
塔台: Fresh targets inbound!可能未使用
乔: We're takin' 'em down!
弗兰克: Not today, fellas!
汤姆: That's the last of them.
弗兰克: Looks like we saved the airstrip.
主角: I think we taught them a lesson.
乔: That'll learn 'em not to mess with us.可能未使用
塔台: All aircraft, we have an inbound bomber wing being pursued by enemy craft. Move to intercept and bring those bombers home in one piece.
汤姆: Roger that.
乔: I see 'em. Looks like some bombers, all right... and a bunch of Zekes on their tail.
弗兰克: Let's go help out tailgunner Charlie.
汤姆: I'm counting about a dozen.
弗兰克: That's enough. They're getting into formation.
乔: Better fly careful or we'll hit our own guys.
弗兰克: Drive 'em away from the bombers!
汤姆: They're coming around for another attack. We've got to cover the bombers!
弗兰克: Whoah! Tight flying up here!
美军飞行员: We're running low on fuel. Think you can get these guys off our backs?
主角: We're on it.
美军飞行员: If we don't get a clear shot at the runway, we're gonna have to ditch.
美军飞行员: It's getting kinda scary up here, fellas.
美军飞行员: You've gotta give us more cover!
美军飞行员: Get us down safely and I'll buy each of you a beer.
乔: We're runnin' out of bombers here!
乔: Only one friendly bomber left!
美军飞行员: We're almost home, fellas. Thanks!
乔: Looks like they're runnin' out of pilots. Them fellas can't hardly fly.
弗兰克: That one's looks like he's riding it all the way down.
汤姆: Holy cow. He is riding it down. What the heck are they doing?
乔: It's like they're usin' their planes as rockets!
塔台: We have confirmed enemy kamikazes! Take them out before they score a direct hit!
汤姆: We have to keep these guys away from the ground targets!
汤姆: They're coming in hard!
乔: How the heck do you stop something like this?
乔: They're comin' in too fast!
弗兰克: Aw, hell, they just scored a hit!
弗兰克: They're getting past us!
汤姆: We're holding!
汤姆: They're not getting through!
乔: We're takin' 'em down!
弗兰克: Not today, fellas!
弗兰克: Talk about your flameouts.
汤姆: That's the last one incoming.
弗兰克: Maybe we should clean up the rest of the sky.
乔: I think they've decided to clean us up. Incoming!
弗兰克: Watch yourself! Here they come!
汤姆: I've got your six here.
弗兰克: Persistent, ain't they?
乔: They ain't giving up.
弗兰克: This looks like it, guys.可能未使用
塔台: We're turning you loose, VF-Alpha-Four. Let's have some clear skies.可能未使用
弗兰克: I've been waiting for you to say that. Let's take 'em out!可能未使用
汤姆: We're getting some splashes here.
汤姆: There we go.
弗兰克: Gonna be tricky sailing around all these downed targets, don't ya think?
弗兰克: Whoops, there goes another splash.
乔: Woohoo! Got me a splash!
乔: Another one's goin' down!
塔台: We've got clear skies, fellas.
弗兰克: What did you expect? You got the best here. Now about that beer...
汤姆: We can't take much more of this, Captain!
乔: Just a few left!
主角: Let's finish the job.
汤姆: That's the last of them. Joe, you all right?
乔: Mostly, I think. But I do wonder where those birds came from.
弗兰克: I've got a feeling that we're gonna find out - after I collect that beer they promised.
弗兰克: I've got a feeling that we're going to find out.
塔台: You'd better drink it fast. This one's just starting.
主角: I can't point to the moment when it happened, but in hindsight, it was clear as day. Somewhere along the way, we'd changed. When we first met, we were idealistic young men who'd signed on with the Eagle Squadron in order to fight halfway around the world from home. We'd become hardened veterans of the fiercest fighting the air war had to offer. We'd all looked death in the eye more than once and survived, and now we were ready to do it again, as many times as we needed to.

10、中途岛:转折点(Midway: Turning Point)

Air Medal(航空勋章)
Air Medal awarded for meritorious achievement while participating in aerial flight. Midway, 1942(为表彰参加空中飞行的卓越功绩而颁发的航空勋章。中途岛,1942年)
任务1: Protect the bombers.保护轰炸机
失败讯息: Too many Allied bombers have been destroyed.过多友军轰炸机被摧毁
成功讯息: The bombers reached their objective safely.轰炸机安全抵达目标
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤),需要击落无数架攻击由45架友军TBD蹂躏者轰炸机组成的机群的A6M零战战斗机,以掩护轰炸机机群抵达日军舰队。如果轰炸机机群被击落20架或者在航母上挂机3分钟,则任务失败。仍然存在辅助瞄准超级天坑。推荐使用SB2C,虽然子弹初速极慢但是机动性和速度可以弥补但凡育碧把A-1给我吐出来就没那么难了
任务2: Attack the carriers' decks to prevent fighters from taking off.攻击航母甲板防止战斗机起飞
失败讯息: Too many enemy fighters took off. You failed!太多的敌方战斗机起飞,你失败了
成功讯息: You stopped the Japanese carriers from launching more planes.你阻止了日本航母起飞更多飞机
任务攻略: 需要摧毁分别停在4艘航母上,分别由6架飞机组成,准备起飞的零战战斗机机群。如果超过3分钟则任务失败。日军航母会起飞零战战斗机,摧毁一艘航母上的机群该航母就不再起飞飞机,并且下一艘航母的机群出现,需要转移过去击毁
任务3: Destroy the Japanese fleet.摧毁日军舰队
成功讯息: The Japanese fleet has been annihilated.日军舰队已被歼灭
任务攻略: 需要摧毁由4艘航母贝斯特直呼不可能、2艘战列舰七乘八提前去世、2艘巡洋舰、4艘驱逐舰,共12艘日军军舰组成的日军舰队中的所有舰船。如果超过5分钟则任务失败
主角: The bad news was that Midway got hit pretty hard by the Japanese in that initial assault. The good news was that their planes let us know right where their carrier group was. And since their fleet was spread out into a double handful of smaller groups, that meant we could go after the carriers. We knew we were stirring up a hornet's nest. Their fleet was bigger than ours, and if we lost, it would have been good night, Irene. So we concentrated on protecting the bombers, hoping enough of them would get through to their capital ships to even the odds.
主角: Listen up, people. This is no drill. We're on a heading that will intercept the main Japanese battle fleet. We've got to hit them, and hit them hard, or their counterattack is going to wipe Midway off the map. So let's take good care of those bombers. They're our best bet for taking out that fleet.
汤姆: And if you feel like praying, well, now's the time, boys. Let's go get 'em.
乔: We're really goin' after the whole Japanese fleet?
弗兰克: The main one, yeah. And don't tell anyone I told you this, but we're outnumbered.
乔: Really?
弗兰克: Really. Think Custer.
主角: Enough of that talk. We've got business to take care of.
乔: Are y'all seeing what I'm seeing?
弗兰克: All those Zeroes sure do add up.
汤姆: Our first order of business is to protect the bombers. We've got to get them through to the fleet.
主角: Roger that, Tom. This is what you do best.
轰炸机领队: Incoming hostiles at 12 o'clock. All fighter, prepare to engage.
弗兰克: It's showtime.
汤姆: Keep them away from the bombers!
汤姆: Watch yourself! I'll try to draw them off you.
汤姆: Hang on!
弗兰克: The damn Zekes are faster than we are.
弗兰克: They're not fooling around out there.
乔: We're getting' outmaneuvered!
乔: These crates can't keep up!
乔: Gotta get 'em away from the bombers
主角: Come on, boys!
主角: Take it right down their throats!
主角: Don't hold back!
轰炸机领队: All you gotta do is get us close, guys. We'll take care of the rest.
轰炸机领队: Here they come! Hold formation!
轰炸机领队: Thanks for getting him off my tail.
轰炸机领队: They're coming in head-on!
轰炸机领队: Tighten it up, people!
轰炸机领队: Keep those guns going!
汤姆: Damn! We lost another one!
汤姆: They're getting through!
汤姆: We've got to do a better job of protecting the bombers!
弗兰克: We're losing too many planes!
弗兰克: Son of a--- There goes another one.
弗兰克: Our guys are dropping like flies.
乔: We can't cover 'em all!
乔: We got bombers goin' down all over the place!
乔: If this keeps up, we won't have anyone left!
主角: Close up on the bombers!
主角: We need to do a better job of protecting the bombers!
主角: Keep them away from the bombers!
轰炸机领队: Mayday, mayday. We've been hit!
轰炸机领队: We're going down to ditch!
轰炸机领队: Mayday! We're going down!
轰炸机领队: They're pounding us from all sides.
轰炸机领队: It's like we're flying into a hornet's nest.
轰炸机领队: We're not going to have enough firepower when we reach the target!
友军轰炸机仅剩10(35)员工都不知道到底该放哪里,胡乱配的音I don't know where these fit - they are not in the excel i received.
汤姆: You can't let them take out any more bombers.Don't let another bomber go down!
弗兰克: Any more bombers go down and we don't have enough ordnance to finish the mission.That does it! Nobody else goes down.
汤姆: Don't let another bomber go down!
弗兰克: That does it! Nobody else goes down.
乔: We're almost outta bombers!
轰炸机领队: We cannot take any more losses!
主角: Nobody else goes down, you hear me?
汤姆: That's the last of them! We got through!
乔: One down, a whole bunch to go.
弗兰克: Hallelujah, boys. There's the target.
轰炸机领队: Good work escorting the bombers. VF-Alpha, strafe the decks on those carriers. We don't want them launching any more Zeroes while the bombers make their run.
弗兰克: You heard the man. Let's go.
乔: Woo-hoo! This is gonna be a turkey shoot!
弗兰克: Turkeys don't have AA guns, Joe.
汤姆: The more we hit down there, the fewer we face up here.
汤姆: Don't go in too steep!
汤姆: It's working! Keep hitting them!
弗兰克: The skies are getting friendlier.
弗兰克: Cutting it close there, kid.
弗兰克: That's the way to mow 'em down.
乔: Just come down the deck long-wise.
乔: Hit the bridge!
乔: We ain't doing half bad.
主角: That's it, keep taking them out!
主角: Keep hitting them!
美军飞行员: We're getting a lot of flak up here.
美军飞行员: Think you can do something about those fighters?
美军飞行员: We're coming around for another pass.
轰炸机领队: You've gotta sweep those carriers' decks
轰炸机领队: Looks like they've got some planes in the air.
轰炸机领队: We've got heavy AA fire coming up from those ships.
轰炸机领队: They're getting planes in the air!.
美军飞行员: Enemy planes, taking off!
弗兰克: We're about to get some company!
汤姆: They're launching planes!
乔: Aw, hell, here they come...
轰炸机领队: Looks like their air support is knocked out. Now let's take on those destroyers and see if we can clear up some of this flak.
汤姆: Most of the AA is coming from the destroyers. Take them out and the bombers have a clear run.
弗兰克: So, we bomb the destroyers so they can bomb everybody else?
乔: Sounds good to me. I'll follow you in!
轰炸机领队: Let's take out the rest of the fleet and put a bow on this operation.可能未使用
汤姆: Knock them out so we can go home.
汤姆: Here we go, fellas.
弗兰克: They're sitting ducks, and I hate ducks.
弗兰克: さようなら(拜拜了您内), suckers.
乔: We got 'em right where we want 'em!
乔: Blow 'em right out of the water!
轰炸机领队: Take them out and make it fast.
轰炸机领队: Bombs away!
汤姆: What are you waiting for?
弗兰克: You take too much longer, we won't have enough gas to get back to base.
乔: Y'all want to finish the job?
轰炸机领队: Let's wrap it up, people.
汤姆: I think we can call this battle over.
弗兰克: That's a lot of sunk ships. We did pretty good today, fellas.
乔: A couple of times there, I thought we were goners. But we pulled it out.
轰炸机领队: That was a hell of a piece of flying there. And with that fleet knocked out, gentlemen, we just changed the balance of power in the Pacific.
主角: Not bad for a day's work. Now let's get the hell home.
主角: The boys thought that Midway meant that the war was over. I knew better . We'd won, but all that victory did was even the odds that the Japanese had stacked with Pearl Harbor. There was lot of hard fighting ahead of us yet, not that any of us wanted to think about that. When I signed on, I figured the war would be over in a matter of months. We'd stop Hitler, then go home, just like that. Instead, it was five years, from the jungles of the Pacific to the heart of Fortress Europa, and points in between. And there were times, let me tell you, when it seemed like the war would never end. All we could do was keep fighting, and hope that what we were doing was bringing the end a little closer.

11、守卫瓜岛(Holding Guadalcanal)

Navy Cross(海军十字)
Navy Cross awarded for distinguished heroism in naval service while engaged in action against an enemy of the United States. Midway, 1942(为表彰在海军服役时对美国的敌人采取进攻行动的杰出英雄主义气概而颁发的海军十字。中途岛,1942年)
任务1: Don't let the enemy troops reach the airfield.不要让敌军部队抵达机场
失败讯息: Enemy troops have reached the airfield.敌军部队抵达机场
成功讯息: The enemy landing was successfully stopped.敌军登陆已被成功阻止
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤),需要击沉第1波东路10艘,第2波中路10艘,第3波西路10艘,第4波中路东路2组10艘共20艘日军登陆舰或从对应数量抵达岸边的日军登陆舰上下来的日军坦克即可。如果日军坦克来到距离机场70米处则机场被日军占领,任务失败。日军坦克距离机场300m以内会提醒优先摧毁坦克。该任务会出动5架无限重生的A6M零战战斗机护航,容易对任务造成干扰,建议用汤姆拉走仇恨吸引火力,任务完成后停止重生,必须先击落全部剩余战斗机才能继续进行新的任务。一旦剩余战斗机被击落,PS3/WII版的必须头也不回的开拔回机场,否则接下来有够难受的。顺带一提,在PS3/WII端飞机选择中,默认飞机是P-40C,但是紧跟着的第二架推荐飞机就是飓风MKⅡ,看来罗马尼亚人真的挺喜欢飓风这架飞机,而且战斗效果也很好
任务2: Land and switch planes降落更换飞机
成功讯息: Land and switch planes已降落更换飞机
任务攻略: PS3/WII独占任务,1分30秒内找到并降落在航母上即可完成此任务。如果超时则飞机烧毁,任务失败。此时飞机会向右下方拽,失控朱卫民附体,非常难开,因此建议提前降落然后提前换好飞机。PC/Xbox可以稍微没那么紧急。更换的飞机PS3/WII为TBD蹂躏者,PC/Xbox为TBF复仇者,不可以提前选择为别的飞机
任务3: Sink the enemy warships.击沉敌军战舰
失败讯息: Enemy bombardment has destroyed the airfield.敌方炮击摧毁了机场
成功讯息: The Japanese warships have been torpedoed successfully.日军战舰已被成功用鱼雷击沉
任务攻略: 根据客户端类型,按照相应的操作完成起飞(PS3、Xbox端需要旋转手柄摇杆才能够启动飞机,WII、PC端省略此步骤)还要摇啊,需要击沉2艘巡(带)洋(和)舰、3艘驱(巡)逐(洋)舰,以及两波各5架A6M零战战斗机即可标记为非主要目标但仍需要击落才能完成任务。如果机场被炮弹攻击180次则机场被摧毁,任务失败。击沉任意2艘日军军舰,出动第1波零战战斗机,击沉任意4艘日军军舰,出动第2波零战战斗机。无论PS3/WII的TBD蹂躏者,PC/Xbox的TBF复仇者,对线零战都非常吃亏。任务进行中北安普敦号会被击沉,并且会特写
主角: Even after Midway, it was no cakewalk. The Japanese still had plenty of fight in them. Island-hopping was slow, bloody, and dangerous, and the Japanese high command wasn't exactly ready to pack it in. They still had plenty of ships, aircraft and soldiers to throw at us, and they'd had plenty of time to dig in on the islands they'd captured. Guadalcanal was the first island that we invaded, and they enemy was ready for us. The had no intention of giving it up, either, and sent a fleet to try to take it back. Henderson Field was their target, and if we'd lost that, there would have been no place for our aircraft to land. Hanging onto that airstrip and keeping it operational was vital. It was only after it was secured that we could start to think about taking the fight back to the enemy. Those cruisers sitting off Cape Esperance sure made tempting targets, I have to admit. Of course, they would have been more tempting if they hadn't been firing at us.
主角: Everybody airborne, now!
汤姆: What's going on, Captain?
塔台: We've got a massive amphibious assault underway, fellas. The Imperial Navy just dropped off a whole bunch of infantry on the beaches.
乔: They're hitting us here?
主角: And let me guess - we've got to hold them off.
塔台: We tried asking politely, but it didn't work. Give 'em hell, guys
乔: I'm seein' 'em up north!
弗兰克: We're not gonna win this war by giving back islands, guys. Let's send them packing.
美军飞行员: They've got Zekes supporting the landing. Looks like there's about 20 of them.
弗兰克: No wonder they want us off the ground.可能未使用
乔: They've definitely got tanks!
弗兰克: And air cover, all converging on Henderson Field. What do you say we knock out those Zeroes so you can take care of the grunts?
汤姆: Those Japanese troops are almost at the airfield.
乔: We're about to lose Henderson Field! You gotta do something!
主角: Here they come again! It looks like they're serious, doesn't it?
乔: They're comin' in from the west.你认路吗,乔?这是中路!
乔: I'm seein' multiple columns of infantry. They got themselves some armor, too.
汤姆: They're converging on the Henderson Field airstrip.
汤姆: Let's see if this slows them down.
汤姆: Be careful not to trim the treetops!
乔: We got movement to the east!你认路吗,乔?这是西路!
弗兰克: Another wave is landing.
汤姆: We'll follow you in.
弗兰克: They've got some serious armor up front.
汤姆: Watch out for those tanks.
弗兰克: That'll fix their little red wagon.
乔: Looks like there's a column to the south.
汤姆: Here comes another wave!
主角: They've got armor!!
乔: There's more of 'em landing on the beach!
主角: They're all over the beaches!
乔: That ought to slow 'em up.
乔: Look out for ground fire!
乔: That's it! They're breaking!
美军飞行员: The ground troops are retreating!
美军飞行员: Engaging enemy aircraft.
弗兰克: Go on! Get outta here!
美军飞行员: We've got their air cover on the run.
汤姆: They're falling back!
塔台: All aircraft, this is Henderson Field. We are taking fire from offshore craft. Please assist immediately!
乔: Son of a gun. They got cruisers throwin' shells at us.
汤姆: Do you think we can silence those guns?
弗兰克: We're gonna have to, 'cause I can't swim.
乔: There's no way we can take out cruisers without torpedoes!
主角: Look out! Flak! Watch out for those destroyers!
乔: Cap'n, you look like you got hit pretty bad back there.
主角: I think I can hold her together. Give me a hand here, would you, Joe?
乔: No can do, sir. She's done for. You'd better put 'er on the ground quick, 'cause she's gonna blow.
主角: Easier said than done. It's getting warm in here...
乔: Come on, Captain! I'm startin' to see flames!
汤姆: We'll keep them off you.
弗兰克: Hurry up! It looks like they let all the smoke out of your plane!
主角: Controls are not responding!
汤姆: Come on, bring her in nice and smooth...
汤姆: You're almost there!
主角: She's coming apart on me!
主角: One more...minute...
乔: And he's down! Whoo!
汤姆: Just in time, too.
弗兰克: Come on, Cap! We're waiting on you!
提示: Press the 座舱(提示内容因设备平台/操作方式而异) to change plane!
汤姆: You had us worried there for a minute. I'm glad you're airborne again.
乔: I think it's two cruisers and three destroyers. We've only got one of each out there, and they're getting' hammered on pretty good.
弗兰克: Let's go give them a hand.
弗兰克: Whoah. That's some accurate ground fire.
汤姆: Look out!
主角: She's been hit! The Northampton's been hit!
美军飞行员: She's going down!
塔台: Emergency crews to the harbor! We need to get every man we can off that ship.
乔: There goes our support.
弗兰克: The hell with support. Let's go get some payback. Come on, fellas, this one's all us.
汤姆: Those destroyers are sending up flak.
主角: All right, boys. We're going in.
汤姆: You go after the destroyers. I'll draw their fire.
乔: Launch while you've got a clear shot!
弗兰克: Those cruisers are gonna pulverize us if you don't take 'em out, pronto!
乔: We can't take any more hits from those cruisers' guns!
乔: We're about to lose Henderson Field! You gotta do something!
美军飞行员: Fish in the water!
弗兰克: One down, one on its way.
汤姆: Keep hitting the destroyers!
弗兰克: Knock out the destroyers and those cruisers are cake.
弗兰克: AA ain't gonna save these guys.
美军飞行员: Whoah! Heavy flak!"
乔: We got 'em! We got 'em both!
美军飞行员: Both cruisers are down and out!
美军飞行员: Their defenses are getting weaker!
乔: One of the cruisers is down!
乔: We're cuttin' through 'em!
弗兰克: Come on! That destroyer can't hold out much longer!
弗兰克: Let's see how they like it.
汤姆: She's going down!
美军飞行员: One cruiser down, one to go!
乔: Pour the fire on 'em!
美军飞行员: That destroyer screen is tough.
汤姆: There she goes!
主角: It's a start. Keep up the pressure!
乔: We've got more enemy fighters inbound, sir!
弗兰克: We've got your back, Cap'n. Just take care of those ships!
汤姆: Let's finish off those fighters.
弗兰克: Roger that. Moving to engage aerial targets!
汤姆: Those Zekes are really putting up a fight.
乔: There's our boys. They're in tight formation.
汤姆: They're putting up a fight.可能未使用
主角: That's it! Show them who they're up against!可能未使用
弗兰克: They won't be trying that again any time soon.
主角: That was some good work, fellas. I'm proud of you.
塔台: So you guys were at Dunkirk, huh? I see why they call you the angels now. Come on back to base. Thanks to you, we've got a working airstrip and everything.
弗兰克: We're not as good, pal. We're better.
汤姆: Lead us in. We'll be right behind you.
主角: To this day, I honestly have no idea how I survived the fighting over Guadalcanal. There were so many enemies coming from so many directions, so many moments when I really thought the jig was up. Every pilot's worst nightmare is burning to death in midair, and when my plane started going up, I thought that was the end. I still don't know how it wasn't. I'm just thankful I got the chance to fly another day.

