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某个迷宫 A Random Maze Original Soundtrack

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某个迷宫 A Random Maze Original Soundtrack
出品 Karane
封面设计 Ebonbio
发行 幻想博物馆制作组
ISBN 978-7-88102-921-4

某个迷宫 A Random Maze Original Soundtrack 是单机解密游戏《A Random Maze 某个迷宫》的游戏原声带专辑,共38曲,由幻想博物馆制作组制作。


  • 出版:北京东方影像公司
  • 监制:刘长春
  • 编辑:王春青
  • 歌手:果页名颗、柚木暖
  • 承制:五环音像


  • 以下曲名参照实体专辑。
  • 原歌曲名称即为字母大小写不一致。
    • 根据官方发布在B站的试听视频描述,BGM曲名中大写的部分可以拼成作中登场角色的名字。(属于彩蛋
  1. Destined Path
  2. Choice among Awake or Asleep
  3. Piano Prelude No.0 in F minor
  4. An Encounter
  5. Trangquilizer
  6. EFAst foR the unknown
  7. Nothing But Darkness
  8. aRROWS of rain
  9. wHo wAnTs to Erase?
  10. Confess Your SIN
  11. Azure Palette
  12. THeY Are PAssing strangers
  13. Forbidden Zone lies here
  14. gorgEOUS JAiL
  15. buRNninG in hEAt
  16. All you gave me
  17. the last Place to Dilute my DEStiNy
  18. coUnTless recallS anD SIGhS
  19. Inevitable Falling
  20. Be Your Tranquilizer
  21. Dance between Heaven and Chaos
  22. VICtory agaInSt hUmanity
  23. plEAse eXecuTe Your mIssioN
  24. Welcome to The Guerite
  25. Tenuous but Precious
  26. youR chancE To REGain
  27. Till Oblivion
  28. It's NOT my PAST
  29. Mending our Hearts
  30. My Past
  31. Tough I'm the Amaref of TIME
  32. Malice from Externl and Internal
  33. seams of the dream
  34. No longer Confined
  35. With or Wiithout your nAme
  36. Destined Path -Piano Ver.-
  37. Sing a song for part of me
  38. Verses for Hope and Future