12、新乔治亚群岛之战(The Battle of New Georgia)(PS3/WII专属关卡)

Asia-Pacific Campaign Medal(亚太战役勋章)
Asia-Pacific Campaign Medal awarded for meritorious service in the US Armed Forces within the Asian-Pacific Theater of Operations. Guadalcanal, 1942(为表彰在亚太战场上非凡的服役而颁发的亚太战役勋章。瓜达尔卡纳尔岛,1942年)
任务1: Assist the invasion of New Georgia islands.协助入侵新乔治亚群岛
失败讯息: The invasion failed.入侵失败
成功讯息: The invasion succeeded!入侵成功
任务攻略: 任务分为3个部分:
主角: Guadalcanal was just a starting point. The real Japanese base of operations was Rabaul, and to get to it we had to take all of the Northern Solomon Islands. It was like killing a rattlesnake an inch at a time, starting with the tail. The boys hit the beaches on all three of the islands at the same time, which meant that we had our work cut out for us. All of them were under fire from the second they reached land, and it was up to us to fly support for all of them. Stay too long over one island and the troops on another would get cut to ribbons.
乔: Looks pretty from up here, don't it?
主角: Better up here than down there. I talked to some of the Marines about what it's like to hit the beaches, and it's pure hell on wheels.
汤姆: That's why we're giving them help from the heavens, right?
弗兰克: I'd rather just turn up the heat on the other guys.
美军塔台: You'll get your chance. We'll be supporting four separate task forces landing in two groups. They're going to be under fire from the minute they hit the beaches.
主角: And we're their only air support?
美军塔台: You're the heart of it. You'll have to cover all of the task forces simultaneously. We just don't have enough aircraft to cover them all.
汤姆: It's harder to hit a moving target, after all.
弗兰克: The other guys are the targets.
美军塔台: They're hitting the beach! Good luck!
美军士兵: This is the 172nd infantry division. We've got a little bit of a bomber problem. Think you can help us?
主角: Roger that. We're inbound
乔: I thought they were doing all right over there.
弗兰克: 'Were'
汤姆: Here they come, and they've got fighters with them!
主角: Take it to 'em, boys!
乔: They're thicker'n flies out there!
弗兰克: Swat 'em!
汤姆: We've got to cover the fellas down on the beach!
美军士兵: We need support! Hurry
美军塔台: It's too late. They're all gone.
汤姆: We've cleared the fighter screen. Now go after the bombers!
乔: Nobody up here with us but them bombers!可能未使用
弗兰克: We've got a clear shot now!本来想使用结果调用5228写成5528育 碧 传 统 艺 能
美军士兵: All clear! All clear!可能未使用
乔: That's the last one!可能未使用
美军士兵: We owe you one up there!
汤姆: Our pleasure to help out.
美军飞行员: That AA fire is hot!
美军士兵: This is the 169th infantry at the northwest corner of the combat zone. We are facing enemy armor and could use some assistance.
主角: Roger that, 1-6-9. We're on our way.
美军士兵: Bring some friends. It's getting hot down here.
美军飞行员: Take out those tanks or the AA will rip us to pieces!
美军飞行员: There's too much fire!
弗兰克: He wasn't kidding about the tanks.
汤姆: But he forgot to mention the AA guns.
乔: We've got to take them out!
主角: Negative! They're in hardened positions. Take out the tanks and the ground troups will secure the bunkers!
弗兰克: I hope you're right, Captain
美军士兵: We've got nowhere to hide out here!
乔: They're getting hit pretty hard.
汤姆: We'd better hurry up.
弗兰克: We need to take out those tanks, fast!
美军飞行员: They're getting chewed up down there.
汤姆: Hit the tanks!
弗兰克: That's it! Keep pounding them!
美军士兵: There's a sight for sore eyes!
美军士兵: We're not home free yet!
乔: Don't let up!
乔: That's the last of them!
主角: 1-6-niner, you're clear to advance. Take out those guns!
美军士兵: Come on, men! Move out!
乔: First gun, out of commission!
汤姆: The second gun is down!
美军士兵: The skies are clear for you!
主角: Roger that!
美军士兵: We owe you one!
美军士兵: This is the 1st Marine Raider battalion, requesting assistance.
主角: What can we do for you?
美军士兵: I've got half the Imperial Fleet dropping ordnance in my lap. Think you can do something about that?
弗兰克: Since you asked so nicely, we're on our way.
乔: Looks like some heavy shelling going on over that way.
汤姆: They're trying to take out that airstrip.
美军士兵: This is the 43rd infantry here, over on the other side of New Georgia Island. We could use some help here.
汤姆: How can we assist?
美军士兵: We're taking heavy shelling from offshore. You need to silence those ships' guns.
弗兰克: We'll do better than that. We'll drown 'em.
美军士兵: Much appreciated.
主角: Not if those ships' guns take them out first.
乔: I'm seeing a cruiser with two destroyers as escort.
主角: They're sending up anti-aircraft fire.
弗兰克: Of course they are. Let's shut those batteries down.
汤姆: I'll draw their fire. Hit those batteries!
美军士兵: You have to help us!
美军士兵: We're taking heavy casualties. I don't know how long we can hold on!
美军士兵: For God's sake, give us some help!
乔: She's going down! That destroyer is sinking!
汤姆: Her AA guns are out of commission! Nice shooting!
主角: Now let's take care of the second one.可能未使用
弗兰克: She's taking on water!
乔: She's hit! She's hit! We did it!
主角: Never mind that! Concentrate your fire on the cruiser!
弗兰克: Well looky there, we did it!
乔: The cruiser's going down!
美军士兵: Thanks, boys - you really saved our bacon.
汤姆: Just doing our jobs
乔: Whoah! Them boys are getting pretty good!
弗兰克: Less chatter, more piloting!
乔: They're getting too close!
汤姆: Focus on the destroyers!
乔: Right. On our way to... whatever that island's called. Heading is southwest.
乔: Uh-oh. We'd better lend a hand.
乔: We need to help out the 172nd.
乔: We'd better take out them bombers, quick.
汤姆: Heading, east. Roger that
汤姆: The 169th needs a hand!
汤姆: The boys on the ground are getting clobbered.
汤姆: We need to switch targets!
弗兰克: First Marine Raiders are in trouble!
弗兰克: Headed for New Georgia Island
弗兰克: We gotta help those guys out!
弗兰克: We've got some troops in trouble!
弗兰克: What are we waiting for? Take 'em out!
主角: If we don't help them out in a hurry, they're done for.
主角: The 43rd Infantry needs help!
主角: They can't take much more down there.
主角: They're in trouble over there.
主角: We need to give those guys a hand.
主角: We'd better help them out.
美军塔台: Give the 172nd a hand, and fast!
美军塔台: Go help the 169th!
美军塔台: The Marines need your help!
美军塔台: We need you to support the 43rd!
美军士兵: Air support, where are you?
美军士兵: Come on, give us a hand!
美军士兵: For the love of God, hurry!
美军士兵: Hey! We still need some help here!
美军士兵: Man, am I glad to see you!
美军士兵: So help me, I'm going to court-martial your ass for this!
美军士兵: There you are! Quick, we need your help!
美军士兵: We need air support! Now!
美军士兵: We need help over here!
美军士兵: We need some cover!
美军士兵: We need support! Hurry
美军士兵: We need that cover! Where are you going?
美军士兵: We're getting pounded here!
美军士兵: What are you doing up there?
美军士兵: What are you doing?
美军士兵: What you waiting for, an invitation? Shut down those batteries!
美军士兵: Where are you going?
美军士兵: Where's our support!
美军士兵: You boys are taking your sweet time up there!
美军士兵: You're getting us killed!
美军塔台: Task forces are reporting the islands secure!
乔: Wooohoo!
主角: Let's bring them in, guys. I don't know how many more of those fast changes I could take.
汤姆: As many as we needed to, Captain.
弗兰克: Ain't that always the way?
主角: What we did in the Pacific always felt like bringing a little bit of hell right into the heart of paradise. Those islands were so beautiful, but what was going on was the ugliest thing in the world. I always promised myself that after the war was over, I'd go back to those places, to the Solomons and Rabaul and all the other places where we fought, and see what they were like without death looking over my shoulder. I never did, though, and I find I wish I had.

13、拉包尔奇袭(Rabaul Raid)

Bronze Star(铜星)
Bronze Star awarded for heroic or meritorious achievement of service in connection with operations against opposing armed forces. South East Pacific, 1943(为表彰对敌方武装部队作战中英勇或非凡的服役成就而颁发的铜星勋章。东南太平洋,1943年)
任务1: Destroy the airport and protect the Allied bombers.摧毁敌方机场保护友军轰炸机
失败讯息: The Allied bombers were too badly hit to continue.友军轰炸机损失过于严重,无法继续攻击
成功讯息: You have destroyed the airport and the Japanese planes.你成功摧毁了机场和日军飞机
任务攻略: 需要摧毁10个防空阵地、11辆防空车(其中3辆为移动防空车)、四波各6架准备起飞的A6M零战战斗机,以及塔台即可。如果轰炸机机群被击落6架则任务失败。此外机场里还有4架在机库门口的零战战斗机,13(计分的封闭式)+4(不计分的开放式)个机库,7辆卡车,可以适当击毁以增加战绩PC/Xbox快到机场的时候突然插进去轰炸机特写非常干扰人
任务2: Neutralize the Japanese destroyers and protect the Allied bombers.摧毁日军驱逐舰保护友军轰炸机
失败讯息: The Allied bombers were shot down.友军轰炸机被击落
成功讯息: The Japanese ships have been neutralized.日军船只被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要击沉由5艘驱逐舰、3艘货船、1艘客船,共9艘日军军舰组成的日军舰队中的5艘驱逐舰,击落第1波5架,第2波8架A6M零战战斗机即可。如果轰炸机机群被击落6架则任务失败。第1波零战战斗机全部击落,驱逐舰全部击沉,友军轰炸机抵达,随后敌军出动第2波零战战斗机,对友军轰炸机威胁极大,2架攻击玩家,6架攻击轰炸机,优先解决攻击轰炸机的敌机,两架针对自己的交给汤姆。敌军战斗机被击落后,击沉货船和客船才能完成任务。可以适当击毁货船和客船(别有心理压力)以增加战绩
任务3: Clear the AA guns and repel the Japanese attack.清除防空炮并击退日军攻击
失败讯息: You failed to destroy all Japanese units.你未能摧毁所有日军单位
成功讯息: All Japanese units have been destroyed.日军单位全部被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要摧毁17个防空阵地、9辆防空车(其中5辆为移动防空车)、击落第1波7架,第2波6架A6M零战战斗机即可。如果超过6分钟则任务失败。此外拉包尔城内还有无线电天线(算2分)、指挥中心(算2分)、11座油库,拉包尔港口还有1艘战列舰、1艘巡洋舰、4艘驱逐舰、2艘货船,3辆卡车,可以适当击毁以增加战绩
主角: They called the offensive on Rabaul Cartwheel. It was the major Japanese base in the Solomons, and bottling it up would mean a hell of a lot of difference to our shipping. It would also mean we wouldn't have to worry about an invasion of Australia any more which the Aussies I knew were all in favor of. The key to isolating Rabaul was making sure that it couldn't provide air support, and that's where we came in. Our mission was to hit Rabaul with a surprise attack, taking out supplies and paralyzing the airfield. If we could do that, the grunts hitting the beaches would be in good shape. If not, well, we didn't like to think about "if not" in those days. It never painted a pretty picture.
乔: What's the name of this place we're goin' again?
主角: Rabaul. It's a major Japanese naval installation around here.
弗兰克: And we're gonna go un-install it.
汤姆: It's not exactly a milk run, but it doesn't look too bad.
乔: See? You just jinxed it.可能未使用
美军轰炸机: Hey there, fellas. Are you our escort?
主角: Roger that. We'll be babysitting you in and then all the way back home.
美军轰炸机: I'm glad you boys are feeling confident about this one.
弗兰克: Trust me. It's gonna be a piece of cake.
汤姆: Sure, if we take out those AA guns and keep those planes on the ground.
弗兰克: There's the airfield.
乔: Shoot, that's a lotta planes down there.(PC台词)
汤姆: They look to have some serious anti-aircraft emplacements by the airstrip. Lead us in, Captain. We can knock out half their planes while they're still sitting on the ground.
主角: You got it.可能未使用
汤姆: Watch the flak there.
汤姆: Let me know if you need me to draw their fire.
弗兰克: Let's take it right down their throats.
汤姆: Watch yourself. It's getting hairy out here.
乔: Lemme line up the shot.
乔: They're usin' everything they got!
弗兰克: Better pick it up, Captain, or those AA guns will chew the bombers right up.
汤姆: We need to give those bombers some cover!
汤姆: Too much of the base is still standing!
汤姆: Take out their industrial capabilities quick!
汤姆: Take out the airfield now or we'll never make it out of here!
汤姆: We'd better give those bombers some cover.
汤姆: Think we can help the bombers out, Captain?
弗兰克: If we don't help those guys out, they're never gonna reach their target.
弗兰克: Come on, Cap, let's give those bombers a hand.
乔: The boys in the 307th could surely use our help.
乔: We'd better help those bombers out!
汤姆: Don't let them get in the air!
汤姆: There are the targets. Hit them!
汤姆: You go in. I'll watch your six.
弗兰克: Now that's what I call a target.
弗兰克: Hit the runways!
弗兰克: Don't let 'em off the tarmac!
乔: We gotta pin 'em down there!
乔: Crater the runways and they can't take off!
乔: Come around for another pass!
汤姆: We've got enemy fighters airborne.
汤姆: They're getting off the ground.
汤姆: We have to stop any more fighters from taking off.
弗兰克: Here they come.
弗兰克: Son of a bitch, they're getting airborne.
弗兰克: We can't keep letting them launch.
乔: They're getting' in the air!
乔: We've got company!
乔: Damn! They're comin'!
汤姆: No good. They've got too many planes in the air.
美军轰炸机: We're coming in over Rabaul now
美军轰炸机: Defenses are light. We're going in.
美军轰炸机: There goes the payload.
美军轰炸机: Hitting the target now
美军轰炸机: Whoah! Watch out there!
汤姆: That's it! The AA fire is weakening!
汤姆: Keep hitting the AA guns!
主角: The AA fire is weakening.
主角: I'm hitting the AA emplacements!
弗兰克: There's your first one.
乔: You got one!
弗兰克: That makes two.
乔: That's two!
弗兰克: Better than halfway home.
乔: There's number three!
弗兰克: Come on, just one left!
乔: Four! Almost got it!
主角: And one for the road ...
汤姆: That's the last one!
弗兰克: All clear, buddy. Nice shooting.
乔: You got 'em all!
主角: We've cleared out the AA emplacements. You should have a clear run.
美军轰炸机: Roger that, and thanks for the assist! There's another wave coming in behind us that could use your help, too.
主角: I copy. We'll keep an eye out for them.
汤姆: That's taken care of them.
弗兰克: They're bottled up and locked down.
乔: We got 'em good.
弗兰克: Here comes the next wave the bombers, right on time.
美军轰炸机: Hey fellas. We're supposed to take out those commercial vessels those destroyers are guarding. Think you could give us a hand?
乔: That's a lotta destroyers.
弗兰克: That's a lot of targets, kid. Let's do it!
美军轰炸机: If they get airborne, we're dead. Take them out!
弗兰克: You heard the man.
乔: They're putting up an AA screen!
主角: We'll take out those guns.
弗兰克: We'd better or they're gonna be using us for Swiss cheese.
美军轰炸机: We're running into some flak here.
美军轰炸机: Can you clear those destroyers?
美军轰炸机: You have to do something about those guns.
美军轰炸机: We're taking heavy fire!
美军轰炸机: Take out the AA!
汤姆: They're taking too much damage!
乔: We gotta do something about that fire.
弗兰克: Those destroyers are putting up a hell of a screen.
主角: We have to take care of those AA guns, now.
弗兰克: We can't take out the ships and hold off the fighters forever!
弗兰克: Nice shooting, Captain! She's going down like a rock!
汤姆: Looks like the second one is out of the fight!
乔: That's three out of action!
汤姆: I'll cover you. Finish the job!
乔: That's the last one! They're defenseless.
弗兰克: Not for long.
美军轰炸机: Roger that. We're inbound
主角: And we're with you.
汤姆: Captain, we have Zeroes inbound on those bombers!
主角: Where did they come from?
弗兰克: Who cares? Let's take them down!
弗兰克: We'd better shake a leg and take care of those Zekes before they take care of the bombers.
弗兰克: I don't know where these guys came from, but I know where they're going.
乔: We'd better help out those bombers right quick.
乔: Think you can give the boys in the bombers a hand?
汤姆: I'll cover you. You cover the bombers!
汤姆: Captain, we have to help out the 307th!
主角: Engage the fighters. Keep them away from our boys!
主角: I'm going after the fighters. Pick your targets!
乔: Our guys are getting cut up!
弗兰克: They're hitting the rear of the bomber formation. We have to stop them.
美军轰炸机: They're taking us out! We need some assistance, pronto!
主角: We need to do a better job covering the bombers.
汤姆: That's the last of them!
主角: Enemy formation, destroyed.
美军轰炸机: Merchant vessels destroyed!
主角: Roger that. Nice work. Now get out of here before more fighters show up.
主角: Now let's take out the rest of the base
乔: I'm seein' a comm center, some fuel tanks, and a couple of destroyers.
弗兰克: Why be picky? Let's take them all out.
乔: What are those?
汤姆: Mobile anti-aircraft guns. They're tricky to take out.
主角: So let's show them a few tricks.
主角: Let's take out the last of the AA!
弗兰克: Roger that. It's been asking for it anyway
汤姆: Just don't get too cocky. There's still plenty of flak.
弗兰克: Don't these guys ever give up?
汤姆: You have to give them credit for trying
弗兰克: But we don't have to give them a shot at the bombers.
乔: They're breaking off! They're coming after us.可能未使用
主角: We're ready for them.可能未使用
汤姆: It's no good. We have to go back to base.可能未使用
美军轰炸机: No good, fellas. We gave it a shot, and we'll give 'em another one tomorrow. Back to base.
汤姆: I wish we'd get some warning next time. We sure stirred up a hornet's nest here.
弗兰克: Keep it lively, boys! Step it up! They're waiting for you!
乔: Let's go get 'em before they get us! I'm goin' after 'em.
汤姆: We're thinning them out!
弗兰克: They're going down!
乔: Keep it up! We're winnin'!
弗兰克: Who brought the marshmallows? Fuel tanks, destroyed.
汤姆: You've taken out their radio antenna. Good work.
乔: There goes the comm center! They're blind and cut off!
乔: That's the last of the mobile units.
汤姆: That's the last of the AA on the base.
主角: All emplacements are gone!
弗兰克: Hot damn! There ain't a damn thing left for the Japanese to use!
弗兰克: The shoe's on the other foot, fellas. Let's see how you like it.
汤姆: It's no Pearl Harbor, but it's a start.
乔: Hell, this ain't nothing. You remember what it looked like at Pearl that day?
主角: One fight at a time, Joe.
弗兰克: I say let's take them all on, right now. I'll show 'em what a sneak attack really buys you. Take a good look 'cause there's plenty more where this came from.
汤姆: Their formation is breaking up!
主角: That's the last of them, fellas! We're home free.
汤姆: Skies are clear
美军轰炸机: Rabaul is clear. Repeat, Rabaul isn't putting up a fight any more. Mission accomplished.
弗兰克: Piece of cake, wasn't it, fellas? Maybe next time we'll get a real fight.
汤姆: From your mouth to God's ears. Let's head back.
主角: Rabaul was the grand finale for us in the Pacific. After it ended, we were sent back to the European theater, where things were heating up. Operation Overlord was in the works, and they wanted every man they could get their hands on. And since we'd flown with the RAF before, we were the obvious choice to go back to Britain, and start getting ready for D-Day.

14、先发制人(Preemptive Strike)(PS3/WII专属关卡)

Distinguished Flying Cross(杰出飞行十字(美版))本关起所有奖章向前错位了一关
Distinguished Flying Cross awarded for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight. Europe, 1944(为表彰参加空战时的特别成就而颁发的杰出飞行十字。欧洲,1944年)
任务1: Assist the British fleet.协助英军舰队
失败讯息: Too many British ships were sunk.太多英军船只被击沉
成功讯息: The German fleet was annihilated!德军舰队被歼灭
任务攻略: 需要击沉2艘巡洋舰、7艘驱逐舰,4艘鱼雷艇,第1波、第2波5架,第3波10架Ju-87轰炸机即可。如果英军舰队被炸弹或炮弹攻击35次则英军舰队会被摧毁,任务失败。击沉任意2艘德军军舰,出动第1波Ju-87轰炸机。击沉任意4艘德军军舰,出动第2波Ju-87轰炸机。击沉任意6艘德军军舰,出动第3波Ju-87轰炸机。击沉任意8艘德军军舰,出动鱼雷艇。该任务第1波、第2波会出动2架,第三波会出动4架FW-190 A战斗机护航,由于没有标记无法选定张鹏诺夫附体,因此难以击落,但仍可以做到
任务2: Sink the German submarine.击沉德军潜艇
失败讯息: Too late, a cruiser was lost.太迟了,我们损失了一艘巡洋舰
成功讯息: The German submarine has been sunk!德军潜艇被击沉
任务攻略: 需要击沉1艘潜艇即可。如果潜艇上浮第5次后未能击沉潜艇则英军一艘巡洋舰会被击沉,任务失败。该任务会出动2架FW-190 A战斗机,由于和之前的FW-190 A在本次任务开始有标记,相对好击落,但是潜艇上浮的时候,目标设定会被强行拽到潜艇上。任务成功后,乔会发现隐藏在峡湾冰山里头的一个巨大的铁门,那是德军的秘密重水工厂,欲知后事如何,请玩下一关分解
主角: Rabaul was the end of the war in the Pacific for us, but not the end of the war. With Operation Overlord ready to go, the Army Air Forces was pulling all the air power it could to England to support the invasion of what the bad guys were calling Fortress Europa. Overlord was going to be the big strike that kicked the door in and let us go on the offensive in Europe. Because of that, everything had to go smoothly. Nothing could disrupt the invasion, not the weather and certainly not the German fleet they found off the coast of Norway. You watch spy movies about what supposedly happened during the war, and I can tell you, anything they show isn't a patch on the real thing.
英军船只英军飞行员: Sorry to pull you boys away from the South Pacific, but we're in a bit of a tight spot. I hope the change isn't too much of an inconvenience.
主角: We started out in this theater, Major, with the first Eagle Squadron. Cold weather's not a problem.
英军船只英军飞行员: Good news, then. Were you lot with us during the Blitz?
弗兰克: With bells on. We flew with Col. Wallis and his wing before we got transferred to Pearl.
英军船只英军飞行员: Not a bad pedigree. Did you fly with Eddie Rilstone? He was one of Wallis' wingmen.
乔: Captain Rilstone helped train us up at Kinloss. You know him?
英军船只: Knew him. He went down over the Channel six weeks back.
主角: Blast. I'm sorry to hear that.
汤姆: He was a good man.
英军船只英军飞行员: If you're interested in getting a little payback for him, you're in luck. Recon planes spotted a German battle group off the Norwegian coast, and we're going to go give them a surprise.
弗兰克: Sounds good to me.
英军船只英军飞行员: They're tucked into a fjord up ahead, and we need to neutralize them before they plant themselves across the shipping lanes.
汤姆: There's the fjord.
乔: And there's the enemy fleet. My God, what are we up against?
弗兰克: Oh, crud. They've spotted us.
乔: They're opening fire!
汤姆: Looks like two cruisers with destroyers air support.
英军船只: All ships, this is the Otranto. Break and engage targets! Bottle them up in the fjord!
英军船只: Affirmative, Otranto. Starting our run now.
英军船只: Take out the cruisers! Our ships can handle the destroyers.
主角: Roger that. Looks like we've got the Leipzig and the Dresden.
乔: That's some serious firepower.
汤姆: I'm more worried about their armor. It's going to take four solid shots to sink one of those.
弗兰克: Then we'd better get started.
乔: The Otranto could use some more help.
弗兰克: Let's go give it to them.
汤姆: Let's see if we can make this a fair fight.
英军船只: We can't keep taking this kind of pounding! You've got to do something about those bombers!
乔: We're doing our best!
汤姆: Hang on...just hang on!
英军船只: HMS Glasgow is in trouble! Move to assist!可能未使用这关台词利用率怎么这么高?
汤姆: Those destroyers could use some more help.
弗兰克: Good thing we're here to help 'em.
英军船只: They're still getting through! For God's sake, tighten it up, would you?
弗兰克: We're doing our best out here!
英军船只: You're going to have to do better! We're losing ships left and right!
乔: They're coming around again!
主角: HMS Glasgow, we're here to help.
英军船只: We've been hit! Repeat, we've been hit!
汤姆: Hang in there, Ebersole. Help is on its way.
英军船只: Ebersole! Ebersole! Can you hear me?
乔: She's been hit! The Ebersole is going down!
主角: We're not letting that happen again.
汤姆: Amen to that, Captain.
英军船只: HMS Arcane, move to pick up the survivors! We'll cover you. Air support, get them off our backs!
主角: Trust me. We will.
英军船只: One of our destroyers is sinking!
英军船只: Blast! We've lost another ship!
汤姆: We couldn't save that one. She's going down!
英军船只: We lost another destroyer!
英军船只: We've lost another ship!
英军飞行员: The Arcane is going down fast! My God, she's burning...
英军船只: That's it, lads. We've taken too much damage. Pull back! Pull back!
英军飞行员: One of their destroyers is going down!
英军船只: That's it! Destroyer down!
汤姆: That destroyer won't bother us any more.
汤姆: We've got a dead destroyer.
乔: Woohoo! We took one out!
英军船只: We're tracking incoming enemy aircraft.
汤姆: You've got dive-bombers headed your way.
主角: Move to intercept.
英军船只: We're tracking incoming enemy aircraft.
英军船只: Here comes another one. Oh, God...
汤姆: HMS Glasgow is having some trouble with those destroyers.
主角: Moving to assist...
汤姆: You've got dive-bombers headed your way.
乔: Holy cow, there's a lot of them. Where are they all coming from?
弗兰克: Never mind that, just make sure they don't get back there.
乔: The Otranto is taking a pounding.
汤姆: We'd better go lend a hand.
英军船只: This is the Otranto! We need assistance! Can someone give us a hand!
英军船只: Group two is in serious trouble! Move to assist them if you can!
英军船只: The Dresden has two of our destroyers in trouble! Give them a hand!
英军船只: For the love of God, hit the Dresden before it's too late!
弗兰克: The Leipzig is beating the hell out of those two destroyers. They're outnumbered and outgunned.
汤姆: Let's go even the odds.
乔: That's a direct hit on a cruiser, Captain!
主角: The Leipzig is damaged! Concentrate on her!
汤姆: I'm seeing smoke from the Leipzig!
弗兰克: You holed her deck! She's hurt!
英军船只: Looks like the Leipzig's damaged! Good show!
汤姆: She's going down! The Leipzig is going down!
汤姆: The Dresden is listing! Direct hit!
乔: I do believe that's a hit. She's hurt, all right.
弗兰克: The Dresden is vulnerable. Pour it on!
主角: That's a hit on the Dresden.
英军船只: Finish the Dresden off!
乔: That's what I'm talking about!
弗兰克: Gents, the Dresden is headed to the bottom.
英军船只: Nice eye there, Captain. That was as neat a piece of work as I've ever seen.
英军飞行员: What's that? I'm seeing something in the water.
英军飞行员: U-boat spotted!
英军船只: We have visual contact! Enemy is on the surface!
乔: There he is! He's not diving!
乔: Enemy u-boat, headed for the surface.
弗兰克: They're not that tough, if you can hit 'em.
主角: Hitting them is the tricky part.
英军船只: U-boat is going down!
英军船只: He's submerging!
英军飞行员: He's starting to submerge!
英军飞行员: He's headed down!
汤姆: That u-boat is starting to submerge!
汤姆: Better hit him quick - he's submerging!
乔: He's goin' back under the water!
乔: The u-boat is going back down!
弗兰克: He's getting away!
弗兰克: He's submerging, damnit!
乔: I think you can see the trails the sub leaves under the water. I'll be damned - they're leakin' bubbles.
汤姆: That's it! Keep an eye on them!
弗兰克: And once they surface, they're dead ducks.
英军船只: I think he's coming up!
英军飞行员: There he is! He's on the surface!
英军船只: He's breaching the surface!
英军飞行员: He's coming up!
英军飞行员: We've got a u-boat surfacing!
英军船只: U-boat on the surface!
汤姆: I see him. He's surfacing.
汤姆: Get ready - he's surfacing.
汤姆: Target has surfaced!
乔: I think he's coming up for air.
乔: I see him! I see him!
弗兰克: I see him coming...
弗兰克: There's one of our boys, right where I can see him.
弗兰克: Look out, here he comes...
弗兰克: I've spotted one on the surface.
英军飞行员: Fish in the water!
汤姆: He's launching torpedoes!
英军船只: The Glasgow's been hit!
英军飞行员: Another hit like that and the Glasgow is done for!
乔: Look out! Torpedo!
弗兰克: There's a fish in the water!
英军船只: Torpedo in the water!
英军船只: We've been hit! This is the Otranto, and we've been hit.
英军船只: She can't take another one of those!
主角: She won't have to.
汤姆: He's launching torpedoes!
乔: Look out! Torpedo!
英军船只: Torpedo in the water!
英军船只: We've lost the Glasgow!
英军船只: This is the Otranto... we've got fire on all decks... think this is it... sorry, lads...
英军飞行员: That's it, lads. Pull out! Pull out!
乔: That's a hit! You got him!
汤姆: You nailed the sub, sir!
汤姆: He can't take another one of those!
弗兰克: Do it again and send him to the bottom!
汤姆: He's going down! You did it!
弗兰克: The sub is sinking! Hot damn!
英军飞行员: That's it! Mission accomplished! Now let's get out of this godforsaken icebox before our wings freeze off.
主角: That's the best idea I've heard all day.
乔: I'll say... hey, what was that?
汤姆: What's what?
乔: Oh, I thought I saw something off to the side there, like a big metal or something. I was probably seeing things.
英军飞行员: Probably... but we'll have someone check it out, just in case.
弗兰克: You do that. Us, we're going back to base.
主角: Joe used to win his beer money by reading the serial numbers off planes going over the base. No one believed his eyes were good enough to do it, not until he was taking their money. He was that sharp. And that's why he was able to spot something at the end of that fight in the North Sea, something that took us on the sort of adventure that people made movies about. They wouldn't make a movie out of this one, though. No one would believe it.

15、绝密(Top Secret)

福克-伍尔夫FW-190 A
Silver Star(银星)
Silver Star awarded for gallantry in action against an opposing armed force. Normandy, 1944(为表彰在对敌作战中的英勇行为而颁发的银星勋章。诺曼底,1944年)
任务1: Follow Joe through the canyon.跟随乔通过峡谷
失败讯息: You failed to infiltrate in time.你未能及时渗透峡谷
成功讯息: Nice flying!飞得好
任务攻略: 3分10秒内飞完第1段山谷即可完成此任务。
任务2: Sink the German ships that target Joe.击沉攻击乔的德军船只
失败讯息: Joe died...乔死了
成功讯息: The ships have been sunk.船只已被击沉
任务攻略: 需要击沉第1个坑谷内3艘驱逐舰,然后跟随乔击破第2段山谷的铁门,进入第2段山谷即可。如果乔被击落则任务失败。此外第1个坑谷内还有10个防空阵地、2艘鱼雷艇,可以适当摧毁以增加战绩
任务3: Follow Joe through the canyon.跟随乔通过峡谷
失败讯息: You failed to infiltrate in time.你未能及时渗透峡谷
成功讯息: Nice flying!飞得好
任务攻略: 1分50秒内飞完第2段山谷即可完成此任务。沿途敌军会出动5架Me-110 G,可以适当击落以增加战绩,但要注意击落后的敌机烟幕,否则容易撞山
任务4: Protect Joe while he destroys the fjord gate在乔摧毁峡湾门的时候保护他
失败讯息: Joe died...乔死了
成功讯息: Well done, the fjord gate was destroyed!真不错,峡湾门已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要击落第2个坑谷内5架FW-190 A,然后跟随乔击破第3段山谷的铁门,进入第3段山谷即可。如果乔被击落则任务失败。此外第2个坑谷内还有4艘驱逐舰、3艘鱼雷艇、8个防空阵地,可以适当摧毁以增加战绩
任务5: Follow Joe through the canyon.跟随乔通过峡谷
失败讯息: You failed to infiltrate in time.你未能及时渗透峡谷
成功讯息: Nice flying!飞得好
任务攻略: 1分30秒内飞完第3段山谷即可完成此任务。沿途敌军会出动6架Me-110 G,可以适当击落以增加战绩,仍要注意击落后的敌机烟幕,否则容易撞山
任务6: Destroy the heavy water plant摧毁重水工厂
失败讯息: You failed to destroy the secret plant.你未能摧毁秘密工厂
成功讯息: The heavy water plant has been destroyed!重水工厂已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要摧毁第3个坑谷内重水工厂的5个冷却塔。此外第3个坑谷内还有3艘驱逐舰、5艘鱼雷艇、10个防空阵地,无数架FW-190 A,可以适当摧毁以增加战绩。汤姆和弗兰克在坑谷口高处出现,与敌机交战吸引火力
任务7: Destroy the German U-boat before it submerges在德军潜艇下潜之前摧毁它
失败讯息: The U-boat has dived to safety德军潜艇已下潜至安全深度
成功讯息: You sunk the U-boat!你击沉了潜艇
任务攻略: 需要击沉1艘潜艇即可。如果超过55秒钟则任务失败
主角: The Germans were working hard on all sorts of things that would have tipped the balance of the war, from rockets to a-bombs, and they got a lot closer than I like to think about. Of course, we had something to do with making sure they didn't make it all the way. It all started with Joe. While we were engaging the German fleet, he noticed a couple of Germans slipping away up one of the fjords. British intelligence, working with Norwegian partisans, followed up on the lead, and located a heavy water plant in Norway. No wonder the German fleet had been sitting right there ?they were protecting the biggest secret research project they had. Without that heavy water, the German atomic bomb program would grind to a halt. Getting to the plant was easier said than done, though. It was hidden behind some massive air defenses at the end of a maze of fjords. And even if we did manage to destroy the plant, there was no guarantee we'd be able to make it back out again...
乔: That's it! It's open!
乔: Careful, it's real tight in here.
乔: Stay away from the walls.
乔: That's it! It's open!
乔: It's a tight squeeze in here!
主角: And we've got company!
主角: Where the heck is the way out?
乔: It's hidden pretty good.
乔: Watch those fighters!
乔: There it is!
主角: Got it! We're clear!
乔: These fellas don't know when to quit!
乔: I'm headin' throught!
主角: This has got to be the last one.
乔: I hope so. We're runnin' out of fjord!
乔: There's the exit!
主角: Right behind you, Joe.
主角: There's the factory! Target the furnaces with your bombs.
乔: There's too many of 'em in here!
乔: We got no room to manuever.
乔: Let's make this one count!
乔: I told you, the furnaces! Try again.
乔: We're runnin' out of chances!
主角: Drop your ordnance inside the furnaces and blow it to hell!
乔: And we'd better do it quick, before those fellas get to us.
英军塔台: VF-Alpha, you've got a submarine with a shipment of heavy water in the fjord with you. Take it out before it submerges!
乔: There he is! Sittin' low in the water!
乔: The u-boat is starting up its engines!
主角: I can see it.
乔: We got one last shot!
乔: Hurry! It's starting to submerge!
乔: Damn. He got away.
乔: You did it!
主角: Couldn't have done it without you, fellas.
乔: You sure about this one, Cap'n? I'm thinkin' that the sooner we get this over with, the sooner we can get ourselves assigned someplace warm.
主角: That's the spirit, Joe.
乔: I mean, I ain't never been on no top secret mission before. Kind of curious to see what this heavy water plant looks like.
主角: It's probably going to look like a factory. And if we're lucky, the shape of the fjord muffled the sound of the battle and they'll have no idea we're coming.
乔: Well, thanks heaven for small favors. You sure we gotta fly German planes for this? It's like wearin' another man's shoes.
主角: Trust me. Pretty soon, you'll be glad we did.
乔: They got a gate across the fjord! We'd better take it out.
乔: I'm on it.
主角: I'm seeing fighters.
乔: You and me both, Captain.
乔: Cap, they shot at me! What do we do?
乔: We're takin' fire! What now?
乔: Captain, they're shootin' at us! Can we engage, or what?
乔: Follow me in!
乔: I'm right on your six, Captain!
乔: That's it! We can go through!
乔: AYee-haw! Follow me in!
乔: Come on! Follow me in! We gotta hurry!
乔: That's it, straight to the bottom!
乔: Hell, I'm startin' to think there ain't nothin' we can't do. Cap'n, lead us home.
主角: The universe has a sense of humor. After we took out that heavy water plant, it felt like nothing could touch us. We were ten feet tall and bulletproof, and everything we'd touch would turn to gold. Start thinking things like that and the universe has an obligation to remind you of your proper place. Unfortunately, the price of that kind of lesson is always too high, and it's always the wrong folks who pay it.

16、诺曼底登陆(D-Day Normandy)

Legion d'Honneur, Chevalier(骑士荣誉军团勋章)
Legion d'Honneur, Chevalier awarded for pre-eminent services to the Republic of France. Paris, 1944(为表彰对法兰西共和国的卓越服务而颁发的骑士荣誉军团勋章。巴黎,1944)
任务1: Use the marking missiles to indicate the bunker's position for the Navy gunners.用标记火箭弹为海军炮手标记地堡位置
失败讯息: You failed to mark all of the German bunkers.你未能标记所有的德军地堡
成功讯息: The Navy has destroyed the bunkers!海军摧毁了所有的地堡
任务攻略: 需要依次使用火箭弹攻击后侧中右侧、最左侧、中左侧高地悬崖上分别由3个防空阵地、3座地堡组成的大型地堡阵列,以标记敌军大型地堡阵列位置即可。如果超过1分20秒则任务失败。不要恋战,尽快发射火箭弹标记就行。打一辆发就可以标记上。任务完成后敌军出动4架Me-109 G战斗机,在PS3/WII版本中,其中3架直奔乔并击伤了他,1架不开眼找玩家麻烦,必须先击落全部剩余战斗机才能继续进行新的任务
任务2: Help the landing troops take the beach. Destroy all of the German bunkers.帮助登陆部队夺取海滩,摧毁所有德军地堡
失败讯息: The landing was repelled.登陆被击退
成功讯息: You destroyed all the bunkers.你摧毁了所有的地堡
任务攻略: 需要依次摧毁前侧悬崖上最左侧2座、中左侧6座、中右侧7座、最右侧3座,共18座地堡中的最左侧1座、中左侧3座、中右侧5座、最右侧3座,共12座地堡,击落3组3架共9架Ju-87轰炸机,摧毁后侧高地悬崖7座残余小地堡即可。如果超过7分30秒则任务失败。此外还有前侧悬崖13个,后侧高地悬崖11个防空阵地,可以适当摧毁以增加战绩
任务3: Destroy the Stuka bombers and the Panzer columns!摧毁斯图卡轰炸机和坦克车队
失败讯息: The Germans repelled the Allied assault.德军击退了友军的进攻
成功讯息: You shot down the German bombers and destroyed the Panzers.你击落了德军轰炸机并摧毁了德军坦克
任务攻略: 需要摧毁左中右路各5辆坦克,击落12架Ju-87轰炸机,4架FW-190 A战斗机即可。如果超过8分钟则任务失败。在PS3/WII版本中,任务进行37秒后乔会被FW-190 A击落身亡比较草生的是乔被击落的特写是一架P-51D育 碧 稳 定 发 挥,此后除非特殊情况以外玩家将无法修理飞机。游戏内不可能在37秒内完成任务,也就意味着不可能救下乔,即使击落先开始出现的4架FW-190 A都不行
主角: What is there left to say about D-Day that hasn't been said? If you weren't there, you'll never understand it, and if you were there, you know that words just don't do the job of describing it. Five beaches, a hell of a lot of brave men throwing themselves against the toughest defenses the Third Reich had to offer, and up above it all, us, doing everything we could to help the boys on the beaches out. They had us doing everything that day. The first order of business was to drop markers on the enemy bunkers, lighting up the targets for the big guns on the cruisers offshore. Then it was time to clear the way for the infantry, not to mention the armor that came with them. Of course, the Germans had a little something to say about that...
弗兰克: Hell of a day for an invasion, don't you think?
汤姆: I think it's about time we did this.
乔: We're gonna knock 'em dead. They won't know what hit 'em.可能未使用
弗兰克: I just hope the poor blighters down there make it through okay. They're going to be catching lead in buckets on the beach.
主角: Blighters? We've got to get you home before you turn completely British.
弗兰克: Not a chance. Today, we kick open the door, and in six months, we all go home.
乔: Amen
乔: Damn. Y'all see those bunkers up ahead?
美军船只: All fighter groups, get in there and mark those bunkers with smoke! The sooner you do that, the sooner the artillery can take 'em out!
主角: And the sooner our boys stop getting hammered on their way to shore.
弗兰克: My God, look at those defenses. It's raining flak out here! This is the spot we picked to invade? They're opening up!
汤姆: No wonder they call it Fortress Europa. We're getting a lot of flak from those gun positions. They're really dug in.
乔: Man, is that a lot o' concrete! Watch it! More AA is openin' up! They dug in like they're plannin' on stayin'...
美军船只: Jerry's pounding the hell out of us. Hurry it up, would ya?可能未使用
乔: Get the smoke on target, Cap'n! We're out of time!
弗兰克: That smoke needs to hit the target or the whole attack's gonna be thrown off.
汤姆: Those bunkers aren't marked. Pull back.
弗兰克: Someone else is gonna have to mark the bunkers.
乔: The bunkers ain' t marked and we'd better pull back.
美军船只: This is Victor Foxtrot Eight. First round of smoke is on the ground.
美军船只: We're getting heavy flak from Fox Green.
美军船只: Target is too well defended. Repeat, target is too well defended.
美军船只: There's too much flak.
美军船只: There's heavy fire coming in off those shoreline batteries.
美军船只: Target marked. Coming around for the next one.
美军船只: Just show us where to point the guns.
美军船只: Moving into position and opening up now.
美军船只: Waiting on your signal.
汤姆: That should help the gunners.
弗兰克: Now the cruisers can let 'er rip.
乔: They're all marked. Let's get out of the way 'fore it starts rainin' shells. My plane ain't handlin' so good right about now anyway
美军登陆船: LCT 305 has hit the beach. It's getting croweded here.
美军登陆船: Everybody off!
弗兰克: See that, Cap'n? They've hit the beach!
美军登陆船: One of the Higgins boats just took a hit.
美军登陆船: Get to the beach as fast as you can!
美军登陆船: We're losing boats left and right!
乔: Looks like they don't like us droppin' that smoke.
弗兰克: Let's make a mess outta those Messerschmitts.
汤姆: We can't let the fighters distract us.(PC)
弗兰克: Distract us? They're trying to kill us!(PC)
汤姆: Joe, it looks like you've got some company there.
乔: He' s on me pretty good. Damn...
汤姆: Hang on, Joe. I'm coming.
乔: Better hurry...Unh! Aw, hell, I'm hit!
弗兰克: I got him. You OK, kid?
汤姆: Joe! Don't you dare get yourself killed, you hear me?
乔: I ain't making any promises, Tom...I'm shot up pretty bad here...
主角: Go back, Joe. Take her down and get yourself looked at.
乔: Not a chance, Captain. I'll be fine. Now let's do what we came for.
汤姆: I'll keep an eye on him. Captain. I won't let him down.
美军部队: Hey flyboys, this is the 16th Infantry. Think you can cut us a path here? We've got a hell of a lot of gun emplacements staring us in the face.
汤姆: Let's give 'em a hand.
弗兰克: Right behind you.
汤姆: Watch it! Those bunkers are protected by anti-aircraft emplacements! They can't hold out there. Let's take out that position.
乔: That's a hell of a row they're tryin' to hoe. There's the target. Take it out!
弗兰克: What are you waiting for? Those boys are dying down there! Hit that machine gun nest, and make it snappy
汤姆: Take them out. I'll keep an eye on you.
乔: Give 'em some help!
弗兰克: Never mind us, they're the ones that have to get through!
美军部队: There's a machine gun nest! We're pinned down!
美军部队: That bunker's got us bottled up!
美军部队: Move up and secure that bunker!
美军部队: Bangalores! Hurry!
美军部队: Get out of the open, people! Go! Go! Go!
美军部队: Use the craters for cover!
美军部队: We're getting pinned down.
美军部队: They've got wire right across our path!
美军部队: We can't get past that bunker!
美军部队: They're ripping us up! You have to take out those machine gun nests!
美军部队: We're taking mortar fire!
美军部队: Almost there!
美军部队: Thanks for the assist!
美军部队: Woohoo! You took it out!
美军部队: A big thank-you to whoever launched that one.
美军部队: That bunker's got the entire approach covered!
美军部队: Get into the trenches!
美军部队: Grenade!
美军部队: Suppression! Gimme some suppression fire!
美军部队: We can't stay here! Move! Move!
美军部队: Machine gun nest is neutralized.
美军部队: Cut the wire!
美军部队: We need some help here!
美军部队: Hold your ground! Keep firing!
美军部队: We can't get past that bunker!
美军部队: They're ripping us up! You have to take out those machine gun nests!
美军部队: Get out of the open, people! Go! Go! Go!
汤姆: Those defense are still up! You need to hit them now!
美军部队: Help us with these defensive emplacements or we're not getting out of here alive!
美军部队: No good...the fire's too heavy...got to fall-
汤姆: It's too late. They're gone.
弗兰克: Son of a...
乔: Aw, no...
汤姆: They made it!
乔: They're gonna make it! Attaboy!
弗兰克: We got 'em through! How 'bout that?
美军部队: We're all clear. Thanks, fellas. Couldn't have done it without you.
弗兰克: Hot damn. More Stukas.
汤姆: Looks like more Stukas are incoming.
乔: Don't look now, but they're sendin' more divebombers.
弗兰克: Waitaminute. I think I see more Stukas.
汤姆: We've got more divebombers headed this way.
乔: We got us some Stukas, fellas.
美军部队: Fighter groups Nine, Twenty-Four and Alpha, we've got incoming hostile craft. Looks like fighters and bombers. Move to engage! Keep them off our troops
乔: There they are. Stukas and Me-109s!(PC)
美军部队: Those panzers are pouring onto Easy Red! We can't hold them off without help!
乔: Were the Germans supposed to have tanks here, cause I'm seein' plenty.
弗兰克: Aw, nuts. At least we got a choice of targets.
乔: Frank! You got one on your tail!
弗兰克: You stay where you are, kid. I'll shake him.
乔: Negative. I'm on my way.
汤姆: Joe! Evasive maneuvers! There's a bogey coming up on your six!
乔: Just a minute longer...
主角: Pull out, Joe! That's an order! Your plane's in no shape to do this!
乔: Almost got him!插句嘴:乔你跟着弗兰克飞了这么多年你难道不知道弗兰克永远轮不到被任何敌机咬尾的份的吗就嗯送?自己的飞机还是坏的出点什么事真的死路一条!
弗兰克: Kid, don't...
汤姆: JOE!
弗兰克: Ah, hell
汤姆: No. NO! Maybe he bailed out. Maybe...主角: He's gone...
弗兰克: I'm sorry, Tom. He's gone.
汤姆: Those bastards...It should have been me.
主角: Belay that, Tom. Frank and I need you in one piece if we' re going to make it through this.
汤姆: The hell with that. Right now, I just want to tear them all to pieces.
主角: You all right there, Tom?
汤姆: Negative, Captain, but this isn't the time.
弗兰克: It's not your fault. He disobeyed a direct order...
汤姆: You think that's going to matter to my sister? For God's sake, he was just a kid!
主角: No, he wasn't. Not anymore.
弗兰克: Captain, you think Tom's going to be OK?
主角: Only if we watch out for him the way he watches out for us.
弗兰克: Damn straight.
美军部队: Fall back! Fall back!
美军部队: Pour fire on the lead tank! Keep it hot!
美军部队: They're breaking through!
美军部队: We need some help here!
美军部队: They're rolling right over us!
美军部队: We're gonna have to fall back!
美军部队: Look out! They're coming through on the left!
美军部队: Find cover! Now!
美军部队: Hold your ground! Keep firing!
美军部队: Somebody give us some help here!
美军部队: We can't hold here much longer!
美军部队: Get some AA pointed up there!
美军部队: They're coming in too fast!
美军部队: Get down! Get down!
美军部队: Heads down, people!
美军部队: We can't take much more of this pounding!
美军部队: We're exposed down here. Think you can do something about it?
美军部队: Incoming!
弗兰克: Our boys are getting pushed back! We've gotta help them!
汤姆: Pour it on or the assault is doomed!
美军部队: It's too much! We can't hold!
弗兰克: Nuts. We'll get 'em next time.
汤姆: If there is a next time.
弗兰克: Let's open up those tin cans fast. Hey! Aim up here, you sons of bitches! We'd better take them out or those boys are in a lot of trouble.
汤姆: You take the shot. I'll play tailgunner Charlie, and God help the enemy pilot who tries something. Watch out for fire from those tanks! Save your bullets for the other guys.
弗兰克: Try to take 'em down over the water! Don't let 'em get in behind you! Damnit, they won't hold still!
汤姆: It's like Dunkirk all over again. They're just strafing down the beach. Careful where you fire!
乔: They're comin' in real low, and I'm not sure if I can keep up. I dunno if I can take 'em down! Whoah! Look out!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
弗兰克: We're doin' it!
汤姆: Don't ease up now!
汤姆: We did it.
弗兰克: All right! The boys are off the beach!
美军飞行员: We're going to return to base and let the next wave take over.
美军飞行员: Nice flying, gents. The angels earned their wings today.
主角: After Joe died, things changed. We changed. Tom felt like he'd failed his brother in law, and started trying to avenge him. Frank started to realize that life just might be worth living, and began looking out more for the rest of us. And me? Well, I just hung on to the rest of the squadron tighter than ever. There was never any question of anyone replacing Joe, not that anyone could. It was just the three of us from then on out, tighter than brothers and determined that all of us would be making it home.别想了育碧不会给你双结局的重制版要是有机会搞出来的话绝对按照双结局处理

17、解放巴黎(Paris La Liberation)

Distinguished Service Cross(杰出服役十字)
Distinguished Service Cross awarded for extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against an oposing armed force. Ardennes, 1945(为表彰在针对敌方武装部队的军事行动中表现出的非凡英雄主义精神而颁发的杰出服役十字。阿登,1945)
任务1: Destroy the defending German forces.摧毁德军防御力量
失败讯息: You failed to destroy the German defenses in time.你未能及时摧毁德军防御
成功讯息: The German defenses have been destroyed.德军防御已被摧毁
任务攻略: 需要摧毁格勒纳勒桥26个中的22个、杜乐丽花园37个中的22个、西岱岛55个中的48个、埃菲尔铁塔53个中的47个地面目标、以及埃菲尔铁塔上的12个防空阵地、开往凯旋门的2波各15辆坦克即可。如果友军损失过多则任务失败。任务开始时第1波开往凯旋门的坦克出动,以及任务进行4分40秒后第2波开往凯旋门的坦克出动,两波坦克出动的同时,会出动2架Me-109 G战斗机;格勒纳勒桥地面目标全部摧毁,杜乐丽花园地面目标开始有标记;埃菲尔铁塔地面目标摧毁44个,埃菲尔铁塔上的防空阵地开始有标记的同时,会出动3架Me-109 G战斗机。没有标记的敌军也可以被摧毁,只是很难找
任务2: A German general is escaping. Don't let him get away!一个德军将领正在逃离,不要让他逃脱
失败讯息: The German general has escaped.德军将领已逃脱
成功讯息: The German general has been dealt with.德军将领已被处置自己想他到底是被炸死了还是被抓了
任务攻略: 需要击沉德军将军乘坐的3艘鱼雷艇即可。如果超过2分05秒则任务失败。先开始德军将领会乘坐3辆带有防空炮的车逃离到塞纳河边,然后乘船逃出巴黎。此任务会出动4架Me-109 G战斗机。乘车的时候雷达很难找到那三辆车,但通过背板仍可以找到并摧毁我觉得如果在岸上摧毁他们的车应该给个成就
任务3: Take down the reinforcement squadron.击败增援的中队
成功讯息: The German fighter squadron has been shot down.德军战斗机中队已被击落
任务攻略: 需要击落全部21架(包括任务1的7架、任务2的4架、此任务的10架)Me-109 G战斗机即可。如果超过5分钟秒则任务失败
主角: Joe's plane had gone down with him in it over Normandy, and those of us who were left missed him something awful. Tom took it especially hard, not that I blamed him. Carrying on without Joe was like going home after Pa died. Everything was there, but there'd always be something missing... But the sad truth is, men die in war, and the fighting doesn't stop. If we were going to honor what Joe had died for, we needed to get back up there ?though we watched each other's backs extra carefully after that.
主角: Once the Allies broke through at Normandy, the tide started to turn in our favor. The fighting in the hedgerows was fierce, but we kept pushing the Germans back. It was only a matter of time before we liberated Paris. With the Free French advancing on the city, we went in to clear out the German positions. The French served as spotters, which was a good thing, or we never would have been able to support the ground troops. There were too many Germans advancing on their positions for us just to eyeball targets. They say the German commander refused orders and didn't destroy the city when he retreated. I don't know about that, but I do know that there was a column of tanks that would have done an awful lot of damage to the Arc d'Triomphe if we hadn't stopped them...
主角: So here she is, the City of Lights.
汤姆: Looks more like the city of smoke.
弗兰克: Just wait. We'll help those French units kick the Germans out of the city and then it's going to be nothing but red wine and mademoiselles.
汤姆: Keep telling yourself that. It's just not going to feel right hitting the town without Joe.
弗兰克: Hell, it doesn't feel right being up here without him.
主角: I know. But we have to concentrate on the mission. We're going to be supporting those French troops all over the city.
弗兰克: Great. Just like New Georgia all over again. Where are they dug in?
法国地面部队: American squadron! Can you hear me?
汤姆: We read you. What's your situation?
法国地面部队: German panzers are moving toward our position near the Arc d'Triomphe... You do know where that is, yes?
弗兰克: We're looking at it right now. Need a hand?
法国地面部队: Yes! Immediately! You must destroy those tanks before they reach the Arc!
主角: We'll be there when we can.
弗兰克: I knew this was too good to be true.
汤姆: The tanks are the main objective. I can shield you from those fighters.
弗兰克: Following the streets isn't half bad for taking these guys out.
主角: Come up behind 'em and there's nothing they can do.
汤姆: Hit the middle of the column and you'll take out more.
汤姆: Hit their position hard!
法国地面部队: Bien!(棒) Well done!
法国地面部队: We need air support by the Eiffel Tower!
法国地面部队: Air support! Can you help us? We are near La Tour Eiffel!
法国地面部队: We need assistance near the Tower! Can you help us?
汤姆: We got them! Just in time, too.--
弗兰克: You got anything else for us, or can we just find some place to pick up a bottle of wine and a pretty French girl?--
汤姆: The tanks are closing in on the Arc. You're cutting it tight.
法国地面部队: Enemy armor is advancing on the Arc d'Triomphe! We require assistance immediately!
法国地面部队: Requesting help with enemy armor near the Arc d'Triomphe!
法国地面部队: Panzers are advancing on our position! We need help!
弗兰克: The Arc d'Triomphe won't be standing much longer if we don't help out.
汤姆: The tanks are closing in on the Arc. You're cutting it tight.
弗兰克: Don't be letting those tanks get away.
汤姆: You need to concentrate on those tanks!
法国地面部队: The panzers are almost on top of our position!
法国地面部队: Hurry! They're getting close!
法国地面部队: There is no more time!
法国地面部队: No good! We have to retreat!
汤姆: No good...we're too late.
主角: Damn. Back to base, I guess, until we can try again.
法国地面部队: We have to pull back!
主角: Damn. Back to base. There's nothing else we can do here.
法国地面部队: Fils de putain!(酸萝卜别吃) They've reached the Arc! We must fall back!
汤姆: No good...we're too late.
主角: Looks like they need help over by the Eiffel Tower.
弗兰克: The boys near the Eiffel Tower could use a hand.
汤姆: We'd better help the troops by the Eiffel Tower out.
法国地面部队: We have heavy fighting near the Eiffel Tower. Air units, can you provide assistance?
弗兰克: I see the enemy position!
汤姆: Now do something about it.
法国地面部队: We're taking heavy fire!
法国地面部队: We need air support by the bridges over the Seine! Can you help us?
汤姆: Remember, we have to cover the whole city.
弗兰克: Damn, those Germans are everywhere
法国地面部队: We are hard-pressed. Can you assist?
法国地面部队: Some Germans are still holding out!
法国地面部队: We cannot hold out much longer!
法国地面部队: Look out! Incoming!
法国地面部队: They're hitting us from the flank!
法国地面部队: We're taking heavy fire!
法国地面部队: Good work! They're fleeing the city!
法国地面部队: American air unit, the battle is almost won. Now, do you think you can play hounds to the German fox?
主角: Try us.
法国地面部队: General Ritter was left behind in charge of the last-ditch defenses. Thanks to you, he now has nothing to command, and is fleeing.
主角: Unless we catch him, right?
法国地面部队: D'accord.(对滴)
弗兰克: Easy as pie.
法国地面部队: He's headed east!
法国地面部队: Reconnaisance says he's going north!
法国地面部队: He's crossing over the Seine!
弗兰克: That sneaky son of a bitch...where did he go?
法国地面部队: He's running to the south!
汤姆: I don't see him. Blast.
法国地面部队: He is near the river!
法国地面部队: He's doubled back, the clever fox!
主角: If we catch this guy, it'll be a real feather in our caps.
弗兰克: He's getting away! You have to stop him, Cap'n!
法国地面部队: Do something! The general is escaping!
汤姆: He's getting away!
弗兰克: Don't let him get away!
弗兰克: He's getting away! You have to stop him, Cap'n!
法国地面部队: Do something! The general is escaping!
法国地面部队: You cannot let him escape!
弗兰克: Damnit, how did he get away from us?
汤姆: The important thing is that he did.
弗兰克: You nailed him! Hot damn!
弗兰克: Don't start the party yet. Here comes company.
汤姆: Ah, how tough could they be?
德军王牌: Benutzen Sie Angriff Muster drei. Ich nehme den Fuhrer selbst.(攻击模式三,我来带队)
德军王牌: Jawohl(进攻)
弗兰克: Here they come!
汤姆: Watch your six! I'll try to cover you!
弗兰克: Damn, these fellas are good!
德军王牌: Er hat etwas Fähigkeit(这人还有点料)
弗兰克: What's he sayin?
汤姆: He's saying he's surprised he hasn't shot the Captain down yet.
弗兰克: Let's keep it that way.
德军王牌: Ich werde geschlagen! Ich werde geschlagen!(我被击败了!我被击败了!)
弗兰克: You'd better pull out some fancy flying or this is it, Cap'n.
德军王牌: Wir treffen wieder, Amerikanische schweine!(后会有期,美国猪!)
弗兰克: Eh, and the horse you rode in on. Have a nice trip down.
汤姆: I'd say the skies are clear.
法国地面部队: Superb! Paris thanks you. Once again, she is free.
汤姆: We can't wait to meet her.
主角: They're engaging armor near the Arc d'Triomphe and infantry near the Eiffel Tower.
汤姆: And it looks like there's friendly tanks rolling up on one of the bridges.
主角: So let's go help them out.
主角: We'll be there as soon as we can.
弗兰克: Hold your horses, we're on our way.
主角: We'll be happy to help out.
法国地面部队: Merci.(谢谢) We are being hard-pressed here.
主角: Enemy armor is really pounding the French troops over there
汤姆: We need to help the troops fighting that armor, fast.
法国地面部队: Our advance has been blocked! Requesting assistance from air support!
法国地面部队: Air support, clear us a path over that bridge!
法国地面部队: Our advance is blocked! Can you help us?
主角: We'd better help that armor out.
弗兰克: Why don't we give that armored column a hand?
汤姆: Let's clear the path to that bridge.
主角: They're cleared out! Good work!
弗兰克: I'll take care of this for you, Captain.
汤姆: Showoff.
弗兰克: You take care of the panzers. These birds are all mine.
主角: Just don't get yourself killed in the process.
弗兰克: Them tanks are almost at that arch thing, and that can't be good.
法国地面部队: They dug in well!
法国地面部队: Grenade! Grenade!
法国地面部队: Get a medic up there, now!
法国地面部队: Get the reserve in there!
汤姆: Careful! Don't hit the Tower!
弗兰克: Whoah! They're not giving up easy!
法国地面部队: They're breaking! We're advancing now!
弗兰克: All right! Looks like the Tower's safe.
汤姆: I'd say they're on the run.
弗兰克: Damn straight. We helped send them packing.
主角: So far, so good, fellas. But we're not done yet.
法国地面部队: Where are you going?
法国地面部队: We still require assistance!
法国地面部队: We still need support!
法国地面部队: Where is our air support going?
法国地面部队: You can't pull out!
法国地面部队: Air support! We can't hold out for long without your help!
弗兰克: We're going to have to help out those other guys.
汤姆: We're needed more elsewhere.
法国地面部队: Good to see you again!
法国地面部队: We were wondering what happened to you.
法国地面部队: We have air support!
法国地面部队: In the nick of time, no less
法国地面部队: Welcome back, mes amis!(我们的朋友)
法国地面部队: Thank you for assisting us again!
弗兰克: Looks like they could stil use our help.
汤姆: Good thing we came back.
法国地面部队: He has turned west!
法国地面部队: You're almost on top of him!
法国地面部队: Ritter is headed west!
法国地面部队: He's going north!
法国地面部队: He is headed east! Hurry!
法国地面部队: He's going south!
德军王牌: Sie entgehen mir nicht dieses mal(这次你逃不出我的手掌心)
德军王牌: Sie sind besser, als ich erwartete(你比我想的要强)
汤姆: That's two down!
弗兰克: I'm more interested in ending the battle.
汤姆: Where's your sense of adventure?
弗兰克: All of a sudden, it's right behind my sense of self-preservation.
弗兰克: Captain! Ah, damn.
主角: From far away, the liberation of Paris looked like a cakewalk. Up close, it was anything but. A lot of people died... soldiers, pilots, partisans, and just everyday citizens... freeing the city, and the Germans didn't let it go easily. I've met a lot of folks over the years who were part of that battle, and they all feel the same way I do about it. They're proud to have been part of the fight, but they'll always remember the cost.

18、阿登反击(Counter Attack)

European Campaign Medal(欧洲战役勋章)
European Campaign Medal awarded for meritorious service in the US Armed Forces within the European-African-Middle Eastern Theater of Operations. England, 1945(为表彰美军武装力量在欧非阿战区优异的服役而颁发的欧洲战役勋章)
任务1: Stop the German offensive.阻止德军进攻
失败讯息: You failed to destroy all the enemies in time!你未能及时摧毁所有敌人
成功讯息: You stopped the German offensive!你阻止了德军进攻
任务攻略: 需要击落攻击美军阵地的第1波25架Me-109 G战斗机,摧毁第2波10辆坦克,第3波2组各10辆坦克,第4波6架Me-109 G战斗机和16架He-111轰炸机即可。如果超过10分钟则任务失败
任务2: Find and destroy the German airfield and its facilities!寻找并摧毁德军机场和设施
失败讯息: You failed to destroy the German airfield in time!你未能及时摧毁德军机场
成功讯息: You destroyed the German airfield and its facilities!你摧毁了德军机场和设施
任务攻略: 需要摧毁18个机场建筑即可。如果超过4分钟则任务失败。此外机场里还有15架停放的,10架准备起飞的Me-109 G战斗机,12辆坦克,6辆防空车,8个防空阵地,可以适当击毁以增加战绩
主角: It's nice to think that the advance on Berlin was smooth and easy, particularly after Paris fell. The truth was a lot more messy. Sure, we kept advancing, but the Germans dug in and fought hard. Operation Bodenplate was what the Germans called their big air counteroffensive in the Ardennes, and that one fight nearly unraveled everything we'd done up to that point. We reached the battlefield after the fighting started. When the first thing you see is smoke, and the second one is enemy planes strafing your troops, you know there's trouble. It was a dogfight all day. They hit us with everything they had, wave after wave. There were times when I thought Joe was going to get some company...
美军地面部队: All air units, converge on my location. We need some help here, boys, we surely do.
弗兰克: I'm seeing smoke. What the hell is going on down there?
美军地面部队: Luftwaffe hit us with everything they had. We're holding, but the sooner you get here, the better.
主角: You can count the seconds til we arriveget there...
汤姆: Good Lord. Look at what they did down there.
主角: And it looks like they're coming around for another run.
弗兰克: Good. Let's make those sons of bitches pay.
汤姆: Lead us in. We're right behind you.
汤姆: Knock them all out of the sky.
汤姆: This has got to be their last gasp. They've got to be tired, got to be close to the end.
主角: Careful. Remember, we don't have Joe to patch us up any more.
汤姆: Pick your target. I'll keep them off yor back.
汤姆: Don't panic. We can do this.
汤姆: Don't get distracted.
弗兰克: Come and get it, ratzis! I'm waiting for you!
弗兰克: You call that flying? I'll show you flying!
主角: Don't let them do any more damage.
弗兰克: Try shooting something that shoots back, you bastards!
弗兰克: Watch the first step, pal, 'cause it's a doozy!
弗兰克: Come on, guys, I can't do this by myself.
弗兰克: That's it! Show 'em what you've got!
美军飞行员: Watch your six, VF-Alpha three!
美军飞行员: Where's all this fire coming from?
美军飞行员: Roger that, I'm on it.
美军飞行员: Watch your fire, people! Watch your fire!
美军飞行员: We can't keep taking this kind of pounding!
美军飞行员: Rudder's not working! I'm going have to ride her down.
美军地面部队: We're taking heavy damage from the enemy bombardment.
美军地面部队: Requesting reinforcements!
美军地面部队: Somebody get some ack-ack guns up here!
美军地面部队: They're strafing our position!
美军地面部队: Get some ambulances up to the airfield, pronto!
美军地面部队: Roger that, will do.
汤姆: We've got to get some of these crates out of the sky!
弗兰克: Our only chance is to take them out, fast!
美军地面部队: No good! We can't hold them!
汤姆: It looks like we've just got trucks and light armor advancing.敦刻尔克的上空
弗兰克: How the hell did they get through?伦敦,1940
汤姆: Take out those tanks!
美军地面部队: Look out! They're coming through on the left!
汤姆: Watch out for those tanks.
美军地面部队: Pour fire on the lead tank! Keep it hot!新乔治亚岛之战
弗兰克: Just more targets for us to knock down.中途岛:开场攻势
美军地面部队: Incoming fighters and bombers! They're coming straight for us!耻辱日
弗兰克: These guys don't know when to quit.伦敦,1940
汤姆: Those fighters are coming for us. I'll keep them off you. Go after the bombers.沙鼠攻势
弗兰克: Let's go get 'em!伦敦,1940
弗兰克: Now let's go get us some Henkels.伦敦,1940
弗兰克: You think they're gonna run out of planes sometime soon?
弗兰克: Look out, here comes some more targets.
汤姆: We've got another wave headed our way. Look sharp, fellas.
汤姆: More bogies, incoming!
主角: Look sharp, fellas. We've got more company!
主角: We've got more fighters inbound.
弗兰克: Now let me show you boys some flying.
弗兰克: Keep up the good work and let the master show you how it's done.
弗兰克: OK, this one's all mine. Watch and learn.
汤姆: They're starting to break!
弗兰克: We're doing it!
汤姆: Take out the airfield now or we'll never make it out of here!拉包尔奇袭
主角: About damn time.耻辱日
汤姆: We'll follow you in.
汤姆: How many more planes do they have to throw at us?奇袭
美军地面部队: No good! We can't hold them!
汤姆: It's working! Keep hitting them!中途岛:开场攻势
弗兰克: You're gonna have to come around again!
弗兰克: Is it just me, or was that last one?
主角: It wasn't just you. All clear, fellas.
弗兰克: Son of a gun. We did it.
汤姆: But without Joe, these close calls are getting a little too close.
主角: We all miss him, Tom.
美军地面部队: Radar is reporting no new paints. Bring it in, guys. There are some people down here who want to thank you.
主角: Operation Bodenplate was the Luftwaffe's last gasp. They did a lot of damage, but it was too little, too late to change the course of the war. After the dust settled, the Luftwaffe was worn out. It would never be able to mount another large-scale offensive, and really, it was just a matter of time.

19、飞行堡垒(Flying Fortress)

Medal of Honor(荣誉勋章)
Medal of Honor awarded for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life, above and beyond the call of duty, in action involving actual conflict with an opposing armed force. Germany, 1945(为表彰在与敌对武装部队实际冲突的行动中,在生命危险的情况下,在远超使命的召唤的情况下,表现出突出的英勇和无畏而颁发的荣誉勋章。德国,1945年)
任务1: Destroy at least a third of the ground objectives!摧毁至少1/3的地面目标
失败讯息: Not enough targets destroyed!被摧毁的目标数量不够
成功讯息: Bombing run completed successfully!成功完成轰炸行动
任务攻略: 需要摧毁3个工厂的分别为12、14、16个,共42个指定的工厂建筑即可。如果摧毁地面目标总数量少于15个、离开机队太远则任务失败(没有直接导致失败的触发,而是直接出动4架100倍伤害的Me-109 G,摸到就死)。在前往工厂的途中会有无数Me-109 G拦截,飞机开着自动驾驶,因此只需要对付攻击自己的飞机即可
主角: Part of the plan as we closed in on Germany was to destroy the Third Reich's ability to make war. That meant taking out the factories making their planes and tanks, wrecking the railroads that brought supplies to the front lines, and just generally making a mess out of the Ruhr Valley. We bombed them round the clock, and things got so frantic that we got pressed into service to crew a bomber. I'd never flown one of those birds before, but you do what you have to do. We weren't along up there, thank goodness ?there were plenty of other bombers with us, and a fighter escort that did its best to keep what was left of the Lutwaffe off our backs. We'd done the same thing, so many times. But there wasn't time to think about how odd it was, not with targets on the ground and in our sights...
弗兰克: It's a little choppy up here, isn't it?
汤姆: It'll get choppier if you don't keep manning that machine gun.
弗兰克: Too bad Joe ain't here. He would have loved this.
主角: You're probably right. Tom, you comfortable up there?
汤姆: Just taking it nice and easy, Captain. Stay on the gun and try to leave something for Frank to take a shot at.
弗兰克: Hey! Five bucks says I score more hits than he does!
汤姆: Make it ten. I've got faith in the Captain.
汤姆: You need to get on that turret. I'll take the stick.
美军轰炸机: We've got company up here!
汤姆: Take the main gun! I'll take over up front!
美军轰炸机: Incoming fighters!
弗兰克: Here comes the welcoming party!
汤姆: Enemy aircraft, incoming!
汤姆: Bring the turret around faster!
汤姆: Keep shooting!
汤姆: The cockpit is yours.
美军轰炸机: Starting our run now.
汤姆: Target, dead ahead.
弗兰克: Say hello to those factories, would you?
弗兰克: Come on, pull the string!
弗兰克: I hope they got some big umbrellas down there, 'cause it's going to be raining lead.
弗兰克: We've got triple-A all over the place!
弗兰克: You just made a smokin' hole in the ground.
汤姆: Get back to the main gun! We need you back there!
主角: Keep her steady up there, Tom.
汤姆: You try flying this boat, Captain.
弗兰克: It's getting rough.
汤姆: Our bombers are getting picked off.
弗兰克: Hey, he was mine!
美军轰炸机: We're sitting ducks up here!
汤姆: You got him!
弗兰克: Let someone else have some fun. Go take the stick back.
美军轰炸机: There's the target.
美军轰炸机: We're over the target! Bombs away!
弗兰克: Let 'er rip!
汤姆: They're sending up flak!
汤姆: They're hitting us from all over.
弗兰克: I'm telling you, we make it back, I'm going straight to church.
汤姆: That's a hit!
弗兰克: Scratch that target.
主角: Keep it sharp, Frank.
弗兰克: Like a razor, Captain.
美军轰炸机: Somebody give us some cover!
汤姆: Enemy aircraft down!
弗兰克: You got one!
弗兰克: Back to the cockpit with you.
汤姆: Get back to the bomb bay! We're over the target!
汤姆: Ready when you are.
汤姆: It's all yours.
汤姆: You got one!
汤姆: She's all yours.
汤姆: Get to the bombsight. I'll take over the piloting.
汤姆: Get back to the bomb bay! We're over the target!
汤姆: I'll hold her steady. You go deal with the bombs.
汤姆: We're now over the target.
汤姆: We're coming up on a target.
弗兰克: Bombs away!
汤姆: No good. Off target.
汤姆: Close, but the target's still standing.
弗兰克: Aww, nuts. You missed.
弗兰克: You'll get the next one.
弗兰克: Come on, I can't do it all myself!
弗兰克: Start pulling your weight over there!
美军轰炸机: We're empty. Turning for home.
美军轰炸机: We're hit! We're hit!
美军轰炸机: Number two engine is out! Losing altitude! Mayday! Mayday!
汤姆: Stay the course - it's the only chance we have of making it back.
弗兰克: Come on, baby, hold together.
汤姆: The targets are still standing. Blast!
弗兰克: We're gonna have to come back and do it all over again.
美军轰炸机: There ain't nothing down there Uncle Adolph can use. Let's turn it around and get out of here, fellas.
弗兰克: Amen to that.
主角: The brass was looking for bomber crews anywhere they could find them by the end of the way, which is why we got pressed into service on one bombing run. It wasn't our usual assignment, not by a long shot, but with the end of the war in sight, we were eager to help out any way we could. For the first time since Pearl Harbor, I started thinking about what I would do after the war, and what it would be like to go home. Not too much, though, there was still one last battle to fight.

20、柏林,1945(Berlin 1945)

World War Ⅱ Victory Medal(二战胜利勋章)
World War Ⅱ Victory Medal awarded for service in the US Armed Forces between 07 Dec 1941 and 31 Dec 1946(为表彰在1941年12月07日至1946年12月31日在美军服役而颁发的二战胜利奖章)这个奖章据说很多没参加二战的士兵冒领,直到1946年底杜鲁门下令禁止颁发
任务1: Destroy the three(PS3/WII)/four(PC/Xbox) radar stations.摧毁3(PS3/WII)/4(PC/Xbox)个雷达站
失败讯息: The radar stations were not destroyed in time. You failed.雷达站未被及时摧毁,你失败了
成功讯息: You destroyed all the radar stations. The AA guns are blind now!你成功摧毁了所有的雷达站,防空炮已经瞎了
任务攻略: 需要摧毁3(PS3/WII)/4(PC/Xbox)个雷达站即可。PC/Xbox如果超过1分钟则任务失败,PS3/WII无时间限制。飞机高度超过45米就会被防空炮击中,击中1次半血,2次残血,3次玩家会被击落。PC/Xbox摧毁3个雷达站后需要提升高度寻找第4个雷达站
任务2: Survive until reinforcements arrive.活到友军抵达在稍微玩得好点的玩家眼里这个任务就是无尽猎杀Me-109
成功讯息: You survived the attack!你活过了攻击
任务攻略: 在3分钟的战斗机围攻中存活即可完成此任务。在稍微玩得好点的玩家眼里这个任务就是无尽猎杀Me-109,可以大量提升战绩。玩家又不是自己的僚机那样,遇到敌人追不能打回去只能跑
任务3: Protect the Allied bomber formation.保护友军轰炸机编队
失败讯息: You failed to protect the bombers.你未能保护友军轰炸机
成功讯息: The bombers have reached their objective.轰炸机抵达目标
任务攻略: 需要击落无数架攻击友军3波B-17空中堡垒轰炸机机群的Me-109 G战斗机,以掩护轰炸机机群轰炸柏林目标。如果轰炸机机群被击落超过30架则任务失败。仍然存在辅助瞄准超级天坑,但是由于Me-109 G飞得较快,相对不明显(迫真)。玩家生命值小于300时(本关玩家有3000生命值,包括零战、角斗士在内的薄皮大馅都是3000),主角会回忆起乔修复飞机的操作,如果玩家按对三个及以上修理键将生命值恢复到1500以上则玩家会感谢乔
任务4: Destroy the Nowotny Squadron.摧毁诺沃特尼中队
成功讯息: You shot down the enemy elite squadron.你击落了敌军精英中队
任务攻略: 需要击落7架Me-262战斗机即可。如果超过6分钟,或损失任意一架僚机,则任务失败。Me-262速度相对较快,灵活性较差,减速转弯可以很好的甩掉敌机。玩家生命值小于300时,主角会回忆起乔修复飞机的操作,如果玩家按对三个及以上修理键将生命值恢复到1500以上则玩家会感谢乔。任务结束时,汤姆会被德军王牌击中生扛MK108土豆大炮,而玩家螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后直接击落德军王牌的Me-262。最后僚机一起祝贺玩家,玩家生命值设定到2000,开始讲述战争结束后3个人的故事,全剧终。如果全关卡王牌评价,则会获得Do-335轰炸机,但是非常不推荐使用,速度机动性较好+火力弱(好家伙就给了2挺M2)+炸弹少(还好意思叫轰炸机),根本无法胜任战斗任务,非常亏
主角: Berlin was where it all ended. They'd turned the city into a fortress. Every block had AA guns mounted and ambushes in place for the ground troops. It wasn't safe to be over or in, but our job was to crack that nut, and that's what we did. Even in the last hours, the Nazis fought hard, like cornered rats. Trying to get through their air defenses in order to take out their radar was like trying to sneak a steak past a rottweiler. It was the sort of fight where your plane gets shot up so bad that the only things holding it together are spit and prayers, and you run out of spit. Maybe Joe was watching over us as we fought. That's the only thing that could explain how we stayed in the air. I still would rather have had him fighting with us, though. The best of the Lutwaffe was waiting for us in Berlin. They knew the war was over, but if they were going to hell, they wanted us for an escort. Me, Frank and Tom didn't like that idea so much, but then again, I don't think they were expecting us to.
美军塔台: This is it. You're looking at Berlin, flyboy. It's locked down tight, but you're going to be the one to open the door. Find a route into the city that will let you knock out their four main radar stations. They'll never know what hit them. Careful! The've got AA batteries all over. Stick to the river! It's your best shot!We've got a whole raft of bombers following you in, but you've got to clear the way all by your lonesome.
主角: Roger that, Control. Just tell me where to lead them.
主角: I see the first radar position.
汤姆: You're too high! Stick close to the river!
汤姆: The AA is really chewing you up, sir
弗兰克: You're taking a real beating there from that AA.
汤姆: You're up way too high! You got to hug the river!
汤姆: You can't let it end like this!
弗兰克: You're still too high! Lose altitude, fast!
弗兰克: Get lower! You're still too high!
汤姆: No good! You're still too high!
弗兰克: You're a perfect target for that AA!
美军塔台: The radar's not down! Abort your run and get out of there! We're going to have to try again later.
美军塔台: We're reading one radar station down!
美军塔台: That's two! One more and the door is open!
汤姆: Coast is clear. You can get a little altitude now. It's safe to get a little air under your wings now, captain.
美军塔台: That's it! ETA of the rest of the squadron is three minutes.
主角: I think they know I'm here.
美军塔台: Fighters are closing on your position!
主角: No kidding.
弗兰克: Hang on! The cavalry's coming.
主角: I can't take this pounding much longer. Think you could hurry it up, fellas?嘴上说着自己被揍得不行实际上Me-109被打得满地找牙
弗兰克: You're doing great.
汤姆: Just hold on a little bit longer...
轰炸机领队: ETA in two minutes
美军塔台: Bombers are inbound on your position. Just hang in there...
汤姆: We're almost there.
轰炸机领队: One minute to target
汤姆: Just hold on a little bit longer...
轰炸机领队: Thirty seconds to target.
乔: We're comin!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
乔: We can see you! Keep it up!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
轰炸机领队: We have visual confirmation. Enemy fighters are in the air over the target. We're going in.
弗兰克: We gotta stop meeting like this, kid. People will talk.
汤姆: I'm glad you're in one piece.
汤姆: There's the first wave.
美军塔台: VF-Alpha, cover those bombers. They've got to get through.
弗兰克: Here we go.
汤姆: Berlin's taking a pounding.
汤姆: Our boys are getting through.
弗兰克: Hit 'em hard, boys! We'll keep 'em off you!
弗兰克: They're pounding the hell out of the city.
弗兰克: Ain't that a beautiful sight?
汤姆: There's the second wave.
弗兰克: Here come the early birds.
弗兰克: Nice of them to show up, too.
美军轰炸机: Smooth sailing.
美军轰炸机: Nothing but light fire.
汤姆: Do you think this is the last fight we're going to have?
主角: We're getting near it. I don't know about you, but I'm ready to go home.
汤姆: That's it, let's keep up the good work.
汤姆: Here comes the last wave.
弗兰克: Get your last licks in, boys.
主角: Let's keep the Germans from doing damage up here.
汤姆: Come on, Frank, you sound like an old woman. Where's your fire?
弗兰克: And you used to give a damn about making it home, Tom. Don't do anything stupid now, you hear me?弗兰克真的是玩累了
主角: That's enough, guys. Let's stick to business.
汤姆: Berlin's taking a pounding.
弗兰克: Hit 'em hard, boys! We'll keep 'em off you!
乔: Look out!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
弗兰克: We lost another one!
美军轰炸机: Engines one and two are out!
美军轰炸机: Mayday! We've been hit!
汤姆: We have to tighter in up!
汤姆: We're losing too many bombers!
汤姆: They're taking out the bombers!
弗兰克: We're losing too many!
弗兰克: It's like fighting a swarm of bees!
乔: How we gonna get them through!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
乔: We ain't stoppin' 'em!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
美军轰炸机: We're not going to be able to reach the target!
美军塔台: Bombers, abort your runs. The defenses are too strong. Get out of there.
汤姆: We'll get 'em next time.
弗兰克: You're looking pretty rough there, Captain.
主角: Tell me about it. Let me see if I can remember how Joe would have handled this. He always was good at the in-flight fixes.
汤姆: That's it! You've got it!
主角: Thanks, Joe. Wherever you are.
美军轰炸机: This is Charlie-Niner-Zero. Over the target now.
弗兰克: They're doing some damage down there. Look at all those pretty explosions. We did good.
汤姆: I have to tell you, I like escorting bombers more than I like flying them.
弗兰克: The bombers feel the same way.
汤姆: Roger that.
弗兰克: Wait a minute...what the heck is that?
汤姆: Are those...jets?
主角: Looks like it. And they're on a heading to intercept. This is it, boys.
德军王牌: Geschwader, in Formation. Angeblich sind die berühmten Engel von Dünkirchen hier. Lasst sie uns den Teufeln von Berlin vorstellen. Jawohl!(全中队集合!我知道大名鼎鼎的敦刻尔克天使在这里,那咱们让他们见识见识柏林的恶魔。进攻!)
弗兰克: It's that son of a bitch from London!
汤姆: And his wingmen. They're targeting us!
汤姆: They're not going to get away with that. That's their last kill.
乔: All right, they're askin' for it! I'm gonna take them out!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
弗兰克: That son of a bitch had better enjoy it while it can. It's payback time.
德军王牌: Die denken wirklich, sie können gewinnen. Amüsant. Aber gegen unsere Flugzeuge und Piloten wird das nichts. Seht ihr, wie schnell euer Tod kommt, Amerikaner? Sie können fliehen - oh nein, können sie nicht. Das ist zu einfach. Ich bereue nur, dass wir diese Flugzeuge nicht über London hatten. Welchen willst du zuerst? Den da. Er sieht träge aus.(他们认为他们能赢,笑掉大牙咯。他们不能胜过我们的飞机和飞行员。你们看看你们会死的有多快,美国佬?他们可以逃,不,跑不了咯。虐他们太简单了。我就后悔我们没在伦敦用这架飞机。你们想谁先死?这个人吧,他看上去有点……迟钝)
汤姆: Captain!
弗兰克: Stay away from the Captain, you sons of bitches!
德军王牌: Fang mich doch! Wir haben wohl ein kleines Problem mit der Geschwindigkeit, was? Wenn du jetzt fliehst, gebe ich dir einen Vorsprung.(来抓我啊!有点嫌自己飞机不够快了?如果你现在逃跑我可以让你先跑几年)
汤姆: Don't try to match them on straight runs! You don't have a chance!
弗兰克: Try sudden braking! They might overshoot!
主角: Got it! Let's show them we've still got a few tricks up our sleeves.
汤姆: It's no good - I can't hold him off much longer. Don't worry about me. Take them down!
弗兰克: This guy's on me tighter than my ex-wife's nylons! I can't shake him!
乔: Help! I need some help! Nothin's workin'!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
德军王牌: Sieh nur, wie sie auseinander jagen. Was denn, müsst ihr schon Kinder in den Kampf schicken? Es gibt kein Entkommen. Du wirst in Berlin sterben.(看看他们被我们冲散了抱头鼠窜。啥?你们都弱到把三岁小孩送去打仗?你逃不掉了。你会死在柏林!)
汤姆: I'm hit!
弗兰克: Tom!Those bastards!
乔: Tom!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
德军王牌: Welch ein Verlust für die Welt der Fliegerei.(他死了多可惜啊,不对吗)
汤姆: My God! Frank!
乔: Frank! No!(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
弗兰克: See you in hell, boys. It's been a great ride...
德军王牌: Ein tapferer Gegner und jetzt ein toter.(是个好对手,可惜是个死人了)
乔: Tell my Ma that I love her...(PC,乔在PS3/WII活不到这时候)
汤姆: Joe
弗兰克: God, not Joe
德军王牌: Du wirst das Ende von diesem Krieg nicht mehr erleben.(你们活不到战争结束了)
德军王牌: Ich salutiere vor einem würdigen Gegner. Lebewohl.(作为对手,我尊敬你,再见)
德军王牌: Unmöglich! Dafür wirst du bezahlen! Dafür wirst du bezahlen und wenn es das Letzte ist, was ich tue!(不可能!我会让你付出代价!用尽最后一口气我都要让你付出代价的!)
汤姆: I'm hit!
弗兰克: Tom!Those bastards!
德军王牌: Unmöglich! Das kann nicht sein! So werde ich nicht sterben! So werde ich nicht-(不可能!不可能这样,我不会就此无功而死,我不会……)
汤姆: Congratulations. You fought one hell of a war, Captain.
弗兰克: You did it! I'm damn proud to have flown with you.
汤姆: Sir, it's an honor to have flown with you.
美军塔台: VF-Alpha, that's all there is. You did it. Come on home, heroes. We're waiting for you.
主角: Finally, it ended. We could go home, those of us who survived. People could rebuild, and so could nations, but our work was done. Frank went back to Rhode Island and became a flight instructor. Last I heard, he got married and had half a dozen kids, and never missed an opening day at Fenway as long as he lived. Tom went to work for one of the airlines as a pilot, and kept flying as long as they'd let him. He died in his sleep a few years back, and Frank and I were pallbearers at his funeral. As for me, well, I lived my life, which is all you can really ask a man to do. I'm proud of what we did, and what we fought for. In our own way, we helped see the world through one of its darkest hours, and we didn't do it for glory, or to impress pretty girls. We did it because it was what had to be done, and with the hope in the backs of our minds that it would never have to be done again.




飞机序号 飞机名称 解锁关卡 速度评星 加速度评星 灵活度评星 火力评星 生命值评星 升级速度评星 升级加速度评星 升级灵活度评星 升级火力评星 升级生命值评星 飞机简介
1 格洛斯特角斗士
Gloster Gladiator
无(初始机) 3 3.5 5 2 1 3 4 5 2 1 Completely obsolete by the start of World War Ⅱ, the Gladiator nevertheless got its share of glory in the defense of Malta.


2 霍克飓风MKⅠ
Hawker Hurricane MKⅠ
训练日 3.5 3.5 4.5 3.5 2 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 2 Overshadowed by the faster and more modern Spitfire, the Hurricane was the actual vanquisher in the Battle of Britain.


3 梅塞施密特Me-110 C
Messerschmitt Me-110 C
训练日 4 3.5 3 4.5 3 4 3.5 3 5 4 A perfect example of the poor long range heavy fighter concept born in the pre-war air forces. Decimated by single-engined British fighters, it was soon put to good use in night fighter roles.


4 超级海军喷火MKⅠ
Supermarine Spitfire MKⅠ
敦刻尔克的上空 4 4 3.5 3.5 2.5 4 4 4 5 2.5 One of the most famous aircraft of the whole war, and arguably the best. The Spitfire MK I version dates from 1940 and clashed swords over Britain with the German One-oh-Nines.


5 梅塞施密特Me-109 E
Messerschmitt Me-109 E
敦刻尔克的上空 4.5 4 3.5 3.5 2.5 4.5 4 3.5 5 2.5 The Emil version of the famous Me 109 was an advanced fighter for its time, but was hampered in the Battle of Britain by poor range, only allowing for short combat time before heading home.

著名的Me 109 埃米尔(Emil)型是当时的一款先进的战斗机,但是在不列颠之战中受限于较差的射程与不足的续航能力。

6 超级海军喷火MKⅤ
Supermarine Spitfire MKⅤ
敦刻尔克大撤退 5 4.5 4 5 3 5 4.5 4 6 3 The MKⅤ version of the Spitfire traded some of its machineguns for much more potent 20mm cannons, and improves a little bit on the overall qualities of the plane.


7 费尔利剑鱼
Fairey Swordfish
敦刻尔克大撤退 0.5 5 3.5 3.5 2 0.5 5 3.5 3.5 2 It doesn't get more obsolete than this one. This wood-and-canvas biplane gave however good service, having crippled the Bismarck and annihilated the Italian fleet in the daring night raid on Taranto.


8 超级海军海喷火
Supermarine Seafire
伦敦,1940 4 4 4 5 3 5 4 4 5 3 Carrier borne version of the Spitfire MkⅤ. Arrestor hook and other adjustments increased weight, so this version was slightly slower than the one it was based on.


9 容克Ju-87斯图卡
Junkers Ju-87 Stuka
伦敦,1940 2 1.5 3 1 1.5 2 1.5 3 1 1.5 Intimately associated with the concept of Blitzkrieg, the Sturzkampfflugzeuge was easy prey for most fighters of the day, as clearly demonstrated over Britain.


10 霍克飓风MKⅡ
Hawker Hurricane MKⅡ
沙漠侦察 3.5 3.5 4.5 5 2 4 3.5 5 6 3 Falling behind the opposition as a fighter, the dependable Hurricane became a close-support specialist in the skies of Africa. The MkⅡ got an upgraded punch, in the form of all-cannon armament.


11 梅塞施密特Me-110 E
Messerschmitt Me-110 E
沙漠侦察 4.5 4 3 4.5 3 4.5 4 3 5 3 Upgraded, slightly faster version of the German Me-110 Zerstörer.


12 柯蒂斯P-40C战鹰
Curtiss P-40C Warhawk
沙鼠攻势 4 3.5 3 2.5 2.5 4 3.5 4 3 2.5 The American Warhawk is remembered by the masses as a poor machine, but was in fact a great fighter when flown properly, as proven over China by the Flying Tigers.


13 布里斯托尔英俊战士
Bristol Beaufighter
沙鼠攻势 3 3 4 6 3 3.5 3.5 4 6 3 British heavy fighter that proved itself as a close support machine and night bomber destroyer. Does not mix well with real fighters, but carries a big stick.

英国的重型战斗机,它证明了自己是一种低空支援机和夜间轰炸机驱逐者。它没法和真正的战斗机好好地配合,但可以作为重型轰炸机(big stick)运用。

14 道格拉斯TBD蹂躏者
Douglas TBD Devastator
耻辱日 3 3.5 2 1.5 2 3 3.5 2 1.5 2 The outdated Devastator was virtually eliminated from Navy inventory by getting shot down during the Battle of Midway.


15 爱知D3A1九九舰爆“瓦尔”
Aichi D3A1 Type 99 "Val"
耻辱日 2.5 3 1.5 0.5 1 2.5 3 1.5 0.5 1 Perfectly capable of turning with an allied fighter and shooting him down, the Japanese Val was also a very effective dive bomber.


16 布鲁斯特F2A水牛
Brewster F2A Buffalo
奇袭(PS3/WII) 2.5 3 4 2 1 3 3 5 2 1.5 The first monoplane fighter used by US Navy, it was obsolete at the start of the war, but surprisingly, it had the highest kill rate of all WWII fighters (in the Winter War, flying under Finnish flag).


17 中岛B5N2九七舰攻“凯特”
Nakajima B5N2 Type 97 "Kate"
奇袭 2.5 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 1 1.5 Carrier borne torpedo bomber that is virtually defenseless and, like most Japanese machines, easy to destroy.


18 道格拉斯SBD-3无畏
Douglas SBD-3 Dauntless
中途岛:开场攻势 3.5 3.5 2 1 3 3.5 3.5 2 1 3 American carrier borne dive bomber responsible for the sinking of the 4 Japanese flattops during the Battle of Midway.


19 三菱A6M零战
Mitsubishi A6M Zero
中途岛:开场攻势 3.5 3.5 3 3.5 1 4.5 4 3.5 3.5 1 The Japanese Zero could turn circles around any allied opposition, but was hampered by poor roll rate and the tendency to burst to flames at the slightest damage.


20 波尔敦保罗无畏
Boulton Paul Defiant
中途岛:转折点(PS3/WII) 4 4.5 3.5 2 3 4.5 4.5 4 2 3 An early WWII RAF fighter, the "Defiant" was not very successful against superior German fighters, but caused serious damage to the German bombers as a night fighter.


21 中岛Ki-43一式战“隼”
Nakajima Ki-43 Type 1 "Hayabusa"
中途岛:转折点 4 3 3.5 1.5 2 4 3 4 3 2 Nicknamed Oscar by the Allies, the Ki-43 was a very nimble land based fighter that suffered from a distinctly low firepower.


22 柯蒂斯SB2C地狱俯冲者
Curtiss SB2C Helldiver
守卫瓜岛(PS3/WII) 4.5 3.5 2.5 3.5 3 4.5 3.5 2.5 3.5 3 Designed to replace the "Dauntless", it was initially disliked by the pilots, but later proved its value by sinking more enemy shipping than any other Allied aircraft.


23 布鲁斯特SB2A海盗
Brewster SB2A Buccaneer
守卫瓜岛(PS3/WII) 1 4 2.5 4 4 1 4 2.5 4 4 Built for the US Navy, the "Buccaneer" was a scout bomber that was also used by other Allied nations, under the designation "Bermuda".


24 北美P-82双野马
North American P-82 Twin Mustang
新乔治亚群岛之战(PS3/WII) 5.5 4.5 3.5 3 3 6 5 4 5.5 3 The last piston-powered fighter ordered by the USAF, it was designed to escort the B-29s in their long missions.


25 三菱J2M“雷电”
Mitsubishi J2M "Raiden"
新乔治亚群岛之战 4.5 4.5 3.5 5 2 5 5 4 6 2 Land based, high speed interceptor of the Japanese Navy. Heavily armored for a Japanese plane, it was designed to counter the Superfortress threat.


26 德哈维兰DH.98蚊
De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito
拉包尔奇袭(PS3/WII) 5 3 3 4.5 3 5 3.5 3 4.5 3.5 Also known as "The Wooden Wonder", it excelled in any possible role (tactical bomber, day fighter, night fighter, fighter-bomber, naval support or reconnaissance).


27 川西N1K“紫电”
Kawanishi N1K "Shinden"
拉包尔奇袭 4.5 4.5 4 5 2.5 5 5 4 6 2.5 An excellent Japanese design, the Shiden came a little too late and was too unreliable to effectively counter the high-performers of the US Navy: the Hellcat and Corsair.


28 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 A
Focke-Wulf FW-190 A
先发制人 5 4 4 6 3.5 5 4 4 6 4 The Butcher in the Lufwaffe, the Focke Wulf dominated the skies over France when it first appeared. Excellent speed, roll rate and firepower make for a very dangerous opponent.


29 梅塞施密特Me-109 G
Messerschmitt Me-109 G
先发制人 5 4 3.5 5 3 6 5 3.5 5 3 Battling the English intruders over France, the American bombers stream over Romania and the Russian horde in the far-east, the 109 Gustav proved itself to be a great machine and dangerous opponent.

它曾与法国上空的英国不速之客、罗马尼亚上空的美国轰炸机、俄罗斯东部的敌人战斗过,109 G型(古斯塔夫Gustav )证明了自己是一个伟大的机器和危险的对手。

30 霍克台风
Hawker Typhoon
绝密 5 4 3 5 3.5 5 4 3 6 4 Father of the Tempest, the Typhoon proved an excellent ground attack platform and a difficult prey to catch. Good firepower makes him dangerous too.


31 梅塞施密特Me-110 G
Messerschmitt Me-110 G
绝密 4.5 4 3 5 3 4.5 4 3 6 3 Final version of the 110, this plane carries devastating firepower but doesn't mix well with single engined fighters.


32 北美P-51D野马
North American P-51D Mustang
诺曼底登陆 6 4.5 3 3.5 2.5 6 5 3.5 4 2.5 The first fighter that could escort American heavy bombers all the way to their target, the Pony could also mix with the Luftwaffe on equal terms.


33 梅塞施密特Me-109 K
Messerschmitt Me-109 K
诺曼底登陆 5 5 3 5 3 6 6 3 5 3 This final version of the 109 fighter was a nimble and very fast opponent on the skies of Western Europe.


34 霍克暴风MKⅡ(PS3/WII)/MKⅤ(PC/Xbox)
Hawker Tempest
解放巴黎 6 5 3 5 4 6 5 3 6 4 The fastest front line fighter of the Royal Air Force, the Tempest carried an all-cannons armament and excellent acceleration.


35 道格拉斯A-1天袭者
Douglas A-1 Skyraider
解放巴黎(PS3/WII) 6 4.5 4 4 2.5 6 4.5 5 6 2.5 The last American piston powered bomber, the "Skyraider" was used many years and proved to be a great value plane even in the Korea and Vietnam wars.


36 波音B-17空中堡垒
Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
阿登反击 3 1.5 0.5 4 6 3 1.5 0.5 4 6 The Flying Fortress, a bomber so packed with defensive guns it was argued it could defend alone against enemy fighters. Reality and the Luftwaffe proved otherwise.


37 超级海军喷火MKⅨ
Supermarine Spitfire MKⅨ
阿登反击 5 5 4 5 3 5 5 4 6 3 Final frontline version of the Spitfire. All cannons armament and speed to match the FW190 brought the Spit back in the fight.


38 北美P-51H野马
North American P-51H Mustang
飞行堡垒 6 5 3.5 3.5 2 6 5 3.5 5 2 Upgraded, faster version of the already excellent Mustang.


39 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 D-9
Focke-Wulf FW-190 D-9
飞行堡垒 6 5 4 5 3 6 5 4 6 3 Called Long Nose or Dora Nine, this fighter was a great all around performer and a dangerous opponent in skilled hands.

它被称之为长鼻子(Long Nose)或多拉九(Dora Nine),是一架伟大且全能成熟的战斗机。

40 格洛斯特流星
Gloster Meteor
柏林,1945 5 5 3.5 6 3 6 6 3.5 6 3 While it did not get to see much action apart from countering the buzz-bomb menace over England, the Meteor was nevertheless the first Allied jet fighter to reach operational status.


41 中岛J9Y“橘花”
Nakajima J9Y "Kikka"
柏林,1945 5 4.5 3.5 4 2 6 5 4 4 2 Japanese copy of the German Me-262 jet fighter. Not as good a performer and bearing only half the devastating armament of the original.


42 梅塞施密特Me-262
Messerschmitt Me-262
空战迷你战役:柏林 6 3 3 6 3 6 4 3 6 3 Opening a new age in aviation, the jet powered Me 262 was fast enough to avoid allied fighters and bore the armament to devastate American bomber formations.


43 梅塞施密特Me-163彗星
Messerschmitt Me-163 Komet
空战迷你战役:柏林(PS3/WII) 6 4.5 1.5 2.5 2 6 4.5 1.5 4 2.5 The only operationally rocket fighter in the WWII, the "Komet" was not very succesfull, but it represented one of the first signs that the propeller fighter days were over.


44 北美B-25米切尔
North American B-25 Mitchell
轰炸迷你战役:拉包尔(PS3/WII) 2 2 1.5 3 5 2 2 1.5 3 5 Famous especially for "The Doolittle Raid", the B-25 was a safe and very maneuverable plane. It was used with great results in every theater of WWII.


45 亨舍尔Hs-129
Henschel Hs-129
轰炸迷你战役:拉包尔(PS3/WII) 2 2.5 2 5 3 3 3 2 5 3 Also known as the "Panzerknacker" (tank cracker), it was a perfect anti-tank weapon, with a powerful gun that made it an ideal ground attack plane.


46 道尼尔Do-335
Dornier Do-335
战役整体五星评价奖励(PS3/WII) 5.5 5 3.5 2 2.5 5.5 5 4 3 2.5 Another fine work of the Luftwaffe, with an unique "push-pull" design that made it faster and more manoueverable than any Allied fighter it met.


47 贝尔P-39飞蛇
Bell P-39 Airacobra
奇袭(PC) 4 4 3.5 5 3 5 4.5 3.5 5 3 An interesting design that never quite lived to its promise, the Cobra can however sting an unsuspecting opponent with the heavy hitting 37mm cannon.


48 格鲁曼F4F-4野猫
Grumman F4F-4 Wildcat
中途岛:转折点(PC) 3.5 3 3 2.5 3 3.5 3 3 4 3 Outperformed by the Japanese fighters it faced at the start of the war in Pacific, the rugged Wildcat still managed to hold its own enough for the allies to turn the tide in their side.


49 沃特F4U-1D海盗
Vought F4U-1D Corsair
守卫瓜岛(PC) 5 3.5 4.5 3.5 4 5 4 4.5 6 4 Nicknamed both Whistling Death and Ensign Eliminator, the Corsair was one of the most dangerous machines for both the enemy and its own pilot.


50 共和P-47雷电
Republic P-47 Thunderbolt
绝密(PC) 5 3.5 2.5 5 5 6 4 2.5 5 5 The Jug, or Thunderbolt, was one of the toughest machines to take to the skies of World War II. Virtually indestructible, this flying brick carried a good punch too.


51 格鲁曼F6F-5地狱猫
Grumman F6F-5 Hellcat
空战迷你战役:柏林(PC) 5 4 3.5 3.5 4 5 4.5 3.5 4 4 Replacement of the Wildcat on American carrier decks, the Hellcat was an all-around performer and a solid machine too.


52 格鲁曼TBF-3复仇者
Grumman TBF-3 Avenger
轰炸迷你战役:拉包尔(PC) 3.5 3.5 2 1 4 3.5 3.5 2 1 4 Although it got as bloodied as the Devastator in the Midway massacre, the Avenger would prove to be an excellent torpedo bomber and a dependable machine.


53 亨克尔He-111
Heinkel He-111
54 洛克希德P-38闪电
Lockheed P-38 Lightening
The Fork-tailed devil, has a distinct silhouette and a powerful punch. Highly successful in the Pacific, it fared poorer against the best of the Luftwaffe.


55 容克Ju-88
Junkers Ju-88
56 三菱G4M一式陆攻“贝蒂”
Mitsubishi G4M Type 1 "Betty"
57 北美P-51C野马
North American P-51C Mustang
58 V-1导弹
V-1 Missile
59 伊留申伊尔-2M“斯图莫维克”早期型
Ilyushin Il-2M Early "Sturmovik"


飞机序号 飞机名称 最低速度 巡航速度 最高速度 减速时间 加速时间 航母减速 升级最低速度 升级巡航速度 升级最高速度 升级减速时间 升级加速时间 升级航母减速
1 格洛斯特角斗士 50 95 130 2.0 2.5 0 50 98 135 2.0 2.5 0
2 霍克飓风MKⅠ 65 110 141 2.0 2.5 450 65 110 141 2.0 2.5 450
3 梅塞施密特Me-110 C 70 100 150 2.0 2.5 50 70 100 150 2.0 2.5 50
4 超级海军喷火MKⅠ 70 120 155 2.0 2.5 80 70 120 155 2.0 2.5 80
5 梅塞施密特Me-109 E 80 125 160 2.0 2.0 130 80 125 160 2.0 2.0 130
6 超级海军喷火MKⅤ 75 135 167 2.0 2.5 80 75 135 167 2.0 2.5 80
7 费尔利剑鱼 30 85 110 2.0 5.5 100 30 85 110 2.0 5.5 100
8 超级海军海喷火 70 120 156 2.0 2.5 450 75 135 167 2.0 2.5 450
9 容克Ju-87斯图卡 45 60 108 3.0 5.0 250 45 60 108 3.0 5.0 250
10 霍克飓风MKⅡ 65 110 146 2.0 2.5 60 65 110 146 2.0 2.5 60
11 梅塞施密特Me-110 E 70 105 158 2.0 2.5 50 70 105 158 2.0 2.5 50
12 柯蒂斯P-40C战鹰 76 120 153 2.0 2.5 80 76 120 153 2.0 2.5 80
13 布里斯托尔英俊战士 55 90 130 2.0 3.5 30 50 95 144 2.0 3.0 30
14 道格拉斯TBD蹂躏者 30 85 130 2.0 5.5 100 30 85 130 2.0 5.5 100
15 爱知D3A1九九舰爆“瓦尔” 30 75 118 2.0 3.5 0 30 75 118 2.0 3.5 0
16 布鲁斯特F2A水牛 70 110 140 2.0 2.5 80 70 110 145 2.0 2.5 80
17 中岛B5N2九七舰攻“凯特” 50 90 120 4.0 7.0 0 50 90 120 4.0 7.0 0
18 道格拉斯SBD-3无畏 60 120 140 2.0 3.0 350 60 120 140 2.0 3.0 350
19 三菱A6M零战 70 110 145 2.0 2.5 650 70 115 160 2.0 3.0 650
20 波尔敦保罗无畏 75 125 150 2.0 2.5 80 75 135 167 2.0 2.5 80
21 中岛Ki-43一式战“隼” 70 110 148 2.0 3.0 70 70 110 148 2.0 3.0 70
22 柯蒂斯SB2C地狱俯冲者 60 120 160 2.0 5.0 0 60 120 160 2.0 5.0 0
23 布鲁斯特SB2A海盗 45 85 110 2.0 5.5 100 45 85 110 2.0 5.5 100
24 北美P-82双野马 90 140 200 2.5 2.5 140 90 160 217 2.5 2.5 140
25 三菱J2M“雷电” 60 130 166 2.0 2.0 50 60 130 166 2.0 2.0 50
26 德哈维兰DH.98蚊 80 150 183 2.0 2.5 85 80 150 183 2.0 2.5 85
27 川西N1K“紫电” 70 130 165 2.0 2.0 45 70 135 180 2.0 2.0 45
28 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 A 90 145 180 2.0 2.3 100 90 145 180 2.0 2.3 100
29 梅塞施密特Me-109 G 80 135 175 2.0 2.5 130 80 135 190 2.0 3.4 130
30 霍克台风 90 155 182 2.5 2.0 45 90 155 182 2.5 2.0 45
31 梅塞施密特Me-110 G 70 110 160 2.0 3.0 50 70 110 160 2.0 3.0 50
32 北美P-51D野马 90 150 195 2.5 2.0 100 90 150 195 2.5 2.0 100
33 梅塞施密特Me-109 K 85 160 202 2.0 2.5 150 85 165 212 2.0 2.6 150
34 霍克暴风 90 155 195 2.5 1.5 35 90 155 195 2.5 1.5 35
35 道格拉斯A-1天袭者 90 165 230 2.5 2.5 140 90 165 230 2.5 2.5 140
36 波音B-17空中堡垒 60 110 134 4.0 8.0 0 60 110 134 4.0 8.0 0
37 超级海军喷火MKⅨ 80 150 183 2.0 2.5 85 80 150 183 2.0 2.5 85
38 北美P-51H野马 90 160 217 2.5 2.5 140 90 160 217 2.5 2.5 140
39 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 D-9 90 155 190.5 2.0 1.8 50 90 155 190.5 2.0 1.8 50
40 格洛斯特流星 85 160 195 2.0 2.5 100 90 160 250 2.0 3.5 250
41 中岛J9Y“橘花” 70 140 173 2.0 2.5 55 70 150 200 2.0 3.5 65
42 梅塞施密特Me-262 90 160 240 4.0 6.0 630 90 160 240 3.5 4.5 550
43 梅塞施密特Me-163彗星 90 160 240 4.0 6.0 630 90 160 240 3.5 4.5 550
44 北美B-25米切尔 60 110 134 4.0 8.0 0 60 110 134 4.0 8.0 0
45 亨舍尔Hs-129 30 85 110 2.0 5.5 100 30 85 110 2.0 5.5 100
46 道尼尔Do-335 90 170 225 2.5 2.5 140 90 170 225 2.5 2.5 140
47 贝尔P-39飞蛇 60 120 168 1.8 3.0 60 60 130 176 1.8 3.4 60
48 格鲁曼F4F-4野猫 80 120 143 2.0 2.6 450 80 120 143 2.0 2.6 450
49 沃特F4U-1D海盗 90 140 176 2.5 2.0 450 90 140 176 2.5 2.0 450
50 共和P-47雷电 100 150 185 2.0 3.0 450 100 155 193 2.0 3.0 450
51 格鲁曼F6F-5地狱猫 80 140 168 2.0 2.5 450 80 140 176 2.0 2.5 450
52 格鲁曼TBF-3复仇者 40 100 140 2.0 6.0 0 40 100 140 2.0 6.0 0
53 亨克尔He-111 50 60 114 3.0 6.0 0 50 60 114 3.0 6.0 0
54 洛克希德P-38闪电
55 容克Ju-88 60 95 131 2.0 4.0 -0 60 95 131 2.0 4.0 -0
56 三菱G4M一式陆攻“贝蒂” 60 90 130.5 2.5 6.0 -0 60 90 130.5 2.5 6.0 -0
57 北美P-51C野马 90 150 197 2.0 2.5 -0 90 150 197 2.0 2.5 -0
58 V-1导弹 130 179 222 2.0 4.0 -0 130 179 222 2.0 4.0 -0
59 伊留申伊尔-2M“斯图莫维克”早期型
44.1 PC版北美B-25米切尔 60 90 123 2.5 6.0 -0 60 90 123 2.5 6.0 -0


飞机序号 飞机名称 俯仰率 俯仰时间 偏航率 偏航时间 滚转率 滚转时间 升级俯仰率 升级俯仰时间 升级偏航率 升级偏航时间 升级滚转率 升级滚转时间
1 格洛斯特角斗士 51 1.8 30 1.0 130 1.2 51 1.8 30 1.0 130 1.2
2 霍克飓风MKⅠ 48.3 1.7 40 1.0 120 1.0 48.3 1.7 40 1.0 120 1.0
3 梅塞施密特Me-110 C 36 2.0 30 1.0 64 1.0 36 2.0 30 1.0 64 1.0
4 超级海军喷火MKⅠ 45 1.55 40 1.0 95 0.78 45 1.55 40 1.0 95 0.78
5 梅塞施密特Me-109 E 40 2.0 40 1.0 106 1.0 40 2.0 40 1.0 106 1.0
6 超级海军喷火MKⅤ 49 1.6 40 1.0 125 1.0 49 1.6 40 1.0 125 1.0
7 费尔利剑鱼 30 1.5 20 1.0 90 1.0 30 1.5 20 1.0 90 1.0
8 超级海军海喷火 49 1.6 40 1.0 125 1.0 49 1.6 40 1.0 125 1.0
9 容克Ju-87斯图卡 47 2.0 20 1.0 110 1.2 47 2.0 20 1.0 110 1.2
10 霍克飓风MKⅡ 48.3 1.7 40 1.0 120 1.0 48.3 1.7 40 1.0 120 1.0
11 梅塞施密特Me-110 E 36 2.0 30 1.0 64 1.0 36 2.0 30 1.0 64 1.0
12 柯蒂斯P-40C战鹰 45 1.7 40 1.0 120 1.0 45 1.7 40 1.0 120 1.0
13 布里斯托尔英俊战士 33 2.0 30 1.0 80 1.6 33 2.0 30 1.0 90 1.5
14 道格拉斯TBD蹂躏者 35 1.5 30 1.0 90 1.0 35 1.5 30 1.0 90 1.0
15 爱知D3A1九九舰爆“瓦尔” 50 1.4 15 1.0 51 0.6 50 1.4 15 1.0 51 0.6
16 布鲁斯特F2A水牛 40 1.7 35 1.0 110 1.0 40 1.7 35 1.0 110 1.0
17 中岛B5N2九七舰攻“凯特” 50 1.5 15 1.0 50 0.7 50 1.5 15 1.0 50 0.7
18 道格拉斯SBD-3无畏 35 1.5 15 1.0 90 0.9 35 1.5 15 1.0 90 0.9
19 三菱A6M零战 55 1.5 40 1.0 60 0.6 55 1.5 40 1.0 70 0.6
20 波尔敦保罗无畏 45 1.6 35 1.0 120 1.0 49 1.6 40 1.0 125 1.0
21 中岛Ki-43一式战“隼” 60 1.5 40 1.0 80 0.6 60 1.5 40 1.0 80 0.6
22 柯蒂斯SB2C地狱俯冲者 40 1.5 25 1.0 105 1.0 40 1.5 25 1.0 105 1.0
23 布鲁斯特SB2A海盗 30 1.5 20 1.0 90 1.0 30 1.5 20 1.0 90 1.0
24 北美P-82双野马 39 1.4 45 1.0 130 1.0 39 1.6 40 1.0 140 1.1
25 三菱J2M“雷电” 43 1.6 40 1.0 100 0.9 43 1.6 40 1.0 100 0.9
26 德哈维兰DH.98蚊 42 1.6 40 1.0 112 0.9 46 1.6 40 1.0 112 0.9
27 川西N1K“紫电” 55 1.5 40 1.0 120 1.0 55 1.5 40 1.0 120 1.0
28 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 A 40 1.3 40 1.0 160 1.0 40 1.3 40 1.0 160 1.0
29 梅塞施密特Me-109 G 34 2.0 40 1.0 111 1.0 34 2.0 40 1.0 111 1.0
30 霍克台风 34 1.0 40 1.0 106 0.9 34 1.0 40 1.0 106 0.9
31 梅塞施密特Me-110 G 36 2.0 30 1.0 64 1.0 36 2.0 30 1.0 64 1.0
32 北美P-51D野马 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9 38 1.5 40 1.0 130 1.0
33 梅塞施密特Me-109 K 34 2.0 40 1.0 111 1.0 34 2.0 40 1.0 111 1.0
34 霍克暴风 36 1.0 40 1.0 120 0.9 36 1.0 40 1.0 120 0.9
35 道格拉斯A-1天袭者 45 1.6 40 1.0 140 1.0 50 1.6 40 1.0 145 1.1
36 波音B-17空中堡垒 15 2.0 5 1.5 40 0.5 15 2.0 5 1.5 40 0.5
37 超级海军喷火MKⅨ 42 1.6 40 1.0 112 0.9 46 1.6 40 1.0 112 0.9
38 北美P-51H野马 39 1.6 40 1.0 140 1.1 39 1.6 40 1.0 140 1.1
39 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 D-9 41 1.5 40 1.0 160 1.0 41 1.5 40 1.0 160 1.0
40 格洛斯特流星 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9 38 1.4 40 1.0 120 0.9
41 中岛J9Y“橘花” 45 1.85 35 1.0 100 1.0 45 1.85 35 1.0 100 1.0
42 梅塞施密特Me-262 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9
43 梅塞施密特Me-163彗星 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9
44 北美B-25米切尔 20 2.0 10 1.5 65 0.5 20 2.0 10 1.5 65 0.5
45 亨舍尔Hs-129 30 1.5 30 1.0 85 1.0 30 1.5 30 1.0 85 1.0
46 道尼尔Do-335 39 1.5 45 1.0 140 1.0 45 1.5 50 1.0 140 1.0
47 贝尔P-39飞蛇 41.6 1.55 40 1.0 100 0.8 41.6 1.55 40 1.0 105 0.78
48 格鲁曼F4F-4野猫 43 1.65 40 1.0 90.6 0.8 43 1.65 40 1.0 90.6 0.8
49 沃特F4U-1D海盗 43 1.5 40 1.0 177 1.7 43 1.5 40 1.0 177 1.7
50 共和P-47雷电 30 1.0 30 1.0 93 0.9 30 1.0 30 1.0 93 0.9
51 格鲁曼F6F-5地狱猫 47 1.7 40 1.0 100 0.83 47 1.7 40 1.0 100 0.83
52 格鲁曼TBF-3复仇者 35 1.5 30 1.0 90 1.0 35 1.5 30 1.0 90 1.0
53 亨克尔He-111 25 1.0 5 0.75 75 1.0 25 1.0 5 0.75 75 1.0
54 洛克希德P-38闪电
55 容克Ju-88 20 1.1 15 1.0 100 1.4 20 1.1 15 1.0 100 1.4
56 三菱G4M一式陆攻“贝蒂” 15 1.0 10 1.0 75 1.0 15 1.0 10 1.0 75 1.0
57 北美P-51C野马 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9 35 1.4 40 1.0 118 0.9
58 V-1导弹 15 1.0 5 0.75 75 2.0 15 1.0 5 0.75 75 2.0
59 伊留申伊尔-2M“斯图莫维克”早期型
44.1 PC版北美B-25米切尔 15 1.0 10 1.0 75 1.0 15 1.0 10 1.0 75 1.0


飞机序号 飞机名称 空重 生命值 护甲 升级空重 升级生命值 升级护甲
1 格洛斯特角斗士 1900 150 0 1900 150 0
2 霍克飓风MKⅠ 2700 250 0 2700 250 0
3 梅塞施密特Me-110 C 6200 350 0 6200 400 1
4 超级海军喷火MKⅠ 2600 300 0 2600 300 0
5 梅塞施密特Me-109 E 2300 300 0 2300 300 0
6 超级海军喷火MKⅤ 2800 350 0 2800 350 0
7 费尔利剑鱼 4000 250 0 4000 250 0
8 超级海军海喷火 2800 350 0 2800 350 0
9 容克Ju-87斯图卡 3800 220 0 3800 220 0
10 霍克飓风MKⅡ 3200 250 0 3200 350 1
11 梅塞施密特Me-110 E 6500 350 0 6500 350 0
12 柯蒂斯P-40C战鹰 3000 300 0 3000 300 0
13 布里斯托尔英俊战士 3000 400 0 3000 400 0
14 道格拉斯TBD蹂躏者 3800 250 0 3800 250 0
15 爱知D3A1九九舰爆“瓦尔” 4900 150 0 4900 150 0
16 布鲁斯特F2A水牛 3000 300 0 3000 300 0
17 中岛B5N2九七舰攻“凯特” 3400 150 0 3400 150 0
18 道格拉斯SBD-3无畏 3000 400 0 3000 400 0
19 三菱A6M零战 2200 150 0 2200 250 0
20 波尔敦保罗无畏 2800 350 0 2800 350 0
21 中岛Ki-43一式战“隼” 2400 250 0 2400 250 0
22 柯蒂斯SB2C地狱俯冲者 3800 250 0 3800 250 0
23 布鲁斯特SB2A海盗 4000 400 0 4000 400 0
24 北美P-82双野马 5000 300 0 4100 350 0
25 三菱J2M“雷电” 3400 350 0 3400 350 1
26 德哈维兰DH.98蚊 6200 350 0 6200 400 1
27 川西N1K“紫电” 4000 300 0 4000 300 0
28 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 A 4400 400 0 4400 400 0
29 梅塞施密特Me-109 G 2900 375 0 2900 375 0
30 霍克台风 5500 450 0 5500 450 0
31 梅塞施密特Me-110 G 8500 350 1 8500 350 1
32 北美P-51D野马 4500 300 0 4300 300 0
33 梅塞施密特Me-109 K 3100 375 0 3100 375 0
34 霍克暴风 5300 450 0 5300 450 0
35 道格拉斯A-1天袭者 5500 300 0 5500 300 0
36 波音B-17空中堡垒 26000 1000 0 26000 1000 0
37 超级海军喷火MKⅨ 3700 350 0 3700 350 0
38 北美P-51H野马 4100 300 0 4100 300 0
39 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 D-9 4400 400 0 4400 400 0
40 格洛斯特流星 6200 350 0 6200 350 0
41 中岛J9Y“橘花” 4000 250 0 4000 250 0
42 梅塞施密特Me-262 6200 350 0 6200 350 0
43 梅塞施密特Me-163彗星 6200 350 0 6200 350 0
44 北美B-25米切尔 19000 700 0 19000 700 0
45 亨舍尔Hs-129 3800 250 0 3800 250 0
46 道尼尔Do-335 4100 300 0 4100 300 0
47 贝尔P-39飞蛇 3400 350 0 3700 350 0
48 格鲁曼F4F-4野猫 3700 400 0 3700 400 0
49 沃特F4U-1D海盗 5500 480 0 5500 480 0
50 共和P-47雷电 7600 600 1 7600 600 1
51 格鲁曼F6F-5地狱猫 5000 500 0 5000 500 0
52 格鲁曼TBF-3复仇者 6500 500 0 6500 500 0
53 亨克尔He-111 12000 430 0 12000 430 0
54 洛克希德P-38闪电
55 容克Ju-88 13000 400 0 13000 400 0
56 三菱G4M一式陆攻“贝蒂” 11500 650 0 11500 650 0
57 北美P-51C野马 4500 300 0 4500 300 0
58 V-1导弹 2000 300 0 2000 300 0
59 伊留申伊尔-2M“斯图莫维克”早期型
44.1 PC版北美B-25米切尔 14500 650 0 14500 650 0


前射武器序号 前射武器名称 代码名称 原产地 口径 射程 初速度(注1) 射速(秒/每发) 攻击力 DPS 备注
1 勃朗宁.303口径机枪 MGunBrowning303k 7.7×56mm 600 750 0.052 3 57.69231
2 97式机枪 MGunType97 7.7×56mm 600 750 0.066 3 45.45455
3 莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪 MGunMG17at 7.92×57mm 600 775 0.05 3 60
4 勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 MGunBrowning50k 12.7×99mm 600 880 0.1 8 80
5 Ho-103机枪 MGunHo103 12.7×81mm 600 765 0.07 7 100
6 莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪 MGunMG131 13×64mm 600 730 0.066 7 106.06061
7 西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 CanHispanoII 20×110mm 600 880 0.1 18.5 185
8 西斯帕诺Ⅴ机炮 CanHispanoV 20×110mm 600 840 0.08 18.5 231.25
9 厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 CanMGFF 20×80mm 600 600 0.113 20 176.99115
10 莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮 CanMG151 20×82mm 600 725 0.08 22 275
11 99-1式机炮 CanType99 20×72mm 600 520 0.11 20 181.81818
12 99-2式机炮 CanType99hr 20×101mm 600 520 0.09 20 222.22222 没有nt变种,只能借用99-1式机炮的nt变种数据计算初速度
13 莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 CanMK108 30×90mm 800 505 0.1 40 400
14 Ho-155机炮 CanHo155 30×114mm 800 650 0.15 40 266.66667
15 勃朗宁M4机炮 Can37mmM4 37×145mm 800 580 0.22 75 340.90909
16 莱茵金属-博西格BK 3,7机炮 BK37 37×263mm 800 1140 0.375 140 373.33333 没有nt变种,只能通过真实数据计算初速度
飞机序号 飞机名称 前射武器 前射DPS 前射弹道权 升级前射武器 升级前射DPS 升级前射弹道权 炸弹数量 火箭弹数量 鱼雷数量 备注
1 格洛斯特角斗士 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 115.38462 750 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪,炸弹槽杜撰,根本无法携带任何炸弹
1.1 PC版格洛斯特角斗士 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 230.76923 750 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 275.38462 844.54545 2 8 0 炸弹槽杜撰,根本无法携带任何炸弹
2 霍克飓风MKⅠ 8×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 461.53846 750 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 550.76923 844.54545 2 8 0
3 梅塞施密特Me-110 C 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 593.98230 640.38462 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 593.98230 640.38462 2 8 0
4 超级海军喷火MKⅠ 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 230.76923 750 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 485.38462 861.86047 2 8 0 缺少机翼4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪
4.1 PC版超级海军喷火MKⅠ 8×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 461.53846 750 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 600.76923 848.16327 2 8 0
5 梅塞施密特Me-109 E 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 473.98230 622.82609 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 473.98230 622.82609 2 8 0
5.1 PC版梅塞施密特Me-109 E 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 473.98230 622.82609 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+3×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 650.97345 615.90909 2 8 0 弱弱地问一句三次元有109E强行塞进去一个MG FF轴炮么
6 超级海军喷火MKⅤ 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 485.38462 861.86047 4×西斯帕诺Ⅴ机炮 925 840 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪
6.1 PC版超级海军喷火MKⅤ 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 600.76923 848.16327 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 2 8 0
7 费尔利剑鱼 1×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 57.69231 750 1×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 57.69231 750 8 0 1 严重怀疑炸弹槽写错,原始代码是8个火箭槽,不然多人轰炸模式太imba(我更倾向于是PC移植后想都没想就把这些槽全都归炸弹槽了)
7.1 PC版费尔利剑鱼 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 115.38462 750 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪 115.38462 750 8 0 1 多出机鼻1×勃朗宁.303口径机枪;PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
8 超级海军海喷火 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 485.38462 861.86047 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪
8.1 PC版超级海军海喷火 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 600.76923 848.16327 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 600.76923 848.16327 2 8 0
9 容克Ju-87斯图卡 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪 120 775 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪 120 775 6 0 0 枪管建模尺寸比例感觉更像莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮,实际上严重怀疑这架飞机应该是Ju-87 D-5而不是原代码所写的Ju-87 B-2
9.1 PC版容克Ju-87斯图卡 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪 120 775 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪 120 775 8 0 0 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
10 霍克飓风MKⅡ 8×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 1480 880 8×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 1480 880 2 8 0 多出机翼4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮,导致在PS3/Wii版本成为战力最强飞机,打谁都秒杀,甚至能追着262打
10.1 PC版霍克飓风MKⅡ 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 2 8 0
11 梅塞施密特Me-110 E 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 593.98230 640.38462 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 593.98230 640.38462 2 8 0
12 柯蒂斯P-40C战鹰 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 2 8 0
12.1 PC版柯蒂斯P-40C战鹰 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 320 880 5×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 400 880 2 8 0 建模冒用P-40E的6挺12.7mm机枪,但是明显冒用都没冒用对,应为机鼻2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪,机翼4×勃朗宁.303口径勃朗宁M1919机枪
13 布里斯托尔英俊战士 6×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 716.15385 837.45455 6×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 716.15385 837.45455 6 0 0 缺少机鼻2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮
13.1 PC版布里斯托尔英俊战士 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+3×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 785.76923 856.88889 4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+3×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 785.76923 856.88889 12 0 0 前射武器极度混乱;PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
14 道格拉斯TBD蹂躏者 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 4 0 1 多出机鼻1×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪
14.1 PC版道格拉斯TBD蹂躏者 1×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 80 880 1×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 80 880 8 0 1 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
15 爱知D3A1九九舰爆“瓦尔” 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 4 0 0
15.1 PC版爱知D3A1九九舰爆“瓦尔” 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 8 0 0 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
16 布鲁斯特F2A水牛 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪
17 中岛B5N2九七舰攻“凯特” 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 6 0 1 多出机鼻2×97式机枪,不应该有前射武器(即使是B5N1也应该安装在机翼上)
17.1 PC版中岛B5N2九七舰攻“凯特” 0 0 0 0 8 0 1 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
18 道格拉斯SBD-3无畏 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 6 0 0 炸弹槽位置严重错误,应为机翼2枚炸弹+中央1枚大炸弹
18.1 PC版道格拉斯SBD-3无畏 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 8 0 0 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
19 三菱A6M零战 2×97式机枪+2×99-1式机炮 454.54545 550 2×97式机枪+2×99-1式机炮 454.54545 550 2 8 0
20 波尔敦保罗无畏 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪 120 775 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪 120 775 2 8 0 前射武器驴唇不对马嘴,应为飞机上半球自由瞄准的4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪组成的炮塔
21 中岛Ki-43一式战“隼” 2×Ho-103机枪 200 765 2×99-1式机炮 363.63636 520 2 8 0
22 柯蒂斯SB2C地狱俯冲者 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 2×97式机枪 90.90909 750 6 8 1 前射武器驴唇不对马嘴,应为机翼2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ美版西斯帕诺AN/M2机炮;炸弹槽位置严重错误,应为机翼2枚炸弹+中央1枚大炸弹制作组糊弄做的飞机?
23 布鲁斯特SB2A海盗 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 4 0 0
24 北美P-82双野马 8×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 640 880 8×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 640 880 2 8 0 前射武器有误,应为机翼中段14×勃朗宁AN/M2勃朗宁AN/M3机枪激光发射器Brain Power,机翼外段4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪杜撰
25 三菱J2M“雷电” 2×99-1式机炮 363.63636 520 2×99-2式机炮 444.44444 520 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×97式机枪或2×99-1式机炮
25.1 PC版三菱J2M“雷电” 4×99-1式机炮 727.27273 520 4×99-2式机炮 888.88889 520 2 8 0
26 德哈维兰DH.98蚊 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 490 865.34884 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 490 865.34884 6 8 0 前射武器严重错误,应为机鼻4×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮
27 川西N1K“紫电” 4×99-1式机炮 727.27272 520 4×99-1式机炮 727.27272 520 2 8 0
28 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 A 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮 670 731 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮 762.12121 726.20690 2 8 1 缺少机翼2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮;没有任何机会能够使用这架飞机的鱼雷
28.1 PC版福克-伍尔夫FW-190 A 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮 1220 728.19149 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮 1312.12121 725.68627 2 8 1 没有任何机会能够使用这架飞机的鱼雷
29 梅塞施密特Me-109 G 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪 424.24242 730 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪 424.24242 730 2 8 0 前射武器严重错误,应为机鼻2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮或1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮,机翼2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮或2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮
29.1 PC版梅塞施密特Me-109 G 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 612.12121 563.33333 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 612.12121 563.33333 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮或2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮
30 霍克台风 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 2×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮+2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 1170 623.58974 2 8 0 嘛呢升级把108给装上什么鬼
31 梅塞施密特Me-110 G 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 593.98230 640.38462 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 593.98230 640.38462 2 8 0 前射武器应为4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮+2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮,那时候厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮早淘汰了吧
31.1 PC版梅塞施密特Me-110 G 2×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮+2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 1153.98230 536.66667 1×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮+2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮+1×莱茵金属-博西格BK 3,7机炮 1350.32448 883.33333 2 8 0 前射武器应为4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮+2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮,那时候厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮早淘汰了吧
32 北美P-51D野马 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 320 880 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 320 880 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪;炸弹装载量过少
32.1 PC版北美P-51D野马 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 2 8 0 炸弹装载量过少
33 梅塞施密特Me-109 K 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪 424.24242 730 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪 424.24242 730 2 8 0 前射武器严重错误,应为机鼻2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮,机翼2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮
33.1 PC版梅塞施密特Me-109 K 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 612.12121 563.33333 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 612.12121 563.33333 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮或2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮
34 霍克暴风 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 4×西斯帕诺Ⅴ机炮 925 840 2 8 0
35 道格拉斯A-1天袭者 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 320 880 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 4 8 1 看这个火力升级以及灵活性,我现在越来越怀疑他们原来想造一个格鲁曼F8F熊猫,但是经过一系列事情飞机歪成了A-1天袭者,还削弱了生命值
36 波音B-17空中堡垒 0 0 0 0 12 0 0
37 超级海军喷火MKⅨ 4×西斯帕诺Ⅴ机炮 925 840 4×西斯帕诺Ⅴ机炮 925 840 2 8 0
38 北美P-51H野马 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 320 880 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 320 880 2 8 0 缺少机翼2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪;炸弹装载量过少
38.1 PC版北美P-51H野马 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 2 8 0 难怪当初要给升级火力5星,原来是硬塞进去4门西炮;炸弹装载量过少
39 福克-伍尔夫FW-190 D-9 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮 762.12121 726.20690 2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 131机枪+2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 1012.12121 538.51064 2 8 0
40 格洛斯特流星 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 2 8 0 应为机鼻4×西斯帕诺Ⅴ机炮
41 中岛J9Y“橘花” 4×Ho-155机炮 1066.66667 650 4×Ho-155机炮 1066.66667 650 2 8 0 多出2×Ho-155机炮
41.1 PC版中岛J9Y“橘花” 2×Ho-155机炮 533.33333 650 2×Ho-155机炮 533.33333 650 2 8 0
42 梅塞施密特Me-262 4×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 1600 505 4×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 1600 505 2 8 0
43 梅塞施密特Me-163彗星 2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 800 505 2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 800 505 2 8 0
44 北美B-25米切尔 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 640 567.30769 4×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108机炮 640 567.30769 8 0 0 前射武器驴唇不对马嘴,应为机鼻4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪+1×勃朗宁M4机炮75mmT13E1火炮
44.1 PC版北美B-25米切尔 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 前射武器应为机鼻4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪+1×勃朗宁M4机炮75mmT13E1火炮;PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
45 亨舍尔Hs-129 4×97式机枪+1×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 358.80933 656.25 4×97式机枪+1×厄利孔-伊卡里亚MG FF机炮 358.80933 656.25 2 8 0 前射武器驴唇不对马嘴,应为机鼻2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 17机枪+2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108莱茵金属-博西格MK 103机炮
46 道尼尔Do-335 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2 8 0 前射武器驴唇不对马嘴,应为机鼻2×莱茵金属-博西格MG 151/20机炮+1×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108莱茵金属-博西格MK 103机炮,机翼2×莱茵金属-博西格MK 108莱茵金属-博西格MK 103机炮;炸弹装载量也过少
47 贝尔P-39飞蛇 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪+1×勃朗宁M4机炮 616.29371 640 2×勃朗宁.303口径机枪+2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪+1×勃朗宁M4机炮 616.29371 640 2 8 0
48 格鲁曼F4F-4野猫 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 2 8 0
49 沃特F4U-1D海盗 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 4×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 740 880 2 8 0
50 共和P-47雷电 8×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 640 880 8×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 640 880 2 8 0
51 格鲁曼F6F-5地狱猫 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 2 8 0
52 格鲁曼TBF-3复仇者 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 160 880 2 8 0 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
53 亨克尔He-111 0 0 0 0 6 0 0
53.1 PC版亨克尔He-111 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
54 洛克希德P-38闪电 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪+1×西斯帕诺Ⅱ机炮 505 880 4×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪+1×勃朗宁M4机炮 660.90909 645.79439 2 8 0 模型拆包推测,不代表真实数值
55 容克Ju-88 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
56 三菱G4M一式陆攻“贝蒂” 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 PC所有轻型轰炸机强行8枚炸弹,重型轰炸机强行12枚炸弹
57 北美P-51C野马 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 6×勃朗宁AN/M2机枪 480 880 2 8 0
58 V-1导弹 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 没有任何武器,只能撞地也许还能带走点地面目标
59 伊留申伊尔-2M“斯图莫维克”早期型 2×未知机枪施卡斯ShKAS机枪+2×未知机炮伏尔科夫-雅采夫VYa-23机炮 2×未知机枪施卡斯ShKAS机枪+2×未知机炮伏尔科夫-雅采夫VYa-23机炮努德尔曼-苏拉诺夫NS-37机炮 6 4 0 由于游戏内(Guns.xml)没有写入任何苏系武器,因此无法推测前射数据
所有玩家使用的武器,除非特殊情况,都被设定为2500m/s初速度,这里仅仅列出每种武器带有“nt”(推测为No Tracers的缩写)后缀的初速度数值





罗杰·克莱格·史密斯(Roger Craig Smith)主 角 艾 吉 奥 转 世 说

乔·卡索(Joe Castle)

约瑟夫·埃泽拉·史密斯(Joseph Ezra Smith)


本·谢尔德斯(Ben Shields)


杰森·哈里斯(Jason Harris)

艾迪·里尔斯通上尉(Cpt. Eddie Rilstone)


沃里斯上校(Col. Wallis)


玛丽·?·卡索(Mary ? Castle)


德军王牌(German Ace)

